
ISSN 1851-9504
online version
ISSN 1514-0032
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy

  1. PROHISTORIA accepts only unpublished articles in any language for publication, to be considered by the Editorial Committee and two (or more) external referees selected on an ad hoc basis.
  2. The submitted article should not to be sent to another Editorial Board before PROHISTORIA complete the selection process.
  3. Original articles should be submitted in Word 6.0 or later. Graphs should be drawn on compatible programs. Articles should be sent to the journal by e-mail, including 5 (five) keywords in Spanish and English and the corresponding abstract in no more than 100 (one hundred) words, also in Spanish and English.
  4. The submission of an article or a review must include a short CV of the author, with personal and institutional postal address and emails.
  5. The articles should not be longer than 70,000 characters, including notes.
  6. The author must provide an electronic address to publish (at the beginning of his contribution) and after the final signature, place and date of ending the work. 
  7. If graphs, charts or maps are included, the author must indicate the place in the text where these should go.
  8. Book reviews: should not be longer than 9,000 characters, including notes.
  9. If the Editorial Committee accepts the text for publication, the author should send to the board of the journal authorization for the work to be published online, also at SciELO Argentina.




Form and preparation of manuscripts


10. To write the article, the author has to follow this guidelines
a) Use bold just to Title and subtitles of the work
b) Do not use dot to finish a title or subtitle
c) Do not use underline
d) To make emphasis use italic type
e) To mention any book’s title on body text use italics; to articles, “quotes”
f) Textual citations into the text must be included using “quotes”
g) Bibliographical citations has to observe the following format:
a. For articles: SURNAME, Name “Article Title”, in Title of Journal or Compilation, Publisher, Place, Date of Publication, p. or pp. 
I. e.: SAER, Juan José “Martín Fierro. Problemas de Género”, en El concepto de Ficción, Ariel, Buenos Aires, 1997, p. 58.
b. For books: SURNAME, Name Title of Book, Publisher, Place, Date of Publication, p. or pp. 
I. e.: SAER, Juan José El concepto de Ficción, Ariel, Buenos Aires, 1997, p. 58.
c. To repeat: SURNAME, Name First words title of the book… or “first words of the Article Title…”, p. x. Do not use Idem, Ibid or Ibidem.
d. Journals must be cited like a book (i. e. Latin American Historical Review), with his own numeration system. (i. e., XIX, 4)



Sending of manuscripts


Sending of manuscripts: revistaprohistoria@yahoo.com.ar



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Grupo Prohistoria

Mitre 509, 11 04
(2000) Rosario
Teléfono 03476-427126

SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1851-9504&lng=es&nrm=iso