
ISSN 0327-3776
printed version
on-line version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


The magazine Cuadernos de Antropología Social (hereinafter Cuadernos) is a biannual magazine of the Sección de Antropología Social (Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas –ICA– de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires),, which adheres to international criteria of quality, positioning, periodicity and availability in line.

Its thematic coverage refers to the area of ​​Social Anthropology. The objective of the magazine is to contribute to the advancement and dissemination of anthropological knowledge, through the presentation of problems and approaches of recent production in the discipline, seeking to strengthen academic exchange within the framework of Anthropology and Social Sciences.

It publishes original articles, translations, bibliographic reviews and debates. Its approach focuses on an ethnographic perspective of knowledge production - understood in a broad and multiple sense - that allows nodal theoretical and methodological discussions in the discipline to be formulated in renewed terms.

Make an open call to trained and in-training researchers from the country and abroad. Work by undergraduate students is not published.
It is aimed at an audience made up of researchers, teachers, students, graduates, professionals, both in the area of ​​Anthropology and Social Sciences in general.

The issues may have a thematic section dedicated to an area of ​​knowledge of Social Anthropology and a space open to different lines of research.
Although it is edited in Spanish, it also receives and publishes articles in Portuguese, accepting collaborations in those languages ​​from all countries as long as they are within the rules and policies of the magazine.

Articles must meet the following requirements:
a) be unpublished, cannot be simultaneously in the evaluation process in another publication, and must have been prepared during the year of submission; b) make a contribution to the publication areas of the journal, clearly showing how the problems and data contribute to the current lines of debate in those areas; c) present original results derived from completed research or in a significant state of progress; d) contain a clear methodological development and a consistent analysis of the data, and e) include a conceptual discussion and a relevant and updated bibliography on its subject.

The estimated time between receipt of contributions and their publication (if accepted) will depend on the times of the refereeing process and the editorial processes. It can be established, on average, between six months and one year after receiving the contribution.


Cuadernos de Antropología Social it has external double-blind peer arbitration to guarantee the quality of the content. The Editorial committee makes a first review of the originals to ensure both correct compliance with the journal's editing standards and the quality of the content. After this stage, the articles are sent to external referees to evaluate their quality. The evaluation process consists of the following stages:

First stage: internal evaluation

The articles received will be evaluated in the first instance by the Editorial Committee, verifying whether they meet the basic requirements of a scientific article, are within the standards of the journal and conform to the approach and policies of the journal Cuadernos de Antropología Social.
If the article is considered within the acceptable parameters of the journal's standards and guidelines, the author will be informed that his or her work will be evaluated by external reviewers – national and/or international – under the double-blind system (maintaining the anonymity between author(s) and evaluators).
If the article is within the parameters but does not conform to the stipulated Guidelines for submitting manuscripts, Cuadernos may request the author(s) to send the manuscript appropriate to the guidelines within a period of no more than seven days.
If the Editorial Committee considers that the contribution received does not comply with the approach and/or the minimum requirements to be published by this journal, the author will be informed of the article's non-relevance.

Second stage: external evaluation

If the article passes the first instance, the Editorial Team will select two evaluators external to the publishing institution with national and/or international affiliations, to review the article. They will be researchers and/or academics with recognized experience and suitability in the area of ​​the article to be evaluated and with an academic level identical or higher than that of the authors of the article.
The evaluators will have a time stipulated by the Editorial Committee of 30 (thirty) days to evaluate the article. Its opinion must be based on criteria of relevance, originality and academic quality, established by the journal.
These may suggest modifications related to the content, structure, methodology, data and/or bibliographic references that they consider significant and relevant to the evaluated work. They must be based on criteria defined in the corresponding form, be objective and respectful of dissent, promoting construction and critical exchange and tending to guide and improve contributions.
The reviewers, according to their evaluation, must select a decision among those defined by the journal, which may be:

Accept your post without changes. The submission must meet the requirements of a scientific article, be correctly structured and developed and respond to the demands of the journal (originality, topicality, be correctly written, be the result of research, contain a clear methodological development and a consistent analysis of the data, discussion with updated bibliography, etc.).
If there is agreement between the different reviewers in the evaluation, the author(s) will be informed of the acceptance of the article and the planning of its publication. The article goes to the copyediting and editing stage.

Accept your publication with minor modifications. In this case, for articles that are within the aforementioned parameters but require style modifications, spelling correction, or minimal content modifications.
Unless the evaluator explicitly requests it, the article will not need a new review by the referee regarding the modifications made. The editorial team will be in charge of monitoring that the suggestions made are incorporated into the text by the author.
If the reviewers agree, once the modifications have been made, the article is accepted and goes to the editing stage.

