
ISSN 0080-2069
printed version 
ISSN 2314-369X
on-line version

Instructions to authors


Scope and editorial policy


The Revista Agronómica del Noroeste Argentino is a scientific journal addressed to the national and international agriculture sector. It is published twice a year by the Faculty of Agronomy and Zootechnics (FAZ), National University of Tucumán (UNT) and has national and international circulation. It is aimed at researchers, professionals and students of agricultural sciences, animal husbandry and veterinary, as well as to extension workers and those who work for the benefit of rural productivity. The journal aims to disseminate articles derived from research and experimentation in the different areas of agricultural and veterinary sciences. It publishes scientific articles (unpublished), review articles (by invitation), short communications, academic notes and articles linked to vocational training of relevant scientific aspects, framed on high standards of scientific rigor and editorial quality. It also publishes abstracts of scientific meetings as a supplement to the journal. The opinions, findings and statements published in the Revista Agronómica del Noroeste Argentino reflect only the views of their authors and not the policies of the Faculty of Agronomy and Zootechnics and the views of the Director and the Editorial Board.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


All submitted articles are reviewed and analyzed by two external reviewers, selected by the Director and the Editorial Board of the journal. The evaluation process is conducted in the form of “double blind” in order to keep anonymous the identities of the authors and reviewers. If the articles are accepted for publication, authors should correct according to the observations of the referees in the period of time allotted for it. The cost of publication is free of charge to authors. The work is not published if two evaluators consider that does not have the scientific level and quality required.

The presentation of the articles shall conform to the standards set by the Editorial in the “Instructions to Authors” which can be found on the journal or the following URL: http://www.faz.unt.edu.ar. The materials of text, tables and figures should be submitted electronically to the Director.

Articles that do not meet publication standards will be returned before being considered for evaluation. Papers submitted must be unpublished, therefore, the authors may not submit papers that have been published or submitted simultaneously for publishing in other journals or technical and scientific publications in any language (except when part of a degree thesis, final degree, graduate thesis or a conference abstract). The Director and the Editorial Board reserves the right to reject papers submitted for publication.

Submitting articles to the Journal of the Revista Agronómica del Noroeste Argentino involves: i) that its publication has been approved by all coauthors (when available) and complies with the regulations of the institution where the research was conducted; ii) where appropriate, that the results presented are from projects approved by the Biosafety Committees and /or Bioethics of the participating institutions, and iii) that the authors publishing rights will be transferred to the Revista Agronómica del Noroeste Argentino of the FAZ-UNT in printed and online versions.

Publication Types


The Revista Agronómica del Noroeste Argentino accepts articles of the following types:

    • Scientific article: is a work which seeks to communicate research results in a clear, concise and accurate manner. It consists of five main parts: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and References. The work should not exceed 9,000 words.


  • Short communications: consists of the same features that a scientific article, but presented in a less extensive and no subdivision of the content. It applies in the case of partial results, but relevant to an investigation. The work should not exceed 2,500 words.

  • Review article: papers arising from invitation of the Editorial Committee which presents a broad overview of a specific area of science from an analytical and critical perspective of the author, based on original sources. It is characterized by current bibliographic support, not less than 90 references.


  • Academic note: contains relevant information about different academic activities of the FAZ and UNT.

In the Revista Agronómica del Noroeste Argentino may also be published abstracts of scientific meetings, by agreement between the organizing committee of the event and the Director of the journal.

Instructions for authors



The journal’s official languages are Spanish, English and Portuguese. In general, the writing must meet the grammatical rules of the language it is written. The text should be submitted using the word processor Word, preferably version 2007 or later, in A4 size pages numbered consecutively, with mar- gins of 2.5 cm on each side, with spacing of 1.5 cm, font Times New Roman size 12. Text lines will also be numbered consecutively.

Scientific names should be cited in full at its first mention, then it can be used only the initial of the specific epithet genus without adding the classifier. When using the common name given organism, it must be accompanied by the scientific name at their first appearance. All Latin phrases must be in italics (eg, et al., in vitro).

The author mentions in the text will be as follows:

(Sánchez, 1999) in the case of a single author. (López and Araya, 2008) in the case of two authors.
(Iglesias et al., 2010) in the case of three or more authors.

