
ISSN 0325-2957
versión impresa
ISSN 1851-6114
versión electrónica

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Recommendations for the publication of scientific works in Acta Bioquímica Clínica Latinoamericana

The experience gathered in the application of the standards currently in force for the publication of scientific articles in Acta Bioquímica Clínica Latinoamericana (ABCL) together with international bibliographic information, they have served as the basis for the preparation of this new, expanded and corrected version.

It has frequently been observed that submitted manuscripts are not presented according to the instructions given.

Following the recommendations presented here will facilitate the intermediate tasks between reception and publication.


ABCL is the scientific dissemination body of the Confederación Latinoamericana de Bioquímica Clínica (COLABIOCLI), of the Confederación Unificada Bioquímica de la República Argentina (CUBRA) and the Federación Bioquímica de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (FABA), its editor and owner. It is aimed at disseminating research in the area of ​​knowledge of biochemical alterations in humans and the impact of the environment on health through clinical analyses.

ABCL publishes quarterly, in January, April, July and October of each year, material of academic excellence in the Spanish language for free and with summaries in English and Portuguese.

The authors must suggest at least 3 referees (and their corresponding email addresses) not belonging to their institution for the evaluation of the manuscript, who may or may not be selected by the Editorial Committee for that purpose. Likewise, they may indicate their non-conformity so that a potential reviewer can evaluate their manuscript.

Manuscripts should be addressed to: Editorial Committee of Acta Bioquímica Clínica Latinoamericana, actabioq@fbpba.org.ar through a letter signed by all the authors (which will be sent scanned by email), which explains the agreement of all of them for the responsible author to represent them and which ensures that all the authors have participated in the conception and/or realization of the work in a substantial way and have approved the final version of the text that will be evaluated for publication, thereby taking responsibility for its content. In addition, they must declare that the work has not been published nor is it being considered for publication by any other means, whether national or foreign, and that they agree to transfer the copy rights (copyright) to the journal Acta Bioquímica Clínica Latinoamericana if published.

Changes that may occur in relation to the authors (order, inclusion, exclusion) once the manuscript is received by ABCL must be endorsed by all authors of the work through a signed note. This change can be made if it is managed before acceptance of the manuscript. Otherwise, it may be corrected through an errata.


The text must state, when applicable, that the results presented come from projects approved by the Ethics Committees of the participating institutions or, failing that, that they are governed by the WHO ethical code (Declaration of Helsinki). (http://wma.net/s/ethicsunit/helsinki.htm).When experiments have been carried out on animals, it must be specified that the guidelines established by international organizations or by the CICUAE have been followed. (https://inta.gob.ar/paginas/cicuae). When patients are included in the study, the authors must mention in “Materials and Methods” that the procedures performed were performed after obtaining the informed consent of the patients. It is essential that the privacy of patients is properly preserved.

The authors belonging to public organizations and institutions that make up the Sistema Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (SNCTI), as provided by law 25.467, they must present the supporting data of their research through the open access institutional digital repositories, their own or shared, in which they have been deposited. (http://servicios.infoleg.gob.ar/infolegInternet/anexos/65000-69999/69045/norma.htm). All people who participate in the ABCL editorial process are aware of the basic ethical standards that govern scientific publications. The ethical standards established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) have been adopted as a basis in relation to the Code of conduct and best practice guidelines for journal editors. ABCL uses plagiarism detectors to reject manuscripts whose contents totally or partially overlap with previously published works.

Authors must specify the existence of any financial relationship that could generate conflicts of interest in relation to the submitted manuscript. They must also specify the sources of financing, detailing whether they are institutional, official or private.


ABCL publishes scientific works applicable directly or indirectly in the area of ​​Biochemistry and aimed at better understanding the functioning of the human organism in a state of health or illness. These publications are primarily aimed at clinical biochemists, although they may be of interest to other health professionals.

The Federación Bioquímica de la Provincia de Buenos Aires reserves the rights of ownership and reproduction of the accepted and published material. ABCL has a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial (BY-NC) license.
BY: The licensee has the right to copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works provided that the licensee acknowledges and cites the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. NC: The licensee has the right to copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works for non-commercial purposes.

