
ISSN 0326-3169
printed version
ISSN 1850-2067
online version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


The articles can be:

(1) Scientific works: Results of theoretical, experimental or field scientific research that represent an original contribution to knowledge on soils;

(2) Scientific notes: Smaller works but that represent a significant advance in knowledge or in the development of a methodology;

(3) Revisions or updates: Review articles will be accepted in the journal Ciencia del Suelo. They must address a topic of specific interest for the area of ​​soil science. The reviews must compile, analyze and discuss the published information, and carry out a critical and innovative synthesis of what is currently being researched, identify pending aspects of the topic and propose guidelines for future research. Review articles that constitute a summary of past works, do not adequately define the topic and do not provide superior visions will not be accepted.

Peer review

The journal  Ciencia del Suelo has an external Technical Peer Evaluation Team made up of experts in various areas related to soil sciences who, in order to guarantee and preserve impartiality, confidentiality and objectivity throughout the editing process, has adopted an evaluation process that includes peer review, using at least two referees. The arbitration process is confidential (“blind-blind” or “double blind” system). In this, the identity of the Authors is unknown to the Reviewers, and vice versa, unless a referee prefers otherwise.

Ciencia del Suelo reserves the right to publish, suggest modifications or reject an article. The Editor will return to the Authors, without going through the arbitration process, those manuscripts that do not conform to the preparation standards or that do not coincide with the purposes and orientation of Ciencia del Suelo.

Publication cost

Partner papers and notes: free of charge when there is at least one active AACS member among the authors.

Non-member works and notes: check values ​​on the website of the Asociación Argentina de la Ciencia del Suelo (https://cienciadelsuelo.suelos.org.ar/info-para-autores/)

Code of Ethics and Anti-Plagiarism Policies

Ciencia del Suelo presupposes the academic, professional and personal integrity of all users who are part of the journal, regardless of the role they fulfill. However, it warns and considers undesirable behaviors: fraud related to the fabrication of data, falsification of ideas or tools (tools such as images or graphics), copying and/or use of ideas from other authors or unrecognized collaborators or authors, redundant publications, self-plagiarism, conflicts of interest, fictitious (or honorary) authorship, omission of relevant authors or bibliographic citation, among others.

Taking into account the above and the ethical commitment to the academic and scientific community, the Editorial and Technical Team of the journal and the authors adhere to the international standards and codes of ethics established by the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE) (https://publicationethics.org/) and the principles established by the Comité Nacional de Ética en la Ciencia y la Tecnología (CECTE) (https://www.argentina.gob.ar/ciencia/cecte/proposiciones-cyt-socialmente-responsables) of the Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva de la República Argentina.

To promote a transparent editorial process consistent with the assumed codes of ethics, both the Authors and the Reviewers (referees), Editors and the journal, in general, in relation to compliance with Their roles will be guided by the stated anti-plagiarism principles:

For the Authors in: the orientations, responsibilities and guidelines stated in the document “Guidelines for Authors”, the signing of the contract - commitment – ​​certification of originality (which must be attached to the initial submission of the article), the declaration of knowledge of the "flowcharts" proposed by COPE

For the editorial and technical team in: the responsibilities established in the internal regulations of the journal, the clear and organized guidelines of the arbitration processes, the declaration of knowledge of the "flowcharts" proposed by COPE



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Checklist for preparing manuscripts

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify that their submission meets all of the elements shown below. Submissions that do not comply with these guidelines will be returned to the authors.

    The full names of the authors and their affiliations MUST BE ENTERED IN THE FORMS that appear during the process of uploading the manuscript to the system.
    If anonymity is not respected in the content of the files or in their titles, the manuscript WILL BE RETURNED TO THE AUTHORS SO THAT THEY DO WHAT IS NECESSARY TO ENSURE THE ANONYMITY AND RE-UPLOAD IT INTO THE SYSTEM.

  • This manuscript has not been previously published, nor submitted to another journal (or an explanation will be provided in Comments to the Editor).

  • At least one potential reviewer will be indicated in the Comments to the Editor window.

  • The file to be sent was saved in the format ".doc", ".docx", o ".rtf" with title (in two languages), abstract (in two languages), body of the manuscript, Tables and Figures (with legends/epitographs in two languages).

  • The text meets the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for Authors, which can be seen below or on the journal's website (https://cienciadelsuelo.suelos.org.ar/).

  • The Tables and Figures formats were reviewed and respond to the indicated in the Guidelines for Authors. The Tables and Figures were inserted into the text along with their legends/captions and will be uploaded as individual independent files.

  • The bibliographical citations in the text and the bibliographical references meet the requirements in the Guidelines for Authors.

  • The DOI or URL has been added to all references where possible.

  • The publication of contributions is free of charge when there is at least one active member of the AACS among the authors. Otherwise, the publication cost can be consulted on the website of the Asociación Argentina de la Ciencia del Suelo (Información para Autores/as)

Guidelines for authors

May 2022 version

You can download the PDF file of these guidelines at: http://cienciadelsuelo.suelos.org.ar/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/DIRECTRICES-PARA-AUTORES-may22.pdf

All contributions submitted for consideration for publication in Ciencia del Suelo They must have the format indicated in these guidelines. The Editor will return to the Authors, without going through the arbitration process, those manuscripts that do not comply with the preparation standards, minimum quality standards, that do not guarantee the anonymity of the Authors. /as, or that do not coincide with the approaches, purposes and scope of Ciencia del Suelo.

The Editors of Ciencia del Suelo They undertake to give editorial treatment to contributions sent as quickly as possible. Authors are warned that the editorial process from receipt of the contribution to its acceptance or rejection may have a minimum duration of no less than four (4) months.

Read carefully the GENERAL ASPECTS, the specific section on the type of contribution you wish to make and the final part regarding the checklist of the conditions that the contribution must meet. If you have any questions, please contact the Main Editor (revista.cienciadelsuelo@gmail.com) or the Technical Editor (edicionaacs@gmail.com).


Contributions sent to Ciencia del Suelo must be unpublished and not under consideration for publication by another Magazine. In the process of uploading the contribution, the Authors will be asked to declare that these conditions are met.