When citations are more than one in the same paragraph, they will be arranged chronologically, from oldest to newest. In the case of other works by the same author in the same year, these should be identified by the sequential addition of a letter: (Sánchez, 1998a,b).

All text transcripts will be quoted, citing the author.

In the case of a personal communication, it must be cited in the text, indicating name and year.


They should be in black and white, carry consecutive Arabic numerals (Table 1, etc.) and be cited in the text. Each table must have a title, which will be self-explanatory of the content and not just suggest the interpretation of the data. The tables will be incorporated into the text file at the end of References.


Figures (graphs, drawings, diagrams, flow charts, etc.) also carry consecutive Arabic numerals (Fig. 1, etc.) and must be in black and white. Exceptionally, and if it is strictly necessary, figures in color will be included in the printed version. In the online version the figures may be published in color. Figures such as photographs and maps, whether original or scanned, must be submitted in digital format JPG or TIFF compression (preferably), with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Figures also will have a title and must be sent as individual files, labeled as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. The headings should be included in the text file at the end of References.

Arrangement of the work


A Scientific article will include: Title, Author/s, Abstract, Keywords, Resumen, Palabras clave, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements and References. Alternatively, they can be written in a single section Results and Discussion, or Discussion and conclusions.


A Short communication will include: Title, Author/s, Abstract, Keywords, Resumen, Palabras clave, Acknowledgements and References. Concerning Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions, will be written without subdivision of sections, following Palabras clave and before Acknowledgements or References.

A Review article shall include: Title, Author/s, Abstract, Keywords, Resumen, Palabras clave, Acknowledgements and References.

Title: will be written in “bold”, only the first letter capitalized, the rest in lowercase. When the work is written in Spanish or Portuguese will also include the title in English, in case of writing in English will include the title in Spanish.

Authors: the names will be listed by their initials, followed by the surname. If more than one author, semicolon is used to separate between them. In separate line, include the full name of the institution to which he belongs and full postal address. If the work includes authors with different workplaces, numerical superscripts will be placed (not enclosed in parentheses) next to the names, in order to identify each author with their respective workplace. The author responsible for correspondence and shipping of the article will be indicated with an asterisk in superscript position located next to the name. In those cases where one of the authors has changed filiations’, the current workplace will be indicated as footnote.

Short title of the work: it will be up to 50 characters, to be used as a running head.

Abstract: should briefly describe the work performed, including its purpose, the methodology, results and conclusions. It should not contain abbreviations or acronyms neither exceed 250 words.

When the language used is Spanish or Portuguese the article will include abstract and key words in English. If the work is written in English, should include the abstract and key words in Spanish.

Introduction: should contain an updated review and justification of the research topic, in addition
to the objectives of the same.

Materials and methods: should be described in a clear, brief and orderly manner the materials, protocols and equipment used in the work. Also include experimental design, statistical treatment of the data and the software used to process the information.

Results: must be presented in a logical and sequential manner as text, tables and figures, as appropriate; the tables and figures should always be cited in the text. Do not include statistical data without processing or interpretations or conclusions. Indicate the level of significance. The statistical results should be presented in the following format: (T = 3.96, df = 30, P value = 0.001). Mean values should be reported along with precision measurements and/or estimates at intervals, eg, L = 15.5 cm (15.0 cm 16.0 cm). The statistical procedures used must be indicated in all cases. The graphics of means must be accompanied by error bars. In adjusted models of data honesty of fit measures must be provided (such as R-square, Akaike information criterion, etc.).

Discussion: this section should discuss the results, explaining the principles, relationships and generalizations shown by their results, in contrast to the current literature on the research topic. It may indicate the theoretical implications of the work and any possible practical application.

Conclusions: this section lists the most significant and conclusive achievements of the investigation, which constitute a contribution to the advancement of knowledge of the area investigated, as well as projections of future research, as appropriate.


Acknowledgements: this section is grateful for the contributions involved in conducting the research: funding sources, specialists, public or private entities, field workers, laboratory technicians, reviewers of article, etc.


Complete bibliographic references should be ordered alphabetically, and written as shown below:


•   Book: author(s), year. Title of book. Edition, Publisher, City, Country.
    Bolton G.R. (1999). Handbook of Canine Electrocardiography. 2nd ed., Saunders, Philadelphia, USA.