The articles published in ABCL are freely accessible and can be consulted and downloaded for free through the journal's website (www.abcl.org.ar), international databases and the SciELO portal (www.scielo.org.ar).


The manuscripts will be submitted to a preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Committee, which will decide if the work is publishable depending on whether or not it fits the profile and interest of the journal. In the event that its initial evaluation is positive, this Committee will appoint anonymous evaluators, experts on the subject, who will also not know the name or affiliation of the authors (peer evaluation, double blind). The Committee, once in possession of the respective evaluations, will proceed to prepare the final report on which the decisions to be made will be based:

a) Approve
b) Request modifications from the author(s)
c) Reject

If the collaboration is rejected, the author will receive a copy of the report detailing the reasons that led to the decision.

The Editorial Committee reserves the right to introduce, with the knowledge of the authors, all editorial changes required by grammatical standards and layout needs.


The following types of scientific articles are distinguished:

5.1. Editorials
They are stories of highly current scientific news or comments related to scientific or editorial policy.
They are the exclusive responsibility of the Editorial Committee.

5.2. Originals
They are complete research works aimed at increasing scientific knowledge with or without practical objectives. They will be presented with the necessary information so that they can be reproduced by interested parties. Theoretical contributions that represent new or different approaches to a particular topic will also be included in this section.

5.3. Brief communications
These are works that address a specific topic or are in an initial phase of development and will therefore require subsequent extensions.

5.4. Clinical cases
Here the current illness, the relevant history and the evolution of one or a small group of patients (no more than five) are presented. It is generally concluded with diagnosis and therapy and sometimes with follow-up to evaluate the impact of the therapeutic guidelines on the patient's health.

5.5. Updates

Works that gather, analyze and discuss information already published, referring to a particular topic, will be considered within this category. Only updates prepared by experts on the subject or those made at the request of this Editorial Committee will be accepted. This category includes meta-analyses, systematic reviews or simple reviews on current topics.

5.6. Biochemistry in images
In this section, novel photographs or photographs that have an eminently educational purpose may be published with an additional comment.

5.7. Expert comments
As its name indicates, these are current comments written by experts at the request of the Editorial Committee.

5.8. Letters to the editor
This section may be used to present for readers' consideration points of view regarding already published works or to comment on personal scientific experiences that the authors consider of interest to other professionals.



Form and preparation of manuscripts



Works must be sent by email (actabioq@fbpba.org.ar) in Word file, size A4, without letterhead, with 3 cm margins, with Arial font, size 12 points and double spaced. Italicized letters will be used only when foreign words are included in their original language, including the family, genus, species and subspecies of living beings. The pages must be numbered consecutively in the upper right corner. In the case of containing figures, they must be sent in editable .jpg format. As indicated above, authors must specify the category of the submitted work, although the Editorial Committee reserves the right to consider which category it actually corresponds to.

Long works can be divided into subsections.

The writing must be grammatically correct, without using neologisms or vulgar phrases or words. Experience indicates that this is not always true and in certain cases it produces problems that are very difficult to overcome.

In writing, coherence, grammatical form and verb tense must be maintained throughout the entire text. It should always be kept in mind that it is about communicating scientific information and for this purpose precision, clarity and simplicity in expressions are necessary.

The use of excessive abbreviations should be avoided. Each abbreviation must be defined the first time it is used in both the abstract and the text. Authors should ensure that abbreviations remain the same throughout the text.

The following order of presentation is recommended:

Materials and methods
Discussion and Conclusions
Acknowledgments (if applicable)
Sources of funding
Conflicts of interest
Bibliographic references


This will present the following information:
6.1.1. Title: should be concise and informative and should not exceed 200 characters, including spaces. Do not use abbreviations, symbols or chemical formulas, except to indicate a marked compound. Add, separately, an abbreviated title of no more than 50 characters, including spaces.

