
ISSN 2313-934X
online version
ISSN 0328-9702
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Peer review process

Contributions will be evaluated by anonymous referees and the identity of the author(s) will also be kept confidential during the evaluation process.

The management and the Editorial Committee are in charge of verifying compliance with the formal aspects and articulating the different stages of the edition, managing the sending of the articles to evaluators according to the type of manuscript and deciding on the relevance of publication of the materials. received, based on evaluations.

The Management and the Editorial Committee reserve the right to reject or return for correction works that do not meet the requirements. In the internal review, it will be taken into account that it complies with the editorial standards of the journal, relevance to the editorial line of Educational Praxis, that it is a contribution to the field, complete and adequate information, length, appropriate writing, compliance with the style standards.

Each work approved by the Management and the Editorial Committee will be sent for referencing to two external evaluators (double-blind evaluation system).

If both evaluators approve the contents, these materials will be returned by the Secretary to the authors for corrections of form or style in accordance with editorial standards. In case of being approved by one or only one of the evaluators, it will be sent for the consideration of a third party. The Editorial Committee evaluates the results of the arbitration process and makes the decision it deems pertinent. In all cases, the decisions of the Editorial Committee are final.

The reports of the evaluators will be anonymous.

The mere receipt of the writings does not imply their acceptance.

In the External Review, the evaluators will take into account as evaluation criteria: Formal and stylistic aspects of the article; Adaptation of the work to the usual categories of the publication; Coherence between the proposed objectives and their achievement, referential and methodological frameworks, conclusions; Contribution to the specific research area

The evaluators will submit an opinion with one of the following rulings: a) Accept it without substantive changes; b) Accept it conditionally; c) Reject it, but offer the authors the opportunity to re-evaluate it if they review the work; d) Reject it. In all cases they offer criticism and suggestions.

The period between receipt of the article and the completion of the external evaluation process ranges from 30 (thirty) to 60 (sixty) days. The period between receipt and publication is from 4 (four) to 5 (five) months, depending on the flow of articles in the journal.

Journal Networks and Associations

Praxis Educativa has been a member since 2020 of the Argentine Network of Academic Journals in Education REDdeRED, which was organized in 2018 according to the following objectives:

a) Agree on editorial policy criteria common to the production of Social Sciences and Humanities, specific to the educational field.

b) Contribute to the definition of national policies for the development and maintenance of Academic Journals in Education.

c) Systematize the status of the Academic Journals specialized in education in Argentina.

d) Organize common repositories or forward existing ones to all the journals that are members of the Network to achieve greater visibility.

e) Create a common base of national and foreign evaluators with identification of themes.

f) Establish guidelines for collaborative and supportive work in processes that can be shared: preparation of manuals and guidelines for editing processes, publication, management practices, as well as different digital formats and metalanguages.

g) Organize annual meetings for the exchange and debate of common topics.

h) Manage resources to finance the network's objectives.

The commitment to actively and collaboratively integrate this network is supported by the member journals:

Itinerarios educativos – UNL

Propuesta educativa – FLACSO

Revista de la Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación – UNC

Revista Latinoamericana de Políticas y Administración de la Educación – UNTREF

Revista de Educación – UNMdP

Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Comparada – SAECE

Espacios en Blanco, Revista de Educación UNICEN

Debate Universitario – UAI

Diálogos Pedagógicos – UCC

Educación, Lenguaje y Sociedad – UNLPam

Revista Argentina de Educación Superior – REDAPES

Reseñas de la Enseñanza de la Historia – APEHUN

Revista del IRICE – UNR – CONICET

Polifonías, Revista del Departamento de Educación – UNLU

Confluencia de saberes. Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. COMAHUE

Cuadernos del Sur – UNS

Revista del Cardo – FCEDU - UNER

Cuadernos de Educación EIFFyH-UNC

Integración y conocimineto - Núcleo de Estudios e Investigación en Educación Superior MERCOSUR – UNC

Praxis educativa -ICEII-FCH-UNLPam

Digital preservation

Educational Praxis safeguards your files through the University's servers as a backup of the Open Journal System (OJS) platform and the PKP Preservation Network. Likewise, preservation is guaranteed by the LOCKSS systems, an open source program developed by the Stanford University Library, and CLOCKSS, whereby each file is constantly validated against other library caches. These tools provide the journal with a permanent and secure archive.

