
ISSN 1669-6840
online version
ISSN 1668-4834
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


The following is a summary of Revista Veterinaria publishing guidelines. The complete version is available at http://www.vet.unne.edu.ar

1. Original contributions on all aspects of Veterinary Science in Spanish, English and Portuguese are accepted. Works previously presented in scientific meetings are also welcome.


Form and preparation of manuscripts


2. Papers should be typed on one side of A4 sheet (210 x 297 mm), sequentially numbered on the upper right side, using Times New Roman 12 p font, justified, one column, double-line spacing and 3 cm margins.
3. One original and two printed copies (the latter without names and affiliation of the authors) should be sent together with an electronic version on a CD. Authors are encouraged to review a recent issue of Revista Veterinaria in order to adequate the paper to the format of the journal. Authors from other countries may send the manuscript by e-mail.    
4. RESEARCH ARTICLES: total length of the article should not exceed 15 pages. Manuscripts should be divided as follows: title, authors, institution (including postal address), abstract, key words, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion (or results and discussion together), acknowledgments, abstract in a different language (including title) and references.
5. Title must be concise but informative enough of the contents of the article, without exceeding 120 characters - including spaces. It should be written centered, in lowercase bold letters without abbreviations or underlying. Project, institution, financial support and information regarding previous presentation to scientific events should be indicated in a foot note.  
6. Author last names should be written centered, in lowercase except for the first letter and followed by the initials (separated by stops), each author separated one from another by a semicolon. The maximum number of authors is five (5). In the next line, the name of the institution, including address, phone/fax and E-mail should be indicated. If necessary, numbers in superscripts can be used to indicate co-authors´ institutions.

7. Articles in Spanish and English must include abstracts in both languages (Resumen and Abstract), those in Portuguese must include abstracts in Spanish and Portuguese (Resumo). They must be written in a continuous fashion without full stops. Each abstract must be headed by author names and title of the work (in both languages). In all of the cases, they should not exceed 300 words and must have a brief description of the objectives, methodology, results and conclusions, with statistical significance - if appropriate. In the next line, a maximum of six key words separated by commas (palabras clave, palavras chave), or groups of words will be included for indexation. Words that are part of the title may be repeated among the key words.

8. The introduction must be brief, including the background and relevance of the investigation, with the description of the objectives of the article in the last paragraph. Each paragraph must start with indentation. Italics should be used for highlighting a word or a paragraph. References must be indicated using superscripts, without parenthesis. Superscripts must be arranged in ascending order and separated by commas (1, 3, 5, 7) except for correlative references for which a hyphen must be used (1-3, 5-7).
9. Material and Methods should describe subjects and objects of study as well as the procedures performed. Methodologies may be described indicating references. It is important to specify the experimental design and statistical analysis with the correspondent significance level.
10. Results must be concise, clear and in sequential fashion together with tables and figures. Data in tables and figures must not be repeated in the manuscript. Decimals will be separated using commas (for Spanish or Portuguese) or a stop (English). A “Results and Discussion” joint submission is possible.
11. Tables and figures (separated among them, not in “blocks”), compatible with the format of the box of the Journal should be correlative numbered with Arabic numbers in upper and lower legends inserted in the place according to authors´ desire. The same font of the manuscript will be used without shadow or frame, in black and white. All the legends must be cited in the text and must be explicative enough of the contents. Tables will be prepared without vertical or horizontal inner lines, with emphasis on the significant differences and avoiding the excess of data. Figures will include graphics, drawings or maps (electronically made) as well as good contrast images (in jpg format) that must be printed in black and white (images in color will have an extra charge). On the on line version of the Journal images are in full color.

12. The Discussion should describe the interpretation research findings, without repeating data under Results. The last paragraph must contain the conclusion, where significant contributions of the research should be emphasized in agreement with the original objectives of the investigation.

13. Acknowledgments should mention the people or institutions that collaborated with the research (financial, technical or other support).