6.1.2. The title must be sent in English and Portuguese.

6.1.3. Full name and surname of the author(s), accompanied by their undergraduate and graduate degrees, affiliations and email addresses. It is recommended that authors enter their ORCiDExternal Link persistent digital identifiers into ScholarOne as part of the manuscript submission process.

ABCL also encourages all authors who have not already done so to register for an ORCiDExternal Link persistent digital identifier and refer to it in their ScholarOne account. These identifiers are obtained quickly and easily and offer several advantages to the journal, its authors, and its readers.

6.1.4. Full address of the place(s) where the work was carried out.

6.1.5. Full address of the author to whom the correspondence should be addressed, with their email address. The corresponding author will be indicated with an asterisk next to the name.


6.2.1. Summary: This page will include a summary of no more than 250 words for original works or updates and no more than 150 for short communications and clinical cases. It should be written concisely, limiting itself to describing the following topics, but without highlighting them in the form of subtitles:

a) Objective of the study.
b) Main results and scientific methods used.
c) Most important conclusions.

It should be remembered that the summary of a work is the most read part of it and should inform the reader enough to decide if they are completely interested. In addition, it facilitates the work of publications specialized in analytical summaries.

The summary must be understandable even in the absence of the full text.

Bibliographic citations should not be included in the summary and if any abbreviation is used, it should be defined the first time it is used.

6.2.2. Summary in English and Portuguese: a summary in English and a summary in Portuguese with characteristics similar to those detailed for the summary in Spanish must be presented here.

In general, serious problems have been observed in preparing the summary in another language, mainly because the summary written in Spanish tends to be literally translated into English or Portuguese, which gives rise to expressions that are totally meaningless in these languages. It is suggested that this summary be written with the help of a person who is fluent in the other language.

It should be considered that if the summary is the most read part of the work in countries with a language other than Spanish, it may possibly be the only one read and therefore it must be clear, concise and informative.

6.2.3. Keywords: between 3 and 10 key words will be stated after each summary, in the language

corresponding, which must be chosen taking into account that a keyword is understood as a grammatical element (word or groups of words) that conveys the topic discussed in a document. This allows said document to be easily classified in order to create an indexing system. Keywords must be specific and representative of the semantic content of the document, both in the main and secondary contents. It is recommended to use the DeCs thesaurus. (Descriptors in Health Sciences) http://decs.bvs.br/E/homepagee.htm

The keywords will be ordered taking into account the decreasing importance that the topic to which each one refers has in the work; A semicolon will be used as a separator between words or groups of keywords and the first letter of each of them must be a capital letter.


The purpose and importance of the work must be specified here and must present an overview of the current state of the topic, the most important references and problems that are being attempted to be resolved.

A very long introduction due to non-relevant information makes the reader move on to the next point, bypassing reading it.


Here you should communicate everything you need to know to reproduce the experience with equal or better results.

It should be possible, with this information, to make a list of what is necessary, including catalog numbers or items for the drugs or reagents, type and brand of apparatus or instruments and accessories.

Cite the methods used and clarify in detail the possible modifications, if any. Works that are based on personal communications or secret information will not be accepted as originals. The statistical treatment must be made explicit, mentioning the number of observations, tests used and level of significance.


They will be expressed clearly, simply and in logical order. Tables and figures may be included; Avoid repeating in the text what they show (synoptic tables, graphs and photographs will also be designated as figures).

9.1. Boards

The tables, whose title must be descriptive, will be numbered consecutively with Roman numerals and must be located at the end of the text in word format. Their location in the text must be clearly indicated and they must be understandable independently of it.

9.2. Figures

Figures must be understandable independently of the text and clearly indicated in it. They must be sent consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals in separate files in high resolution .jpg or .png format (editable) with their corresponding legend in a separate file in Word. Color figures may only be sent when absolutely necessary.

9.2.1. Figures themselves and synoptic tables. They will be presented in black and white, or may be nuanced with gray ranges based on dot density. They will be presented in an appropriate size, so that when reduced, details are not lost or the text becomes very small. They will be presented at the end of the work and in a way that ensures their adequate reproduction.