Item Processing Fees

Praxis Educativa does not request any type of Article Processing Fee (no Article Processing Charges - APCs) or for refereeing, style correction or editing tasks (no submission charges). It also does not offer any kind of monetary compensation.

It requires that after logging into the role of author, and before uploading the manuscript and supporting files, the online system will require you to activate checkboxes in the Checklist in order to accept these editorial policies carried forward.


At Educational Praxis we work to strengthen the four criteria that must be met in order to guarantee an accessible website.

1. Perceivable: the information and components of user interfaces must be presented in such a way that they can be perceived by any of the senses. Barriers of this type occur when information is presented exclusively through images, sound, color and size.

2. Operable: the user interface and navigation components must be operable, that is, they must allow access from the keyboard, voice, and other means without time limitations.

3. Understandable: the information and management of the user interfaces must be easily understandable. Unfamiliar words or complex phrases should not be used. Options to prevent or recover from errors and simple and predictable navigation elements should be implemented.

4. Robust: Content must be robust enough to be interpreted by a variety of user agents, including assistive products for people with disabilities. Web pages must be displayed correctly, regardless of the technology used today and in the future.

We invite you to read the details in the following link .

Useful contacts


Interoperability Protocol

Praxis Educativa has interoperability protocols:  https://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/index/ oai  in base URL for the OAI Archive. 

Next Issues

The call to receive articles and dossier proposals is permanently open.

Once the works are accepted by external evaluations and by the Editorial Committee, the magazine may issue a certificate of acceptance to those who require it.

Articles accepted for publication in future issues (their inclusion is decided by the Editorial Committee based on the editorial needs and processing times of each article)

Article Review Form

Dear Evaluator

We appreciate your suggestions, which will be of great help to both the authors and editors of the publication.

Your comments, or part of them, may be sent to the authors without identifying the source.

Work title:

Date delivered:

Evaluation date:

1. Formal and stylistic aspects of the article:

2. Adaptation of the work to the usual categories of the publication.

3. Coherence between the proposed objectives and their achievement, referential and methodological frameworks, conclusions.

4. Contribution to the specific research area:

5. Recommendation regarding the publication of the work:

     a) Accept it without substantive changes

     b) Accept it conditionally:

     c) Reject it, but offer the authors the opportunity to re-evaluate it if they review the work

     d) Reject it

  6. Criticisms and suggestions (please complete only if you have selected alternatives b or c in point 5)

  7. Reasons for rejection (please complete only if you have selected alternative d in point 5)

Ethical standards - EDITORIAL ETHICS

This document describes the best practice principles that we apply to our journal to ensure good publishing practices. Educational praxis adheres to the Guidelines on good practices for publications of COPE (Committee of PublicationEthics, https://publicationethics.org/ )

The guidelines we follow are mentioned in the sections below.

Research integrity

These principles encompass: honesty in all aspects of the publication; transparency and open communication; care and respect for all participants in the publishing process. In addition to the general principles above, our journal editorial team provides specific guidelines and policies for authors and ethics appropriate to their subject and discipline.

Editorial process

We are committed to editorial independence and we strive in all cases to avoid this principle being compromised by conflicts of interest. https://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/praxis/about/editorialPolicies

It is understood that there is a conflict of interest when there is a divergence between the personal interests of an individual and their responsibilities regarding the scientific activities they carry out, either as authors, reviewers and members of the Editorial Committee, which may influence their critical judgment and the integrity of their actions. They can be personal, commercial, political, academic, financial. Said interests must be declared both in authors/s, researchers/s, evaluators/s, editors/s and reviewers/s. An important action tending to control the IQ is its declaration or recognition, for which Praxis Educativa requests the authors to declare that they have no conflicts of interest in those activities that could introduce bias in the results of the work presented.

Educational Praxis follows the decision tree recommended by COPE in case of suspicion of the existence of an undisclosed conflict of interest in a received manuscript or an already published article (reviewer: https://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts -new/conflict-interest;reader:https://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts/what-do-if-reader-suspects-undisclosed-conflict-interest-coi-published-article

Proposals submitted to our journal are initially reviewed by internal reviewers, who may also consult relevant external editors or subject matter specialists. If the proposal is suitable for consideration, the proposal, along with the sample content, will be submitted to a minimum of two independent, external reviewers. The evaluations of the peer reviewers are used to inform the editor's decision to recommend or not the publication to the Editorial Board. It is the Management and the Editorial Committee who make the final decision and it is final. Our editors may request additional reviews and further guidance to inform the development of the manuscript.