14. References must be listed alphabetically according to author names and using Arabic numbers, and will not exceed 30 cites. References from a same author must be numbered chronologically, beginning with the oldest. All of the references in the body of the work must be cited in References. Self-citations should be avoided. Periodic publications will be cited abbreviated according to the Index Medicus. Examples of how to cite journals, digests, books, thesis, scientific communications, newspapers and electronic publications:

1. Braun HI, Davis JC, Murphy RB. 2003. Effects of intense exercise training on equine growth. J Physiol Biochem 25: 110-117.

2. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). 1992. Informe Anual de Planes de Trabajo. Boletín Documentos Institucionales (Buenos Aires), Nº 55, p. 4.

3. Bolton GR. 1999. Handbook of Canine Electrocardiography, 2nd ed., Saunders, Philadelphia, p.129-133.

4. King ME. 1990. Determinación de colinesterasa. En: Química Clínica (Pesce AJ Ed), 3º ed., Panamericana, Buenos Aires, p.722-725.

Master and Doctoral Thesis:

5. Gutiérrez JE. 2003. Acciones de la leptina sobre la absorción de galactosa en el intestino del ternero. Tesis Doctoral (o PhD o MSci), Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Corrientes, Argentina, p.80-91.

6. Gómez HF, Candia RJ. 2002. Efectos del ácido metacresol sulfónico en las úlceras granulomatosas del caballo. Anales (o Memorias o Proceedings) de la XXIII Sesión de Comunicaciones Científicas, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias UNNE, Corrientes, Argentina, p.72-73.

7. Di Matteo L. 2001. Qué es el burn-out y cómo evitarlo. Diario Clarín 4-3-01, p. 20.

8. McCarthy S. 2003. Extracellular pH affects inflammatory cell production of nitric oxide in cattle. Livestock Research 25: 2, http://www.cipav.org.co/lrrd.

15. SHORT COMMUNICATIONS are brief reports that need prompt publication, or short investigations, progress reports, description of new techniques and casuistic data. The organization of Short Communications will have the same structure as that of Research Articles although the titles of the different sections may be avoided - except for the abstracts in both languages, as well as references. They may include one table and one figure - with exceptions for special cases, and they will not exceed 4 pages or have more than 10 references.

16. LITERATURE REVIEWS are compilations entrusted to a guest author who has expertise on a particular topic, consisting of different opinions of a determined issue with an exhaustive analysis of the up-to-date knowledge and the elaboration of own conclusions from a critic discussion. They must include abstracts in both languages and must be divided in four sections: objectives, subtitles, conclusions and references (a maximum of 100 references). They may include up to 5 tables and 5 figures (of their own or with authorization for reproduction) without exceeding a total of 30 pages.

17. After a first evaluation by the Editorial Board, manuscripts may be rejected or submitted to the peer-review process, in which scientific value, respect of ethics, coherence of objectives, methodology and results, quality and quantity of tables and figures, and pertinence of conclusions will be considered. Manuscripts will finally be accepted for publication, rejected or sent back for corrections.

18. Following peer review and once a manuscript has been accepted a publication fee must be submitted. Local authors will be able to correct final proofs while external authors will make corrections on-line. It is recommended to submit the original files from tables and figures (XLS, JPEG, GIF) separately. On the Journal website (www.vet.unne.edu.ar) authors will find the requirements of the Code of Ethics (Res. 141 CD 2013).

19. Manuscripts will be sent to the Editor-in-Chief, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias UNNE, Sargento Cabral 2139, Corrientes, Argentina (E-mail: revista@vet.unne.edu.ar). A signed transfer of copyright agreement of all the authors as well as a verification list must also be sent. Both forms are available from the Journal website.


Sending of manuscripts


Manuscripts should be labeled with the name of the first author and submitted together with a cover letter addressed to the Editor-in-chief according to the model provided (Download sample cover letter) to the following e-mail address: jcoppo@vet.unne.edu.ar
mailto:ciroland@fca.unl.edu.arIf any problem, please contact us at our postal address:

Administración de la Revista Veterinaria


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©  2015  Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias

Campus Sargento Cabral. Sargento Cabral 2139. 3400 Corrientes, Argentina

Teléfono +54 (3794) 425753. Fax +54(3794) 425753 interno 113

SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1669-6840&lng=es&nrm=iso