
ISSN 1852-9615
online version
ISSN 1515-6125
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Focus and scope

The objective of the Cuadernos del CILHA is to disseminate research and critical reflection in the Argentine and Latin American cultural sphere.

It includes relevant topics from different disciplines (literary, sociological, plastic, historical, scientific, etc.), arising from research and studies from the university and intellectual world of Argentina and Latin America on Latin American literature and culture.

It is a publication aimed at researchers, thinkers, artists and general readers interested in the development of ideas, knowledge and critical intellectual dialogue.

Works are accepted in Spanish and Portuguese. The current publication format is PDF, and soon, HTML and ePub.

Peer evaluation process

The Cuadernos del CILHA consider unpublished and original articles for publication, which will be subjected to evaluation

The scientific quality and originality of the research articles are submitted to an anonymous international arbitration process. The arbitration process includes the evaluation of two judges, who belong to different institutions and universities. A period of one month is estimated for the specialists to report the trials. Depending on the opinions of the referees, the journal will inform the author of the feasibility of publishing their work.

Cuadernos del CILHA reserves the right not to send for evaluation those works that do not comply with the indications indicated in the "Rules for publication", and also reserves the right to make formal modifications to the original accepted text.

The journal reserves the right to include articles accepted for publication in the issue it deems most convenient.

The authors are responsible for the content and views expressed, which do not necessarily coincide with those of the journal.


Ethical aspects and conflicts of interest

We assume that those of us who make and publish on Cuadernos del CILHA we know and adhere to the document so much CONICET: Lineamientos para el comportamiento ético en las Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (Resolución Nº 2857, 11 de diciembre de 2006) like the document Guide lines on Good Publication Practice (Committee on Publications Ethics: COPE). 

For more details, please visit:

Plagiarism detection policy

The software is used to detect plagiarism Plagius (https://www.plagius.com/es). This control stage is in charge of the Editorial Committee and the Editor of the journal.

Preservation policy

The information present in the "Portal de Revistas de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo", It is preserved in different digital media daily and weekly. The media used for the "backup" are hard drives and cloud space. Backup copy on hard drives: two different hard drives located on the same server are used. This copy is made to one of the hard drives and to the cloud every 24 hours, without compression, except for the database copy, and without encryption. Weekly, the contents of this hard drive are copied to the second hard drive. For copies, the database, the OJS system web tree and the pdf files of the journal articles are stored in the Google cloud. The OJS system has a built-in tool for exporting articles and/or numbers
so that the managers of each magazine can make a copy of them whenever they prefer. In this way, there is an extra level of data protection, which is independent of the programming and physical resources exposed in this document.

Ensure anonymous evaluation

To ensure the integrity of anonymous peer evaluations of submissions to this publisher, every effort will be made to prevent authors from learning the identity of reviewers and vice versa. To do this, authors, editors and reviewers (who upload documents as part of the review) must verify that the following steps related to the text and file properties have been followed:

  • The authors of the document have deleted their names from the text, and have used "Author" and the year used in the references and footnotes, instead of the author's name, the title of the article, etc.

  • In the case of Microsoft Office documents, the author identification must also be removed from the file properties (see the File option in Word), by clicking on the options indicated below. Start with File in the main menu of the Microsoft application: File > Save As > Tools (or Options on Mac) > Security > Remove personal information from file properties on save > Save.

  • In the case of PDF files, you must also remove the author names from the Document Properties, found in the File option in the main menu of Adobe Acrobat



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Declaration of originality

See here.

Instructions for sending articles

Quick guide to registering on the site and submitting manuscripts for authors through the OJS editorial flow. It was developed by the Área de Revistas Científicas y Acádemicas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, within the framework of actions to provide technical institutional support to the journals of the same institution. See here.

Shipping Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify that their submission meets all of the elements shown below. Submissions that do not comply with these guidelines will be returned to the authors.

  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).

  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.

  • Wherever possible, URLs are provided for references.

  • The text is single-spaced; no left indentation; on A4 size sheet; with margins on the right and left and top and bottom of 2cm; in Calibri characters size 9 for the text and 8 for the textual citation and bibliography; italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs); all illustrations, figures and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end; and Notes must be at the bottom of the page.

  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which appear in About the Journal.

  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring anonymous evaluation should be followed.

  • The article meets the criteria established in the Declaration of originality, which must be sent to the journal's email (cuadernosdelcilha@ffyl.uncu.edu.ar) to begin the evaluation process.

Guidelines for authors

Works possible to be included in the following sections of the magazine are welcome:

Articles: those that must have a maximum of 20 pages, including bibliographic references and summaries in Spanish and English.

Notes: those that must have a maximum of 20 pages. They do not require peer evaluation. They do not have a summary.

Interviews: those that should not exceed 10 pages.

Reviews: which must be 4 pages maximum.

