
ISSN 1668-8708
online version
ISSN 1669-7634
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Submission of Articles

Only articles which in principle meet the objectives and Research guidelines of the journal, will be accepted.
Articles will be accepted throughout the whole school year and will only be submitted for evaluation those which meet the standards of presentation of the magazine. It is estimated that 4 (four) months for the specialists to report on articles sent. The Journal Editorial Committee will inform the authors about the outcome of the evaluation.
The text submitted should be original, previously unpublished and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. By submitting a text to the journal, the authors agree to the exclusive rights to reproduce in any form and distribute the article to the Faculty of Economics - National University of Misiones. The authors are solely responsible for the original. For these purposes, is needed along with the dispatch of work, Originality complete the forms and publication of the work for each author, which are available at the end of the Guidelines.
All items will be subject to evaluation of which depends on its publication, if the assessment is negative, the decision to reject the article is short, if an author seeks to continue the process of publication may submit a new version of the article be evaluated to consider if you are able to be published.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to schedule the publication of the articles of the way he sees fit.

In no case will be accepted works that don't respect these rules



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Process for publishing articles

Received Originals monitors compliance with the requirements Presentation Techniques, approved the same happens to the Editorial Committee who controls the party and methodological guidelines of the Journal of Research in order to raise the Scientific Advisory Committee to evaluate specific topic. Should the level of specialization required by the Advisory Committee will propose to the Editorial external evaluators. The assessment procedure used is double blind.
In any of the three stages and if necessary before continuing the loop refers to the corresponding author for correction and once received the same returns to the next stage. If the 10 (ten) days of delivery of the item is not returned corrected, it is deemed withdrawn.

Job Content Requirements

The presentation format is A4 size paper with double spacing between lines of text, leaving an extra space between caption and text, font Arial size 11, justified, margins are 25 mm using Left, Right and the Superior, and 20 mm at the bottom. Do not use: header, footer, italic and underlined. The scriptures must be printed on one side of paper and each page must be numbered at the bottom. Not be accepted including letters, words or symbols manuscripts. The text may be submitted in English or Spanish.
The complete work will span 15 to 20 pages may be accepted exceptionally largest, including abstract, keywords, introduction, methods (equations formulas, program description, theory development, etc.)., Results, tables and figures and conclusions.

Content of work

The articles are organized following the general outline in the following order: Title, name / the author / s, address of the institution to which they belong, abstract, keywords, key words, introduction, materials and methods, results, conclusions , Citations and Bibliography.
The title should be concise and reflect specific aspects of work, it is recommended not to use abbreviations or formulas. Capitalized, centered on the page double-spaced and separated by the subsequent text.
Data from / the author / include Name and full name, also specify the agencies and departments where it is carried out the work, address (street No., postal code, city, department and province), telephones and e-mails dependence and the author. If more than one author, designate a corresponding author who direct correspondences via e-mail, standing on the next line to the data of the Agency.
Payroll should be avoided too long dependency of complex institutions and addresses. If authors belong to different institutions identify the office most dedicated.
The Abstract should have a summary condensation of the essential ideas and results of the work, clearly linking the central problem, the assumptions, objectives, methods, results and conclusions, do not repeat information given in the title and will be referred to the bibliography. Its volume should not exceed 200 words and writing style is declarative. The Resumen ditto the abstract but in spanish.
The keywords are published in a maximum of 5 (five) keywords that will idea about the topic or central motif of the job content. The Palabras clave ditto to the keywords but in spanish.
The introduction will briefly develop the introduction of the article. They define the objectives, scope and impact transfer.
DEVELOPMENT, following the introduction will present the development work, starting the same after a single space and the corresponding subtitle (flush left, lowercase and bold).
Materials and methods shall include sufficient detail to enable another investigator to repeat the work, when they represent a change or novelty, otherwise, only the references cited in the methodology.
Results will be presented in concise and easily understandable results found, comparison with previous results (own or others) which is an essential part of scientific and technical work.
Tables are used to present various information that can not be expressed in the text is brief and understandable should be numbered at the top as they relate to the text (Table 1, Table 2, Table n), give them a title that is then placed in their numbers, bold, centered in the table and begin with capital letters without end, if the title contains abbreviations, should have been previously used in the text. The source is placed in the bottom of the box, size 9 Arial font and centered. Introduce possible format changes, made necessary by translating the article.
Figures include graphs or charts, drawings, maps, illustrations and any not listed above. References to figures in the text may be abbreviated "Fig.2 shows ..". Place the word "Figure" in bold, then the title and number on the top of the figure and centered. The Source of the figure must be indicated on the bottom of the chart, size 9 Arial font and centered. Be presented in format to suit the English language.
Acronyms are initial letters used as an abbreviation for a word, sign or denomination. As well known to be an acronym, but never used the first time in parentheses, preceded by their full sentence.