Accept your publication with major modifications. For articles that, although they are considered within the mentioned parameters, the evaluation requests important modifications as a requirement to be accepted. These modifications may refer to the content of the article, its structure, its writing, the incorporation of data and/or more supported arguments, bibliography, etc.
The opinions with the reviewers' suggestions will be sent to the author(s) and they will have a period of 20 (twenty) days to make the suggested modifications.
Once the article modified by the author is uploaded again to the system, a second round will begin in which the reviewers who requested modifications will participate, who must endorse – or not – them, within a period of no more than 15 (fifteen ) days.
Once this second round has been carried out, if the article is endorsed in the modifications made, it goes to the editing stage. If the evaluators consider that the suggestions have not been incorporated, the Editorial Team may make the decision - in accordance with the opinions and their academic criteria - to request new modifications from the author, or to reject it.

Reject publication. The evaluator considers that the evaluated article has important flaws and/or does not meet the minimum requirements to be published in the journal according to its standards.
If the evaluation of the reviewers agrees in not accepting the publication of the article, the editors will inform the author(s) of the decision via email along with the opinions of the evaluators and/or an explanation of why their article is not relevant to publish it in Cuadernos.

Dispute resolution

In the event of disputes between the evaluators (acceptance/rejection), the Editorial Committee will request the opinion of a third referee. If the evaluation results in a rejection and an acceptance with major modifications, the Editorial Committee will evaluate whether it is pertinent to request the opinion of a third referee or suggest the author rewrite his contribution and send it again.
The Editorial Committee has, ultimately, the final decision to publish, archive or reject contributions received. This decision is made under your responsibility and in accordance with the analysis of the opinions and the controversies that may have arisen therein.
The Editorial Committee has the power to reject contributions received at any stage of the process – even after having passed the reviewer stage – if any type of ethical misconduct or undeclared conflict of interest is detected.
In the event that the author is asked to make modifications, he must take into account the suggestions and observations of the evaluators and the Editorial Team of the journal, and must commit to making such modifications in a period of no more than 20 (twenty) days. At the time of uploading the new document with the modifications made, the author must also send an email to the editors with a copy to cuadernosseanso@gmail.com with a document that summarizes the changes made and/or in case of not agreeing or incorporating Suggested modifications, the justification for this.
The result of the evaluation and the journal's decision will be communicated to the author within approximately six months. If this time is exceeded, the author will be informed of the situation in which he or she is located.

Cuadernos de Antropología Social does not charge any type of charge for the publication of articles. Publication in it is free, as is access to its content in the electronic version.


Cuadernos de Antropología Social adheres to the Code of conduct and good practices established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors y Code of Conduct for Journals Publishers). In compliance with this code, the journal will ensure the scientific quality of the publications and the adequate response to the needs of readers and authors. The code is aimed at the editorial team, authors and reviewers. Works that do not comply with these ethical standards will be discarded.

Declaration of editorial ethics and good practices

1. Publication and authorship

The works submitted to the Journal must contain a detailed description of the procedures followed. They must not contain false or distorted statements, which constitutes unethical behavior.

Any idea or result described in a manuscript submitted to the Journal, which belongs to someone who is not a co-author on it, or which has been previously published, must be appropriately referenced.

All manuscripts must include relevant information about the sources of funding for the study on their cover page. Likewise, at the end of the manuscript the authors must include a list of conflicts of interest that apply to the submitted work.

It is the responsibility of the authors to verify that the content of the manuscript is absolutely original, and that fragments or ideas that are not original are appropriately cited in the text.

Authors should not publish an article containing essentially the same results in more than one journal. This behavior is unacceptable by the Editorial Committee.

Authorship on a manuscript must be the result of substantial contributions to the conception, development and/or writing of the manuscript. All persons who have made substantial contributions should be listed as authors, and those who have not made such contributions should not be listed as authors. The corresponding author must verify that the authorship criteria are met.

All people listed as authors must have known, studied and approved the content of the article before it is submitted for publication. Verifying this process is also the responsibility of the corresponding author.

2. Responsibilities of the authors:

Authors must actively engage in the peer review process, and must promptly provide truthful information requested by the reviewers or by the Journal's Editorial Committee.

It is the responsibility of the authors, particularly the corresponding author, to verify that all authors approve the content of the manuscript, and that all persons who have made significant contributions are listed as authors.

If an article is published with numerical, conceptual, spelling or typographical errors, and one of the authors notices it; It is your responsibility to immediately alert the Editorial Committee to immediately proceed to correct or retract the article.

3. Peer/Reviewer Responsibilities:

The reviewers' concepts must be objective, fair, and formulated in a respectful and constructive tone. The reviewers' concepts must be free of personal opinions or value judgments. If the reviewer does not consider himself sufficiently expert or qualified to review an article, he must express this after reading the summary of the article, before the complete article is sent to him.

Reviewers must be free of any conflict of interest related to the authors, the work or their financiers, which tilts their decision towards the acceptance or rejection of a particular manuscript, and if they have an insurmountable impediment, they must express it before the Committee Editorial sends you the full text of the manuscript.

