
ISSN 1853-4392
versión on-line
ISSN 1515-6206
versión impresa

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Estudios Socioterritoriales welcomes contributions on topics of Geography in all its fields and of social sciences overall.

It is required that the submitted works are unpublished, original and that have not been sent to other journals simultaneously. All articles are checked by the editorial board, which determines the thematic relevance and publication compliance. Failure to observe these rules, the article is returned to the author to make the appropriate changes.

The works that meet the above requirements will be subject to an evaluation process by two (2) academic peers (specialists) under double-blind review, ensuring the confidentiality and anonymity of both referees and authors.

Evaluators are selected for their expertise and make their assessment based on a form. The possible results are: a) adopted in its present form, b) approved with modifications c) disapproved.

In case of dispute, the editorial board shall appoint a third referee (also anonymous), who have no knowledge of instances for which the work went. Once we receive his/her evaluation, the editorial board will decide to publish the work or dismiss it.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Format requirements

  1. Page
    Sheet size: A4
    Superior and inferior margins: 2,5 cm
    Left and right margins: 3 cm
  2. Font
    Head: Times New Roman 14, uppercase - bold - centered
    Subhead: Times New Roman 12, lowercase - bold - flush left
    Body: Times New Roman 10, justified - double space - first line indent 1.25 cm.
  3. Body text
    Written in “Microsoft Word” word processor.
    a. Abstract: no more than 140 words. It should be written in Spanish and English (this one with the article titled in English). Both must not contain more than 4 keywords.
    b. Length:
    Scientific articles or essays should not exceed 25 pages, including charts, tables, maps, figures and photographs.
    Notes, debates or interviews should not exceed 15 pages.
    Critical remarks should not exceed 10 pages.
    Reviews should not exceed 5 pages.
    c. Language:
    Preferably, Spanish. Contributions in Portuguese are accepted.
  4. Graphics, tables, maps, figures and pictures
    They can be sent in color, black and white or grayscale and should be placed in the text in the appropriate place and include the title and source (outside the figure). Always should be explicitly mentioned in the text (e.g. Table 4, Map No. 2, etc.). The size may not exceed 10 cm wide.
  5. Bibliographical references
    They should be made in the body text, in parentheses: Author's surname, first name initial (if more than one, cite the first), followed by the publication year and page cited. E.g.: Santos, M. 1996: 28.
  6. Bibliography
    It is written at the end of the text according to the following format:
    a. Books: Author’s surname (in uppercase), Author’s name (not place initials): Title of work (in bold), volume (vol.), Place of publication, Publisher, Publication year, referred pages (pág/s.).
    b. Book chapters: Author’s surname (in uppercase), Author’s name (not place initials): Title of article (in italics), en: Title of work (in bold), (Surname, Name initial, comp.), Place of publication, Publisher, Publication year, referred pages (pág/s.).
    c. Journal or conference articles: Author’s surname (in uppercase), Author’s name (not place initials): Title of article (in italics), en: Journal or Conference name (in bold), volumen (vol.), Journal’s number (Nº), Date of publication, referred pages (pág/s.).
    d. Web: It should be pointed website name (http://www...) and date accessed online.
  7. Accepted articles will be published by order of approval date.
  8. Estudios Socioterritoriales reserves the right to make format adjustments in the approved works, for the purposes of adapting them to the design of issue.
The articles published are those of the authors, as well as the opinions expressed by the interviewees.


Sending of manuscripts


Authors should submit three separate files via e-mail to revistaest@fch.unicen.edu.ar, namely:

    • Article to be submitted to the evaluation process.
    • Theassessment of originality and assignment of rights, with author/s digital signature/s.
    • Author/s data: Academic degree, institution affiliation with complete address for correspondence, e-mail address. In addition, a brief curriculum that does not exceed 10 lines.


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2015 Centro de Investigaciones Geográficas
CIG-Instituto de Geografía, Historia y Ciencias Sociales

Campus Universitario. Paraje Arroyo Seco s/n (7000) Tandil
Buenos Aires
República Argentina
Tel. (+54) (0249) 4439688 int. 207


SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1853-4392&lng=en&nrm=iso