9.2.2. Graphics. They will be drawn on a white background, with black strokes and differentiated filling in a range of grays. The purpose of the graph is to exemplify the determined behavior of variables. It should be simple and illustrative. Remember that graphs with many curves lose clarity. Plot only the significant ones.

9.2.3. Photographs. It is recommended that they be taken by experts.

In all cases, the legends at the bottom will be sufficiently explanatory and clear symbols will be used, if necessary, to identify special points or points that require individualization.


Do not repeat results described above. Highlight the main findings and the conclusions derived from them. Compare them with those obtained by other authors. Correlate the results with the objective of the study and avoid conclusions that are not duly supported by the experience carried out.


Scientific works that correspond to original analytical methods or modifications of originals will include a section that corresponds to the evaluation of said methods.

It is recommended that this section include, at a minimum, the following studies:

11.1. Precision:
11.1.1. Within the same series (repeatability).
11.1.2. Between series (reproductivity).
11.2. Accuracy: this should ideally be evaluated against a reference method where one exists. Otherwise, recovery studies must be carried out.
11.3. Linearity: must cover the range of clinical importance.
11.4. Specificity study.
11.5. Study of interferences.

In general, it is recommended to follow the analytical methods evaluation scheme recommended by the IFCC.

Butner J, Borth R, Boutwell JH, Broughton PMG. Approved recommendation on quality control in Clinical Chemistry. Part 2. Assessment of analytical methods for routine use. Clin Chim Acta 1979 a; 98: F145-62.


Since Spanish numeration is used, the decimals will be indicated with a comma. To avoid ambiguities between the Saxon and Spanish nomenclature, thousands will not have a period or comma. When the number is 4 digits, they go together (e.g. 4500), When the number of digits is greater, they separate them in three (e.g. 10,500,000). Additionally, the use of symbols and not abbreviations for units is emphasized. Thus it will be 5.2 mL and not 5.2 mlts.; 5.3 cm and not 5.3 cm.; 0.5 pg and not 0.5 pgr.; μg and not mcg or ug, etc.


They should be brief and specific. Acknowledgments that have to do with political or religious aspects will not be accepted, except when they are thanks to institutions.


The financing sources that allowed the total or partial completion of the work will be indicated. If the authors have not received any funding for the work, they must indicate: “this work was carried out without receiving specific funding.”


Conflicts of interest related to the work must be indicated. If there are none, it must be declared: “the authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest regarding this work.”


Bibliographic references will be presented at the end of the work and will be cited with a number corresponding to the order in which they appear in the text, assigning the number 1 to the first one.

If a reference must be cited more than once in the text, the lowest order number must be maintained, which corresponds to the first citation of said reference. It is requested that the reference number in the text be put in parentheses. Each reference will be cited separately [e.g. e.g. (1) (2) and not (1, 2) or (1) (2) (3) and not (1-3)]. Citations of works that will not be published, verbal reports or personal communications will not be accepted. Those personal communications that are supported by a note of authorization to use that communication and are available to the interested party will be accepted.

For bibliographic references, the Vancouver 2000 style has been adopted and, therefore, they must follow the following models:

Scientific journal articles

1) Ordinary magazine article

Author/s. Article title. International abbreviation of the magazine followed by the year; volume, month, (number): start-end page of the article.

If there are less than 6 authors, they all go, with last name and initials. For ex. López JC, Fernández FE, Vega KJ, Pina I, Krevsky

B. Heart transplantation is associated with an increased risk for pancreatobiliary disease. Ann Intern Med 1996 Jun; 124 (11): 980-3.

If there are more than 6 authors: include the first six authors, with last name and initials, followed by “et al”.

More than six from authors:

Parkin DM, Clayton D, Black RJ, Masuyer E, Friedl HP, Ivanov E, et al. Childhood leukaemia in Europe after Chernobyl: 5 year follow-up. Br J Cancer 1996 Apr; 73 (8): 1006-12.

2) Corporate author

The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand. Clinical exercise stress testing. Safety and performance guidelines. Med J Aust 1996 Mar; 164 (4): 282-4.

