
ISSN 1851-3034
online version
ISSN 0326-4610
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


The Revista Argentina de Endocrinología y Metabolismo publishes original work from Argentina and abroad (clinical, biochemical or experimental work in endocrinology and metabolism), including rapid communications. The journal also publishes work in Case Studies and Communications of Clinical Cases. Also included are reviews, letters to the editor, articles by Argentinian endocrinologists published in foreign journals, reports by RAEM departments and analyses of new journals and book reviews.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


A-Original Work: should meet the following conditions:

  • Should be written in Spanish or English, in electronic format (size A4, Arial 11, on sequentially numbered pages, with a margin of 3 centimetres and double-spaced), a file via e-mail or a file on a CD.
  • On the first page of the manuscript put the title, which should be accurate and reflect the main content of the article; on the same page the authors should identify themselves with their surnames followed by their initials. Identify the place of work, or the authors’ places of work if the work was done as a collaboration. At the foot of the page indicate the address, telephone number, e-mail and fax of the author to whom correspondence regarding the work should be sent.
  • On the subsequent pages maintain the following order: a) Abbreviated title in Spanish or English (depending on the language the work is published in), for the heading of the inner pages, of no more than 30 characters and up to five keywords in Spanish and five in English; b) Abstract in Spanish and English; c) Introduction; d) Material and Methods; e) Results; f) Discussion and g) Bibliography.
  • Tables: should be presented on separate pages, numbered sequentially with Roman numerals, be comprehensible by themselves and have a text that clearly explains their content.
  • Images: these may be figures, graphs, drawings, photographs provided in black and white, using Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint or other graphic illustration software, on white paper. Electronic files should be in JPEG or GIF format, permitting high-quality images. Letters, numbers and symbols should be clear and uniform; they should be large enough to be legible after any necessary reduction for publishing. Titles and detailed explanations should be included in the footnotes or legends, not above the illustrations themselves. If photographs of persons are used, the person should not be identifiable. All images should be numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals, with a sufficiently explanatory legend on a separate page. Images may be printed in colour, at an additional cost to be paid by the author.
  • The abstract should be clear and concise, with full title, authors and place of work, but without bibliography, tables or figures. It should contain only data demonstrated in the work. The Spanish version should be no longer than 300 words, while the English version (for work in Spanish) may be up to 700 words.
  • Bibliography: Bibliographical citations should be made in the text with numbers and should be ordered sequentially at the end of the work by order of appearance. For journal abbreviations, use the recommendations of the “World List of Scientific Periodicals”, with the following order: a) sequential number, b) full surname and initials of all authors, c) title of work, d) abbreviations of the name of the journal, e) number, first and last page, year. For books: a) author, b) title, c) publisher, d) publication place, e) first and last page, f) year. For a chapter of a book: a) author of chapter, b) title of chapters, c) title of book, d) authors of book, e) publisher, f) publication place, g) first page of chapter, h) year.