Submitted articles must adhere to the "Publication Guidelines." Only those works that meet these formal requirements will be submitted to peer arbitration.

1. Originals

Articles sent to Cuadernos del CILHA must meet the following conditions, otherwise they will not be included in the arbitration process.

1.1. Articles must be written in Spanish and reviewed by native speakers of this language if the author is not.

1.2. Articles or works must be original and unpublished. The article must not be simultaneously submitted to another arbitration or publication process.

1.3. Only those works, articles, books, magazines, chapters, web pages, etc. should be cited in the Bibliography of the work. who have been consulted in the preparation of the work. Do not add supplementary or complementary bibliography. Avoid extensive bibliographic lists.

1.4. Contributions to the journal must be written in single space, without left indentation, on A4 size paper, with margins on the right and left and at the top and bottom of 2 cm, in Calibri characters size 9 for the text and 8 for the textual quote. and the bibliography. It must be recorded:

a) Title of the work in Spanish and English.

b) Name of author(s).

c) Specialty, institution to which it belongs and email.

d) Summary (100 to 250 words) and keywords (three to five).

2. Instructions for the manuscript

2.1. Tables, figures and graphs must be incorporated into the text, duly numbered.

2.2. Notes should be at the bottom of the page.

2.3. Citations and bibliographical references:

2.3.1. Direct quotes included in the text should be marked with double quotes and extensive quotes (more than three lines) should constitute a separate paragraph. These must have a larger left margin than the one used in the text and a smaller font size (8 Calibri) than the rest of the text.

2.3.2. Reference citations in the text and the final list of references must be presented according to APA Version 7 (2020) format: https://normasapa.pro/


Article with DOI or URL

Osorio-Delgado, M. A., Henao-Tamayo, L. J., Velásquez-Cock, J. A., Cañas-Gutiérrez, A. I., Restrepo-Múnera, L. M., Gañán-Rojo, P. F., Zuluaga-Gallego, R. O., Ortiz-Trujillo, I C. y Castro-Herazo, C. I. (2017). Aplicaciones biomédicas de biomateriales poliméricos. DYNA, 84(201), 241-252. https://doi.org/10.15446/dyna.v84n201.60466

Article with more than 20 authors

Castiblanco, R., Moreno, H., Rojas, S., Zamora, F., Rivera, A., Bedoya, M. A., Aróstegui, J., Rodríguez, D., Salinas, G., Martínez, W., Camargo, D., Sánchez, A., Ramírez, Y., Arias, M., Castro, K. Y., Carrillo, H., Valdez-

López, J., Hermosa, F., Daza, C., "¦ Hernández, T. (2020). La variación de los esfuerzos mecánicos en la cadera con el ergómetro de escaleras. Revista de Salud Pública, 16(2), 41-67.

Combined group and individual authorship

Castrillón, D. J., Riascos, U. L. y los miembros del Departamento Nacional de Planeación. (2019). Las cadenas productivas predominantes en el centro-oriente de Colombia. Panorama Regional, 4(2), 53-70.

Books and reference works

Book in printed version

Shakespeare, W. (2004). Hamlet (J. M. Valverde, ed. y trad.). Planeta; Paidós. (Original publicado en 1609).


Rowling, J. K. (2018). Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (G. Monsalve, narr.) [audiolibro]. Ivoox. (Original publicado en 1997). https://bit.ly/2NyZ04G

Dictionaries, thesaurus or encyclopedias

Real Academia Española. (2018). Diccionario de la lengua española (edición del tricentenario). https://bit.ly/333ASh8

Reference source input

Real Academia Española. (2018). Reproducción. En Diccionario de la lengua española (edición de tricentenario). Consultado el 31 de octubre de 2019. https://bit.ly/34mNjVs


Teatro Faenza. (30 de agosto de 2019). En Wikipedia. https://bit.ly/2Wz3BId

Reports and gray literature

Report from government agency or other organization

Concha, T., Ramírez, J. C. y Acosta, O. (2017). Tributación en Colombia: reformas, evasión y equidad. Notas de estudio. (Serie Estudios y Perspectivas 35). Oficina de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe en Bogotá. http://bit.ly/34oLur0


Coll-Barreu, J. (investigador principal). (2018-2019). Uso de la conectividad a través de Instagram como herramienta para la internacionalización en tiempo real de la enseñanza de proyectos arquitectónicos (código

IE1819.0301) [beca]. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. http://bit.ly/2PEVFni

Press release

Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados. (2019, 16 de octubre). Comunicado oficial de la Oficina Regional para el Sur de América Latina del Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados [comunicado de prensa]. http://bit.ly/338ulBZ

Conferences and presentations


Páramo, G. (2011, 8 de septiembre). Mito, lógica y matemática [ponencia]. Cátedra Mito y Ciencia, Bogotá, Colombia. https://bit.ly/32aAWu5


Published thesis

Barreto, A. G. (2015). Fundarvid: una contextualización de sus neologismos en la lengua de señas colombiana [tesis de maestría, Universidad Nacional de Colombia]. Repositorio Institucional UN. http://bit.ly/2JHcwSV

Unpublished sources

Manuscript in editorial preparation

Talero, P. (2019). Infinito de Zenón [manuscrito presentado para publicación]. Departamento de Matemáticas. Universidad Central.

