
ISSN 2469-0961
online version
ISSN 0328-0284
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Estudios de Historia de España is an annual publication of the Institute of History of Spain of the Catholic University of Argentina, whose responsablesnos propose spread through its pages the activities that members and associates of the same are doing in the area of hispanismo, as well as jobs sent by colleagues from home and abroad, thus promoting the growth of discipline and a fruitful exchange among specialists.
Our reference area is Spanish history and culture in its different chronological periods and in different aspects of human development: political, social, economic, religious, artistic, etc.



Form and preparation of manuscripts

    1. The works must be original and unpublished and not be postulated simultaneously for publication in other magazines or editorial bodies
    2. Length: approximately twenty pages for articles and three pages for reviews.
    3. Presentation: any version of Word 
    4. Title: appears at the beginning of the article in capital letters and centered, in Spanish and English.
    5. Author Name: must appear below the title, to the right, in bold, and the name of the university or institution to which you belong in italics right below the name.

For the purposes of identification of the author, indicate: academic affiliation (title and / or activity performed, Institution), postal address and e-mail.

    1. Summary and Keywords: the article must be accompanied with a summary in Spanish and English of no more than 10 lines, indicating five key words, also in Spanish, English and portuguese.
    2. Margins: must be the standard margins used by the word processor (do not use other margins) and eliminate all forms of indentations and tabs.
    3. Letter: Use Times New Roman 12, spacing 1.5, indenting the first line of each paragraph.
    4. Graphics and images: present them in separate files, with their respective headings for the printer to place them in the right place, and of a quality suitable for reproduction.
    5. Footnotes: numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in superscript after the full stop that ends the referenced paragraph.
    6. Bibliographic citations: All data must be separated by commas and in Times New Roman 10, as detailed below.

N.LAST NAME (CAPITAL LETTERS), Title of work (italics), city of publication, publisher, year of publication, pages cited.
            M.GARCIA, Obra y personalidad del Canciller Ayala, Madrid, Alhambra, XXXX p. 20.
 N.LAST NAME (CAPITAL LETTERS), “Títle of the Article”, Títle of the Magazine (italics), volume number, year of publication, cited pages.
p. marinetto sánchez, “Juguetes y silbatos infantiles de época nazarí”, Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos, 46 (1997), pp. 183-205
Archival signatures:
ARCHIVE CATALOG NUMBER (capital letters), subsection and series (if any) and the catalog number of the document.
AHN, Clero, carp.5, nº 3

            If the same bibliographic reference is repeated:

  1.  Ibídem (italics)where immediate repetition of the same reference.
  1. If not, just include the LAST NAME (CAPITAL LETTERS) of the author, and the expression op.cit.(italics).

Internet sites or electronic publications: cited by the page on which they were found.
Quote: if it is more than 2 lines long, the size of the font should be Times New Roman 11, simple spacing, between quotation marks, left-aligned paragraph indented on each line.
 “Seyendo juntados el Conçejo, guarda, caballeros, escuderos, ofiçiales e omes buenos de la dicha çibdad a Concejo a boz de pregon segunt que lo han de uso e de costumbre de se juntar... e otros muchos quantos y quisieron venir al dicho Conçejo”

    1. Words or phrases in Arabic: use the traditional Arabic transcription of Spanish Arabists (Al-Andalus / Al-Qantara magazine).
    2.  Reviews:

Header: FIRST AND LAST OF THE AUTHOR (CAPITAL LETTERS), Title of the work (italics), Place of publication, publisher, year of publication, total number of pages and ISBN number, all data separated by commas.
Author of the review (in bold) quoted at the end of it

EDITING RIGHTS: They belong to Universidad Católica Argentina (the Catholic University of Argentina), and we need your permission for any reproduction. In any case it is necessary to indicate the source for any partial or full reproduction. Theses and opinions expressed in the articles published in this magazine are the sole responsibility of the authors.


Sending of manuscripts


Submissions must be made by email to: iheuca@uca.edu.ar
It is notified that the arbitration procedure, in order to ensure a proper assessment, neither the author nor the examiner will be identified, and relevant dates will be established upon receipt and acceptance of work.
Management reserves the right of determining the number of the journal in which the work positively evaluated will be published.
Authors of the articles published in this issue assign their rights to the publisher, not exclusively, to incorporate the digital version of the same to the Institutional Repository of Universidad Católica Argentina (the Catholic University Argentina) as well as other databases of academic relevance.

The University is not responsible for the content of the articles published in this issue. The authors are solely responsible for claims against third parties arising from published works.



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