Faced with complaints and appeals involving the journal and its editorial environment, they must be transmitted to the Editorial Committee, which will determine the steps to follow. A response will be offered within 30 (thirty) days after the claim. In the event that the resolutions are insufficient, the Editorial Board of the UNLPam Magazine (CERAC) will function as the final instance of appeal.

Peer Review

Peer review is essential to maintain quality standards in Educational Praxis and is carried out by recognized researchers and specialists in the subject of each article. We protect the confidentiality of participants in the peer review process, where anonymity is part of the review process for that publication.

In Educational Praxis the articles are reviewed by the Management, Secretariat and the Editorial Committee in order to verify if the manuscript corresponds to the editorial line; if it is a contribution to the specific field in which it is presented; if those who assume the authorship have presented this work in other publication media; if it adheres to the rules of presentation; and if it meets the general publication criteria. Then they recommend at least three national and international evaluators.

For the second review, the papers are submitted to the external refereeing of two anonymous reviewers (double-blind system). In case of discrepancy, management requests a third evaluation. In this way, the confidentiality of the evaluation process is guaranteed.

The Management and the Editorial Committee will decide on the mechanisms to correct, review or withdraw articles after publication in cases that warrant it.

Authorship / Copyright policies

Praxis Educativa accepts the submission of works without any discrimination of authors, with the sole condition that they are original and unpublished and have not been simultaneously presented in any other publication or editorial body. It does not offer any type of monetary compensation, nor does it request any type of fee under any circumstances, be it for refereeing, style correction or editing tasks (Article Processing Charges - APCs). Therefore, it asks all the authors to express their agreement with the following conditions:

  • I state that the submitted manuscript is my own, original and unpublished and has not been simultaneously presented in any other publication or editorial body. Its content is my sole responsibility and its publication does not mean agreement of the magazine with them.

  • If accepted, I authorize the inclusion of the manuscript in the periodical publication PRAXIS educative, I assign and transfer non-exclusive rights to EDULPam. Rights protected by the intellectual property laws that govern Argentina. The journal allows authors to maintain proprietary rights and publication rights without restrictions.

  • I declare that I know that the journal will not charge me any type of fee under any circumstances ((Article Processing Charges - APCs), nor will I receive any type of monetary compensation.

  • I state that I have followed the instructions of Ensuring a blind review since I am submitting to a section of the journal that is reviewed by peers.

  • I have managed the ORCID Registry (https://orcid.org/register). If I have not done it, I must complete it in the OJS form when entering the load of the article as author

Its content is your sole responsibility and its publication does not mean agreement of the magazine with them. The authorship of the person who assumes responsibility for the submission is acknowledged and is registered with OJS.

We integrate with established and emerging industry standards to increase transparency in authorship (for example, persistent flags like ORCID)


Plagiarism is defined as "presenting as one's own work, regardless of intent to mislead, that which is derived in whole or in part from the work of others without due acknowledgment."

Examples of plagiarism include

- copy (using someone else's language and/or ideas as your own), by:

-quoting another person's work verbatim without due acknowledgment of the source;

-paraphrasing someone else's work by changing some of the words, or the order of the words, without proper acknowledgment of the source;

-using ideas taken from another person without reference to the creator;

-cut and paste from the Internet to create a variety of online sources;

-submitting someone else's work as part of your own without clearly identifying who did the work.

Plagiarism can also arise from collusion with another person that has not been declared or acknowledged.

Educational Praxis adheres to the commitment not to publish any work that has a component of plagiarism, self-plagiarism or fraud. We reserve the right to check all submissions through the appropriate plagiarism checking tools. Submissions that contain suspected plagiarism, in whole or in part, will be rejected. If plagiarism is discovered after publication, the article will be thrown out. The journal reserves the right, depending on the nature and effects of the fraud detected, to take other administrative and jurisdictional measures to better solve the problem.

The National University of La Pampa is a member of Similarity Check, a Crossref service that aims to help journal editors determine the originality of the articles they publish. Similarity Check uses the iThenticate software to detect coincidences and similarities between the texts submitted for evaluation and those previously published in other sources.