Manuscripts will only be received electronically through the Journal's "Open Journal System" (OJS) at the web address (URL):


or from the web of the Asociación Argentina de la Ciencia del Suelo (AACS): 


The manuscripts to be sent must be prepared with a Microsoft Word (or similar) word processor and must be saved in a format ".doc" or “.docx” or ".rtf".Files with other formats will be grounds for the Editor to reject the submission without subjecting it to the editorial process. The manuscript must be submitted in a single file (see general structure below) which must be identified as indicated below and uploaded as “Article text” in the OJS. In addition to the manuscript, a note to the Editor must be included (in the "Comments to the Editor" window of the OJS) describing, in no more than half a page, the characteristics of the submitted manuscript and the contribution to knowledge that it this one performs. In this message, the Authors must include the name of a potential reviewer of their contribution (indicating email and institution to which they belong). If the Authors wish, they can also attach a file repeating the "Comments to the Editor" (they can upload it as a "Note to the Editor" in the OJS). This file may be in PDF format and SHOULD NOT HAVE ANY INFORMATION THAT ALLOWS THE IDENTIFICATION OF THE AUTHORS (neither in the body of the note nor in its title nor in its hidden meta-information). The Authors must also upload the Tables (they must upload them as "Table" in the OJS), the Figures (they must upload them as "Figure" in the OJS) and/or Maps or Photographs (they must upload them as " Image" in the OJS) each in a separate file with the characteristics and identification indicated below.

Ciencia del Suelo uses the “double-blind” or “blind-blind” system (the Authors do not know the identity of the Reviewers and vice versa). Manuscripts must preserve the anonymity of the Authors and the Editors must preserve the anonymity of the Reviewers. To this end, Authors, Editors and Reviewers who upload documents to the OJS as part of the editorial process must verify that the following steps have been followed when preparing the manuscript and with the properties of the file and others. files to be uploaded when saving for upload:

  • The Authors of the document must not indicate their names in the text of the documents (except for the notes from the Authors to the Editor, which will only be seen by him/her).

  • Document Authors and Reviewers must remove personal metainformation from the properties of the files to be uploaded by following these steps:

    • Microsoft Word or Excel for Windows:

      • Go to "File"

      • Select "Information"

      • Click "Check for problems"

      • Click "Inspect document"

      • In the "Inspect document" dialog box, leave only the box corresponding to "Document properties and personal information" checked.

      • Click "Remove all"

      • Click "Close

      • Save the document

        Microsoft Word or Excel for MacOS:

        • Go to "Tools"

        • Click "Protect document"

        • Select "Remove personal information from file when saving"

        • Click OK and save the file

        PDF (only for notes to the Editor):

        • Go to "File"

        • Select "Properties"

        • Remove any name from the "author" field

        • Click OK

        • Save the document

General format of manuscripts

Manuscripts (regardless of the type of contribution) must have the following general format:

Sheet size: A4.

Line spacing: Double.

Margins: 2.5cm on each side (top, right, bottom, left).

Text alignment: left (NOT JUSTIFIED).

Font type and size: Arial 11 points (throughout the manuscript, including Tables, Figures, Maps, and Photographs).

First line indentation: 1.25 cm (except in ABSTRACT, SUMMARY and ABSTRACT).

Page Numbering: All pages should be numbered below and to the right.

Line numbering: all lines must be numbered continuously from the beginning to the end of the manuscript (it is recommended to disable the “Widow and Orphan Control” option in the “Paragraph” item in the Microsoft Word main menu for the entire manuscript so that there are no line numbering breaks between pages).

Tables, Figures, Maps and/or Photographs must be inserted in the text along with their epigraph/legend in a place close to the first time they are referenced in the text (in addition, Tables, Figures, Maps and/or Photographs must be uploaded as separate files with the characteristics and identification indicated in the corresponding section below).

The manuscript file should be identified by the first words of the title or some that describe its topic (e.g., Cover Crops and Conservation).

Language of contributions

Manuscripts to be sent to Ciencia del Suelo may be written in Spanish, English or Portuguese. Authors must include a version of the title, summary, keywords and legends/captions of Tables, Figures, Maps and/or Photographs in another language: in English if the work is written in Spanish or Portuguese, or in Spanish if the manuscript is written in English. See below for more information.

Contributions to Ciencia del Suelo may be:

  • Scientific Works: Scientific Works are unpublished contributions that include results of scientific research and that represent an original contribution to general or regional knowledge. In this type of contributions, implicit or explicit hypotheses must be proposed or a novel contribution to a topic related to soil science must be made, from a theoretical point of view.

  • Scientific Notes: Scientific Notes are brief unpublished contributions that, because they are facts or results of importance to be made available to peers, justify their publication even when they do not have sufficient volume to constitute a Scientific Work.

  • Reviews: Reviews are unpublished contributions that summarize the current state of knowledge on a topic or the state of the art of experimental or methodological procedures.

  • Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous are unpublished contributions that contain any other aspect related to soil science that the Author(s) wish to publish to make available to peers. Its submission must be previously agreed upon with the Main Editor.

Length of the manuscripts

The manuscripts sent to Ciencia del Suelo must have the following extensions depending on the type of contribution:

  • Scientific Works: Scientific Works must have a maximum length of thirty (30) pages considering only the main body of the manuscript (INTRODUCTION + MATERIALS AND METHODS + RESULTS AND DISCUSSION + CONCLUSIONS + ACKNOWLEDGMENTS).

  • Scientific Notes: Scientific Notes must have a maximum length of ten (10) pages considering only the main body of the manuscript (INTRODUCTION + MATERIALS AND METHODS + RESULTS AND DISCUSSION + CONCLUSIONS + ACKNOWLEDGMENTS).

  • Revisions and Miscellaneous: Revisions and Miscellaneous must have a maximum length of fifteen (15) pages considering only the main body of the manuscript (without taking into account SUMMARY and ABSTRACT or REFERENCES).

Cost of publication rights

The publication cost per article is published and updated on the journal's website (www.suelos.org.ar/http://www.suelos.org.ar/sitio/publicaciones/revista-ciencia-del-suelo/revista-ciencia-del-suelo-costos/). Those articles in which at least one (1) of the Authors is an active member of the AACS (with the fee up to date), WILL NOT PAY PUBLICATION RIGHTS. Once the manuscripts are accepted, the AACS Treasury will contact the contact Author to communicate the payment exemption if applicable, or the amount to be paid and the ways to do so.