Software, applications and devices


Borenstein, M., Hedges, L., Higgins, J. y Rothstein, H. (2014). Comprehensive meta-analysis. (versión 3.3.070) [software]. Biostat. http://bit.ly/337mCnL

Mobile app

Registraduría Nacional del Estado Civil. (2019). SGCPV - Control de Puestos de Votación (versión 1.0.4) [aplicación móvil]. Google Play Store. http://bit.ly/2WAjz4W

Audiovisual media


Zemeckis, R. (1994). Forrest Gump [película]. Paramount Pictures.

Episode of a series

McClaren, M. (directora). (2014, 4 de mayo). El primero de su nombre (temporada 4, episodio 5) [episodio de serie de televisión]. En D. Benioff, D. B. Weiss, C. Strauss, F. Doelger, B. Caulfield y G. R. R. Martin (productores ejecutivos), Juego de Tronos. Television 360; Grok! Television; Generator Entertainment; Startling Television; Bighead Littlehead

YouTube video

La Pulla. (2019, 28 de octubre). Elecciones: lo bueno, lo malo y lo feo [video]. YouTube. https://bit.ly/2C23o6T


Giacometti, A. (1961). Caroline sur fond blanc [pintura]. Museo Botero, Bogotá, Colombia. https://bit.ly/325NVx8


Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi. (2012). Mapa oficial físico político [mapa]. Geoportal. https://bit.ly/2C2AinS


Reyes, J. (2014, 23 de octubre). Geografía de la población: tendencias demográficas actuales [presentación de diapositivas]. Slideshare. https://bit.ly/3322vHy

Podcast episode

Uribe, D. (presentadora). (2019, 20 de agosto). ¿Qué fue el movimiento de juntas? [episodio de podcast]. En Las historias de Diana Uribe. Radio Nacional de Colombia. http://bit.ly/2WG7J9y


Totó La Momposina. (2015). La acabación [canción]. En Tambolero. MTM Ltda.

Online media

Social media posts

Specific publication (tweet, post, etc.):

Angulo, R. [@RobertoAnguloS]. (2019, 25 de octubre). Índice de inclusión de personas con discapacidad de @SaldarriagaConc. Exclusión social y productiva (% de personas con discapacidad): Chocó: 55% [gráfica e hipervínculo] [tuit]. Twitter. https://bit.ly/2WzFs48

Page or profile:

Autores de Historias. (s. f.). Home [página de Facebook]. Facebook. Consultado el 25 de octubre de 2019. www.facebook.com/autoresdehistorias/


Website (news and similar):

Herrera, E. (2019, 28 de octubre). La economía no va mal, pero el agro sí. Razón Pública. https://bit.ly/2WxhuXv Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe. (s. f.). Programa técnico. Consultado el 28 de octubre de 2019. https://bit.ly/36ojllV

All citations in the work must appear in the final list of references and all of these must be cited in the text.

3. Review writing

3.1. The textual structure of the review is as follows:

a) bibliographic references: with the title of the work and the presentation, which completes the information about the author's work;

b) identity of the reviewer: name and surname of the person responsible for what was expressed, also their email address and the institution in which they carry out their activities;

c) comment: the content of the book, the sources, the author's background, the purposes, the organization of the work, the methodology, recipients of the work, potential readers, relationship with other works on the same topic, context and place of appearance;

d) evaluation: with its two optional categories, negative criticism and positive criticism.


They must have a maximum of 20 pages, including bibliographic references and summaries in Spanish and English.


The Dossier aims to cover a representative number of scholars from various centers or universities of the international scientific world on a specific topic.


They must have a maximum of 4 pages.


They should not exceed 5 pages.


Forum for the discussion of the most recent research results on a national and international scale. Rescue the voices of certain prominent personalities on the subject with a previous questionnaire to answer briefly.


Presentations by relevant researchers in areas of interest to the magazine are published.


Those that must have a maximum of 20 pages. They are not peer reviewed.


Literary texts by Latin American authors with a preliminary study that precedes them.



Sending of manuscripts


Login or Register to make a submission.



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2023 Centro Interdisciplinario de Literatura Hispanoamericana

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. 3er piso, Oficina 311. Centro Universitario, Parque General San Martín.  
(5500) Mendoza
República Argentina
Tel.:+54 261 4135000 interno: 2212



SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1852-9615&lng=es&nrm=iso