Retractions and corrections

Retractions and corrections will be considered by the Editorial Team in accordance with our Retraction Guidelines. If an author is found to have made a mistake, the journal will issue a correction. If Educational Praxis is found to have made an error, an errata will be issued.

Retraction guidelines

Substantive corrections will be made in accordance with the educational Praxis educational retraction guidelines.

Guidelines for contributor in Praxis Educativa:


Public Praxis Educativa under license 4.0 International CCBY-NC-CA

Praxis Educativa allows authors to maintain their economic rights and publication rights without restrictions. Since September 2018, it adheres to the Creative Commons license called "Attribution - Non-Commercial Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA", through which it is allowed to copy, reproduce, distribute, publicly communicate the work and generate derivative works, as long as it is cite and acknowledge the original author (before it did so in 2016 CC BY NC ND 4.0 Licenses; years 2017 and part of 2018 CC BY NC 4.0.).

This CC BY-NC-SA Share Alike license does not, however, allow you to use the work for commercial purposes. It also allows authors to self-archive published articles, in their post-print version, in institutional, thematic repositories, personal web pages or any other pertinent use, with the recognition of having been first published in this journal.

About the data and its reproducibility

This section includes any intentional distortion in the scientific research and writing process that takes the form of biased manipulation, misleading information, falsification, concealment or misrepresentation of data. If such a practice is detected, the article will be immediately withdrawn from the editorial process.

Likewise, the authors must declare when sending their manuscripts, that they have the permission of the archive or repository where the documents attached to the work were obtained.

Record Integrity

We keep track of the existence of everything we post with information (metadata) that describes each post.

Useful contacts




Form and preparation of manuscripts


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • I declare that the manuscript sent is my authorship, original and unpublished and has not been simultaneously presented in any other publication or editorial body. Its content is my sole responsibility and its publication does not mean agreement between the magazine and them.

  • If accepted, I authorize the inclusion of the manuscript in the  educational periodical PRAXIS , and I assign and transfer rights to EDULPam on a non-exclusive basis. Rights protected by the intellectual property laws that govern in Argentina. The journal allows authors to maintain proprietary rights and publication rights without restrictions.

  • I declare that the data and texts taken from published documents are duly referenced in quotes highlighted as such and indicated in the references at the end of the document. I declare that I have permission to the file or repository from which I obtained the documents that are attached to the work.

  • I adhere to the CreativeCommons license called “Attribution - Non-Commercial Share Alike CC BY-NC”, as an access and reuse policy. I have adhered to this license since September 2018, previously CC BY NC ND 4.0 was used in 2016; years 2017 and 2018 (January - August) CC BY NC 4.0. The CC BY-NC” Share Alike license allows you to copy, reproduce, distribute, remix, retouch and publicly communicate the work in a non-commercial manner and generate derivative works, as long as the original author is cited and acknowledged. The journal allows me to self-archive the published articles, in their post-print version, in institutional, thematic repositories, personal web pages or any other relevant use.

  • I declare that I have no conflicts of interest in those activities that could introduce bias in the results of the work.

  • I declare that I am aware that the magazine will not charge me any type of fee under any circumstances ( Article Processing Charges - APCs),   nor will I receive any type of monetary compensation.

  • I declare that I have followed the instructions in Ensuring a blind review) since I am submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal.

  • I have managed the ORCID Registry (https://orcid.org/register). If I have not done so, I must complete it in the OJS form when uploading the article as author. 

Guidelines for authors

Rules for the presentation of articles in Praxis Educativa

Praxis Educativa is a quarterly publication of the  Institute of Educational Sciences for Interdisciplinary Research (ICEII), Faculty of Human Sciences, National University of La Pampa . It promotes the dissemination of interdisciplinary research with the purpose of contextualizing educational problems, aimed at researchers, teachers and students. The submission and reception of articles and/or research reports are governed by the following rules: 

1.  Original and unpublished contributions will be received in Spanish throughout the year, the call is open and permanent. It is a condition that they are not simultaneously nominated in other magazines or editorial bodies. Originals received will not be returned. The number of articles published will correspond to the editorial flow of the magazine. 

The following types of contributions are accepted:

  • Original and unpublished articles or essays, subject to double-blind external evaluation, that are not under simultaneous consideration in other publications. Extension up to 10,000 (ten thousand) words, including notes and bibliography. Likewise for review articles, research papers and case studies.

