
ISSN 1851-1740
online version
ISSN 1514-8327
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy




Text of opinion, the members involved in the issue are made known their views on various topics.


Theoretical or empirical research, literature reviews, case studies. No more than 25 pages. Subject to external evaluation.

Professional interest

Introductory work on issues related to professional practice or teaching. Subject to external evaluation.


Project reports and research advances in the area. Up to 10 pages. Subject to external evaluation.


Space for reflection and discussion for librarians on various controversial issues.

Information of academic interest

Comments of general interest to the local library level.


Brief comments on literature in the field, may include a rating or review. Indexed.

Publications of the Institute

Information on new publications.

Information of the Institute

Experiences of professional practice at the Institute

Course Work

Featured work of advanced students. Up to 15 pages.


Currently no proposals are received for this Section


Currently no proposals are being received for this section.


The following types of contribution are considered for publication:

  • Originals and unpublished papers of theoretical or empirical researches; literature reviews; case studies. (Submitted to external evaluation). Up to 25 pages.

  • Brief research notes. (Submitted to external evaluation). Up to 10 pages;

  • Academic and professional notes. (Submitted to external evaluation);

The Editorial Board reserves the right to: 

  • Request articles or further texts by specialists whenever it deems necessary (this case would be also submitted to external evaluation);

  • Reject contributions that have no relation with the subject profile of the journal or that failure to comply with the style guidelines.

  • Establish the order that the accepted articles will be published.

Spanish and Portuguese are the preferred languages.

The manuscripts must be original and unpublished, they will be subject to a process of double-blind review by two or more external evaluators, where the anonymity of evaluator and author are both preserved. If discrepancies occur between the assessments, the Editorial Board shall appoint a new evaluator and the final decision will be taken based on this new assessment. In the final step of the assessment process, all of the contributions of Información, Cultura y Sociedad are submitted and evaluated by the Consejo Editor of the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (Universidad de Buenos Aires) for the final approval. The authors will we notified of the decision to accept or reject their manuscripts. Furthermore, the papers may be returned to the author in order to add the modifications proposed by the evaluators within the time frame agreed by the Editorial Board. Consult forms in this link.

Información, cultura y sociedad has signed and adheres to the recommendations of  the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).

ICS informs that the arbitration process may take between 3 and 6 months after receiving the article. Once accepted for publication, it can take 6 to 12 months.

Rejection rate of articles for:

2016: 52%
2017: 38%
2018: 63%
2019: 65,62%
2020: 52%
2021: 65,30%
2022: 62,26%

Authors must acknowledge their responsibility over the content of their contributions, the accuracy of the references made and their publishing rights. In accordance with the Reglamentación de Publicaciones of Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (Universidad de Buenos Aires), authors must transfer their publishing rights to the Facultad. They are also accountable for the presentation of their manuscript according to the rules, since tasks such as typing or editing would not be undertaken by the journal. However, editorial amendments of the papers can be made by the journal, while respecting the original content.

Authors must complete and sign a form indicating the originality of the paper submitted and its not simultaneous presentation in other journals. In addition, they must state not to be committing academic plagiarism. Download 


Procedures to avoid plagiarism, malpractice and fraud

Información, Cultura y Sociedad adheres to the Principles of transparency and best-practices in de academic publications, established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) http://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines-new/principles-transparency-and-best-practice-scholarly-publishing.

Firstly, each article proposal is reviewed by the ‘Comité de Redacción’ in order to detect plagiarism or any disregard of the ethical guidelines concerning the scientific production. Specific software is used for this purpose (e.g., Plagium, Dupli Checker and Plagiarisma).

Secondly, this analysis is also deepened by the examiner during the double-peer review process. Furthermore, authors are required to sign and remit to the magazine a commitment towards the originality and the good ethical practices of the papers submitted.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The article submitted has not been published previously or sent for consideration to any other publication. Data and bibliographic references are correctly identified.

