
ISSN 1852-1606
online version
ISSN 1514-0113
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Sociohistórica addresses issues related with the analysis of socioeconomic and political problems, cultural studies and analysis of labor movement, from the standpoint of Argentinean and Latin American societies.  It also includes articles that reflect theoretical and methodological debates in the Social Sciences. The journal attempts to  insert itself in a field of studies defined by the convergence of  historiographical and sociological perspectives. The papers published in this journal are subject to internal assessment and external evaluation of anonymous referees.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Author Guidelines

  • Manuscript presentation

Sociohistórica. Cuadernos del CISH (ISSN 1852-1606) accepts unpublished contributions in Spanish, Portuguese and English. All the manuscripts should be prepared with a word processor like Word, Open Word or compatible. The page size should be A4 (29,7 x 21 cm, or 11,6 x 8,2 inches), vertically orientated, with upper, lower, left and right margins of 2,5 cm. The bold to be used is Arial, size 11, with 1,5 line. Pages should be numbered consecutively in the center of lower part.
The maximum number of pages for a manuscript varies according to the type of contribution, as follows:

  • Original research articles, and working papers: to 25 pages.
  • Brief research notes: 10 to 15 pages.
  • Reviews books: 2 to 5 pages.

All the text (including title, authorship, affiliation, etc.) should start in the left margin, not centered. Use only regular bold, avoiding uppercase in block, bold or Italic types, underlined text, etc., except for those forms allowed for emphasis (see item 6.k below).

2. Title page
a.    Title in the language of the text: it should be representative of the content, and if possible with no more than 10 words. If necessary, a subtitle with similar length may be added.
b.    Translated title: if the title mentioned in 2.a is in Spanish or Portuguese, a translation into English should be included. If it is in English, a translation into Spanish should be added.
c.     Complete name(s) and surname(s) of author(s).
d.    Affiliation of each author, indicating with a subscript the pertaining affiliation of each one.
e.    Name of the author to whom correspondence should be sent, as well as the postal and electronic address.

3. Anonymous title page
a. Title and subtitle in the language of text, as indicated in 2.a.
b. Translated title and subtitle, as indicated in 2.b.
The anonymous title page will be the only one sent to referees, therefore the authors’ name, affiliation and address should be omitted.

4. Abstract and keywords
a.    In a separate page, a 150 word abstract in the same language of the text should be included. For original research articles, brief research notes, and case study, the abstract must include the aims, methodology, results and conclusions, duly summarized. For essays and state of the art articles the main aspects treated in the text should be summarized.
b.    No more than five keywords in the language of the text must be included.

5. Translated abstract and keywords
a.    If the abstract mentioned in 4.a is in Spanish or Portuguese, a translation into English should be included. If it is in English, it should be translated into Spanish.
b.    If the keywords mentioned in 4.b are in Spanish or Portuguese, a translation into English should be included. If they are in English, they should be translated into Spanish.

6. Text
a.    Sections: The contributions will divide the text in sections according to the author convenience. The original research articles will include an introductory paragraph and one of conclusions.

b.    Tables: they will be consecutively numbered with Arabic numbers, referring all of them from the text (Table 1, Table 2, etc.). Each table will have its own title in the upper part. En each column, the proper column title will be indicated.

c.     Figures. All the illustrations (photographs, diagrams, graphs, drawings, etc.) will be designated with the term figure, and will be consecutively numbered with Arabic numbers. All of them will be referred from the text (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.).

d.    Acknowledgements: it is not mandatory. In any case, they will be included at the end of the text, before the references, and they should be brief. Authors are responsible for requesting the necessary permission to mention the names of persons or organizations that, in their opinion, deserve the acknowledgement.

e.    Abbreviations: they should be clarified the first time they are used in the text, e.g. United Nations Organization (UNO). Then, only the abbreviation will be used. It is recommended not to abuse of them.

f.     Units of measurement: only the units of metric system should be used. The units will be indicated with the symbols accepted by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (http://www.bipm.org/en/bipm/), e.g. cm, m, h, g, kg (centimeter, meter, hour, gram, kilogram). Notice that they are symbols, not abbreviations, thus they do not end in a dot.

g.    Numbers: a dot will be used for separating sets of three figures (2.284, 13.527). A comma will be used for decimal numbers (17,2 or 3.543,8). It is recommended to use only one decimal fraction (35,7 and not 37,68).

h.    Footnotes: it is recommended not to include longer texts in footnotes.

i.      Textual citations:  its recommended not to abuse of them. If the citation is longer than three lines, it should be written in a separate paragraph with a left and right indention of approximately 1,25 cm (½ inch), without quotes or italics.

