
ISSN 2314-2766
online version
ISSN 1515-3371
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


The journal Relaciones Internacionales is a bi-annual publication of the International Relations Institute belonging to the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, which publishes academic papers subject to a double-blind external peer review process to ensure the highest standards of excellence. The Editorial Office receives the papers to be considered for publication and makes sure that format, content and ethical parameters match the journal’s requirements. The manuscript is then sent to two specialists who review both content and writing. The report made by the reviewers may lead to the publication of the paper without any necessary changes, to its publication on condition that some alterations be made, or to no publication at all.
Papers may deal with a wide range of topic areas: politics, law and international economy, and they are assessed based on their originality, on the contribution that they make to the field of International Relations, and on their theoretical and empirical foundations. Contributions made from fields and perspectives other than International Relations are taken into consideration, as we believe that the transformation process which the world is currently undergoing requires a creative, transdisciplinary view. Thoughts deemed relevant by the Editorial Board and Readings of books related to the topics abovementioned are also published.
Authors are solely responsible for the opinions and points of view expressed in the Studies and Thoughts, as well as in the Readings, which in turn do not affect or involve any institution whatsoever. Neither can they be reproduced without authorization.



Submission guidelines

  1. The works submitted to review must be original. No papers are accepted which have been either partly or fully published in any way. Authors agree not to submit the manuscript simultaneously for review to other publications.
  2. The original works must relate to the topic areas included in the journal.
  3. Only papers in Word format are accepted.
  4. Papers may be written in Spanish, English, French or Portuguese.
  5. Manuscripts are submitted through the Open Journal System at the following address: http://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/RRII-IRI/index. The editorial office of the journal will acknowledge receipt within fifteen business days.
  6. Submission may neither be under 10 pages nor over 25 pages long, following these guidelines: one and half spacing between lines; Times New Roman font, size 12; A4 paper size; consecutive numbering on all pages, including the bibliography; 1.5 right margin, 2.5 left margin, 2.5 top margin and 2.0 lower margin. The number of pages must include an abstract both in English and in Spanish (of up to 120 words each), between 4 and 7 key words in both languages, notes (only when necessary), charts and/or graphs, and bibliography.
  7. The title of the contribution must be written in bold, in the language in which the paper is written as well as in English (if this is not the language used for the manuscript).
  8. Citations must be included in the text following this format: (Author/s, year: page). Should there be several references to the same author/s for the same year, distinctions will be made as follows: First text: (Author/s, year a: pages); Second text: (Author/s, year b: pages); Third text: (Author/s, year c: pages). Citations from the Internet must mention the author (should there be one), year: page; full webpage and access date.
  9. Bibliography for the bibliographical references must appear at the end of the text in the following format:

-   Books: Author/s (year of publication), Title, place: publishing house.
- Chapters of collective works: Author/s (year of publication), "Title", in, compiler/s or editor/s, Title of collective work, place: publishing house, chapter pages (e.g.: pp. 15-33).
- Journal articles: Author/s (year), "Title", name of journal, place, volume or issue, number, article pages (e.g.: pp. 8-36). Volume will be abbreviated as: v.; issue: i.; number: nº; page/s: p./pp. Whenever authorless newspaper information is referred to, the following must be used: Newspaper, abbreviated date, City, Country. When referring to an institutional author, please write: Full name of Institution in capital letters (acronym), (year), “Title”.

  1. Quotations within the body of the work which are longer than five lines (from books, journals, newspapers, documents, informant’s reports, interviews and so on) will be written in Times New Roman size 10, in paragraph with a 1-cm indentation.
  2. The following information must be included in a separate file: Author’s name and brief CV (up to 5 lines), as well as email address.
  3. Pictures, maps, diagrams, charts and tables will be both included in the manuscript, with the appropriate references, and sent in a separate file. They must be either in black and white or in shades of grey. No images or maps of under 150 dpi resolution will be accepted. Charts and tables must be sent in Excel format.

Readings from books and special issues of journals must follow the same guidelines as all other manuscripts.




Sending of manuscripts


Sending manuscripts:
Texts must be sent to the journal through the Open Journal System of the UNLP’s Journal site, at the following address http://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/RRII-IRI/index.

Ethics and good practices:
The journal Relaciones Internacionales follows the standards of ethics and good practices of academic publications. As a result, the journal guarantees anonymity and confidentiality throughout the peer review process (on both sides) and impartial treatment of the works sent for evaluation, exclusively assessing the content in terms of quality and interest for the scientific community, independently from any other interest and without any form of discrimination whatsoever. 
The Journal guarantees that all submissions are subject to “double blind” review by two specialists, and should there be any discrepancy between them, a third opinion is requested to break the tie. The Editorial Board will accept, request changes in or reject a manuscript based on the reviewers’ comments and considerations. The Board is also entitled to reject any work that may not fit the Journal’s topic areas or whenever plagiarism, excessive repetition of content or publication duplication is found. The Board may reject manuscripts which fail to follow publication guidelines as well.
Submitting new, original work of their own authorship, which has neither been partially nor fully published in any format whatsoever and which follows the ethical standards of academic publications, is the authors’ sole responsibility. Improved and extended versions of works presented in academic events will be accepted as long as the author provides source and details. Moreover, authors agree not to submit the paper for review simultaneously to be published elsewhere. Authors must also make explicit reference in their manuscript to all financing sources used for the research, should there be any.



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Revista Relaciones Internacionales

Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales
Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Calle 48, Nº 582, piso 5º (1900).

Postal Code:1900
La Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires


SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0000-0000&lng=es&nrm=iso