It is the responsibility of the reviewers to point out to the authors relevant references that they have not included in their work. It is also the responsibility of the reviewer to alert the Editorial Committee about an episode of double publication that has not been reported by the Journal.

The handling of works submitted for evaluation must be completely confidential, and must not be shared with anyone.

4. Responsibilities of Editors:

The Editorial Committee must treat all authors who submit their works in a fair and equal manner, without distinction of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, nationality, or political philosophy of the authors; the procedures described in this statement.

The Editors must be free of any conflict of interest related to the authors, the work or their financiers, which tilts their decision towards the acceptance or rejection of a particular manuscript, and if they have an insurmountable impediment, they must express it in a timely manner and withdraw from the evaluation of a particular job.

The decision of acceptance, rejection or conditional acceptance is the absolute sovereignty of the Editorial Committee, based on the judgment it makes of the feasibility, originality and contribution of the work. When there are indications or suspicions of plagiarism, the Committee uses free software to detect it: http://plagiarism-detect.com/

The members of the Editorial Committee must not reveal to anyone the content of the articles submitted for publication consideration. The Committee also undertakes to follow the necessary procedures to ensure that the identity of the reviewers remains anonymous.

If a member of the Editorial Committee notices errors or inaccuracies in articles that have already been published, it is their responsibility to inform the other members of the Committee, to proceed with a correction or retraction as the case warrants.

5. Issues related to Editorial Ethics

All members of the Editorial Committee assume the responsibility of ensuring compliance with the standards and procedures contained in this statement, and of alerting other members when a deviation from them is occurring.

Authors who wish to retract an article must contact the Editorial Committee expressing their desire and explaining the reasons for their request. Once the Editorial Committee meets and analyzes the case, a clearly identifiable retraction note will be published in the table of contents and indexing services.

If economic, professional or union interests of a member of the Editorial Committee interfere with the independence of their Editorial actions in a particular case, the member must isolate themselves from that case.

The editors of the Journal will always be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions or apologies when necessary, even if there is a perception that publishing them would negatively affect the perception of the Journal

The Editors and the Editorial Committee acquire the absolute commitment of not publishing any work that has an element of plagiarism or fraud.


Dear Evaluator, we appreciate your willingness to evaluate the works received by our magazine, your contribution will be of great value for the magazine.

We remind you that the concepts expressed in the evaluation must be objective, fair, and formulated in a respectful and constructive tone and must be free of personal opinions or value judgments. If the reviewer does not consider himself sufficiently expert or qualified to review an article, he must express this after reading the summary of the article, before the complete article is sent to him.
Reviewers must be free of any conflict of interest related to the authors, the work or their financiers, which tilts their decision towards the acceptance or rejection of a particular manuscript, and if they have an insurmountable impediment, they must express it before the Committee Editorial sends you the full text of the manuscript.
It is the responsibility of the reviewers to point out to the authors relevant references that they have not included in their work. It is also the responsibility of the reviewer to alert the Editorial Committee about an episode of double publication that has not been reported by the Journal.
The handling of works submitted for evaluation must be completely confidential, and must not be shared with anyone.
We ask for your commitment to comply with the deadlines stipulated by the Editorial Committee to carry out your evaluation. If this is a problem for you, please inform the editor. On the magazine's "About" page you can find in detail the magazine's editorial approach and policy, as well as the functions and responsibilities of the different actors in the editorial process.
All communication to the authors, through the opinion of the evaluated work, must be objective and based on its suitability, based on respect and critical construction, and not contain dogmatic language or ideological biases.


Contributions must be original and unpublished works that develop research in the field of biological anthropology, social anthropology, ethnology, ethnohistory or folklore, seeking to strengthen academic exchange within the framework of the Social and Human Sciences. They must contemplate scientific rigor and be the result of current research by the authors, meeting the following requirements:

Articles must meet the following requirements:

  1. make a contribution to the publication areas of the journal, clearly showing how the problems and data contribute to the current lines of debate in those areas;

  2. present original results derived from research completed or in significant progress;

  3. contain a clear methodological development and a consistent analysis of the data;

  4. include a conceptual discussion and a relevant and updated bibliography on its topic;

Carry out your evaluation by answering the questions on the form. If you consider it necessary, or a greater contribution to your evaluation, you can upload the word file with corrections and/or comments made with the word processor's review tool.
Your comments, or part of them, may be sent to the author without identifying the source. Your suggestions will be of great help to the author and editors of the publication.

At the end of the questionnaire there is a section on possible ethical breaches, please, if you consider that there are possible ethical breaches

At the end of your evaluation we ask you to complete the fields corresponding to your data.
Please note that all those fields that are marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory, not filling out any of them will give you an error when trying to send the form.

Declaration on conflicts of interest

If you consider that there are possible conflicts of interest, we ask that you explain this in the corresponding fields of the form with a brief description and reasoning thereof.

Below is an example of the evaluation form with its different fields, which the referees must answer, taking into account the criteria mentioned above.