  • I undertake to complete and sign a form indicating the originality of the paper submitted and its not simultaneous presentation in other journals. Download

  • If the article is submitted to the double-blind review section, the instructions included in Double blind peer review are followed

  • Whenever possible, URL addresses or DOI are provided in the references

  • The article submitted is in an OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF format

Author Guidelines

Rules and procedure for article submission and publication:

Articles should be presented on an A4-size paper, in a 10-point Times New Roman font, with upper and lower margins of 2.5 cm and left and right margins of 3 cm.

Articles, essays and researches notes

Section order:

1. First page:

1.1 Title of the article in English and Spanish (centered, in a 12-point font size).
1.2 Full name of the authors (right-aligned, followed by institutional affiliation. For example: Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas; with postal code and e-mail of the author).                                                                                                                  

1.3 Abstract in Spanish and English (maximum 200 words).
1.4 Keywords in Spanish and English, up to five words.

2. Text: with double-line spacing, initiating each paragraph with no indentation, no tab characters, and keeping the same line spacing between the paragraphs. The text will be justified; words shouldn’t be hyphenated.

2.1 Subdivisions: For greater clarity, the different sections of the text can be separated by headings in a 10-point font size, coinciding with the rest of the text. The major headings must be written in a bold font, the subheadings in an italic font and subdivisions under subheadings in a regular font. Before each heading there must be two spaces and after just one.      

2.2 Measurement units: Should be expressed according to the metric system, using abbreviations in lowercase letters with no periods included (5km, 15kg), except when unspecified amounts are used.

2.3 Numbers: Numbers over three digits should be written with periods (8.000, 152.000) and decimals with comma (12,5).

2.4 Abbreviations: Use only if it deems necessary. Abbreviations and acronyms of extended names of institutions are accepted (in uppercase letters, with no spaces or periods). The first time they are mentioned they should be written entirely, with the acronym between brackets. For example: Asociación de Bibliotecarios Graduados de la República Argentina (ABGRA).

2.5 Words in a foreign language: They will be highlighted with italics.

2.6 Verbatim transcriptions: In case there are textual quotations over two lines of extension, they should be in a separate paragraph with single-line spacing, left and right indentation of 1 cm, and with no quotation marks.

2.7 Citation in text: Bibliographic references should conform to the author-date system within the text. The author's surname, the year of publication and where appropriate the pages cited are to be indicated between brackets. For example: (López, 1985: 93), (González y Rubio, 1990: 110-111), (Rodríguez, 1990; Pérez, 1992). Works with more than three authors should be referred to first author, followed by "et al.” (Johnson et al., 1970: 25-26). When there is more than one work from the same author published in the same year: (Alonso, 1988a) (Alonso, 1988b).

To quote a work that has been divided in volumes, the volume’s number follows the year of publication (Waterman 1990, 2: 3-7). If only one volume is included in the bibliography, the number is not necessary in the quotation.

In case of paraphrase, indicate the year of publication between brackets: Smith (1950).

3. Notes: They should appear numbered consecutively at the end of the article. The acknowledgments of the work or any other clarification considered necessary should be collated in the first note. It is recommended to use notes sparingly.  

4. References: Citations should follow APA rules and ChicagoB:

Bibliographic references should conform to the author-date system. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). If possible, provide the full name of the author or editor. The references should be listed alphabetically considering author’s surnames. If several pieces of work by the same author are quoted, they are to be ordered chronologically by the year of publication. If the author has two or more works published on the same year, lowercase letters (a, b, c) are added to the year. For example:

Briones, Carlos. 1987 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Briones, Carlos. 1988a xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Briones, Carlos. 1988b xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Briones, Carlos. 1990 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Depending on the authorship, proceed as follows:

a. One author:
Harris, Michael.
b. Two to five authors:
Delacroix, Samuel, Alain Fouquier y Carlos A. Jenda.
c. More than five authors:
Smith, Clarence, et al.
d. Editor or compiler:
Diskin, Martin, ed.
e. Institution:
American Library Association

Depending on the edition, proceed as follows:

a. Reprint or translation: indicate the year of the original edition between square brackets (not in the case of new editions):

Malinowsky, Bronislaw. 1985 [1926]. Crimen y costumbre en la sociedad salvaje. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini.

