
ISSN 2346-9129
versión on-line
ISSN 1666-7719
versión impresa

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Revista FAVE Sección Ciencias Agrarias is the official journal of Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias (Universidad Nacional del Litoral) and it pursues the publication of original research in the form of papers, short communications, notes and literature reviews that contribute to scientific and technological development within the Agricultural and Forestry sciences.
The journal publishes one volume with two issues a year, in June (January-June) and in December (July-December). The official language is Spanish, but manuscripts written in Portuguese, French and English are also accepted. The writing must be clear and concise and in such a way that scientific rigour is preserved. There are no charges for publication in this journal.
The Editors of this journal adhere to the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors  (http://publicationethics.org/resources/code-conduct) and suggest that the authors follow the ethical rules that characterize responsible research and that they present their results with clarity and honesty, without falsification or inappropriate manipulation of information. They must also submit an original unplagiarized manuscript that has not been presented or published in another journal, and they must declare possible funding sources and underlying conflicts of interests.
If copyrighted material is included in the text, the authors bear the responsibility to confer its full attibution to the Editorial Office. In case of suspicion of plagiarism, the Editorial Board will check it. If it is confirmed, the manuscript will be returned to the author, without possibility of resubmission. Self-plagiarism is not accepted either.

The journal abides by the “open-access” publication model of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI):



Form and preparation of manuscripts



Assessment of manuscripts

All submitted manuscripts will be considered for publication by the members of the Editorial Board, who will check their scope and compliance with the Instructions for Authors.   
The manuscripts that do not follow the Instructions for Authors provided by the Journal will be rejected and returned to their authors without being reviewed. In addition, plagiarism detection will be carried out to verify that the manuscripts are original. In case of detecting a high incidence of plagiarism, the material will be returned to their authors. The Editorial Board will take reasonable measures to identify and prevent the publication of manuscripts produced with inadecuate research conduct, including plagiarism, citation manipulation, falsification of information, among others, and will thus follow the rules established by COPE (http://publicationethics.org/).
The admitted manuscripts will be subjected to external evaluation through the double-blind system before being accepted for publication. The members of the Editorial Board will select the reviewers for each manuscript among experts in the corresponding research field.
Two reviewers will assess the scientific quality of each article and recommend that the manuscript be accepted as is; accepted subject to substantial modifications, in which case the manuscript will have to go through the peer-review process again, providing feedback to the authors; accepted subject to minor modifications, in which case it will only be reviewed by the Editorial Board; or rejected. When reviewers’ recommendations disagree, the Editorial Board will send the manuscript to a third reviewer, who will determine the manuscript’s destination.
Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the Editorial Production Unit will generate a file with the galley proof, which will be sent to the first author for analysis. This process should not exceed one week.


Form and preparation of manuscripts


The manuscripts should be submitted in electronic form in Microsoft Word, preferably rtf of doc format. In formatting the manuscripts, use double spacing and do not hyphenate words on the right margin. Manuscripts should be typed on A4-size (210 mm by 298 mm) pages, on only one side of the paper. Use 11-point Times New Roman font and leave four 25 mm margins. Number pages consecutively, beginning with the title page. All pages of text should have line numbers. Articles and reviews should not exceed 15 pages, and communications and notes should not exceed 8 pages. Section titles should be capitalized, centered and written in bold type. First-order subtitles should be typed in lower case italics boldface type, initial capital, flush left. Second order subtitles should by typed as first-order ones but they will be written on the first line of a paragraph.

Title page and subsequent pages
The title page should include the title of the manuscript, last name and name initials of the authors (separated by a space), affiliation, postal address, phone, fax and e-mail of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Numbered references should be placed after the last name initial of each author.
Subsequent pages will include:

  1. Title of the manuscript, Abstract in Spanish, Keywords, Abstract in English and Keywords.
  2. Text: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion (it can appear together with the Results) and Conclusions.
  3. Acknowledgments (if any)
  4. References
  5. Appendix (only if necessary)


It should be concise (up to 100 characters) and informative about the research work. In addition, you should provide an abbreviated title for the galley proof (up to 40 characters).

Abstract in Spanish and in English 

Each abstract should not exceed 150 words. The abstract in English will include the title of the work.

Following both Abstracts, list up to 5 words representing the content of the article. They should be typed in lower case, separated by commas; abbreviations are not allowed.

Citations in the text should be presented in the numerical order of the reference list. When more than one article is cited, references will be written in numerical order between round brackets.
The Reference List should include all the references cited in the text, which will be numbered after being ordered alphabetically by the last lame of the first author and they will be written as follows: a) one author; b) two authors; c) three or more authors, in chronological order within each category. Personal communications should be cited in the text only (name of person and year); they should not be included in the Reference list. 