1. Is the work clear and legible in style? If not, please indicate the difficulties.*

2. Are the title and summary adequate? If not, please indicate the difficulties.*

3. What is the purpose of the article? Does it comply? (Evaluate the formulation of the problem, the adequacy of the methodology and the axes of analysis).*

4. Is the bibliography relevant, up-to-date and sufficient? If not, please indicate the difficulties.*

5. Is the methodology clearly formulated? If not, please indicate the difficulties.*

6. Does it present consistent data analysis? If not, please indicate the difficulties.*

7. Do you make a contribution to your field in relation to current issues and debates in Anthropology? Which is it?*

8. What is your recommendation regarding job publication?*

a) Accept your publication without changes.
The submission must meet the requirements of a scientific article, be correctly structured and developed and respond to the requirements of the journal.

b) Accept its publication with minor modifications.
The article is acceptable but style modifications, minor corrections, or minimal content modifications are required.
Unless you explicitly request to review it again, it will be at the discretion of the Editorial Committee to request a new review to verify if the suggested modifications were made. The editorial team will be in charge of monitoring that the suggestions are incorporated into the text by the author.

c) Accept its publication with major modifications explained in (9).
It is considered that, in order to publish the evaluated article, substantial modifications must be made. These may refer to the content of the article, its structure, its writing, the incorporation of data and/or arguments, bibliography, etc., which are described in (9).
You will be asked to re-evaluate the new version of the article incorporating the requested suggestions.

d) Reject its publication for the reasons stipulated in (10).
The evaluator considers that the evaluated article has important flaws and/or does not meet the minimum requirements to be published in the journal.

9. Criticisms and suggestions (respond only if you have selected alternatives (b) or (c).

10. Reasons for rejection (answered only if alternative (d) has been selected.


If you consider the possibility that some type of ethical misconduct or bad practice is being committed, we ask you to make it explicit in this section, describing the type of misconduct and the reasons why you consider this to be the case. This will be evaluated and investigated by the editorial board according to the procedures of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Shipping Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify that their submission meets all of the elements shown below. Submissions that do not comply with these guidelines will be returned to the authors.

  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).

  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.

  • The text has double spacing, a font size of 12 points, italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs), and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than in the end.

  • Wherever possible, URLs are provided for references.

Guidelines for authors

The works must be uploaded to the magazine's site through the system in order to manage their edition. You must register there – if you have not already done so – by entering the following address: ( http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/CAS/user/register ), complete the form and, in your case, checking the “author” box at the end of the form.

Once registered, you have to log in with your username and password and upload, from your personal area, your contribution in doc, rtf, docx, odt format. To do this, you must click on “ New Shipment ”, and follow the steps as indicated on the site. The file should only be uploaded in the form of the language in which it is written. Once the metadata has been loaded in Spanish, you must go to the top where the “Form language” field is located, change the language to “English” and load at least the title, summary and keywords in English. Repeat for Portuguese language. This is necessary so that your article can be indexed in databases in those languages, otherwise it will only be indexed in Spanish.

The Editorial Committee will verify, in all cases, that the articles presented comply with the objectives and editorial guidelines of the magazine, the proposal for the issue and the current publication standards.

Articles that do not comply with the guidelines and standards established by the journal will not be considered for evaluation. The publication of the works will be subject to an evaluation process external to the Editorial Committee, double-blind peers, guaranteeing the anonymity of authors and evaluators.

The works to be sent must follow the following format:

It must be submitted on an A4 size sheet, with a minimum margin of 2.5 cm (top, bottom, right and left), double spaced and 12 pt Times New Roman font. It is especially recommended to use the “ articles ” template that the magazine offers for this purpose (you can download it here and also see the pdf with the instructions) . This template has specific formats and styles defined for the levels of titles, subtitles, quotes, etc. If you use the same, we request that you make use of the character and paragraph styles predefined in the template and eliminate the excess ones.

Articles must have a maximum length of 8500 words (including notes, acknowledgments and bibliography). Book reviews and thesis summaries should not exceed 1100 words including title and notes.

In the first part of the document to be sent ( cover ) the title of the article must appear in bold and centered. If it has a subtitle, it will go below the main title, also centered. The title and subtitle together must have a maximum of 20 words or 130 characters with space.

Footnotes should not be placed in the main title and/or subtitle, as these will be lost in the indexing process.

It is also suggested to send a short title (only in the language in which the article will be published) with the first words of the original title, which will be the one that appears in the headings, otherwise it will be at the discretion of the layout designer.

Below the titles, in the left margin and without indentation, the author(s) will be identified. Next, enter institutional affiliation (it is the responsibility of the author or authors to correctly provide the institutional affiliation according to its own regulations, these should only be those institutions from which the work arises or has been financed), followed by the city and country. Below the institutional membership the email must be transcribed. If it has dual institutionality, it must appear in the next line in the same format. If you have a digital identifier of the ORCID type , you can include it between the institutional membership and the email.