Bibliographical notes, the role of the note is to clarify issues or questions of exposure. Are numbered consecutively with superscripts in the text with Arabic numbers, their placement is behind the word in the text that needs clarification, the location of the note is a footnote, its length should not exceed 8 lines.
The text of the note you start typing after the corresponding number, followed by a period and bleeding on the left margin, with Arial font size 10 and single spacing.
The note should end with a period, the leading one in every note. It is advisable to use this resource as little as possible. Never use the notes to reference a source or mention references.
Example: The distance 1 is an element that is used ...
So as a footnote on page is placed:  1. Distance: it is a word ...

Findings should be presented in phrases.


All content aspects of a paper other than the original author (texts, ideas, etc..) Must be documented. These references to papers by other authors are "dating."Should be numbered consecutively in the order they appear in the text.
Citations within the text of up to 3 (three) lines are quoting the transcript ("..."), after the appointment, be placed in brackets the author's surname and initials, year of publication, page the appointment and then the closing bracket should be positioned with superscript the corresponding numbers in parentheses, eg, [Robbins, L., 2003, p. 57] (1). and signal the end of the article with the title references.
The quotations in the text above 3 (three) and 10 (ten) rows, should be placed in separate paragraphs indented left leaving 2.5 cm and single-spaced, Arial 10, then the transcript of the meeting bracket is placed between the author's surname and initials, year of publication, and page after the closing date of the bracket should be positioned with superscript in parentheses the numbering.

Citation must follow these rules:
One Author: [Robbins, L., 2003, p.57] (1)
Two Authors: [Bugliarello and Donner, 2004, p.81] (8)
Three or more authors: [Fortini et al., 2007, p. 79](3)
Works by the same author and same should be distinguished by small letters after the date [Robbins, L., 2003a, p.57] / [Robbins, L., 2003b, p.57] (6).
Quotation simplied, if they express ideas of another author without quoting is needed clarification of the author, this should put the author's name in lowercase, and followed in parentheses by the year of publication. According eg Kar (2008) life expectancy ...       Quotations secondary if considered necessary to present ideas of an author, reviewed in another work, other than the original that was published, for example, an idea of Weiurst N., (2004) read in the publication of J. Tsruirs , (2006). The quote should be: According Weiurst N., [in Truir J., 2006, p. 32] (4)
Then in the "citations" should be placed according to their enumeration (4). J. Truir (2006), "Wood technology". Buenos Aires, Editorial Macchi, p.32.

The citations must be listed at the end of the text in numerical order, according to the following details:

Article in a newspaper
CARDOSO, OR "Argentine economic situation of trade." Clarín, April 9 (2001), p. 14.
Article Serials
ROSENBERG, N. "Regional Economy". Corrientes, Provincial Department of Economy, Bulletin 11, Number 5, 2003. p.14.
LEDESMA, L. and C. BASIN "Digital Marketing", Neuquén, University of St. Helena, Virtual Project Series 1, (2000), pgs. 81-111.
Journal Articles
Tans, C. et al. "forestry competitiveness."magazine Alpha, June-December 2007, Volume 6, Volume 3, No. 2.
Publishing articles events
BARBOSA, S. (2004). "Technology in the timber industry." Argentine Congress of Industrial Technology, 3rd Edition, Buenos Aires, Annals Issue, pgs. 4 -14.
Items Days
SIMON, K. "Perceptions, images and brand."Seventh National Day of Administration, Accounting and Economics, School of Economics, Mendoza, 15 to October 18, 2006, Mendoza.
VICENTE, N. (2007). Basis of the Administration. Buenos Aires, Editorial Macchi, p.15.
Book Chapters
PEREZ, P. (1991).Marketing concepts and modern practices. Buenos Aires, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, Cap.V, pgs.110 -125.
MACHADO, B. (2002). Design Quality Wood Furniture. MBA thesis. Universidad Nacional de Misiones - UNAM, p.287.
Web pages:
Argentina, Ministry of Economy, www.mecon.gov.ar http:// [accessed dd / mm / yy].
Electronic books and monographs:
SOLAR, L. (2006). Method of economy, currently only available online in PDF, http://www.ecfu.net [accessed dd / mm / yy].
Electronic journal articles:
Tans, C. et al.. "The forestry competitiveness."Vision Magazine, June-December 2007, Volume 6, Volume 3, No. 2; http://www.fe.una.ed.ar/revista [accessed dd / mm / yy].

BIBLIOGRAPHY established standards for literature are those mentioned above in the bibliography, but not including the page number. Should be identified in alphabetical order at the end of the text of the paper, and book authors preferably be no more than two years of publication.
The data to be included are: Author's last name (capitalized), name initials. Year of publication in parentheses. Job Title, Place of publication. Editorial.

Must list all authors when they are 2 (two), should be more than 2 (two) authors should cite the first author and add the word "et al."


Sending of manuscripts





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Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas

Ruta Nac. Nº 12 - Km. 7 ½
(3304) Miguel Lanus, Pcia. de Misiones
República Argentina
Fax: 03752-480988


SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1668-8708&lng=en&nrm=iso