The first page of the manuscript must contain:

  1. a) Full title of the work (it must be in all capital letters without bold, with a length of no more than fifteen (15) words) in the original language and in the alternative: if the original language of the manuscript is Spanish or Portuguese, the alternative is English, and if the original language of the manuscript is English, the alternative is Spanish.

  2. b) Brief title or heading (no longer than thirty-five (35) characters including spaces) in the original language of the manuscript (g., Cover crops and conservation or Tillages and physical properties).

  3. c) Keywords (up to four (4) keywords). Compound terms are considered a keyword. Keywords should not repeat words found in the title. The list of keywords must be entered in the original language of the work and in the alternative: if the original language of the manuscript is Spanish or Portuguese, the alternative is English, and if the original language of the manuscript is English, the alternative is Spanish.

VERY IMPORTANT: the manuscript SHOULD NOT include the names of the Authors or their affiliations anywhere. Files uploaded to OJS must also not have any meta-information that would allow the Authors to be identified (see instructions above for deleting personal meta-information from files). The full names of the Authors and their affiliations must be indicated in the forms that appear during the process of uploading the manuscript to the system. The names of the Authors and their affiliations uploaded in the OJS may only be seen by the Editors.


The summary should be limited to highlighting the purpose and characteristics of the study, the most important results and the main conclusions in a single paragraph. The abstract in the language of the manuscript (Spanish, English or Portuguese) must contain a maximum number of three hundred (300) words. If the original language of the manuscript is Spanish (RESUMEN) or Portuguese (RESUMO), a summary in English (ABSTRACT) must also be submitted. If the original language of the manuscript is English, the ABSTRACT must be submitted and, in addition, a summary in Spanish (RESUMEN). The SUMMARY or SUMMARY and/or ABSTRACT must not have the first line indented.

If considered necessary, an ABBREVIATIONS section can be included after the abstract in the alternative language in which the abbreviations/acronyms that will be used in the BODY OF THE MANUSCRIPT are listed.


The body of the manuscript will consist of the following sections: INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION (or RESULTS AND DISCUSSION as decided by the Authors), CONCLUSIONS (optional), ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (optional). After the body of the manuscript, a REFERENCES section should be included (see CITES AND REFERENCES below) in which all bibliographic references cited in the text will be listed. If necessary, the Authors may include an APPENDIX to include information that can complement what is reported in the body of the manuscript.

INTRODUCTION: It must consider the problem statement, provide an adequate, concise and precise review of the literature and contain, implicitly or explicitly, the working hypotheses and clearly specify the research objectives.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: You should provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced in future research. It must include all methodological details, techniques used, design and statistical analysis.

RESULTS: they must be clear and concise.

DISCUSSION: It must give a clear response to the objectives of the work, interpret and explain the meaning of the results, not repeat them. As far as possible, it should be discussed based on previous results obtained, either our own or from the literature, on similar topics, including those close in time.

CONCLUSIONS (if applicable): The main conclusions of the study can be presented in a Conclusions section, or included in the last paragraph of the DISCUSSION (or RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, if applicable). It should not be a list of results obtained. You should focus on whether the hypotheses were proven or not.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (if applicable): They should be brief and specific, limited to direct contributions to the manuscript and the research involved. Mention only the initials and last name of the people you thank. Place in this section the recognitions of positions, institutions and subsidies that allowed the research to be carried out.

Within each section you can use the subtitles that you consider appropriate for a better understanding of the text, without overusing them. Write the titles of the main sections in capital letters and without bold (e.g., INTRODUCTION or MATERIALS AND METHODS) and the subtitles on lines separate from the rest of the text (e.g., Experimental sites, Statistical methods, Meteorological characterization). If you use a third level of headings, write it underlined in the same paragraph as the text below (e.g., Geographic location: the different experimental sites were located in…, Soil types: the soil types present in the different experimental sites were… ). Subtitles should be short (i.e., no more than 30 characters, including spaces). Preferably do not use more than three (3) levels of titles (i.e., titles, first level of subtitles, second level of subtitles).

General writing style:

In addition to the indications in General Manuscript Format (see above), manuscripts must comply with the following guidelines:

  • do not separate syllables by hyphens at the ends of lines,

  • do not use extra spaces before or after between paragraphs,

  • insert only one space between words and after punctuation marks,

  • write accurately, clearly and concisely,

  • try to use active voice and first person (passive voice is preferable when describing methods and results; active voice can be used to emphasize a personal opinion, typically in INTRODUCTION and DISCUSSION),

  • do not include footnotes (they can be incorporated into the text, in parentheses if necessary),

  • do not include paragraphs made up of a single sentence,

  • do not start sentences with numbers, abbreviations or acronyms/acronyms,

  • use "g.," (for example), "i.e.," (that is) and "et al." (and collaborators),

  • respect the format of citations of bibliographic references in the text described below in QUOTES AND REFERENCES,

  • Respect the instructions regarding numbers, abbreviations and acronyms, formulas, scientific names, nomenclatures, etc.

Scientific and technical names: In the first mention of a species of a living being, and you are going to name it with the common or vulgar name, indicate the common or vulgar name and the full scientific name in italics (italics) in parentheses (even when already are in the title) with its corresponding authority (or cite a reference work where it can be consulted). Then use the common/vulgar name throughout the rest of the text. If you prefer to mention it with its scientific name, indicate it in full in italics (italics) with your authority the first time and, subsequently, the genus can be abbreviated to one letter (or two letters if necessary) as long as it does not lead to confusion, but always in italics (italics). If you have space limitations in tables or figures, you may need to use a "code" (such as the first letters of the genus and species) which should be in italics (italics), like the original scientific name. In that case, the code must be identified in the legend or, if there are too many, in a Table or Figure footer.

Use the "Soil Taxonomy" (USDA) or the FAO classification to classify soils. Locally used classifications may be placed in parentheses when they are widely used in the environment in which the research was carried out and for potential readers of the the contribution once published (e.g., Brazilian soil classification).

Technical terms not belonging to the Spanish language that have been imposed due to use must be written between quotation marks, and their use must be limited to those cases that are considered strictly necessary.