  • First Name Last Name Main (First Name Last Name Main Last Name in the case of double last name)

  • Institution, city, country

  • (Digital Identifier if you have one)

  • Email

It is requested to take into account the agreement with the metadata uploaded in your identification record.

Cuadernos de Antropología Social is an Open Access publication and echoes Law No. 26,899 on the Creation of Institutional Digital Repositories and its regulations, which is why it requests national authors to respect the following article of said law:

Article 4.5: Recognition of institutions and organizations In each publication, the institutional affiliation must be declared in a standardized manner, as indicated by the institutions and organizations, preferably the parts of the hierarchy will be listed from highest to lowest, in its developed form and separated with a period followed by a space. If you have multiple affiliations, each of them will be indicated in separate instances.

In turn, the following legend must be included in the language of the publication: “ This document is the result of the financing granted by the National State, therefore it is subject to compliance with Law No. 26,899 ”, and the name of the document must be mentioned. The Organization(s) that have financed the research project and the minimum data that allows its identification. Preferably the following syntax will be used: Financing Agency. Financing Program or Fund. Project Code. Country of the Financing Agency. Province of the Financing Agency. Project's name.

Acknowledgments and financing information, if any, should be on this cover as well. If the article is accepted, the magazine will place them where appropriate in the layout process.

Finally, it is not mandatory, a brief profile (of no more than fifty words) of the author(s) that describes the last degree achieved, other institutions and/or dedications that you consider appropriate to mention is recommended.

In the second part of the file (separate with a page break) the title will begin again centered and in bold, same as the cover, which must be provided in the original language of the article and its corresponding translation (they must appear in Spanish, English and Portuguese). , and summaries. No reference to the authors should be included on this page .

The authors have the responsibility of guaranteeing the anonymity of their authorship in the body of the text of the article and in the bibliographical references , replacing the name(s) and/or own authorship in bibliographical references with “author”. It is suggested to use neutral wording in the body of the article in those paragraphs that make references to the author(s), avoiding any information that makes the identification of the author(s) deductive.

Abstracts must not exceed 150 words and must be presented in Spanish, English and Portuguese. The formality of the standards for abstracts of scientific articles must be respected and maintained and it is suggested that it consist of a single paragraph. It is not appropriate to include footnotes or bibliographic references in the summaries; they should be avoided since during the indexing process, the summaries are separated from the main body of the text, losing said references.

Under each abstract, five (5) keywords must be sent, in Spanish, English and Portuguese as appropriate to the language of the abstract. They must be written in uppercase/lowercase letters and separate each one with a semicolon. Ex.: Keywords: Mapuche People; Development policy; Poverty; Stigma; Neuquen

Cuadernos de Antropología Social adopts the Standards of the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition as a formal and standardized basis for citations and bibliographic references . Some basic generalities related to the most frequent citations and bibliographic references are briefly described below. However, if there is doubt about the correct form of citation in a particular case, it is recommended to consult one of the basic official manuals used by different universities and/or publishing houses that assume this standard, or failing that you can do so directly at the APA Style site .

Footnotes . They should be used, if possible , in a restricted manner, only to provide essential and specific information that cannot be included in the main text. They should not be used in the title and main subtitle of the article, nor in summaries/abstract, since they will be lost when they are indexed. It should not be used to cite bibliography (reference in the main body of the text and then in the bibliography). Footnotes will be inserted with the corresponding command of the word processor used. If the note number goes at the end of a sentence or next to a punctuation mark, it should always be placed after that mark .

Images . The images or graphic figures (charts, tables, maps, graphs, diagrams, photographs and illustrations) that are part of the text must be presented as follows:

Image files . They must be uploaded -separate from the main article- in some graphic file format such as .jpg, .tiff or vector, with a minimum resolution of 300dpi. To upload them, use the "upload complementary files" function in the area of ​​the submission you are making through the OJS platform.

You must also attach a text file (doc, odt or rtf) where the images will be included and detail them (with a clear nomenclature such as Figure 1, Figure 2..., Table 1, Table 2...) with indications in in relation to their location within the main text and the headings corresponding to each one. All these complementary files can also be sent to the magazine's email address: cuadernosseanso@gmail.com .

Relationship between text and image . All graphic elements that appear in the text must be correctly identified with numbering and heading. They must be cited or referenced in the text in a coherent and contextualized way. The numbering must be consecutive and in order of appearance and is done with Arabic numbers in parentheses and in lower case: example (figure 1).

The titles of the graphic elements must begin with the type and number of the same in italics or italics followed by a period and then, normally, the title or name (e.g. Figure 1. Representative photo...).


Forms of summons

Cuadernos de Antropología Social assumes the form of citation of “Bibliographical References”, that is, only the bibliography or citation of works and texts used that appear in the manuscript should be referenced. They must be correctly cited in the main body and their complete reference in the “Bibliographical References” section.

