
ISSN 2314-2634
online version
ISSN 1668-5628
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


This publication receives texts in Spanish and/or Portuguese and is indexed based on the editorial quality criteria established by the latindex system (caicyt-conicet). reference: catalog folio 15,536.

The articles proposed for publication in La Trama de la Comunicación must be original and not have been previously published, and must not be simultaneously proposed for this purpose in another publication. Authors do not pay any costs for processing and sending articles to the journal.

The Editorial Board will have the following criteria for the general selection of articles:

- disciplinary relevance to the field of communication.

- quality of the article.

Peer evaluation process

All text-manuscripts received comply with three stages. First of all, the articles are reviewed by the Editorial Board, the Director and/or Editors and only those articles that comply with the scientific and editorial standards of the Journal and with its objectives and approach go to the next stage: submission to External Evaluators. La Trama de la Comunicación uses the blind arbitration protocol for the evaluation of each article, in which the authors do not know who evaluated them and the referees do not know who they are evaluating. Each article will be evaluated by at least two experts on the subject located in National, Latin American or Spanish Universities who will determine: a) accept and publish, b) review, rework and accept, c) reject.

In case of discrepancies between the opinions, the text will be sent to a third referee, whose opinion will define its publication or not. The results of the evaluation process of academic opinions will be final in all cases.

Plagiarism detection and redundant publication

La Trama de la Comunicación subjects all the articles it receives to the detection of plagiarism and/or self-plagiarism. In the event that this is detected totally or partially (without the corresponding citation), the text does not begin the editorial process established by the journal and the respective notification to the author is immediately followed.

Redundant or duplicate publications, either totally or partially, will not be accepted either.

Ethical Standards

The journal adheres to the Code of Conduct and Good Practices established by the  Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and Code of Conduct for Journals Publishers) . In compliance with this code, the journal will ensure the scientific quality of the publications and the adequate response to the needs of readers and authors. The code is aimed at all parties involved in the magazine's editorial process.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Shipping Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify that their submission meets all of the elements shown below. Submissions that do not comply with these guidelines will be returned to the authors.

  • If you are submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, you need to ensure that the instructions in Ensuring a blind review have been followed.

  • The petition has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (or an explanation provided in Comments to the Editor).

  • The file sent is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.

  • Web addresses have been added for references where possible.

  • The text has single spacing; font size is 12 points; italics are used instead of underlining (except URLs); and all illustrations, figures and tables are within the text in their corresponding place and not at the end.

  • The text meets the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for Authors , which can be found in About the journal.

La Trama de la Comunicación is an semestral publication (from January to June and July to December of each year) by the Department od Communication Sciences, faculty of Political Science and International relationships of the National University of Rosario, Argentina. Its purpose is devoted to the dissemination of the theories and research in communication sciences, reporting unpublished texts previously selected by the Editorial Board with the intervention of external referees. The content of the magazine is aimed at researchers, teachers, graduate students and grade students.

This publication receives texts in Spanish and/or Portuguese. It is indexed from editorial quality criteria set by the Latindex system. Reference: Folio catalog 15,536.

The articles proposed for publication in La Trama must be original and have not been previously published or not simultaneously proposed for this purpose in another publication.

The Editorial Board will follow some criteria for the selection of articles:

  • Relevance to the field of communication.

  • Article quality.

  1. PEER REVIEW PROCESS: all texts have three stages: First, the articles are revised by the Editorial Board, the Director and / or Editors and only those that meet the goals are able to go to the next stage. The journal “La Trama de la Comunicaión” uses blind arbitration for assessment, in which the authors do not know who they are evaluating. Each article will be revised by at least two experts in the field from National, Latin American or Spanish universities. They will determine: a) accept and publish; b) revise, correct mistakes and accept; c) reject.

In case of discrepancies the text will be sent to a third arbitrator, whose decision will be its publication or not. The results of the evaluation will be final for everybody.

2.   TEXT STRUCTURE: All articles submitted should include:

  • Title in English and in Spanish;

  • A summary or abstract in Spanish and English (maximum 200 words);

  • Five key words or descriptors in English and Spanish;

  • Information of the author: nationality; email; institutional affiliation

  • Text (including tables, figures or graphics);

  • References;

  • Appendices.

Text will be sent by email to:

latramaunr@gmail.com - latrama@fcpolit.unr.edu.ar

2.1.Send two digital copies of the articles:

- an anonymous copy with only the work´s title;

- the other copy, with the title of the article, must be accompanied by the author´s following personal information: full name – areas of research or interests – provenance – current institutional affiliation – postal address – email address – phone – date, ORCID.

2.2.Send a signed copy of the original letter (Download letter).


  • Title: Do not exceed 65 characters (spaces included)

  • Subtitle: In case the title do NOT exceed 30 characters, you can add a caption which should not exceed 60 characters (spaces included).