3) The name of the author is not indicated

Cancer in South Africa (editorial). S Afr Med J 1994 Dec; 84 (12): 15.

4) Article in foreign language

In this article, “foreigner” means a language other than English or Spanish. Ryder TE, Haukeland BA, Solhaug JH. [Bilateral infrapatellar seneruptur hos udligere trisk kvinne]. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 1996 Jan; 116 (1): 41-2 (artículo en noruego).

5) Supplement of a volume

Shen HM, Zhang QF. Risk assessment of nickel carcinogenicity and occupational lung cancer. Environ Health Perspect 1994 Jan; 102 Suppl 1: 275-82.

6) Supplement of a number

Payne DK, Sullivan MD, Massie MJ. Women’s psychological reactions to breast cancer. Semin Oncol 1996 Feb; 23 (1 Supl 2): 89-97.

7) Part of a volume

Osben T, Nacitarhan S, Tuncer N. Plasma and urine sialic acid in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Ann Clin Biochem 1995 May; 32 (Pt 3): 303-6.

8) Part of a number

Poole GH, Mills SM. One hundred consecutive cases of flap lacerations of the leg in ageing patients. N Z Med J 1994 Sep; 107 (986 Pt 1): 377-8.

9) Number without volume

Turan I, Wredmark T, Fellanter-Tsai L. Arthroscopic ankle arthodesis in rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1995 Nov; (320): 110-4.

10) Without number or volume

Browell DA, Lennard TW. Immunologic status of the cancer patient and the effects of blood transfusion on antitumor responses. Curr Opin Gen Surg 1993; 325-33.

11) Pagination in Roman numerals

Fisher GA, Sikic BI. Drug resistance in clinical oncology and hematology. Introduction. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 1995 Apr; 9 (2): xi-xii.

12) Indication of the type of article, as appropriate

Enzensberger W, Fischer PA. Metronome in Parkinson’s disease [carta]. Lancet 1996 May; 347(9011): 1337. Clement J, De Bock R. Hematological complications of hantavirus nephropathy (HVN) [resumen]. Kidney Int 1992; 42:1285.

13) Article containing a retraction

Garey CE, Schwarzman AL, Rise ML, Seyfried TN. Ceruloplasmin gene defect associated with epilepsy in EL mice [retractación de Garey CE, Schwarzman AL, Rise ML, Seyfried TN. En: Nat Genet 1994 Apr; 6 (4): 426-31]. Nat Genet 1995 Sep; 11 (1): 104.

14) Article withdrawn due to a retraction

Liou GI, Wang M, Matragoon S. Precocious IRBP gene expression during mouse development [retractación en Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1994; 35: 3127]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1994 Mar; 35 (3): 1083-8.

15) Article on which an errata has been published

Hamlin JA, Kahn AM. Herniography in symptomatic patients following inguinal hernia repair [fe de erratas publicada en West J Med 1995 Mar; 162 (3): 278]. West J Med 1995 Jan; 162 (1): 28-31.

Books and monographs

Autor/es. Título del libro. Edición. Lugar de publicación: Editorial; año.

16) Individuals as authors

Ringsven MK, Bond D. Gerontology and leader-ship skills for nurses. 2nd. ed. Albany (NY): Delmar Publishers; 1996.

17) Directors (editors) or compilers as authors

Norman IJ, Redfern SJ, editores. Mental health care for elderly people. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1996.

18) Organization as author and editor

Institute of Medicine (US). Looking at the future of the Medicaid program. Washington (DC): The Institute; 1992.

19) Book chapter

Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. En: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, editors. Hypertension: pathophysiology, diagnosis and management. 2nd. ed. New York: Raven Press; 1995. p. 465-78.

20) Summaries of conferences and presentations at symposiums or round tables

Kaufman S. Hemocultivos. Identificación desde la pátina y otras estrategias para el diagnóstico precoz. En: Simposio “Procedimientos en microbiología clínica”. CALILAB 2018. Buenos Aires, 24 al 27 de octubre de 2018.