Each literature reference should include the following data (see examples below):

  1. Number corresponding to the reference.
  2. Last name and initials of authors. In the case of more than one author, they should be separated with a comma and the word “and” before the last author.
  3. Year of edition of the publication except the first one, e.g. 2006. 2nd ed.
  4. Full title of publication in its original language. In the case of a Journal article: Title of the article, name of the Journal, volume and/or number/issue, first and last page of article. 
  5. Place of publication (country if necessary).
  6. Publisher
  7. Web references: author/s names, year, title, full URL and date on which the page was accessed.

    For those authors who prepare the manuscript using a citation manager that support the CSL language (such as Zotero, Mendeley or RefWorks among others) the bibliographic style file of FAVE Sección Ciencias Agrarias is available here.


Castillo, F. E. and Castellví Sentis, F. 1996. Agrometeorología. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid. Spain. 517 p.
Chapters of book (several authors)
Carman, H.F. 1997. Agricultural Analysis Price. In: Padberg D.I., Ritson C., Albisu L.M. (eds.). Agro-food marketing. CAB International, Zaragoza, Spain. p. 51-84
Bruld, J. J. 1990. Taxonomic relationship and photosynthetic pathways in the Cyperaceae. Ph. D. Thesis. The Australian National University. Canberra.

Journal articles:
Domestein, G.M.; Van Gogh H.; Buitealaar M.N., News J. F. M. 1983. Clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of flumekine after intravenous, intramuscular and oral administration in pigeons. J. Vet. Pharmacol. Therap. 6: 281-292.

Scientific Meeting:
Carlier, M.B.; Scorveaux, B.; Jenebergh, A., Tulkens, P.M. 1987. Uptake and subcellular distribution of 4-quinolones in phagocytes. 27th. Int. Conf. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. New York. Abstract. pp. 121 

Electronic materials:
Watson, L; Dallwitz M. J. 1992 (Version: 3rd december 1996.). Grass Genera of the World. In: http://delta-intkey.com/grass. Accessed  07 March 2006.

Electronic Journal Articles:
Pinciroli, M., Sisterna M. N., Bezus R.,  Vidal A.A. 2003.  Manchado del grano de arroz: efecto de la fertilización nitrogenada. Rev. Fac. Agron. (La Plata) 105(2): 88-96  [online] Available at:http://www.agro.unlp.edu.ar/uploads/R/Ag105_2_88_96.pdf. Accessed: 24 March 2013

Boxes should be independently and consecutively numbered (Arabic numerals) in the order in which they appear in the text and inserted at the end of the text, each one on a separate page with clear, concise heading. The desired placement should be indicated in the text.
Illustrations (figures, diagrams, graphics, maps and photographs)
All illustrations should be independently and consecutively numbered (Arabic numerals) in the order in which they appear in the text and they should be sent in a separate file with jpg extension.                              .
Photographs should be at least 300 dpi (or 600 dpi if the image is a mixture of figures and text or thin lines). The name of the file should be the same as the one in the text, followed by the word “Figure” and the corresponding figure number. The legends of figures should be provided in separate files and included at the end of the text, following illustrations. The desired placement should be indicated in the text.

Chemical units, elements and compounds

Follow the International System of Units.


They should be explained in a list of abbreviations.







Sending of manuscripts


Manuscripts should be designated with the last name of the first author and submitted together with a cover letter addressed to the Editor-in-chief according to the model provided (Download sample cover letter) to the following e-mail address: revistafave@fca.unl.edu.ar.

In addition, you should upload the manuscript to the OJS Platform of Biblioteca de Publicaciones Periódicas de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral. The link to the platform is http://bibliotecavirtual.unl.edu.ar/publicaciones/index.php/FAVEAgrarias/issue/view/562.

Instructions for authors are attached in the following link, and they could be consulted either to sign up, track the status of your submission, submit a manuscript for the first time or submit a new manuscript.

If any problem, please contact us at our postal address: Secretaría Ejecutiva de la Revista FAVE – Sección Ciencias Agrarias, Kreder 2805, (S3080HOF) Esperanza (Santa Fe), by telephone at (03496) 426400 / 421037, or by fax at (03496) 426400.


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2014 Nombre Universidad Nacional del Litoral – Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias

Kreder 2805
Santa Fe
- Argentina
Tel.: +54 (342) 4575211
Fax: +54 (342) 4575221



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