
online version

Instructions to authors


Scope and Policy


The journal is biannually issued, the numbers appear in June and December. It is printed and also published in electronic formats. Its e-edition is open access.
Scientific and technological contents within the Articles and Special Topics sections will undergo a double-blind refereeing, in order to be admitted they require approval of at least two referees external to the National University of Rosario (UNR) Editorial Committee.
The journal does not undertake to meet any paper refereeing and publication deadlines. The Editorial Director reserves the right to include the articles admitted for publication in whichever issue he deems most suitable; keep from refereeing, at his sole discretion, the papers which do not comply with set up regulations, and make modifications of form to the original text admitted.
No modifications or additions to papers already submitted should be allowed, except when suggested by the referees, in which case the authors will have 30 calendar days to send a new version.
Authors are responsible for the scientific content and viewpoints expressed, which may not necessarily agree with those of the editorial team.
SaberEs journal is committed to open access policies for scientific information, as it considers that scientific publications, as well as research financed through public funds must be on the Internet freely, without restrictions and gratuitously. SaberEs does not charge taxes for sending papers or fees for publishing articles. It does not restrict downloads and/or dissemination.
SaberEs confirms the open access model, in which the contents of scientific publications are available on the Internet in full, free of charge texts, without temporary embargos, and whose editorial production costs are not transferred to the authors. This policy is intended to remove economic barriers causing inequities not only for accessing information, but also for publishing research results.
SaberEs journal is free of charge from the moment each of its numbers is published, and its contents are distributed by the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Version 4.0 International. This enables the users to make a commercial use of the work and its possible derived works, whose distribution must be done with the same license regulating the original work. Such criteria comply with the definition of open access given by the Budapest Declaration favoring open access.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Only unpublished papers written in Spanish will be admitted for publication, which, in the case of those sent for the Articles and Special Topics sections, should be the result of original research. When an article is sent for publication, it is assumed that the author commits not to submit it simultaneously to other publications for consideration.
Two abstracts of 200 words each at most, one written in Spanish and one in English, should be submitted. Three keywords or descriptors –not contained in the article heading– should be included for each language at the end of the abstracts. The entire length of the papers (including bibliographical references and appendixes, if any) should not exceed 20 A4 size pages, with 3 cm (1.18 in) margins, no indentation, 1.5 line spacing and Arial font, 11pt. Bibliographical notes, short notes, etc. should not exceed four pages.
Papers chosen for publication will be submitted in .doc format through the journal's e-edition online mailing system: http://saberes.fcecon.unr.edu.ar.
Once the authors are informed via email that the article will be submitted to evaluation, they should send the Assignment of Rights and Statement of Originality as indicated below, via email as well, along with a hard copy of the paper signed by all authors on each page, and the aforementioned authorization, to the Dean's Secretary Office, at 1261 Oroño Blvd., 1st floor,.
A cover sheet with the following details about the authors should precede the hard copy: name, home / institutional address, telephone number, fax and email address. They should state their place within the institution and a contact email address, for publication.
Graphics and illustrations should be inserted within the text where deemed appropriate, as well as sent in a separate TIFF file of at least 600 dpi. During the online mailing process, those should be uploaded as supplemental files. A black and white or grayscale version should be sent in every case. A color version can optionally be sent. Equations, mathematical or logical expressions and the like will be typed into the text or inserted through the equation editor in Arial font, 11 pt.





Headings should be neither unnecessarily long nor followed by epigraphs. Up to three levels of headings are allowed, all in bold. The main heading will be capitalized, centered and should contain up to 25 words and be submitted both in Spanish and in English. The two following levels will be written in lower and upper cases, and they should be numbered starting from the Introduction and using Arabic numerals separated by periods. They will be placed on the left margin and, in the case of level 3 headings, the text should follow them continuing in the same line.



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SaberEs Dirección postal: Boulevard Oroño 1261 - S2000DSM Rosario - República Argentina

Tel. +54 (341) 4802791 al 99 #121 - Fax +54 (341) 4802795

Correo-e: saberes@fcecon.unr.edu.ar - URL: http://www.saberes.fcecon.unr.edu.ar

SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1852-4222&lng=en&nrm=iso