j.     Bibliographic reference citation: in the text, each citation will be indicated within parenthesis with the surname of the author(s) or the acronym or name of an institutional author, followed by a comma and the year of publication, e.g. (Mannino, 2005), (IFLA, 2009).
If there are between two to five authors, their surnames will be separated by the conjunction & (González & Campanario, 2007; González, Pérez, Rodríguez & Salomoni, 2009).
For six or more authors, only the surname of the first author will be indicated, followed by et. al. (Golubic et al., 2008). When it is necessary to mention two or more references, they will be separated by a semicolon (Kaplan, 2008; Neuberger and Counsell, 2002; Buela Casal et al., 2006). When authors and years of publication are the same, they will be distinguished by a letter (Zeng & Summer, 2009a,b). If author surname is mentioned as part of the text, it will not be repeated within the parenthesis, e.g. “In accordance to Foskett (1996) …”.

k.    Emphasis: except for the cases mentioned in this item, emphasis will not be accepted (uppercase in block, bold or Italic types, underlined text, etc.). The only cases accepted are:

  • Section titles (Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, References, or others): bold type.
  • Item title: regular type (no emphasis).
  • Terms defined in text, neologisms, or terms in foreign languages: Italic type.

7. Bibliographic references
For references, the journal accepts the guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA). They have to be presented as an alphabetical list. If the first author is repeated, the references will be ordered by the second or the third author, and if it is necessary by the year.
For examples:
a.     One author:
- Alvite Díez, María Luisa. 2009.
- Ding, Ying. 1998a.
- Ding, Ying. 1998b.
- IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions). 2009.
- México. Secretaría de Educación. 2003.
b.     Two, Three, Four or  Five authors:
- Boockvar, K.S., & Burack, O.R . (2007).
- Boockvar, K. S., Carlson La Corte, H., Giambanco, V., Friedman, B., & Si u, A. (2006).
c.     More than six authors:
- Banwell, Linda et al. 2004.
d.     Reprint or translation: must be indicated at the end the data to identify the original edition in brackets, for example:
Reprint to Manual of child psychology. pp. 703-732, for  P. H. Mussen, (Ed). (1970), Nueva York, NY: Wiley; Trabajo original publicado en 1900.

e.     In press: an item already accepted for publication, but not published yet, will be indicated as “in press”.

  • Book:


Author, A. A. (year). Title (11th ed.). City: Publisher.
Ebook:  Author, A. A. (year). Title (11th ed.). City: Publisher. Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxxx.

If digital publications include the end consigning DOI "doi: ...". If not available URL record is available where consigning "Retrieved from ...".

For examples:

Balakian, A. (1969). El movimiento simbolista. Juicio crítico. Madrid: Guadarrama.

Cachorro, G., & Salazar, C. (coord.) (2010). Educación Física Argenmex: temas y posiciones. La Plata: Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Retrieved from http://www.argenmex.fahce.unlp.edu.ar

b.     Book chapter or congress communication:

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (1995). Title of chapter. In A. Editor, B. Editor & C. Editor (Eds .). Title Book (pp. xxx-xxx). City: Publisher.

If digital publications include the end consigning DOI "doi: ...". If not available URL record is available where consigning "Retrieved from ...".

For examples:

Traverso, E. (2007). Historia y memoria. Notas sobre un debate. In Marina F. & Levín, F. (comps.), Historia reciente. Perspectivas y desafíos para un campo en construcción (pp. 67-96).  Buenos Aires: Paidós.

b. Presentation at conference

Colaborador, A. A., Colaborador, B. B., Colaborador, C. C., & Colaborador, D. D. (Mes, año). Título de la colaboración. En Título del simposio, jornada o congreso. Llevado a cabo en (Institución, Lugar).

For examples:
Paper presented
Muellbauer, J. (septiembre, 2007). Housing, credit, and consumer expenditure. En Housing and consumer behavior. Simposio llevado a cabo en el congreso del Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Jackson Hole, WY.
Paper published
Herculano-Houzel, S., Collins, C. E., Wong, P, Kaas, J. H., & Lent, R. (2008). The basic nonuniformity of the cerebral cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 105, 12593-12598. doi :l0.l073/pnas.0805417105.
Katz, l., Gabayan, K., & Aghajan, H. (2007). A multi-touch surface using multiple cameras. En J. Blanc-Tslon, W. Philips, D. Popescu y P Scheunders (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 4678. Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (pp. 97-108). Berlín, Alemania: Springer-Verlag. doi: 10.1 007/978-3-540-74607-2_9

d.     Journal article:
Author, A. Author, B. & Author, C.C. (año). Título del artículo. Título de la publicación, vol. (número), pp-pp.

