
ISSN 1851-1716
versión on-line
ISSN 0327-5566
versión impresa

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Sections Policy

Until 2020

Humanities and Social Sciences (Research): spontaneous reception section (open submissions), peer-reviewed texts are published through the double-blind system. Articles are indexed.

Humanities and Social Sciences (Communications): spontaneous reception section (open submissions), double-blind revised texts. Articles are indexed.

Exact and Natural Sciences (Research): spontaneous reception section (open submissions), double-blind revised texts. Articles are indexed.

Exact and Natural Sciences (Communications): spontaneous reception section (open submissions), texts reviewed by double blindness. Articles are indexed.

Bibliographic reviews: spontaneous reception section (open mailings), double-blind revised texts. Articles are indexed.

2021 and onwards

spontaneous reception section (open submissions), peer-reviewed texts are included through the double-blind system. Articles are indexed.

spontaneous reception section (open submissions), double-blind revised texts. Articles are indexed.

spontaneous reception by call for papsrs, including peer-reviewed texts through the double-blind system. Articles are indexed.

texts are published at the request of the editor, their evaluation is editorial and they are indexed.

spontaneous reception section (open submissions), double-blind revised texts. Articles are indexed.

Evaluation and publication process

1) Preliminary reading

All the contributions that are submitted, will be reviewed by the editorial team, who will carry out a preliminary reading of the texts. The preliminary reading is intended to consider the contributions that will be subject to evaluation taking into account the works that agree with the objectives, the formal guidelines and the textual typologies of the journal; the balance in the sections and the saturation of themes, problems or perspectives of analysis.

CDyT checks for plagiarism and/or double publication through the Similarity Check tool. The control is carried out both in the preliminary reading instance and after sending it to evaluation.

If, after preliminary reading, it is established that the text does not meet the objectives, the presentation standards, the textual types that are published in the journal, or that it does not constitute a significant original and novel proposal based on having already published on the question (saturation) this will be rejected and suggestions or modifications will be indicated for a future presentation.

From the editorial team of CDyT we consider that the preliminary reading of the texts is a fundamental task that must be carried out conscientiously and carefully both to guide the authors and to make a correct selection of external evaluators. Authors will be informed about the passage to evaluation or the rejection of the text in a period not exceeding thirty (30) days after submission.

2) Peer Review

All contributions that pass the preliminary reading satisfactorily will be evaluated by a double-blind arbitration system by external reviewers of recognized prestige. The reviewers will be selected from among specialist scientists in each subdiscipline and subject, who can evaluate in Spanish or Portuguese, according to the original language of the article. The works destined to the Research and Communications sections will be evaluated by external review peers. If opinions are opposite, a third reviewer will be summoned. The bibliographic reviews will be reviewed by an external evaluator.

The duration of the review process will depend on the number of articles on the waiting list for preliminary reading and for the assignment of reviewers, as well as the number of review rounds that each work requires, the diligence and the speed of the authors themselves.

The CDyT editorial team will be able to keep the authors informed about the different stages of the review process: 1) selection of external evaluators and invitation to evaluation; 2) acceptance of evaluation (partial, if only one of the selected evaluators agrees to perform the task; complete, if both do); 3) new selection of evaluator / s (if the first selection does not yield positive results or if the acceptance was partial); 4) evaluation results.

If the selection of reviewers does not yield positive results after three invitations, the CDyT team will contact the authors to determine if they wish to continue with the editorial process.

3) Results

The final publication decision is the responsibility of the scientific editor at the request of the results of the evaluations. For Bibliographic Reviews a rating of Acceptable is required. For Articles and Communications, the possible results of each evaluation are four: Acceptable, Acceptable with minor modifications, Acceptable with major modifications and Rejected. Depending on the combination of the results of the two evaluations, the texts may be: Accepted for publication, Rejected or sent to a second round of evaluation (revisions are required) following the following table

Publication (from 2021)

Following the continuous publication model, the accepted texts will be published in the current number at the time of their approval, after the technical editing process (translation of titles, abstract and keywords into Portuguese, style correction and putting on the page) . In case of delays in the technical edition, it will be published in the following number during the first week of validity. The authors will be duly notified.

Ethics in the publication

CDyT adheres to the provisions established in the Good Practice Guide for the strengthening of ethics in scientific publication prepared by the Scientific Electronic Library On Line (SciELO) for the journals indexed in its collections. These recommendations, in turn, were prepared taking into account the recommendations, among others, of COPECSEEquator NetworkICMJECNPqFapesp.

CDyT advocates a transparent, thorough, unbiased and fair editorial process that ensures integrity in the publication of articles, promoting ethical conduct in all participants in the editorial process (readers, authors, reviewers, editors, etc.).

Sending a manuscript published on another site by another author (plagiarism) or by the same author (duplicate publication) are considered serious ethical misconduct that invalidate the publication in CDyT; the authors are also advised to monitor all forms of partial self-plagiarism. 

CDyT checks for plagiarism and/or double publication through the Similarity Check tool. The control is carried out both in the preliminary reading instance and after sending it to evaluation.

The articles do not represent the opinion of the publishing institution or the members of the Advisory Council. CDyT undertakes to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.

Malpractice detection

Malpractices can be identified by members of the Advisory Committee, International Editorial Board, authors, reviewers or readers, in which case the accusations will be dealt with as long as they are substantiated and evidence is provided. To initiate attention to these cases –and as far as possible–, the flow diagrams proposed by COPE will be taken as support and reference, adapting them to the structure of the journal.