Numbers, symbols, formulas, abbreviations/acronyms, equipment: Use the International System of Units with the format in which the denominators of the units are presented as negative powers (e.g., g kg-1, g m-2 h-1) with the unit symbols indicated in that system (https://www.bipm.org/en/measurement-units). Use L for “liter” and K for the prefix “kilo-“.

Use "," (comma) as a decimal symbol when the language of the manuscript is Spanish or Portuguese and "." (dot) as a decimal symbol when the language of the manuscript is English and in the Abstract. Express numerical data values ​​with decimals in only one or two magnitudes (e.g., 92.4 or 92.38). Use a leading (left) zero for all numbers less than one (1), including probability values ​​(e.g., P < 0.01).

Numbers zero through nine must be written in letters in the text, except when they accompany units of measurement or percentages (e.g., two trees, 5 seconds, 3%). At the beginning of sentences always write the number in letters (e.g., “Thirty-two devices were…”). Use the twenty-four (24) hour time format, with ":" (colon) as a separator (e.g., 3:45 p.m.). Use day/month/year as the date format (e.g., September 25, 2000, or 09/25/00). Write the years in full (e.g., “1994-2000”).

Chemical products with a trademark are expressed by the common/generic name of the drug, with clarification in parentheses of the type of formulation, its concentration, the trademark and the manufacturing company [e.g., “glyphosate (emulsifiable liquid, 480 g kg-1, Round-up, Bayer Crop Science)”]. The dose and concentration refer to the amount of active ingredient applied per unit area and the grams of active ingredient per liter or kilogram of commercial product, respectively. Chemical compounds are named by name according to common or traditional nomenclature. If the Authors consider it necessary due to the nature of the manuscript they are preparing, the first time the compounds are mentioned in the text, the molecular formula can be clarified in parentheses [e.g., “potassium permanganate (KMnO4)” ] and in the rest of the text use the traditional name. Always indicate the concentrations of the solutions used.

Define all symbols, abbreviations, and acronyms the first time they are used and then use them throughout the rest of the text. Do not start sentences with symbols, abbreviations or acronyms. Mathematical expressions and formulas must be represented carefully. If you can, write the formulas in their final format (e.g., you can use the equation editor included in Microsoft Word) or, if not, write them in a way that is sufficiently understandable so that they can be formatted correctly during the layout of the manuscript. (e.g., use underlining for the fractional line, with the numerator and denominator written on different lines).

All specific equipment used to carry out the experimental work must be identified with its generic name and stating its model, its manufacturer and the location of the manufacturing company [e.g., “visible light spectrophotometer (Numak 721, Shanghai Yoke Instrument Co. Ltd. , Shanghai, China)”].

Use of italics (italics): Italics (italics) should not be used for emphasis. See QUOTES AND REFERENCES for special uses of italics (italics).

Use italics for scientific names and for all symbols of variables and constants (letters used as symbols for quantities, e.g., n, x, F, t, Z, P, and X) except Greek letters and statistical terms. and mathematical (e.g., In, e, exp, max, min, lim, DE, EE, CV, and d.l.). The corresponding symbols and names must appear in italics (italics) in the figures and illustrations, so as to be consistent with the text. In the text use "e.g.," (for example), "i.e.," (that is) and "et al." (and collaborators), without italics (italics)


Ciencia del Suelo adopts the citation and reference formats indicated in the Style Standards of the American Psychological Association (APA) (7th edition). Next, the most common formats and some recommendations regarding citations and references will be briefly described. If you have any questions or need additional information regarding cases not described in this section, refer to Sánchez (2020a) for citations in the text and Sánchez (2020b) and Chuah (2021) for bibliographic references (the corresponding references are at the end of this section). section). You can also use the site of the “American Psychological Association” (APA, 2022).

At the end of the manuscript, a REFERENCES section should be included in which all bibliographic references cited in the text should be listed. Every citation in the text must have its corresponding reference in the REFERENCES section and all references listed in the REFERENCES section must have been cited in the text. Before submitting the manuscript, review each in-text citation and reference list to ensure that they match exactly (authors and date) and that both citations and references comply with the required formats and include the required information.

In-text citations

In general, citations in contributions submitted to Ciencia del Suelo are paraphrased quotes (non-textual reproduction of the concept, idea, interpretation or information taken from the corresponding bibliographic reference). If you had to resort to a textual quote (verbatim reproduction of a passage from the source), please refer to Sánchez (2020a) to find the format to use. You can cite references in the text in two (2) ways:

  • as a citation based on text or narrative: "Surname (year)" [g., “Power (1998)”] or,

  • as a citation based on the author or parenthetical (in parentheses) separating author from year with a “,” (comma): “(Author, year)” [g., “(Power, 1998)”].

For accepted and in-publication sources, replace the year with “in press” for Spanish manuscripts, “no prelo” for Portuguese manuscripts, or “in press” for English manuscripts.

Always cite primary sources (that is, the source where the content you refer to with your quote is and that you have consulted). Only in strictly necessary cases (the original source is not available or accessible, or cannot be located or is in a language that does not allow it to be read) can you cite a secondary source (that is, a source that cites the primary source ). Do not abuse the citation of secondary sources that have mentioned the primary one, especially in paraphrased quotes. Redouble efforts to obtain the primary source. If you have to cite a secondary source, in the text identify the primary source followed by the expression “as cited in” for manuscripts in Spanish (“conforme ao cita por” for manuscripts in Portuguese or “as cited in”). for English manuscripts) followed by the secondary source [e.g., “(Smith, 1995), as cited in Jeffreys et al., 2022)” or “Smith (1995, as cited in Jeffreys et al., 2022)” . Only the secondary source should be registered in REFERENCES.

If you are citing a book, indicate the page or range of pages from which you took the cited concept [e.g., "Smith (2005, p. 508)" or "(Smith, 2005, p. 508)" or " Smith (2005, p. 520-522)"]. If you have to cite a corporate author (institution, organization, etc.), the first time you cite it in the text you must indicate the full name and an acronym/acronym that identifies it [e.g., "National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA, 2015 )" or "(Argentine Association of Soil Science [AACS], 2020)"]. The following times you cite the same corporate author you must use only the acronym/acronym [e.g., "INTA (2015)" or "(AACS, 2020)"]. To mention more than one source for parenthetical paraphrased citations, order them in the same order as they are ordered in REFERENCES (see below in the section “Ordering references in REFERENCES”) and separate them with ";" (semicolon) [e.g., "(AACS, 2020; INTA, 2015; Jones, 2018b; Power, 1998; Smith, 2005)"].