If digital publications include the end consigning DOI "doi: ...". If not available URL record is available where consigning "Retrieved from ...".

For examples:

Gallo, E. (1987). Tradición Liberal en Argentina. Estudios Públicos, 27, pp. 351-378.

Lattuada, M., Nogueira, M.E., Renold, J.M., & Urcola, M. (2011) El cooperativismo agropecuario argentino en la actualidad: Presentación y análisis de tres casos desde la perspectiva del capital social. Mundo Agrario, 12(23).
Recuperado de http://www.mundoagrario.unlp.edu.ar/numeros/no-23-2do-sem-2011/el-cooperativismo-agropecuario-argentino-en-la-actualidad-presentacion-y-analisis-de-tres-casos-desde-la-perspectiva-del-capital-social.

i.      Book review:
Author, A. A. (2000). Título de la reseña [Reseña del libro Título del libro, por A. A. Author]. Título del trabajo completo, xx, xxx- xxx.
Campanaro, G. (2012) Los efectos de Poe: más allá de “El gato negro” y “El corazón delator” [Revisión del libro Cuentos de humor y sátira, por E.A. Poe]. El toldo de Astier, 3(4), 105-111
Viewed at http://www.eltoldodeastier.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/numeros/numero4/ALCampanaro.pdf.

For examples:

Aleixandre Benavent, Rafael. 2010. Review of Fuentes de información en medio ambiente. A. de la Cueva Martín. Revista española de documentación científica, vol. 33, nº 3, p. 509-512.

j.      Thesis or dissertation:

Author, A. A. (1999). Título de la tesis doctoral o tesis de maestría (Tesis doctoral o tesis de maestría inédita). Nombre de la Institución, Lugar.

On databases or web repositories
Author, A. A. (2003). Título de la tesis doctoral o tesis de maestría (Tesis doctoral o tesis de maestría). Recuperada de Nombre de la base de datos. (Acceso o Solicitud N°.).

For examples:
Retamozo, M. (2003). Piqueteros. Protesta, acción colectiva e identidad: Una lectura del movimiento de desocupados en la Argentina a la luz de categorías contemporáneas (Tesis de maestría inédita). Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, La Plata.
Balsa, J.J. (2004). Consolidación y desvanecimiento del mundo chacarero: Transformaciones de la estructura agraria, las formas sociales de producción y los modos de vida en la agricultura bonaerense, 1937-1988 (Tesis doctoral). Recuperada de Memoria académica. (http://www.memoria.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/tesis/te.153/te.153.pdf)

- Garrio Picazo, Piedad. 2008. El procesamiento automatic de documentación textual con información histórica: una aplicación XTM y DITA. Madrid: Universidad Carlos III. Doctoral thesis.




Sending of manuscripts


8. Submitting the Manuscript
Contributions should be sent through the platform of the journal http://www.sociohistorica.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/user/register)

9. Editorial process and evaluation system
All manuscripts sending to the journal (are received by the “Secretaría de redacción”, which deals acknowledge the author . The contributions are preliminarily evaluated by the Drafting Committee to establish whether subjects conform to the declared scope magazine . Failure to meet this requirement , the contributions are rejected. When the evaluation is positive first two arbitrators are chosen specialists in the area to judge the quality of work. The evaluation system adopted by the magazine double blind (the anonymity of authors and reviewers are preserved) .

The criteria that arbitrators are in the evaluation are:

  • Purpose Compliance statement
  • Relevance and justification of the contributions made
  • Methodological Rigor
  • Style , terminology and clarity of exposition
  • Bibliography and Sources

The possible results of the evaluation are four, namely :

1. Unchanged Accepted .
2. Accepted without substantive changes
3. Accepted subject to change ( not again go through peer review ) .
4. Rejected providing the author the possibility to modify and resubmit subject to reassessment .
5. Rejected (the manuscript is returned to the author , together with the opinions of the judges).

When the result is "4", the manuscript is returned to the author to consider the changes suggested by the referees. The shipment of the new version should be completed within a period not exceeding thirty days. After the job is submitted on the referees. Will be accepted up to two rounds of evaluation. When assessments are opposite, the publisher will be responsible for sending the job to a third arbitrator.

Once the paper is accepted, authors will report the volume and the amount which will be published . The journal does not charge any fee for posting it.

The “Secretaría de redacción” is responsible to correct the style and the formal aspects of each job.


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Universidad Nacional de La Plata

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Buenos Aires - Argentina
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