  • Text: Do not exceed 10.000 words including bibliographical notes (to count words in a Word document, you must go to “tools” and Click on “Word Count”…). The length of 10.000 words scorresponds to 15 printed pages.


  • Title: Alignment: centered. Font: Times New Roman – 24. Type: Bold Italic.

  • Main Subtitle: Alignment: centered. Font: Times New Roman – 24. Type: Bold Italic.

  • Other subtitles: Alignment: justified. Font: Times New Roman – 9. Type: Bold.

  • Text: Alignment: justified. Font: Times New Roman – 9. Type: Normal.

REFERENCES, QUOTATIONS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY: The entire document will follow the format of the American Psychological Association (APA), which establishes international standards for the publication of scientific production.

Some key considerations to take into account when building the document:

Quotations: the text should be handled in quotes “….” and at the end of the quoted text, the name, year of publication and page should be in brackets ( ). (Castells, 1998: 47). It should be included at the end with the complete data.

Example: In this sense there is … “  a specific form of social organization in which the generation, processing and transmission of information become the main sources of productivity and power due to the new technological conditions” (Castells, 1998: 47).

Paraphrase: In some cases, a direct quote is not done, the author´s original ideas are not included but his ideas or arguments are including without using his true words. In this case, by the end of the paragraph, reference of the author is placed.

Example: We can also think communication networks and how the process knowledge and ideas to create and destroy trust, the decisive source of power. (Castell, 2009).  Or

Example: We can also think as Castell points out (2009) communication networks and how they process knowledge and ideas to create and destroy trust, the decisive source of power.

Many works or authors: A context of complex connectivity – 48% of network of  penetration in Argentina, where many changes can occur that impact on daily life, as some authors have emphasized (Castells, 1997, 2003, Becerra, 2003; Finquelievich 2000).

Bibliography: Bibliography includes all sources and references used in texts which serve to go deeper in the subject and will be included at the end of the work in an alphabetical order by author /s: Surname – Name – (Year) – Title – City: publisher.

a. Books by one or more authors:

Castells, M. (2009) Comunicación y Poder. Barcelona: Alianza Editorial.

Martínez, P.; Céspedes, M. y Hoyos, F. (1998) Diseño periodístico. Buenos Aires: Emecé.

b. Articles and book Chapters:

Costa, M. y Gagliano, R. (2000) Las infancias de la minoridad en DUSCHATZKY, S. (comp..), protected and assisted, 69 – 119. Buenos Aires, Paidós.

c. Articles previously published:

Ansaldi, W. y Funes, P. (1988) Aproximación (caprichosa) a los sesenta latinoamericanos en Temas y Debates, Año 2, Nº 2 y 3, 7-17. Rosario, Facultad de Ciencia Política y RR. II

d. Database:

Citing a source “online” the following guidelines shoud be used: Author – Title (if it is given) – date of publication – director -  URL or email address.


Merklen, Denise. Sobre la base territorial de la movilización popular y sobre sus huellas en la acción, en: Laboratorio on line, año IV, Nº 16, diciembre de 2004, disponible en: http://www.catedras.fsoc.uba.ar/salvia/lavbo.htm.

EXPLANATORY NOTES: the notes should be included at the end of the text.

(Do NOT use “insert notes” in Word since it presents them as links).

  • Format of Reference number: Arabic numerals (not Roman). Font: Times new Roman: 7.

Location: Superscript (to change the Number to “Superscript” select the number, enter in Format, click on “Font /Source” and finally click on “Superscript”). Style: Normal.

  • Call format: Number of reference followed by a “.” (full stop). Font: times New Roman: 8. Style: Bold.

Example: The Consultant ComScore report reflects comparative online consumed minutes between June 2010 and June 2011.

TABLES AND FIGURES: they must be presented in Excel (.xls). It should include a reference of its location in a word text. They must be designed in grayscale.

IMAGES: They must be designed in grayscale. It should include a reference of its location in a word text.

For any query:

Write to:



or make a letter to:

Comité de Redacción de La Trama de la Comunicación and / or Directora Mariana Maestri,

Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, Ciudad Universitaria, Riobamba y Berutti, Monoblock 1, 2º piso (2000) Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.



Sending of manuscripts


Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of recent submissions. Go to Sign in to an existing account or Register a new account.



[Home] [About the journal] [Editorial Board] [Subscription]

2024 Departamento de Ciencias de la Comunicación.
Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales.
  Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Riobamba 250 Bis. Monoblock Nº 1 – Ciudad Universitaria. - 2000EKF
Rosario, Santa Fe. Argentina
Tel. 54-341-4808521/22. Fax. 4808520


SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=2314-2634&lng=es&nrm=iso