For sources with two (2) authors, indicate the surnames of both authors separated by "and" in Spanish manuscripts [e.g., "Jones and Power (2010)" or "(Jones and Power, 2010)" ] or "e" for Portuguese manuscripts [e.g., "Jones e Power (2010)" or "(Jones e Power, 2010)"]. For English manuscripts, separate authors' last names with "and" in narrative citations [e.g., "Jones and Power (2010)"] and "&" (ampersand) in parenthetical citations [e.g., "(Jones & Power, 2010)"]. For sources with three (3) or more authors, indicate the last name of the first author followed by “et al.” [e.g., "Jones et al. (2012)" or "(Jones et al., 2012)"].

To distinguish sources from exactly the same authors (whether one, two or three or more) published in the same year, a letter (a, b, c, etc.) must be attached to the year according to the order in which the references will be arranged in REFERENCES [e.g., "Jones (2018a, 2018b)" or "(Jones, 2018a, 2018b)"; "Jones and Power (2010a, 2010b)" or "(Jones and Power, 2010a, 2010b)"; "Jones et al. (2012a, 2012b)" or "(Jones et al., 2012a, 2012b)"]. The letters must also accompany the year in REFERENCES. In the case of sources with three (3) or more authors published in the same year and that share the first author, all authors must be cited up to the first one that is different between references [e.g., "Jones, Power et al. (2008)" and "Jones, Smith et al. (2008)" or "(Jones, Smith, García et al., 2006)" and "(Jones, Smith, Power et al., 2006)" ].

Two or more sources from the same author(s) published on different dates must be ordered chronologically (from oldest to newest as in REFERENCES) without repeating the last name(s) and separating the years by “ ,” (comma) [e.g., “Power (1997, 2000, 2005)” or “(Power, 1997, 2000, 2005)” or “Jones and Power (2010a, 2010b, 2015, 2020)” or “(Smith et al., 2016, 2018, 2021)”]. “In press” works should be placed at the end [e.g., “(Jeffreys et al., 2015, 2019, 2021, in press)”].

Sources that cannot be retrieved by the reader (e.g., personal conversations or interviews, emails or social networks, conferences, etc.) or whose accessibility is restricted by the nature of the source (e.g., material unpublished, internal reports, minutes or summaries of meetings, conferences or congresses of little circulation, forums, etc.) must be cited as “personal communication” in manuscripts in Spanish (“comunicação pessoal” in manuscripts in Portuguese, “personal communication” in manuscripts in English) in the text. These types of citations in the text should not be included in REFERENCES and must have the initial form and last name of the person who made the communication accompanied by a date (in the corresponding language according to the original language of the manuscript). as accurate as possible [e.g., “(J. R. Power, personal communication, April 28, 2005)” or “J. R. Power (personal communication, April 28, 2005)”].

Reference formats

All bibliographic references must be listed in the REFERENCES section with all the necessary information so that the reader has available what they need to be able to locate and recover the sources that have been cited. Every citation in the text must have its corresponding reference in the REFERENCES section and all references listed in the REFERENCES section must have been cited in the text. The Editor may reject the submission of a manuscript if this is not respected in order to request that it be corrected and re-uploaded to the OJS.

The REFERENCES section should be included in the manuscript following the body of the manuscript. Each reference listed must be on a separate line and must meet the line spacing, font type and size, and alignment characteristics of the rest of the manuscript. Each reference listed in REFERENCES must have a “hanging indent” of 1.25 cm from the left margin of the page and must not have additional spaces above and below. The general format of each reference must include:

  • Identification of the Author or Authors: write the last name of the first author followed by a “,” (comma) and a space and then the initial(s) followed by a “.” (period) and separated by a space (g., “Power, J. R.” or “Smith, M.”). For multiple authors up to a number of twenty (20), list all authors separated by “,” (comma) and after the second to last the “conjunction” “and” for manuscripts in Spanish (“e” for manuscripts in Portuguese or “&” for manuscripts in English) (e.g., “Power, J. R., Smith, M., Jones, P. and Jeffreys, A.”). For more than twenty (20) authors, the first nineteen (19) must be listed and then put an ellipsis and then the last author (e.g., “Author1, I. S., Author2, I. S., Author3, I. S., Author4, I. S., Author5, I. S., Author6, I. S., Author7, I. S., Author8, I. S., Author9, I. S., Author10, I. S., Author11, I. S., Author12, I. S., Author13, I. S., Author14, I. S., Author15, I. S., Author16, I. S., Author17, I. S., Author18, I. S., Author19, I. S., … Author25, I. S.”). For corporate authors, indicate the full name of the institution/organization followed by a period (e.g., “Argentine Association of Soil Science.” or “Sigma-Aldrich.”). If the indicated authors are editors of the work, “(Ed.)” or “(Eds.)” must be added after the list of authors followed by a “.” (period) [e.g., “Jeffreys, A., Smith, M., Power, J. R., & Jones, P. (Eds.).” or “Power, J. R. (Ed.).”].

  • Date: indicate the year of publication in parentheses followed by a “.” (period) [g., “Power, J. R., Smith, M., Jones, P., and Jeffreys, A. (2008).” or “Power, J. R. (1997).” or “Power, J. R. (Ed.). (2000).]. When the date of the reference is not known, “(s.f.)” is indicated in Spanish manuscripts (“(s.d.)” for Portuguese manuscripts or “(n.d.)” for English manuscripts). See below how to indicate the date for references to conferences, conferences, etc. not published. In special cases, more precise dates must be indicated (see references indicated above). For works in the process of publication (that is, those that have been accepted and are in the process of being published) indicate “(in press)” instead of the date for manuscripts in Spanish (“(no prelo)” for manuscripts in Portuguese or “ (in press)” for English manuscripts).

  • Title of the work: refers to the name of the work being cited (work in a magazine, chapter of a book, book, newsletter, document on the internet, etc.).

  • Source: is the place/medium where the work is located. The name of the source must be indicated in italics (italics). The identification of the source is what determines the different types of references and what provides the information to be able to locate, identify and recover the work. Whenever possible, it is recommended to indicate the DOI or URL to be able to locate the works online. The DOI format must be:https://doi.org/xx.xxxxxxxxxx.