21) Article presented in a book of conference proceedings

Bengtsson S, Solheim BG. Enforcement of data protection, privacy and security in medical informatics. En: Lun KC, Degoulet P, Piemme TE, Rienhoff O, editores. MEDINFO 92. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Medical Informatics;1992 Sep 6-10; Geneva, Switzerland, Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1992. p. 1561-5.

22) Summaries of works presented at conferences

Jeric P, Orman B, Arduino S, Dictar M, Verón MT, Vidal P, et al. Caracterización molecular de cepas de Streptococcus grupos C y G resistentes a aminoglucósidos emergentes en la Argentina durante 1998. Resumen N°20. 63° Congreso Argentino de Bioquímica, Buenos Aires, 6-8 de julio de 1999. (Poster).

23) Scientific or technical report

24) Theses or final works

Vigliarolo L. Influencia de la concentración inhibitoria mínima de beta-lactámicos y aminoglucósidos sobre la sinergia de sus combinaciones contra estreptococos del grupo viridans. [Tesis de la Maestría en Ciencias del Laboratorio Clínico. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata]; 2004.

Barberis C. Identificación e impacto clínico de bacilos gram positivos aerobios no esporulados oportunistas. [Tesis Doctoral. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica, Universidad de Buenos Aires]; 2013.

Beratz N. Chryseobacterium indologenes: Evaluación de las combinaciones ceftacidima-ciprofloxacina y cefepima-cipro-floxacina mediante curvas de muerte. [Trabajo Final del Curso de Especialización en Microbiología Clínica de la Universidad Católica Argentina]; 2016.

25) Patent

Larsen CE, Trip R, Johnson CR, inventors; Novoste Corporation, assignee. Methods for procedures related to the electrophysiology of the heart. US patent 5, 529, 067. 1995 Jun 25.

Other types of jobs

26) Newspaper articles

Lee G. Hospitalizations tied to ozone pollution: study estimates 50,000 admissions annually. The Washington Post 1996 Jun 21; Sect. A: 3 (col. 5)

27) Audiovisual material

HIV+/AIDS: the facts and the future [videocassette]. St. Louis (MO): Mosby-Year Book; 1995. Vaghji M. (15 de marzo de 2023) Young ISSAD’ Committee Seminar Series: GBS Vaccines [Webinar]. International

Symposium on Streptococcus agalactiae Disease https://lshtm.zoom.us/w/99766908580?tk=Ved8CWs2kNV_J0xkYd- JzfzP2VimtRzfn7c5hyhiXU3E.DQMAAAAXOpI2pBZOLWl5clE3OVN6Q0hacm1zZzBBWVZBAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&uuid=WN_mHEclShgScOv83YcXkjFhA

28) Documentos legales

Derecho público:

Preventive Health Amendments of 1993, Pub. L. No. 103-183, 107 Stat. 2226 (Dec. 14, 1993).

Proyecto de ley no decretada:

Medical Records Confidentiality Act of 1995, S. 1360, 10th Cong., 1 st Sess. (1995).

Código de Regulaciones Federales:

Informed Consent, 42 C.F.R. Sect. 441.257 (1995).

Increased Drug Abuse; the Impact on the Nation’s Emergency Rooms: Hearings before the Subcomm. on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations of the House Comm. on Government Operations, 103rd Cong., 1 st Sess. (May 26, 1993).

29) Maps

North Carolina. Tuberculosis rates per 100,000 population, 1990 (demographic map). Raleigh: North Carolina Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Div. of Epidemiology; 1991.

30) Book of the Bible

The Holy Bible. King James version. Grand Rapids (MI): Zondervan Publishing House; 1995. Ruth 3: 1-18.

31) Dictionary and similar references

Stedman’s medical dictionary. 26th.ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1995. Apraxia; p. 119-20.

32) Classic works

The Winter’s Tale: act 5, scene 1, lines 13-16. The complete works of Williams Shakespeare. London: Rex; 1973.