The format of the citation must be in accordance with APA 6th edition standards. References in the main body must be between author and year (or just the year) in parentheses in the following order: Author's last name followed by a comma (,) and year of the edition used. If the citation is verbatim, the year of publication will be followed by a new comma (,) and then the abbreviation of the page(s) (p. or pp.) and, separated by a space, the page number(s) where to find the appointment. Ex.: (García Canclini, 1992, p. 45). If several references are cited, they will be ordered chronologically by year of publication from oldest to most recent and separated by semicolons (;). If the references correspond to the same author, this author will be named only once and the years will be separated by a comma. Ex: (García Canclini, 1992, 1995).

If an author has several works in the same year, these will be differentiated by adding a lowercase letter after the year.

When the reference to a text is repeated in the body of the manuscript, expressions such as op Cit., ibidem or idem, but to repeat the reference again.

Cases of citations with multiple authors : If you are trying to cite a work that has only two authors, you must cite both names every time they appear using the “and” connector (e.g. Fonseca and Cardarello, 2005). In the event that the citation has between three and five authors, the first time they appear all the authors are cited and the subsequent times only the surname of the first author will appear followed by the abbreviation et al. , without italics and with a period after al. If the citation corresponds to a text with six or more authors, only the first author followed by et al. will be cited – both the first time it appears and in subsequent times – with the aforementioned formality.

Indirect quotes or paraphrasing : In these cases it is only necessary to include the author reference and year of the cited work in parentheses.

If the paraphrase is based on the author, make the reference at the beginning of the sentence:

According to Salamanca (2010), there is consensus to consider the indigenous mobilization of Napalpí, before the massacre, in a multidimensional way that implied economic, political and social transformations.

If the paraphrasing is based on the text, the quote will go at the end:

There is certain consensus among the various researchers and actors involved to consider that the indigenous mobilization of Napalpí – prior to the massacre – had a multidimensional character (Salamanca, 2010).

Textual quotes . The textual quote must be transcribed as it is found – with punctuation and spelling – in the original, if any word is omitted, three points will be placed in square brackets [...], if there are errors in the cited original, the author can clarify with [ sic] that this is how it is in the original and/or if the error could lead to confusion (for example in dates) you can rectify it in square brackets as well.

Transcriptions of textual quotes that do not exceed 40 words will be kept in the main body of the text between double or English quotation marks ("") and without italics or bold, unless in the original quote there are emphasized words, in which case they will be kept the italics or single quotes (' ') replacing the double ones in the original. At the end of the quote the reference will be placed in parentheses (Salamanca, 2010, p.71) and it will be clarified if the emphasis that appears in the words or phrases is original or made by the author of the article.

If the quote exceeds 40 words , it will be presented separated from the main body of the text by a paragraph break and with an indentation of 2.54 cm in the left margin, without using italics or quotation marks at the beginning and end of the quote. Nor should you use ellipses at the beginning or end. Regarding the words or phrases with emphasis that appear in the quote, what was said above is maintained, as well as with the deletion of parts of the quote.

Example quote 1

As Aguier (2013) suggests, it is in the “ here and now of the refugee camp where political scenarios are created that do not have 'natural' legitimacy, but that make the humanitarian device or, in other places, the safety device” (p. 21, emphasis in original), so we must consider…

Example quote 2

In this way it seems that "anthropological studies tend to establish conclusions that are assumed to be correct, in such a way that subsequent studies on these processes and problems tend to mostly confirm what has been established." (Menendez, 2013, pp. 31-32)

Example quote 3

Menéndez (2013) states that:

In recent years I have observed that, at least with respect to certain processes and problems, anthropological studies tend to establish conclusions that become assumed to be correct, in such a way that subsequent studies on those processes and problems tend mostly to confirm established, generating a reiteration in the new products, which only add some nuances to the processes and problems studied. (pp. 31-32)

or failing that

In recent years I have observed that, at least with respect to certain processes and problems, anthropological studies tend to establish conclusions that become assumed to be correct, in such a way that subsequent studies on those processes and problems tend mostly to confirm established, generating a reiteration in the new products, which only add some nuances to the processes and problems studied. (Menéndez, 2013, pp. 31-32)

If the quote corresponds to interviews, records or field notes, they must be identified and contextualized correctly at the end of the cited paragraph. In the case of interviews, identify and contextualize the interviewee and place of the interview, date it was carried out (Initial or fictitious name, Mapuche leader, Mapuche community, Neuquén, February 2014). In the case of notes or field records, they must be referenced contextually. (Field record, Mapuche community, Neuquén, March 2014).

Use of italics and quotation marks

Neither bold nor underlining should be used to highlight texts. When it is necessary to highlight some text or word, italics or double and/or single quotation marks may be used. It is requested not to abuse them and follow a logical criterion commonly accepted by the scientific community. In the event that it is necessary to differentiate, with different types of emphasis, native or theoretical categories or particular concepts, it is highly recommended that the authors explain the use they make of them at the beginning of the article or through a note. on foot.