Below, examples of the most common reference formats will be given. For any other format, it is suggested to resort to Sánchez (2020b), Chuah (2021) and/or APA (2022).

Article in periodical publication with DOI, without DOI or with URL:

Last name, A., Last name, B. C., Last name, D., Last name, F. G. and Last name, H. (yyyy). Title of the specific article without italics (italics). Full Magazine title in italics (italics), V(N), 00-00. https://doi.org/xx.xxxxxxxxx

where yyyy is the year of publication, V is the volume and must be italicized (italics), N is the number within the volume and 00-00 is the page range. If the work has an item number instead of a page range, include the item number instead of the page range. The title of the magazine should NOT be abbreviated. If the journal does not have a DOI and is not open access, nothing is recorded after the page range. If it does not have a DOI and is open access, the URL to access is provided.(e.g., http://www.aaaa.org.ar/vol_23n2/volmer_107-00000.pdf). If it has a DOI and is also open access, the DOI is recorded.

Book with DOI, without DOI, with URL:

Last name, A. B. and Last name, C. (yyyy). Title of the Book in italics (italics) (Xth ed., T. 0). Editorial-Publisher. https://doi.org/xx.xxxxxxxxx

Last name, A. B. (Ed.) (yyyy). Title of the Book in italics (italics) (Xth ed., T. 0). Editorial-Publisher. https://doi.org/xx.xxxxxxxxx

where yyyy is the year of publication, ) and Publisher-Publisher is the name of the company, organization or institution that published the book. If the book does not have a DOI and is not open access, nothing is recorded after Editorial-Publisher. If it does not have a DOI and is open access, the URL to access is recorded (e.g., http://www.aaaa.org.ar/XXXXXXXX.pdf). If it has a DOI and is open access, the DOI is recorded.

Edited book chapter with DOI, without DOI, with URL:

Last name, A. B. and Last name, C. (yyyy). Chapter title without italics (italics). In J. K. Surname (Ed.), Book Title in italics (italics) (pp. 00-00). Editorial-Publisher. https://doi.org/xx.xxxxxxxxx

Last name, A. B. (aaaa). Chapter title without italics (italics). In J. K. Surname and L. M. Surname (Eds.), Book Title in italics (italics) (pp. 00-00). Editorial-Publisher. https://doi.org/xx.xxxxxxxxx

where yyyy is the year of publication, (pp. 00-00) is the page range of the chapter WITHOUT italics (italics) and Editorial-Publisher is the name of the company, organization or institution that published the book. If the book does not have a DOI and is not open access, nothing is recorded after Editorial-Publisher. If it does not have a DOI and is open access, the URL to access is recorded (e.g., http://www.aaaa.org.ar/XXXXXXXX.pdf). If it has a DOI and is open access, the DOI is recorded.

Contributions to unpublished conferences, conferences, seminars, round tables:

Last name, A. B., Last name, C. and Last name, D. E. (11-22 xxxxxxx yyyy). Title of contribution in italics (italics) [Type of contribution]. Name of the event without italics (italics), City, Province-State, Country. url_if_the_contribution_is_online

where yyyy is the year of publication, 11-22 is the range of days in which the event took place, xxxxxxx is the month in which the event took place, [Type of contribution] is what the contribution was presented as (e.g. , “[Conference abstract]”, “[Poster presentation]”, “[Work presentation]”, “[Summary presentation]”, “[Symposium presentation]”, “[Round table presentation]”, “[Conference]”, etc.). The URL can link to a document, a video, etc.

Contributions to conferences, conferences, seminars, round tables published as a book or as an edited book:

Last name, A. B., Last name, C., Last name, D. E. and Last name, F. (yyyy). Title of the contribution without italics (italics). Title of publication in italics (italics) (pp. 00-00). Editorial-Publisher. https://doi.org/xx.xxxxxxxxx

Last name, A. B., Last name, C., Last name, D. E. and Last name, F. (yyyy). Title of the contribution without italics (italics). In J. K. Surname and L. M. Surname (Eds.), Title of publication in italics (italics) (pp. 00-00). Editorial-Publisher. https://doi.org/xx.xxxxxxxxx

where yyyy is the year of publication, (pp. 00-00) is the range of pages it occupies and (could be replaced by the contribution number) and Editorial-Publisher is the name of the company, organization or institution that published the book . The title of the publication could be, for example, Minutes XXVII Argentine Congress of Soil Science, Corrientes, Corrientes. If the book does not have a DOI and is not open access, nothing is recorded after Editorial-Publisher. If it does not have a DOI and is open access, the URL to access is recorded (e.g., http://www.aaaa.org.ar/XXXXXXXX.pdf). If it has a DOI and is open access, the DOI is recorded.

See Sánchez (2020b), Chuah (2021) and/or APA (2022) how to cite contributions to conferences, conferences, seminars, round tables that have been published as an issue of a periodical magazine.

Thesis included in a database or repository:

Last name, A. B. (aaaa). Title of the thesis in italics (italics) (Publication No. XXXX) [Type of Thesis, University]. Name of the database or repository. database_url/location_repository__thesis

where yyyy is the year of publication, (Publication No. XXXX) is the number assigned to the thesis in the database/repository (if it does not have one assigned, this entry is omitted after the title), [Type of Thesis, University] indicates what type of thesis it is and in which university it was developed (e.g., “[Doctoral Thesis, National University of La Plata]” or “[Agronomic Engineering Thesis, National University of Mar del Plata]”) and Name of the database or repository (e.g., “IPUIB Base” or “Bibliographic Repository of the Agronomic University”). Indicate the URL so that the reader can access the document.

Thesis not included in any database or repository:

Last name, A. B. (aaaa). Title of the thesis in italics (italics) [Type of unpublished thesis]. University.

where yyyy is the year of publication, [Type of unpublished thesis] indicates what type of thesis it is and, since it is not publicly available, “unpublished” is added (e.g., “[Unpublished Doctoral Thesis]” or “[Unpublished Thesis of unpublished Agricultural Engineering]”) and university is the university where it was developed.