  • Dossiers: articles that address a common topic related to the objectives and interests of the magazine. It is made up of a title that describes the topic, a presentation that explains the topic/problem that will be addressed and four (4) articles that contribute to its treatment. They must follow the same rules for submitting articles and follow the same double-blind external evaluation process. 

  • Original and unpublished interviews, subject to double-blind external evaluation. Extension up to 5,000 (five thousand) words, including notes and bibliography.

  • Original and unpublished critical reviews of books published in the last three years. They receive evaluation by the Editorial Committee. Extension up to three thousand (3,000) words. They must be analytical texts (not a summary of the work) that point out contributions to the scientific knowledge of the field in which it is part. They must be headed by the full title of the book reviewed, followed by authorship of the book, publisher, place of publication, year of publication and number of pages. At the end, authorship and institutional membership of the person writing the review will be recorded.  It is necessary to provide an image of the book cover  in .jgp or .tiff format  with a minimum resolution of 72 dpi.

2.  The proposed contributions must be uploaded, without exception, in online submissions through the system, at http://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/praxis, registering at http://cerac.unlpam.edu .ar/index.php/praxis/user/register. For inquiries, please contact the magazine's email address: revistapraxiseducativaiceii@gmail.com        

 3.  All articles sent to Praxis Educativa will be checked for plagiarism with the Crossref service , which aims to contribute to the Editorial Team of the magazine in order to determine the originality of the articles that are published. The iThenticate software is used to detect coincidences and similarities between the texts submitted for evaluation and those previously published in other sources.   

4.  After logging in with the author role, and before uploading the manuscript and supporting files, the online system will require you to activate checkboxes in the  Checklist  in order to accept the following conditions: 

  • I declare that the manuscript sent is my authorship, original and unpublished and has not been simultaneously presented in any other publication or editorial body. Its content is my sole responsibility and its publication does not mean agreement between the magazine and them. 

  • If accepted, I authorize the inclusion of the manuscript in the educational periodical PRAXIS , and I assign and transfer rights to EdUNLPam on a non-exclusive basis. Rights protected by the intellectual property laws that govern in Argentina. The journal allows authors to maintain economic rights and publication rights without restrictions.   

  • I declare that the data and texts taken from published documents are duly referenced in citations highlighted as such and indicated in the references at the end of the document. I declare that I have permission to the file or repository from which I obtained the documents that are attached to the work.

  • I adhere to the CreativeCommons license called “Attribution - Non-Commercial Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA”, as an access and reuse policy. This allows you to copy, reproduce, distribute, remix, retouch and publicly communicate the work in a non-commercial manner and generate derivative works, as long as the original authorship is cited and acknowledged. This license has been used since September 2018; previously, CC BY NC ND 4.0 were used in 2016; years 2017 and 2018, (January-August) CC BY NC 4.0.     

  • I declare that I have no conflicts of interest in those activities that could introduce bias in the results of the work. 

  • I declare that I am aware that the magazine will not charge me any type of fee under any circumstances (ArticleProcessingCharges-APCs), nor for refereeing, style correction or editing tasks. It also does not offer any type of monetary compensation.     

  • I declare that I have followed the instructions in Ensuring a blind review  since I am submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal.   

  • I have managed the  ORCID Registry (https://orcid.org/register). If it has not been done, I must complete it in the OJS form when uploading the article as the author.     

5.  In Enter Metadata , the following must be entered:   

  • Personal authorship data : institutional membership, work areas, other data of interest, postal address, email address, country and ORCID Registry in a maximum of 100 words , regardless of the number of authors.     

  • The title of the work, in SpanishEnglish and Portuguese.  

  • Three summaries of the work , in Spanish, English and Portuguese, of no more than 150 words each, with single spacing and Times New Roman font size 10, without indentation.  

  • Five (5) keywords in Spanish, English and Portuguese. 

Both the summary and the keywords allow you to classify and guide searches in indexing and information retrieval systems. For this reason, they must follow standardized forms that ensure the greatest possible understanding in different reading contexts.

It is suggested that the summary follow the ISO 214:1976 standards ( https://www.iso.org/standard/4084.html ) and/or UNE 50-103-90 and that the keywords be selected from specialized thesauruses (for example, UNESCO Thesaurus and vocabularies of Human Sciences and Social Sciences included in the CAICyT Semantic Server): http://vocabularies.unesco.org/browser/thesaurus/es/

 6. Once received, the articles are reviewed by the management and the editorial committee. For the acceptance, conditioning or rejection of articles, an evaluation process is carried out that includes:   

  1. First review : it is determined if the manuscript corresponds to the editorial line, if it meets the presentation standards and meets the general publication criteria.