•   Book chapter: author(s), year. Title of chapter. In: book title, edition. Surnames and names of the compilers or editors (Eds.). Publisher, City, Country. pages of chapter (Pp.).
Hoagland D.R. (1975). Mineral nutrition. In: Laboratory experiments in plant physiology. De Kaufman P.B., Labavitch J., Anderson-Prouty A., Ghosheh N.S. (Eds.). Macmillan, New York, USA. Pp. 129-134.

•   Journal: author(s), year. Title of article. Name of journal, volume (number, if applicable): pages of the article (joined by hyphen).
Mena A.J., De García E.P., González M.A. (1974). Presencia de la antracnosis de la frutilla en la República Argentina. Revista Agronómica del Noroeste Argentino 11: 307-312.

Bolda M., Goodhue R.E., Zalom F.G. (2010). Spotted wing drosophila: potential economic impact of a newly established pest. Agricultural and Resource Economics Update 13 (3): 5-8.

•   Thesis: author, year. Title of thesis. Type of thesis, University, City, Country. In: website, date accessed.
     Couso Ferrer F. (2012). Bases moleculares de la resistencia a insecticidas en la mosca mediterránea de la fruta Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). PhD thesis, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, España. In: http://oa.upm.es/14658/1/FRANCISCO_COUSO_FERRER.pdf, accessed March 2016.

•   Quotes of conference presentations: author(s), year. Work title. Name of the congress. Date, City, Country. Work identification: page number (s) or panel in the book of abstracts.
Guerrero-Molina M.F., Tortora M.L., Winik B.C., Teixeira K.R.S. (2010). Root colonization of strawberry plants (Fragaria ananassa) by Azospirillum brasilense. International Microscopy Congress. 19-24 September, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Pp. 90-92.

•   Internet citation: author(s), year. Title of article. In: Electronic publication name (if applicable), website, date accessed.
Mahmoud Y. (1996). Siembra de olivos en el desierto palestino. In: Agricultura Tropical, http://agrotropical.edunet.es, accessed: November 2005.

•   Software: author(s), year. Software name, version. In: website or company name.
R Core Team (2015). R: A language and environment for statistical computing, version 3.2.1. In: https://www.r-project.org.
Raudenbush S., Bryk A., Congdon R. (2005). HLM: Hierarchical linear and nonlinear modeling, version 6. Scientific Software International.

•   Software packages: author(s), year. Package title, Software name. In: website or company name.
Harmon L.J., Weir J., Brock C., Glor R., Challenger W., Hunt G. (2009). Geiger: analysis of evolutionary diversification, R package. In: http://cran.r-project.org/package=geiger.

As an alternative for managing bibliographic references it is suggested using Zotero program (www.zotero.org), of open access, which allows users to collect, organize and cite research works.



Sending manuscripts


Full papers (text files, tables and figures) should be directed to the Director of the Revista Agronómica del Noroeste Argentino in electronic form to the address ranar@faz.unt.edu.ar, accompanied by a written according to the following model:

To the Director of the Revista Agronómica del Noroeste Argentino:

I am sending the manuscript entitled “..............” intended for publication in the Revista Agronómica del Noroeste Argentino. As the responsible author I state that the rest of the authors have agreed to be represented by me in this journal and are responsible with me for its content. I further declare that the authorities of the institution where I work approve sending this paper for possible publication in this journal and the others that have been endorsed by the authorities in their respective institutions. The experimental part of this work was done under the rules established by the Biosafety Committees and/ or Bioethics of the participating institutions. I also declare there is no conflict of interest between the authors.

Finally, I declare that this article has not been published previously and is not being considered at this time to another journal for publication, have been followed and complied with the guidelines for the preparation of the manuscript and give my consent for granting the copyright to the journal in their print and online versions, in case of being accepted for publishing.

Units of Measure


The Revista Agronómica del Noroeste Argentino uses the International System of Units, based on the metric system. However, due to the methodological particularities of agricultural and livestock sciences will be accepted other specific units of measurement.



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Av. Kirchner 1900
(4000) - San Miguel de Tucumán
República Argentina
Tel. (54 381) 436-4147


SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=2314-369X&lng=es&nrm=iso