The journal may decide, depending on the nature and effects of the fraud detected, to take other administrative and jurisdictional measures for a better solution of the problem.

Procedures for complaints and appeals

Complaints will be addressed in writing to the Editor of the journal, this will be transmitted to the Advisory Council, who will recommend the steps to follow and the people and instances to whom it is necessary to turn to solve the problem. Eventually, when the journal's decision is challenged, a committee of members of the editorial body and external to the journal will be formed.

Retractions and errata

The article already published in which misconduct was identified will remain indexed in the journal's database as retracted.

The retraction will be documented for the duly referenced reason, by means of communication from the author or editor or another authorized agent, and published in the same journal. The retraction may be partial when the misconduct does not compromise the whole of the published research. The article will not be removed from the summary of the issue in which it was published.

In case of errors or failures that do not constitute bad behaviors, they are corrected by means of errata. The journal will publish errors, corrections or retractions as quickly as possible.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • 1) I declare that the text is original, it has not been previously published nor has it been submitted simultaneously for another journal.

  • 2) I declare knowing the general rules of CDyT: transparency policies, good practices and review procedures informed by CDyT.

  • 3) I declare that the text has been anonymized for peer review.

  • 4) I agree to fill out and sign the Publication Request form provided by CDyT.

  • 5) I declare that the text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the "Author Guidelines", which can be found below.

  • 6) I declare that, whenever possible, URLs or digital identifiers have been provided for the references.

  • 7) I declare that the submission file is in Open Office or Microsoft Word format.

Author Guidelines

General formal guidelines

- Language: Spanish or Portuguese; on A4 size pages; margins: top, left and right: 2.5cm, bottom: 2cm; single space text; Arial font size 12; Notes and bibliographical references in Arial size 10.

-The inclusion of citations and bibliographic references must be carried out under the style rules elaborated by the American Psychology Association.

-The acronyms must be developed the first time they appear in the text; for example, the first time it should be written: National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), and later: CONICET.

-Reference to Tables (tables, diagrams, etc.) and Figures (photographs, drawings, representations, etc.) must be numbered consecutively and mentioned explicitly in the text.

-The article will be presented in an electronic file in a Word processor or equivalent. Footnotes must be numbered consecutively, indicating in the text with an Arabic number in superscript.

-The file must be presented anonymised, without references within the text that allow the identification of the author(s) (all direct or indirect information that may allow the identification of the author, which implies the suppression of acknowledgments, first-person references to own texts, etc.).

Section Specific Guidelines (2021)

Research Section

Spontaneous reception section where articles are published that present in a concise and detailed way the results of scientific research or technological development. Also included are theoretical or conceptual research articles that clearly establish their epistemological and / or methodological instances of construction. From 2022: research papers with partial or incomplete results will not be accepted; Those that emanate from thesis work will be reviewed (in the preliminary reading stage) based on their consistency, and it may be recommended that they be sent to another section.

Formal features:

Maximum length: 20 pages (including notes and references)

Main title: up to 100 characters

Summary: up to 250 words

Keywords: up to five

Communications Section

Short texts where preliminary results of an investigation or short articles that recover postgraduate thesis work can be presented. This section also includes theoretically supported academic communications on teaching experiences or technological implementation.

Formal features:

Maximum length: 12 pages (including notes and references)

Main title: up to 100 characters

Summary: up to 120 words

Keywords: up to 3

Thematic Section

Section where texts are published from specific calls. Research articles, short articles and / or reflection on a specific topic, perspective or problem are included according to the provisions of the particular call. 

Formal features:

Maximum length: 20 pages (including notes and references)

Main title: up to 100 characters

Summary: up to 250 words

Keywords: up to five

Documents Section

Reflection texts not necessarily derived from research, written by leading specialists, intended to argue on an important and topical issue regarding scientific research, social development or technological innovation in Argentina or Latin America. In this section texts are published commissioned by the editor, directors or members of the Advisory Council.

Formal features:

Maximum length: 12 pages (including notes and references)

Main title: up to 100 characters

Summary: up to 250 words

Keywords: up to five

Reviews Section

Short text that gives a critical account of the contents of a recently published book whose theme is inherent to scientific-technological research, social development or innovation.

Formal features:

Maximum length: 5 pages

Main title: up to 100 characters

Summary: up to 250 words

Keywords: up to five



Sending of manuscripts


Reception and submission process

The reception of articles is done through our Open Journal System platform. After registering as a user, you can upload the file through the five-step procedure of our web environment.

All contributions must be accompanied by the Publication Request Form, which may be included as an additional file.

1) Enter the language and the section in which you would like your article to be published. If necessary, you can make clarifications or instructions for the editor. Indicate if the text takes up previous lines of inquiry, previous presentations or lectures. Review our code of ethics to avoid double posting or self-plagiarism.

2) Upload the article file. In case of including graphic materials (Tables, maps, photographs, etc.), upload them separately as additional files with their titles.

3) Loading Metadata. The title, abstract and keywords must be uploaded in Spanish and English. Enter all authors and contributors to the publication. Load the list of Bibliographic References in the Citations box, leaving a blank space between each one.

4) Confirm the submission by clicking "Finish submission".

5) Close the platform.


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2023 EDUNER (Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos)

Andrés Pazos 406
(E3100FHK) Paraná - Pcia. de Entre Ríos
República Argentina

Tel.: (0343) 4321121



SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1851-1716&lng=es&nrm=iso