   1) Houssay BA, Rietti CT, Ashkar E, Del Castillo EJ, Galli ME, Roldán A, Urgoiti EJ. Fatty metabolism and ketogenesis after liver denervation or bilateral thoracolumbar sympathectomy in pancreatectomized dogs. Diabetes 16:259-63, 1967
   2) Leloir LF. Cycles in polysaccharide biosynthesis. Curr Top Cell Regul. 18:211-20, 1981
   3) Yen SSC, Jaffe RB. Reproductive Endocrinology (Third Edition). W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, USA, 1991
   4) Catt KJ, Dufau ML. Gonadotropic hormones: biosynthesis, secretion, receptors and actions. En: Reproductive Endocrinology (Third Edition). Yen SSC, Jaffe RB. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, USA, pag. 105, 1991
B – Rapid communications: new information of sufficient significance to endocrinologists which requires rapid publication. These should not exceed four A4, double-spaced pages, including text, figures, tables and bibliography. They should include a title, authors, place of work, abstract in English and Spanish, up to five keywords in Spanish and five in English, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion and bibliography.
C – Case studies. The same conditions as for original work apply. Work will be considered as a case study if it draws conclusions on the results of a clinical, laboratory or therapy study, as long as it contributes some new aspect on the issue. 
D – Communication of Clinical Cases. The same conditions as for original work, plus the following: should not exceed four A4, double-spaced pages. Should include a title, abstract in Spanish and English, up to five keywords in Spanish and five in English, introduction (focus the interest on the description of a new physiopathology either from increasing international case studies due to the infrequency of the pathology of the case or from contributing new therapeutic behaviours or new diagnostic modalities), medical record, description of patient, diagnostic methods, and in those cases where the characteristics of the case require it, describe the therapeutic methods and evolution. Include a final commentary.
E – Reviews. These will be requested by the Editor. Maintain the following order: a) title, b) author(s), c) place of work, d) abstract in Spanish and English, up to five keywords in Spanish and five in English, e) introduction, f) conclusion and g) bibliography.
F – Letters to the Editor. Should not exceed one A4 double-spaced page, including text and bibliography. Letters should comment on work published by other authors in the RAEM. The Director of the RAEM will send the letter to the main author of the work in question so that the author has the opportunity to reply to the letter within 20 days. The reply should follow the general guidelines specified in this item. Both the Letter to the Editor and its reply, if the author of the work chooses to reply, will be published in the same issue of the RAEM, without being submitted to refereeing by the RAEM Committee. Letters to the Editor may also comment on specialist scientific issues, preferably related to articles that have appeared in the RAEM. In these cases the editor reserves the right to publish those considered of relevance.
G – Publications by Argentinian endocrinologists in foreign journals. All authors who wish to may present work published in the last two years, either in full or in part, as they choose, to be reproduced in our journal. The author should include authorization from the editor of the journal in which the article was originally published.
H – Analysis of new journals and comments on books. Should not exceed two A4 double-spaced pages. Should not include figures, tables or bibliography.
I – Reports from departments. All reports that the Editorial Committee considers appropriately presented will be published. Should include an exhaustive discussion.
J – “Prof. Dr. Abraham Guitelman” Historic Sketches. No more than two A4 double-spaced pages. These sketches should provide an enriching, additional space to the cultural heritage, adding a distinct, human and spiritual note to a scientific publication.
K – Monographs –specialization courses in endocrinology-. All those authors who wish to may present monographs written in the last two years to be reproduced in our journal. Monographs should be those required on the curriculum of different endocrinology specialization degree courses (medical or biochemical). The manuscript will be evaluated by two referees as with any material published in the RAEM. The author should include authorization from the authorities responsible for the course in question.
Conditions are generally the same as for original work, but should not exceed 12 A4 double-spaced pages. Maintain the usual order: a) title, b) author(s), c) place of work, d) abstract in Spanish and English, up to five keywords in Spanish and five in English, e) introduction, f) conclusion and g) bibliography.
L – General considerations:
a) Conflict of interests: at the end of the text, under the subheading Declaration of conflict of interests, authors of original articles, reviews or any type of article should declare any relationship with organizations with financial interests, whether direct or indirect, in the issues discussed in the manuscript. If you have any doubts about what might be considered a potential conflict of interests, please contact the Editorial Committee. If there is no conflict of interests, authors should declare this in writing. Information about potential conflicts of interests should be available to referees and will be published with the manuscript if the Editorial Committee deems it necessary. Financial assistance should be mentioned in Acknowledgements. Clarify that there are no financial or personal conflicts that might have inappropriately influenced the work.
b) Researchers’ ethical guidelines: For experimental work where human groups have been used, indicate whether you have taken into consideration ethical criteria approved by the relevant committee of the hospital or centre where the study was done. All procedures carried out in humans must follow the human experimentation ethical guidelines set out in the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki and the 2000 revision (http://www.wma.net/e/policy/pdf/17c.pdf).
Mention the informed consent of the participants in the study. Under no circumstances should the persons who participated in the study be identified. Mention pharmaceuticals and chemical products used, including generic names, dose and route of administration.
In the case of animal use, the authors should indicate whether they have taken into consideration NIH recommendations for laboratory animals http://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/olaw.htm).
c) Acknowledgements: Put at the end of the text: 1) contributions which need to be acknowledged but which do not justify authorship, 2) acknowledgement of financial and material support (specify the nature of the support). Persons who have contributed intellectually to the material but whose participation does not justify authorship may be named and their role and contribution described.
d) Requesting offprints. Authors who wish to receive a copy of their work should request it when returning the page proof. The cost should be paid by the author.
e) Abbreviations and symbols. Authors are advised to avoid common abuses in the use of abbreviations and in all cases explain their meaning in the text or at the end of tables. Symbols, abbreviations of measurements, etc. should be expressed according to the Commission on Symbols, Units and Nomenclatures of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics.
f) Under no circumstances will manuscripts be accepted that have been published, are at press or have been simultaneously sent to more than one journal.
g) The material published in this journal may not be reproduced in full or part without the prior authorization of the Editorial Committee.
h) The journal accepts no responsibility for the opinions expressed by the authors.

Office of secretary and administration:
Sociedad Argentina de Endocrinología y Metabolismo,
Av. Díaz Vélez 3889, (1200) Buenos Aires, Argentina - Telefax: 4983-9800 extension 3.
E-mail: raem@saem.org.ar and raem@raem.org.ar




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2014 Sociedad Argentina de Endocrinología y Metabolismo

Av. Díaz Vélez 3889
(C1200AAF) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
República Argentina

Tel.: (+54 11) 4983-9800 Int. 3
Fax: (+54 11) 4983-9800 Int. 5