Unpublished works

33) In press

Leshner AI. Molecular mechanisms of cocaine addiction. N Engl J Med. En prensa 1997.

34) Electronic material. Journal article in electronic format

Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis [internet] 1995 Jan-Mar [citado 5 de junio de 1996]; 1 (1): [24 pantallas]. Disponible en: URL: http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/eid.htm.

35) Monograph in electronic format

CDI, clinical dermatology illustrated [monograph on CD-ROM].Reeves JRT, Maibach H. CMEA Multimedia Group, proceducers. 2nd. ed. Version 2.0. San Diego: CMEA; 1995.

36) Files on computer

Hemodynamics III: the ups and downs of hemodynamics [computer program]. Version 2.2. Orlando (FL): Computerized Educational Systems; 1993.


Titles, summaries and keywords must be included in Spanish, English and Portuguese. Summaries should not exceed 150 words. The text should not exceed 3000 words and will have the same divisions as the original works, except when it is a presentation of clinical cases, which will be divided into Introduction, Presentation of the case or cases, Materials and Methods, Discussion and Conclusions, Acknowledgments (if applicable), Funding sources, Conflicts of interest and Bibliographic references. Bibliographic references should not exceed 15 unless it is a presentation of clinical cases with a literature review. No more than 3 tables and/or figures should be included.


Titles, summaries and keywords must be included in Spanish, English and Portuguese, in the same way as for original works. They can be divided into different sections with their respective subtitles.


Titles, summaries and keywords must be included in Spanish, English and Portuguese. Summaries should not exceed 150 words. The text should not exceed 3000 words and may be divided into sections with subtitles. A table or figure may be included.


In this section, photographs may be published accompanied by explanatory comments that do not exceed 400 words. They should not have a summary but should have a title in all three languages. They will be sent accompanied by complete information about the authors and their place of work.


They should not have a summary but should have a title in all three languages. They will not exceed 400 words, only one table or figure may be included, no more than 10 references and they will be sent accompanied by complete information on the authors and their place of work.


The names of commercial products (whether scientific or fantasy names) or organizations and recommendations that may arise from advertisements in the magazine do not imply approval by the Management or by the Editorial Committee or the Advisory Committee.

Although the Director and the Editorial Committee took the necessary steps to verify the reasonableness of treatment regimens or conclusions of experimental works, responsibility for the use of the medications or techniques involved is exclusive of the authors of the article in question and the editors do not They are obliged to accept any responsibility.


They are special issues managed by working groups, scientific societies, companies or universities that may be in charge of guest editors but under the supervision and approval of the Editorial Committee of Acta Bioquímica Clínica Latinoamericana.

The supplement must follow the current recommendations of the journal and must be financed in its entirety by the responsible entity.


Definition. The minutes of a congress are the documents prepared by the Organizing Committee of a specific congress. They will not require an ISSN number. They will be published on the ABCL website in the tab corresponding to “Conference Minutes”.

Rules for publication of abstracts. The summaries are prepared in accordance with recommendations decided by the congressional authorities. Therefore, they will not be adapted to the ABCL publication regulations and any errors they may contain will be the exclusive responsibility of the congress organizers.

Presentation of the material. The material to be published must be written in Word and ordered as follows: a cover with the title of the conference, the name of the company or a list of responsible companies, a list of authorities, a program, an index with numbers, the titles and authors of the works or presentations and, as scientific material, the summaries of works presented orally or as posters and, sometimes, summaries of conferences, round tables, etc. They should not include commercial advertisements or logos of sponsoring companies. The incorporation of an author index at the end of the document is optional.

Cost. They may be published online and/or in paper depending on the cost that the congressional authorities want to absorb. This will be agreed between said authorities and those of the Federación Bioquímica de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.



Sending of manuscripts


Manuscripts should be sent by email to:

Acta Bioquímica Clínica Latinoamericana

Calle 6 No 1344 – 2o Piso

1900 La Plata, Argentina

Email: actabioq@fbpba.org.ar



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Tel./Fax: (54) (221) 483-8821/483-7281/423-0252/423-3597/489-6061/489-6393



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