
ISSN 1853-6379
online version
ISSN 0325-4194
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Argos publishes contributions of the following types: articles, short notes and book reviews.
Contributions may be written in any of the official languages of the International Federation of the Societies of Classical Studies (FIEC): Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, English, German.
According to its type, contributions should be no longer than:
-Articles: 20 pages (A4, 1,5 spaces)
-Short notes: 8 pages (A4, 1,5 spaces)
-Book reviews: 5 pages (A4, 1,5 spaces)
Argos accepts reviews of books edited up to three years before submission date.

All articles and short notes proposed will be sent to scholars of recognized authority for anonymous evaluation.


Form and preparation of manuscripts


Articles should be organized in the following order:
-Author note: the author’s name, organization and e-mail address should be sent in a separate file, to be added to the article after acceptance. In order to ensure an anonymous and objective evaluation, the body text should avoid including information that might lead to the author’s identification. References to former works should be made in the third person. In the same way, acknowledgements and references to research projects or academic meetings should not be included in the file accesible to the referee(s).
-Abstracts and keywords: Articles should be headed by an abstract of a hundred (100) words at most and five (5) keywords. In both cases, authors are requested to send an English and a Spanish version, no matter the language in which the contribution is written.
-Body text: Times New Roman 12 pt., 1,5 spaces. Greek should be in Palatino Linotype. Quotations included in the main text should be put in double inverted commas. Longer quotations should go in a separate indentated paragraph, in Times New Roman 11 pt. Foreign words should be italicized. Quotations of classical texts should include a translation, excluding brief quotations or isolated words.
-Footnotes: Times New Roman 10 pt., single-spaced, without indentation. Bibliographical references should only include brief text-references, as follows: author’s last name, in small capitals, year and page numbers, in brackets.
Maranini (1994: 24). 
Barchiesi (1997: 213).
For abbreviations of classical works, please follow Liddel, H.J., Scott, D.D., Greek-English Lexicon and Glare, P.G.W., Oxford Latin Dictionnary.
-Bibliography: full bibliographic references should be listed at the end in a separate bibliography. This list will only include titles referred to in the footnotes. Please write the author’s last name and inicials in small capitals, titles of books and journals in italics, and titles of articles and chapters in double inverted commas. Only publication date and city should be given. Journals should be referred to by their full titles or by the abbreviations used in L’Année Philologique.
Barchiesi, A. (1997) “Otto punti su una mappa dei naufragi”, MD, 39, pp. 209-226.
Maranini, A. (1994) Filologia Fantastica, Bologna.
-Illustrations: if included in the article, illustrations should be submitted in TIFF 300 dpi (140 x 220 mm. at most) format, in a separate file, supplying their placement in the text and legends if any. The author is responsible for obtaining permissions for illustrations if necessary.

Short notes should be organized in the following order:
-Author note: see guidelines for articles.
-Abstract and keywords: short notes will not include abstracts nor keywords.
-Body text, footnotes and bibliography: see guidelines for articles.

Book reviews should be organized in the following order:
-Title: consisting of the name of the reviewed book’s author/editor (including first name if specified in the book), title of the book, city, publisher, publication date, page number. Further information, as series titles or illustrations included in the book, may also be specified.
-Body text: see guidelines for articles.
-If book reviews contain footnotes, please follow guidelines for articles. Bibliographical references included in footnotes should be stated in full form, according to the standards given for articles’s bibliographies.
-Bibliography: book reviews will not include a bibliography list at the end. As stated before, if necessary, full bibliographical references should be given in the footnotes.

-Reviewer note and organization: the reviewer’s full name, organization and e-mail address will be stated at the end, following the body text.


Sending of manuscripts


Contributions should be submitted by e-mail to argos@aadec.org in two separate Word or RTF files:
-One containing the manuscript text, abstracts and keywords, without author’s note. This file will be sent to the referee(s) for evaluation.

-The other one containing the full author’s note, to be added to the contribution after acceptance. Acknowledgements and references to research projects or academic meetings which might lead to the author’s identification should also be included in this file, not accesible to the referee(s).


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2014 Asociación Argentina de Estudios Clásicos

Sánchez de Bustamante 2663
(1425) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
República Argentina


SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1853-6379&lng=en&nrm=iso