
ISSN 1852-4834
online version
ISSN 0326-4815
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Modified according to the recommendations of the Committee of Medical Journal Editors (www.icmje.org).

Authors are responsible for all statements made in their papers. The manuscript shall be sent together  with the «Author Agreement», with the e-signatures of all the authors.

In view of the considerations expressed in our Editorial Policy, papers will be published in English. In addition to the scientific review, AOL will conduct a technical review and a language review.

To facilitate the work of the authors, AOL offers a manuscript translation service from Spanish or Portuguese.

Current fees can be consulted at the time of submission. AOL may correct the language in papers submitted in English, and authors will be billed according to how much correcting the manuscripts require. The translation/correction service will only be performed if the paper has been accepted for publication, after scientific review.

Manuscripts should be double spaced and organized as follows: running head – no more than 40 letters; full title in English; authors separated by commas including the full name used for indexing and the rest with initials; affiliation(s), indicating each author’s affiliation by means of a superscript; 150-300 word abstract; keywords (no more than six, which must be listed in PubMed’s MeSH); title in Spanish or Portuguese, abstract in Spanish or Portuguese and keywords in Spanish or Portuguese.

The text should include the following headings: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, Contact Information (name, mailing address and e-mail address of the corresponding author), references and legends for figures.

References should be indicated in the manuscript with superscripts and numbered consecutively according to the order in which they appear in the text. Format and punctuation should match the following example:

1. Ghiabi M, Gallagher GT, Wong DT.  Eosinophils, tissue eosinophilia and eosinophil-derived transforming growth factor alpha in hamster oral carcinogenesis. Cancer Res 1992; 52:389-393.

Journal names should be abbreviated as in MEDLINE/PubMed. If abstracts are cited, [Abstract] should be added after the title.
Book citations should include, in this order: author(s) of the book and chapter, book title and the chapter title, where applicable, city  and country, publisher, year of publication, pages.

Photographs should be sent in separate files, without their legends, in *.tiff ,*.jpg or *.epf format, resolution 300dpi, size 100 %, and numbered consecutively according to their appearance in the text. Diagrams, graphs and tables should have proportions that render them legible, in the width of one or two columns of the printed journal (7.5 or 16.5 cm), and be designed on Excel or Power Point. Photographs, diagrams and graphs should be indicated as Fig. (figures) and numbered with consecutive Arabic numerals according to their order of appearance in the text. Tables should be numbered with a separate series of Arabic numerals, have a title, and any abbreviations should be explained in a footnote. Legends for figures should be included at the end of the manuscript.


Form and preparation of manuscripts


Authors shall review the following checklist before submitting their paper

1. Manuscript

2. Order
2.a. Short title for headings (not more than 40 letters).
Full title in English (omit if translation has been requested).
2.c. Authors, separated by commas. Indicate first given name, initials of other given names, and family name. List family name as indexed in PubMed. If two family names are indexed, they should be connected with a hyphen.
2.d. Affliations should be in Portuguese for Brazilian institutions, in Spanish for other Latin American institutions and in English for all other institutions. If there is more than one affiliation, indicate affiliation/s for  each author  with superscript numbers. Do not include authors’ degrees or academic positions. Submit affiliations in the following order: University, College, Department, City, Country.
2.e. Abstract (summary in English), 150 – 300 words, without subheadings (omit if translation has been requested).
2.f. Key words in English (not more than six, which must be listed in MeSH in PubMed).
2.g. Title in Spanish or Portuguese.
2.h. Abstract in Spanish or Portuguese (150 – 300 words).
2.i. Key words in Spanish or Portuguese.

3. The text must include the following subheadings, in the order provided:
3.a. Introduction
3.b. Materials and methods
3.c. Results
3.d. Discussion
3.e. Acknowledgments
3.f. Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The authors declare no potential conflicts of interest regarding the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article
3.g. Funding: Indicate source of financing. If there was no institutional funding write «none»
3.h. Correspondence (family name, given name, street address and e-mail address of the author to be contacted by the editor. This e-mail address must be the address of the person submitting the paper and with whom correspondence will be maintained during the evaluation and editing process).
3.i. References.  (maximum: 40 references).
References must be indicated in the manuscript with superscript and numbered consecutively according to their order of appearance in the text.

4. List of references in the format provided in the following example:
1- Ghiabi M, Gallagher GT, Wong DT.  Eosinophils, tissue eosinophilia and eosinophil-derived transforming growth factor alpha in hamster oral carcinogenesis. Cancer Res 1992;52:389-393 . (Please follow the instructions regarding punctuation and spaces)
Only when there are more than 4 authors, mention the first 4 and add “et al.”

4.a. Journal names should be abbreviated as in MEDLINE/PubMed. For Argentine publications, see the following base: http://binpar.caicyt.gov.ar
4.b. When citing published abstracts, add [Abstract] after the title.
4.c. When citing books, include: authors, book title, chapter title if  relevant, city and name of publisher, year published and pages.
Newman MG,Takei HH, Klokkevold PR: Carranza´s Clinical  Periodontology. St. Louis, Missouri, USA: Saunders Elsevier,2006:193-208.
Chapter in a book:
Carranza FA: Periodontal Response to External Forces. In:  Newman MG,Takei HH, Klokkevold PR: Carranza´s Clinical  Periodontology. St. Louis, Missouri, USA: Saunders Elsevier,2006: 467-479.
4.d. It should be possible to localize all the references on the web with the citation information provided. An electronic address should be provided for material not indexed in PubMed.To cite  electronic publications, include the DOI (digital object identifier) or URL (uniform resource locator)
4.e. For any other material for which hyperlinks have not been provided, please see the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals http://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html

5. Photographs, diagrams, graphs and tables (submit in separate files).
5.a. Photographs should be submitted in files separately  from the text. Without legends, in *.tiff or*.jpg  format, resolution 300dpi, size 100 %, and numbered consecutively according to their order of appearance in the text
5.b. Diagrams and graphs should be submitted in files separately from the manuscript, and their proportions should be such that they will be legible in the width of one or two columns of the printed journal (7.5 or 16.5 cm). They should be prepared using Excel or Power Point, and be submitted in .jpg format.
5.c. Photographs, diagrams and graphs should be indicated as Fig. (figures) and numbered in a single series of consecutive Arabic numbers according to their order of appearance in the text.
5.d. Legends for figures should be listed at the end of the manuscript text, after the references.
5.e. Tables should be numbered according to a series of Arabic numbers separate from that of the figures. They should be submitted in a single Word file, separately from the manuscript. They should have a title preceded by the number of the table (e.g. Table 1. …………). Any abbreviations or references (*) should be explained at the foot of the table.
5.f. Once manuscripts are accepted, those submitted in Spanish or Portuguese will be translated into English, and those submitted in English will be reviewed for grammar and style. The authors must state that they agree to the fees for these services when they submit the paper.


Authors’ agreement


Authors' agreement with the AOL Editorial Policy and ethical principles of research: see at https://actaodontologicalat.com/instructions-for-authors/


Sending of manuscripts


It is requested that the manuscript, with its tables and figures are sent by email with a copy to editor@actaodontologicalat.com authors to retain a copy for better control is encouraged.

Authors will be responsible for everything said in the articles. It is understood that the manuscript has not been submitted to another journal.


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2023 Sociedad Argentina de Investigación Odontológica

M.T. de Alvear 2142, piso 6 sector B
C1122AAH Ciudad de Buenos Aires

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SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1852-4834&lng=es&nrm=iso