Thanks and clarifications

Acknowledgments and financing must be presented on the cover of the submission. Subsequently, if the article is accepted, the layout will be responsible for placing the acknowledgments at the end of the main body before the Bibliographic References. In them you can mention all those who have contributed in some way to the research and the result reflected in the manuscript but who cannot be considered authors.

It is advisable to clarify and/or identify in a separate paragraph the funding sources that gave rise to and made the research possible. It is also requested that, if the research has been supported with public funds, it be described in accordance with Law No. 26,899, Art. 4.5 if it has not already been clarified elsewhere.

Art. 4.5 (…) In turn, the following legend must be included in the language of the publication: “This document is the result of the financing granted by the National State, therefore it is subject to compliance with Law No. 26,899”, must mention the name of the Organization(s) that has financed the research project and the minimum data that allows its identification. Preferably the following syntax will be used: Financing Agency. Financing Program or Fund. Project Code. Country of the Financing Agency. Province of the Financing Agency. Project's name.

Bibliographic references

Cuadernos de Antropología Social assumes for its references the international standard of the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition. Bibliographic References must be placed at the end of the article and all authors or works cited must be in the main body (and vice versa). Bibliography that is not cited in it should not appear.

Each reference must begin with a hanging indent and be arranged alphabetically and chronologically (oldest first).

The format of the citations begins with the surname of the Author(s) in upper/lower case, initials of the name(s) followed by a period (several authors separated by a comma (,) adding the connector 'and' before the last author).

Quote from the same author with a publication date in the same year will be ordered alphabetically by the title of the work without taking into account the initial articles of the title, the works will be differentiated by adding a lowercase letter to the year alphabetically.

Some examples of the formats and structure that citations must follow, please respect the same in its form and punctuation.


Author, N., Author, N. and Author, N. (Year). Title in italics . Place: publishing house.

Sahlins, M. (1985). Islands of History . Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Gordillo, G. and Leguizamon, JM (2002). The river and the border. Aboriginal mobilizations, public works and Mercosur in the Pilcomayo. Buenos Aires: Byblos.

Book with Editor (Ed./Eds.), coordinator (Coord./Coords.), compiler (Comp./Comps.), etc.

Pitt-Rivers, J. & Peristiany, JG (Eds.). (1993). Honor and Grace . Madrid: Alliance.

Blache, M. (Comp.). (1999). Urban folklore. Validity of the legend and traditional stories . Buenos Aires: Colihue.

Regarding the date of the referenced works : The date of the cited reference must be only that of the work/edition actually consulted. In cases of old works, it will only be allowed to add the original date in the bibliographic reference, when the author(s) of the same are not known in the scientific community and/or it is outside the thematic field treated in the article and it is necessary to original date of creation in order to contextualize its production. In these cases, it is allowed to reference the two dates, consulted and original edition, in the following way:

González Tablas, R. (1974 [1870]). History of Domination and Last War of Spain in Santo Domingo . Santo Domingo: Dominican Society of Bibliophiles.

Book chapters or book parts

Author, N., Author, NE and Author, N. (Year). Title (in round without quotes). In N. Author (initial first name and last name uppercase/lowercase). Title (in italics) (pp. xx-xx). Place: publishing house. If it is by the same author, do not repeat it, start directly with the title.

Carnese, F., Caratini, A. and Goicoechea, A. (2002). Interethnic Relations in native American populations of Argentine Patagonia: A Genetic Demographic Analysis. In C. Briones and JL Lanata (Eds.), Contemporary Perspectives on the Native Peoples of Pampa, Patagonia, and Tierra del Fuego. Living on the Edg (pp. 121-134). London: Bergin and Garvey.

Online books or repositories

Donato Monge, E. (2003). Informal sector, poverty and social policy: microbusiness support programs in the metropolitan area of ​​San José . San José, Costa Rica: UCR. Retrieved from http://biblioteca.clacso.edu.ar/Costa_Rica/iis-ucr/20120725121805/sectorInformal.pdf

Magazine article

Author, N., Author, N. and Author, N. (Year). Title (in round). Name of the journal and volume (in italics), pp-pp. If the journal specifies volume and number, the volume will be placed first and then, without separation, the number in parentheses, the latter in a circle.
In the case of magazines that have notations of their volumes and/or numbers in Roman, these will be replaced by Arabic numbers.

Kessler, G. (2013). Some hypotheses about the extent of the feeling of insecurity in Latin America. Notebooks of Social Anthropology, 37 , 25-42.

Iudica, C., Parolin, ML, Avena, S., Dejean, C. and Carnese, FR (2014) The Afro-descendant communities of Nor Yungas, Bolivia: an approach to their anthropogenetic study. Runa, archives for the sciences of man, 35 (2), 21-34.