  2. Second review : the works are submitted to external refereeing by two anonymous evaluations (double-blind system:  the authors do not know the identity of the evaluators, who also cannot know the identity of the authors).  The evaluators are external to the publishing entity and the editorial committee. Your evaluation will be binding for decision making. The evaluators will take into account the scientific quality, the contribution to the specific research area, the coherence between the initial proposal, empirical data, interpretation and argumentation processes, and conclusions.

  3. The evaluators will issue an  opinion  with one of the following rulings, depending on the case: publication is recommended; publishing is recommended only if adjustments are made; publication is not recommended.

  4. In case of  discrepancy, the director and the editorial committee may request review by a third evaluator. 

The Editorial Committee evaluates the results of the arbitration process and makes the decision it deems appropriate. In all cases, the decisions of the editorial committee are final. The period between receipt of the article and the completion of the external evaluation process ranges between 30 (thirty) and sixty (sixty) days. The period between receipt and publication is 4 (four) to 5 (five) months, depending on the flow of articles in the journal. The magazine's rejection rate was 67% in 2019. 

7. Educational Praxis  accepts and promotes the use of  inclusive and bias-free language  respecting scriptures regarding gender, age, disability, racial and ethnic identity, sexual orientation and intersectionality. It is suggested to consult APA Standards, Bias-Free Language chapter:  https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/bias-free-language/ . Likewise, in 2020, a “Guide of recommendations for the use of non-sexist language at UNLPam” was approved, which can be consulted here:  http://www.unlpam.edu.ar/la-unlpam/uso-del-lenguaje- non-sexist . We strongly recommend not using characters such as “@” or “x” for this purpose, as it makes it difficult for people with different visual abilities to access the texts. In case of alternating between different forms of non-sexist language, it is necessary to clarify it and justify it as such in a corresponding note at the end.

8.  Articles are presented in Times New Roman 12 font in the text, 2.54 cm margins and 1.27 cm first line indentation in paragraphs. They may not include underlines or numbers in subtitles. The hierarchy of titles must be recorded in accordance with the seventh version of APA Standards, namely: title of the article, centered, bold; level two, left-aligned, bold; level three, left-aligned, bold and italic; etc 

9. Textual quotes of 40 words or less will be placed in quotation marks within the paragraph, with their corresponding reference: “Perhaps an absence always burns over my remains” (Segovia, 2015, p. 11). Those that exceed 40 words will appear in a separate paragraph, without quotes, with a left indentation of 1.27 cm, double space, with a blank line separating the previous and subsequent paragraphs and their respective reference after the period, namely:

They corrode all the formulas that defined modern, autonomous, self-centered texts, since they turn the idea of ​​a single author's signature upside down, make other treatments of the referent enter the textual surface, question the mechanisms of approach and distance from the materials used, they problematize aesthetic values ​​and the instances of reception, their readings and audiences. (Domínguez, 2019, p. 2)

Whatever the case, quotes are not italicized on any occasion, unless this is the case in the original.

10. Bibliographic references   will be made within the text.  

References to a cited text will be made in the body of the text: in parentheses, the author's last name, abbreviated title of the publication will be indicated (if two or more works by the same author are cited) and cited pages, if applicable (only in case of textual quotations). When citing a source without pagination, add “s/p.” following the abbreviated title. For three or more authors, the first author followed by “ et al. ”: (Johnson et al . , 2010, p. 26). The text is recorded in full only in the bibliographic list at the end of the work. 

11.  The notes must appear at the end of the article and before the bibliography, with single spacing and Times New Roman font size 10. They must be used with the automatic tool of the word processor used, not manually: in Word, in the tab “References”, “Insert note at the end”. According to the rules followed by our journal, it is not correct to indicate bibliography of any kind in the notes. Yes, they can be referenced in the following way:   

To delve deeper into this concept, see Ludmer (2010). 