Website with publication date:

Last name, A. B. (yyyy, 00 of xxxxxxx). Page title in italics (italics). Website. Website_and_webpage_URL

where yyyy is the year of publication, 00 is the day of publication (if any), xxxxxxx is the month of publication (if any) and Website is the site where the page is located.

Web page without publication date:

Last name, A. B. (s.f.). Page title in italics (italics). Website. Retrieved on 00 xxxxxxx, yyyy, from web_site_and_web_page_URL

where s.f. is “no date”, Website is the site the page is on, 00 is the day the page was retrieved, xxxxxxx is the month it was retrieved, and yyyy is the year it was retrieved.

Article or material recovered from the internet:

Surname, A. B. and Surname, B. C. (yyyy, 00 of xxxxxxx). Title of the work or material without italics (italics). Source title in italics (italics), V(N), 00-00. http://www.aaaa.org.ar/vol_00n2/volmer_107-00000.pdf

where yyyy is the year of publication, 00 is the day of publication, xxxxxxx is the month of publication, V is the volume and must be italicized (italics), N is the number within the volume and 00-00 is the range of pages. If the work has an item number instead of a page range, include the item number instead of the page range. The title of the magazine should NOT be abbreviated. If the source does not have volume, number and/or pages, use the following format:

Surname, A. B. and Surname, B. C. (yyyy, 00 of xxxxxxx). Title of the work or material without italics (italics). Font title in italics (italics). http://www.aaaa.org.ar/vol_00n2/volmer_107-00000.pdf

Ordering of references in REFERENCES: To order the list of references, take into account:

  1. The list should be arranged alphabetically by the last name of a single author followed by his/her initials [g., “Surname1, A. (2222).” followed by “Surname1, B. (1111).” followed by “Surname1, C. D. (1111).” followed by “Surname2, K. (1111)”]

  2. For multiple works by the same single author, order them chronologically (e.g., by year or date of publication from oldest to most recent) [e.g., “Surname1, A. (1111).” followed by “Surname1, A. (2222).” followed by “LastName1, A. (3333).” followed by “Surname1, B. (1111).” followed by “Surname1, B. (3333)”]

  3. For several works by the same first author together with another author or authors, arrange them alphabetically by the last name and initials of the second author and, if necessary, then continue by the subsequent authors. Follow the same criteria as in points 1 and 2 for multiple works with the same sequence of authors sharing the first author (g., “Surname1, A. and Surname2, B. (2222).” followed by “Surname1, A. . and Last Name2, B. (3333).” followed by “Last Name1, A. and Last Name3, B. C. (4444).” followed by “Last Name1, A. and Last Name3, D. E. (1111).” followed by “Last Name1, J. and Surname3, D. E. (1111).”].

  4. When several works with the same first author must be listed, those with a single author should be listed first and then works with co-authors, following the same guidelines indicated in 1, 2 and 3 (g., “Surname1, A. (1111).” followed by “Surname1, A. (2222).” followed by “Surname1, A. and Surname2, B. (2222).” followed by “Last Name1, A. and Last Name2, B. (3333)” followed by “Last Name1, A. and Last Name3, B. C. (2222)” followed by “Last Name1, A., Last Name3, B. C. and Last Name2, K. (1111) .” followed by “LastName2, K. (1111)” followed by “LastName2, K. (2222)” followed by “LastName2, K. and LastName3, B. (3333).” followed by “LastName2, K., LastName3 , B. C. and Surname4, L. (4444).”].

  5. Works by the same Author or by the same Authors in the same year must have a letter (a, b, c, etc.) placed after the year [g., “Author1, A. (2021a)” followed by “Author1, A. (2021b)” followed by “Author1, A. and Author2, B. (2019a)” followed by “Author1, A. and Author2, B. (2019a) )”]. Letters are assigned after ordering the references within each group of authors alphabetically by the title of the work. The assigned letters must appear in the corresponding citations in the text.

  6. The “undated” references are located before the dated references within the different alternatives shown in 1, 2, 3 and 4. On the other hand, the “in press” references are located after the dated references within the different alternatives shown in 1, 2, 3 and 4 [g., “Surname1, A. (s.f.).” followed by “Surname1, A. (2222).” followed by followed by “Surname1, A. (in press).” followed by “Surname1, A. and Surname2, B. (n.d.).” followed by “LastName1, A. and LastName2, B. (3333).” followed by “Surname1, A. and Surname2, B. (in press).”].

References cited in this section QUOTES AND REFERENCES

American Psychological Association. (2022). APA Style. APA. https://apastyle.apa.org/

Chuah, K. (2021, noviembre de 2021). APA 7th Edition Referencing and Citation Quick Guide (Tabulated by Types). ResearchGate. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/356041424_APA_7th_Edition_Referencing_and_Citation_Quick_Guide_Tabulated_by_Types

Sánchez, C. (24 de enero de 2020a). Citas APA. Normas APA (7a edición). https://normas-apa.org/citas/

Sánchez, C. (24 de enero de 2020b). Referencias APA. Normas APA (7a edición). https://normas-apa.org/referencias/

TABLES All Tables must be referenced in the text and must be self-explanatory and as simple as possible. Use the same font as in the text (i.e., Arial size 11). The nomenclature, abbreviations, symbols and units used in the Tables must match those used in the text. The title of the Tables must be located at the top (in the original language of the work and in English if the original language is Spanish or Portuguese and, if the original language of the work is English, in English and Spanish), and must allow that are understood without having to read the text. If applicable, units should be explicit in all values ​​that accompany a measurement or count. The same information should not be repeated in Tables and Figures; If both are clear, a Figure is preferable. Do not include in the Tables any type of information that is not discussed in the text of the manuscript. You can include clarifications in the Table footer. Tables should be prepared in table format in Microsoft Word, and inserted into the text in a position close to where they are first referenced. Additionally, each Table must be saved as a separate file (in “.doc”, “.docx” or “.rtf” format) and each must be loaded into the OJS as a “Table”.

Identify each table file as follows: TableX-first words of the title or some that describe your topic (e.g., Table1-Cover Crops and Conservation). If it is not possible to create the Tables in Microsoft Word, separate each field or data with tabs (never with spaces). Do not divide the Tables into two or more parts. Do not use vertical lines and try to minimize horizontal ones. Do not use an excessive number of decimal digits; should be in accordance with the precision of the measurement.