Magazine article with DOI

In the event that the referenced document has been assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier or in Spanish: digital object identifier), it will be enough to transcribe said identifier. Do not put punctuation at the end of the digital identifier (DOI)

Koberwein, A. (2015) Water scarcity and land appropriation in the Sierras Chicas of Córdoba, Argentina. Antipodal. Journal of Anthropology and Archeology, 23 , 139-159. doi: 10.7440/antipoda23.2015.07

Magazine articles or online documents

If the article or document is recovered from an online site, you must verify that the link is not broken at the time of sending the article. The citation will be referenced as follows (do not put any punctuation at the end of the retrieval address)

Author, N., Author, N. and Author, N. (Year). Title of Article/Document. Magazine, vol, pp. Recovered from http://Electronic Access Address

Oseguera Parra, David; (2014). The son in Colima Indications of the cultural region and regional identity. Studies on Contemporary Cultures, 20 (39) 11-40. Retrieved from http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=31631035002

Santos Zavala, J. (2016). Organized public action and government processes at the local level. Iztapalapa , 0(77), 135-158. Recovered from http://revistaiztapalapa.izt.uam.mx/index.php/izt/article/view/19

Academic thesis

Last name, First name initial. (Year). Title of the thesis (in italics). (bachelor's, master's or doctoral thesis). Granting institution, City, Country.

Novaro, G. (2002). Nationalism and cultural diversity in education: An anthropological analysis of school content . (doctoral thesis), University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

In repositories or online sites

Garcia, J. A. (2011). Learning to make schools: The complex and dynamic relationships between “Popular Baccalaureates” and the State . (Master's Thesis). University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Recovered from http://repositorio.filo.uba.ar/handle/filodigital/1741

References from Corporate Authors

In the case of documents, books and/or articles that do not have an individual author identified but rather a corporate one, the institution with its full name will be listed as the author.

Name of the Institution. (year). Job title (in italics). City, Country: publishing or publishing body

Argentine Drug Observatory. (2010). Trends in consumption in the general population . Buenos Aires: SEDRONAR.

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). (2016). Culture, future, urban. World report on culture for sustainable urban development . Retrieved from http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0024/002462/246291s.pdf

Documents and other sources

References to documents and written sources such as laws, pamphlets, newspapers and weeklies that are sources of news and not the opinion of their authors and/or editors will go in a special section under the subtitle “Other sources consulted” after the bibliographic references.

The Editorial Committee will verify, in all cases, that the articles presented comply with the objectives and editorial guidelines of the magazine, the proposal for the issue and the current publication standards.

The publication of the works will be subject to an evaluation process external to the Editorial Committee, guaranteeing the anonymity of authors and evaluators. Articles submitted late or those that do not comply with the guidelines established by the journal will not be considered for evaluation.

Guest Articles

This section publishes articles by authors with recognized experience in the field of anthropological scientific research. They are proposed by one of the members of the Editorial Body and/or by the Dossiers editors and will be approved by the Editorial Committee. The works published in this section can be original scientific articles, edited conferences, etc. They will conform to the journal's guidelines although they will not be evaluated by peers.

Dossier - Original Articles

The Editorial Committee may decide by itself, at the suggestion of the Academic Advisory Committee or other interested parties, to create a thematic dossier in one of its issues. These will be organized by thematic areas and will have ad hoc editors who may be members of the Editorial Team and/or guests from outside the journal and/or institution.
This section may contain a presentation, guest articles and original articles.
The submission of contributions to this section – when there is a call – will be open and the articles received must comply with the same rules as for original articles.
The evaluation process of these articles follows the normal process for contributions received: a first evaluation by the editorial committee and the dossier editors, who will verify whether the article conforms to the standards, approaches of the journal and the thematic area of ​​the dossier. , in the second instance they will be evaluated by peers external to the institution through a double-blind system.

Open Space - Original Articles

This section is open and receives original and unpublished articles in Spanish and Portuguese that develop research in the field of social anthropology, seeking to strengthen academic exchange within the framework of the Social and Human Sciences. The works must contemplate scientific rigor and be the result of current research by the authors, meeting the following requirements:

  • make a contribution to the field of social anthropology, clearly showing the way in which problems and data contribute to current lines of debate in the discipline;

  • present original results derived from research completed or in significant progress;

  • contain a clear methodological development and a consistent analysis of the data;

  • include a discussion of relevant and up-to-date literature;

The articles received will be evaluated through the double-blind external referral system.

Bibliographic reviews

This section is open and receives, in accordance with the publication standards, reviews and critiques of books related to the areas of the magazine. It is requested that you take into account when submitting the choice of works that represent an important contribution to the anthropological fields published by the magazine or to the debates developed in them. Reviews must be about works published, at most, in the last 2 years. The publication of reviews of older works is at the discretion of the Editorial Committee.
Contributions received in this section will be evaluated internally by the Editorial Committee.



Sending of manuscripts


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