12.  The bibliography  will be in alphabetical order and in Times New Roman size 10, with single spacing and 1.27 cm French indentation (not to be confused with first line indentation). For this, the seventh edition of APA Standards will be used: it is no longer necessary to indicate the place of edition; Authors should not be abbreviated or “ et al.” should be used. ” or other formulas, unless there are more than 20; If DOI is indicated, it will be in URL format:  https://doi.org/ ; “Recovered from” is only necessary if a date of entry should be indicated; among others. Finally, it is not appropriate to use bibliographic reference managers (Zotero, Endnote, etc.): they must be entered manually.  



  1. With a single author:

Freire, P. (1971). Pedagogy of the oppressed . XXI century. 

  1. With two or more authors:

Giordan, A. and De Vecchi, G. (1998). The origins of knowledge . Diada Editors. 

  1. To differentiate the year of the original edition of a work and that of the edition used by the author, square brackets will be used:

Tannembaum, F. (1972). [1946 English edition]. The black in the Americas, slave and citizen . Paidós. 

  1. In electronic version with or without DOI:

Freire, P. (2005). Education in the city . https://books.google.com   

Montero, M. and Sonn, CC (Eds.). (2009). Psychology of Liberation: Theory and applications . https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-85784-8

  1. No author

New World Encyclopedia . (nineteen ninety six). Durvan Lexicographic Institute.

When dealing with corporate authors or different organizations, their abbreviations should not be used, but rather the full name: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, instead of UNC. 

        b. Chapter of the book

Di Franco, M. G. (2002). The history of teacher training through teacher study plans. In V. Pruzzo (Ed.), The transformation of teacher training (pp. 33-68). Editorial Space. 

  1. Magazine article

Pruzzo, V. (2001). Educational reform: the role of intellectuals. Praxis Educational Magazine , 9 (9), 7-8.   

  1. Online article 

Barilá, M. and Amoroso, A. (2017). Political participation practices. Socialization experiences of young people in the “nocturnal”. Educational Praxis ,  21 (1), 22-34. http://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/praxis/article/view/1626 

  1. Works presented at conferences, meetings, conferences 

Sirvent, M. T. (May 2011). Some notes and passages from an oral history of Popular Education: ours against “historical oblivion.” Panel: History, Education and Social Movements in Latin America. IVth Conference on History and Education New contributions to Historical Research. Current debates and perspectives on the professional practice of History and the Educational System . Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Buenos Aires. 

  1. Works that have been published in minutes, reports or other types of documents 

Pérez, A. (2004). An exploratory study on public policies in La Pampa in the 1930s. In XI Research Conference of the Faculty of Human Sciences . Santa Rosa, pp. 169-173. 

  1. Thesis

Erbin, B. (2002). Memories and images of University Extension on Isla Maciel [Bachelor's thesis]. Buenos Aires' University.  

  1. Electronics references 

Cabezón Cámara, G. and Cobelo, C. (April 20, 2018). The language of abuse. Page 12 . https://www.pagina12.com.ar/109058-la-lengua-del-abuso

  1. Recovered third-party interviews  must be cited in the bibliography according to the format of the source (web page, blog, etc.). To cite interviews conducted personally within the text, the following format must be followed: (M. Gutierrez, personal communication, December 11, 2014), and it is not necessary to include them in the bibliography.

  1. Movie 

Bicek, R. (Director). (2013). Class Enemy  [Movie]. Triglav Film. 

  1. TV series 

Cortés, E. (Director). (2015). Merlí  [Series]. Television of Catalonia. 

  1. Blogs 

Fernández Senac, P. (2022). Review of To Kill a Mockingbird. The fifth bookhttps://www.elquintolibro.es/2022/07/resena-de-matar-a-un-ruisenor/

13.  Sources may be cited using abbreviations , with a clarification at the first opportunity in which they are used or with a reference to a list placed before the cited bibliography, under the title. Example: National Library, Medina Room, Manuscripts, volume 102, pages 5, may be abbreviated: BN, MN, 102, pages 5.  

14.  The format of citations, references, etc., must be in accordance with the latest version of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association  (APA).      

15.  The editorial committee reserves the right to introduce pertinent modifications, in compliance with the rules described above and will also decide on anything not provided for in these rules.  

16. Inquiries for contributions, registration and status of submissions exclusively to revistapraxiseducativaiceii@gmail.com   


Dossiers: articles that address a common topic related to the objectives and interests of the magazine. It is made up of a title that describes the topic, a presentation that explains the topic/problem that will be addressed and four (4) articles that contribute to its treatment. They must follow the same rules for presenting articles and follow the same evaluation process. external double blind.

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