FIGURES Each Figure must be self-explanatory and must be referenced in the text. Avoid repeating information that is in Tables. The nomenclature, abbreviations, symbols and units used in a Figure must match those used in the text. The headings of each Figure must be entered in the original language of the work and in English if the original language is Spanish or Portuguese and, if the original language of the work is English, in English and Spanish. They should allow the Figures to be understood without having to read the text. Figures must be designed in their final size in the source program, font the same as the rest of the manuscript (i.e., 11-point Arial). They should not have a title within the graphs that compose it. Place identification letters (such as a, b, etc.) to distinguish between graphs in a Composite Figure. Use bars and symbols with high contrasts. Include legends or symbol keys within the illustration and not in the title/caption. Some simple symbols can be included within titles/epithgraphs only if essential. Include the Figures in your word processor file, pasting or inserting them into the text in a position close to where it is first referenced. Paste them only with the setting "In line with the text" (i.e., not "floating" on the page) and as an "Image" ("JPG", "TIFF", or "Enhanced Metafile" format), importing it from the graphics package that the Authors have chosen to make it. Additionally, each figure must be saved as a separate file in "JPG" or "TIFF" format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and each must be uploaded to OJS as “Figure”.  

Identify each figure file as follows: FigureX-first words of the title or some that describe your topic (e.g., Figure1-Cover crops and conservation). as “Figure”. For Figures consisting of more than one graph [e.g., part a), b) and c)], it is recommended to save each part in a separate file. In case of lack of fidelity or clarity of the figure, the Authors will be required to provide its original file.

PHOTOGRAPHS Photographs should only be included if they provide essential information to understand the article. Name and number them as if they were Figures. They must be pasted into the text in the same way as the Figures and each saved as separate files in "JPG" or "TIFF" format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and naming the file as Figure (see the previous section). A file with the Photograph may be requested from the Author(s) if necessary to improve the quality for publication. You should ensure that the size of the Photo file is not greater than Mb.

MAPS Maps should only be included if they provide essential information to understand the article. Name and number them as if they were Figures. Include northing, graphic scale, and coordinates. It is recommended to include the keys/references in the image and/or in the caption. Insert them into the text and save them following the same recommendations as for Figures and Photographs.

PREPARATION OF MANUSCRIPTS OF SCIENTIFIC NOTES Scientific Notes must consist of Title, Summary, Keywords, in the original language (Spanish, Portuguese or English) and in the alternative language (English if the original is Spanish or Portuguese or Spanish if the original is English), text itself (including Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and discussion (together or separately) and Conclusion, all together, without divisions), References, Tables and Figures (including Photographs and/or Maps). The formats (sheet size, line spacing, alignment, indentations, margins, font size, use of scientific names, units and italics, writing style, citations and bibliographic references, etc.) are the same as for SCIENTIFIC WORKS. The Abstract must have a maximum of one hundred (100) words, and the total manuscript cannot exceed ten (10) pages, including Tables and Figures and without taking into account the Abstract and References. You must present a maximum of fifteen (15) bibliographic references and two of the following elements: Tables, Figures, Maps or Photographs). The titles/subtitles of these elements must be in the original language (Spanish, Portuguese or English) and in the alternative (English if the original is Spanish or Portuguese or Spanish if the original is English)

SUBMISSION PREPARATION CHECKLIST As part of the submission process, Authors are required to check that their submission meets all of the elements mentioned below. The Editor will return to the Authors those submissions that do not comply with these guidelines.

  1. The manuscript should not include the names of the authors or their affiliations. The anonymity of the file MUST be guaranteed (in the text and in the meta information of the file).

    The full names of the authors and their affiliations must be uploaded in the forms that appear during the process of uploading the manuscript to the system and can only be seen by the Editors.

    The manuscript must not have been previously published or submitted to another journal. It may only have been presented as a contribution to a meeting, conference, congress, etc.

    The file sent is in Microsoft Word format (".doc", ".docx" or ".rtf" formats) with Title, Abstract, Body of the manuscript, References, Tables and Figures.

    Web addresses or DOIs have been added for references where possible.

    The Tables and Figures formats were revised.

    The format of bibliographical references is adapted to the journal's standards.

    The text meets the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the guidelines for authors.

    The text meets the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the guidelines for authors.

  2. At least one potential Reviewer was indicated to the Editor of the journal


  1. The new version of the manuscript must be returned to the Editor in charge within fifteen (15) days. After this period has passed and there has been no communication of an extension of the period, it will be considered that the Authors decline their intention to publish it in Ciencia del Suelo.

    Upload the new manuscript file into the system with the modifications made so that they can be identified by the assigned Section Editor and eventually by the Reviewers in a new round of review (different color in the modifications made, characters crossed out for what is deleted, change control marks, comments added, etc.).

    Upload the file of the new "purified" manuscript into the system, that is, as if the modifications made or not, according to the suggestions and/or comments of the Editor and the Reviewers, were already incorporated to the text and no longer identified.

  2. Upload an attached text file to the system indicating which observations were accepted and which were rejected by the Authors. In the case of rejecting any of the suggestions or comments of the Reviewers or the Editor, please explain the reasons for rejecting the suggestion/comment.


Once the manuscript review process has been completed and all necessary correction stages have been completed, the Editor will inform the Authors through the OJS whether the manuscript is finally accepted for publication or rejected. Once the manuscript is accepted, galley proofs (or galleys) will be prepared in the final publication format. These will be sent to the Authors either through the OJS, or by email as a file in ".PDF" format. The galley proofs (or galleys) may show some minor changes made by the authors. proofreaders of the journal to comply with scientific, technical, style or grammatical standards and are reviewed before being sent to the Authors to verify their fidelity with respect to the accepted manuscript. However, it is the sole responsibility of the Authors. The Authors carefully review the citations, the formulas, possible omissions in the text, the Figures, the Tables, the formats of units and special characters, etc. If in the galley proofs (or galleys) the Authors/ If you find any errors or formatting inconveniences, you must send your comments to the Editor for corrections in no more than seven (7) days from the date of sending the galley proofs (or galleys). ONLY FORMAT CORRECTIONS MAY BE REQUESTED AND NOT CONTENT. Otherwise, the manuscript will be printed as it was in the version submitted for review.



Sending of manuscripts


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