For undated material use “s.f.” and for material under process of publishing: “En prensa”.

Depending on the type of document, proceed as follows:

a. Book:
Moya Anegón, Félix de. 1995. Los sistemas integrados de gestión bibliotecaria: estructuras de datos y recuperación de información. Madrid: ANABAD.

b. Unpublished manuscript:
Spindler, George. s.f. Education and Reproduction among Turkish Families in Sydney. Sydney: Department of Education, University of Sydney. MS. 20 p.

Hammersley, Martyn. 1997. Taking sidees against research. MS. 50 p.

c. Chapter of a book with editor(s) or compiler(s):
Fillmore, Charles. 1982. Scenes and frames semantics. En Zampolli, A, ed. Linguistic structures processing. Amsterdam: North-Holland. p. 55-81.

d. Journal articles:
If the document referred to has DOI (Digital Object Identifier), this identifier should be provided, with no need for the Web address, URL or the date of accessing.

Lee, James y Diane Musumeci. 1988. On hierarchies of reading skills and text types. En Modern language journal. Vol. 72, no. 2, 173-187.

Hammersley, Martyn y Roger Gomm. 1997. Bias in social research. En Sociological Research Online Vol. 2, no. 1. <http://www.socresonline.org.uk/socresonline/2/1/2.html> [Consulta: 29 abril 1997].

Casero-Ripollés, Andreu. 2017. Producing political content for web 2.0: Empowering citizens and vulnerable populations. En El profesional de la información. Vol. 26, no. 1, 13-19. <https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2017.ene.02>

e. Review:
Horn, David E. 1996. Reseña de Starting an archives. E. Yakel. En Collection Mangement. Vol. 20, no. 3-4, 173-174.

f. Thesis:
Mostafa, Solange P. 1985. Epistemologia da Biblioteconomia. Sao Paulo: PUC-SP, 1985. 300 p. Tesis de doctorado.

g. Conference papers:
Unpublished conference paper:
Thomas, Bryan. 1989. El desarrollo de la colección en bibliotecas públicas. 22 p. Trabajo presentado al II Congreso latinoamericano de bibliotecas públicas, realizado en Montevideo del 5 al 10 de julio de 1989.

Published conference paper:

Carsen, Tatiana. 1995. Derecho a la información: una aproximación hacia una ética y conducta profesionales. En Reunión Nacional de Bibliotecarios (29a: 1995: Buenos Aires). Trabajos presentados. Buenos Aires: ABGRA. p. 41-49.

h. Personal communication (includes e-mails, e-mail lists and discussion groups):

Must be referred to within the text but not in the reference list .For example: “Juan González sostiene (carta del autor, 10 de mayo de 1993) que ...”

i. Web references:
Use the following format (URL) for material obtained by FTP or Telnet sites (ftp://...), Web sites (http://), and Gopher sites (gopher://)

Electronic articles:
Hammersley, Martyn y Roger Gomm. 1997. Bias in social research. En Sociological Research Online Vol. 2, no. 1. <http://www.socresonline.org.uk/socresonline/2/1/2.html> [Consulta: 29 abril 1997].

Cornell University Library. 2013a. Text a Librarian. <http://www.library.cornell.edu/ask> [Consulta: 20 febrero 2013].

j. Research data

Use the following citation form for the sharing data of the research:

Authors. Year. Dataset title. Data repository or archive. Persistent identifier (e.g. DOI)

5. Graphics (figures, tables and illustrations):

These will be presented with under headings using Arabic numbers within the text. If necessary, you can also send them as separate files.

Tables must be created by the same word processor as the article. Graphics needs to be of good quality and in formats such as TIPP, JPG, GIF, etc. The resolution of the images must be at least 600 DPI, in a TIFF format. 



Sending of manuscripts


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2024 Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras - UBA

Puán 480, 4º piso, oficina 8.
( C1406CQJ) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel.: Secretaría | (54 11) 5287-2892 (directo) interno 72892



SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1851-1740&lng=es&nrm=iso