
ISSN 1853-3655
online version
ISSN 1666-6186
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Section Policies


Completed, original and unpublished research results, which methodically constitute a contribution to the thematic scope of Cuaderno Urbano, or which are built from work experience in the area, from a critical and analytical perspective. Within this section, case studies are accepted that provide data and methodologies whose value lies in the possibility of establishing comparisons, reflections or hypotheses of a higher level of generality, which transcend the local interest of the case treated. They can have a length of between 4000 and 8000 words, tables and a maximum of ten figures (images and graphs). Each issue of the journal includes between five and six peer-reviewed articles, depending on their length.

Open shipments
Peer Reviewed

Cities Report

Special section intended to present features or characteristics of a particular city or a set of cities that share common features, from a topic of interest within the theme of the magazine, or some relevant urban phenomenon that is occurring in it or them. . Due to its nature, this section allows a shorter length (between 4000 and 6000 words), and a greater number of figures is required (up to twenty).

Open shipments
Peer Reviewed


Aimed at disseminating contributions from researchers or academics with extensive experience. The works represent a significant conceptual contribution to the disciplinary debate, and may be the result of specific research or have the character of essays or solidly based opinion articles. The Editorial Committee is in charge of deciding which of the articles presented and approved in the referee evaluation will go in this section. If submitted exclusively for this section, an extension of up to 10,000 words is allowed.

Open shipments
Peer Reviewed

Book reviews

This section includes short contributions of up to 2,500 words that present recently published books published by universities or research centers on the topic of Urban Notebook. Reviews must include the complete bibliographical citation of the book (title, author/s, publisher, place and date), a descriptive synthesis of the book, comments on the contributions it makes to the topic it addresses and some final assessment that highlights the interest that it may have for the readers of Cuaderno Urbano.

Open shipments
Peer Reviewed

20th Anniversary Section

Open shipments
Without checking
Peer Reviewed

Peer evaluation process

The editorial board will receive original contributions and consider them in two instances. In the first, you will analyze the formal aspects specified below with respect to the length of the article, typography, body, line spacing, bibliography, etc., while in the second you will consider the relevance of the content, the structure and its expository clarity. In this instance, the editorial management may accept, reject or suggest changes to the article under consideration. In the latter case, if there is agreement with the author, he or she must make the necessary amendments and send the article to the Editorial Committee for reconsideration. Once the works are accepted, they will be sent to two evaluators from the publication's Arbitration Committee or to two selected from among academics of recognized ability in the topic covered by the article and to a third, who will decide if there are opposing opinions between the two. Once the evaluations have been received, the Editorial Committee will inform the author of the results through a unified opinion, keeping the appropriate reservations. Evaluations will be done by blind pairs (authors and evaluators remain anonymous to each other).

Once the article is accepted, the date of its publication is at the discretion of the editorial directors depending on the order of receipt and the relevance of the topic in the general context of the publication of each issue. In all cases, the editorial management will inform the author of the number of the publication in which their contribution will appear.

The works must be unpublished and, once sent, the authors will undertake not to present them in another publication. No more than one work will be published per author per issue, whether individual or co-authored. Manuscripts from authors who have been published in Cuaderno Urbano for twelve months from the date of publication of their last article in the magazine will not be accepted. The authors will accept the style changes that are necessary for a better understanding of the articles. These corrections will not alter its content. Authors will be responsible for the content of their contributions. The origin of the figures, tables, graphs, etc., must appear in the manuscript, either in the form of a legend or as acknowledgments.

Persistent identifiers

The magazine uses digital object identifiers (DOI) for its articles through the membership that the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste has with PILA (Publishers International Linking Association, Inc.), through which the Crossref service is provided for the code assignment.

Statement on Publication Ethics and Good Practices

Cuaderno Urbano, Espacio, Cultura y Sociedad is inspired by the ethical code of the COPE Publications Ethics Committee (Commitée on Publication Ethics: http://publicationethics.org/resources/code conduct), aimed at both editors and reviewers and authors.


-Originality and plagiarism: the authors of manuscripts sent to Cuaderno Urbano ensure that the work is original and unpublished. A work will be considered previously published when any of the following situations occur:

1) When the full text has been published.

2) When extensive fragments of previously published materials are part of the text sent to the magazine.

These criteria refer to previous publications in print or electronic form, and in any language. The authors also confirm the veracity of the data, that is, that the empirical data were not altered.

-Conflict of interest and disclosure: the authors are obliged to explicitly declare that there are no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the results obtained or the proposed interpretations. They must also indicate any funding from agencies and/or projects from which the research article arises.


-Contribution to the editorial decision: peer review helps editors to make decisions on proposed articles and allows me



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Guidelines for authors


Reception of works is permanent. The works must be original and unpublished, and must not have been sent simultaneously for evaluation by another scientific journal.

Extension of articles

  • ARTICLES: between 4000 and 8000 words, tables and a maximum of ten figures (images and graphs).

  • CITY REPORT or SPECIAL SECTION: between 4000 and 6000 words and up to twenty figures.

  • BACKGROUND ARTICLES: between 4,000 and 10,000 words, tables and a maximum of fifteen figures (images and graphs).

  • BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW: up to 2500 words.

Section evaluation

The scientific contributions that reach any of the first three sections go through the double evaluation process described in the editorial policy section and the bibliographic reviews are evaluated by the Editorial Committee.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

Contributions must comply with the following indications:

  1. The works will have a total length of between 4000 and 8000 words, and will necessarily include the following items: title (in Spanish, English and Portuguese), name of the author(s), brief background and institutional affiliation; summary (in Spanish, English and Portuguese, no more than 150 words each); three to five keywords (also in other languages); the text of the article and the cited bibliography. Within this extension, reference notes, tables, charts, illustrations, images and acknowledgments may also be included, if considered necessary.

  2. The first page will contain the title of the article, name(s) of the author(s), brief background, institutional membership and ORCID. The second page will contain the title of the article, the summaries in Spanish, English and Portuguese and a maximum of five words in these languages. From this page, at the end, the name of the author(s) and any type of heading should not appear, only the page number at the bottom right.

  3. THE TEXT: must be size 10, Arial type, 1.5 line spacing and justified alignment, without word cutting. All primary subtitles must be typed without tabs in capital letters, without underlining and in bold, on the left margin, two spaces from the text that precedes them and one from the one that follows them. Secondary subtitles must be typed without tabs in lower case and in bold on the left margin, two spaces from the text that precedes them and one from the one that follows them. If it is necessary to number the titles and subtitles, Latin numbering will be used (1, 1.1., etc.). The paragraphs will begin without tabs or indentation, and free spacing will be left between them. Everything that the author wishes to highlight, that is, words or expressions in another language not incorporated into the usual use of the Spanish language (including the scientific names of animals and plants), will be written in italics or italics.

  4. ILLUSTRATIONS: charts, tables, diagrams and graphs (with their respective numbering, scales, titles or epigraphs) must be delivered in independent files, in Word or Excel programs, in Arial font, size 9, without exceeding a box width of 15cm. Photograph or map images must also be submitted as separate files in JPG format. These must preferably be in black and white or gray scale, with a definition of 300 dpi or pixels per inch. Its dimension should not be less than 15 cm on a side. The readability of information within these sizes must be taken into account. In the text of the work, the location of each of the illustrations must be indicated by means of a reference that says figure 1, 2, 3, etc., which will be located in the place where you want the corresponding illustration to be inserted, leaving a line spacing. free before and after it. In the case of image files (JPG), the headings will be placed in the text below the corresponding reference. In all cases the source of the information must be mentioned.

  5. NOTES: must be numbered consecutively, in Latin numerals, and placed at the end of the text (footnotes will not be accepted). The notes must not allow reference to who is/are the author(s) of the article and must not exceed 70 words.

  6. LIST OF REFERENCES AND CITATION: the works will conform to APA standards, the main considerations of which we provide in this summary, adapted from Publications Manual of the American Psychological Association, 2010 (translated by Miroslava Guerra Frías). Editorial El Manual Moderno, Mexico, 278 pp. Third edition translated from the sixth in English and by Sánchez, C. (January 24, 2020). APA References. APA Standards (7th edition). https://normas-apa.org/references/

Citation of sources

As a paraphrase, with direct quotes from an author or when describing an idea, theory or research of someone,  You should always give an account of the source, in order to avoid plagiarism and even self-plagiarism.

Material cited directly from another author's work or from your own previously published work and the material must be reproduced verbatim . duplicate of a test article. You must always indicate the author, year and the specific page of the citation. In case of unnumbered material, write down the paragraph number.

  • When the quotations comprise fewer than 40 words, they are incorporated into the text between quotation marks (immediately note the source in parentheses).

  • If they include 40 or more words, they are displayed in a block independent of the text in a parenthesis after the final punctuation mark.the page or paragraph number and  cite the source and quotes are omitted, with a left margin of 2.54 cm. At the end of the citation block,

direct quotes from online material must be credited, indicating the author, year and page number in parentheses. If the publication does not have a page number, specify the paragraph number, with the abbreviation para.

direct quotes should be accurate and follow the words, spelling and punctuation of the original source, even if incorrect. In this case, [sic] is inserted, in italics and between brackets, to indicate that this is what appears in the original.

Changes to the original source

The first letter of the first word quoted can be changed to upper or lower case. The punctuation mark that ends the sentence can be modified to suit the syntax. Single quotes can be changed to double quotes and vice versa. Any other modifications (such as italicizing words for emphasis or omitting words) must be explicitly stated. 

If you want to omit material included in the original source, use an ellipsis (...) in a sentence to indicate this. Do not use ellipses at the beginning or end of any quote. Use square brackets to enclose additional material or explanations inserted into a quotation by a person other than its original author. If you want to emphasize a word or words in a quote, write them in italics. Immediately after the words in italics, insert between brackets italics added ([italics added]).

Citing References
References in APA publications are cited in-text using an author-date citation system and are listed alphabetically in the reference list. Each reference cited in the text must appear in the reference list, and each entry in it must be cited in the text.

List of references
We present basic examples of the notation form of bibliographic references.

Periodic publications
Author, A., Author, B. and Author, C. (year).Title of the article.If the content does not have a DOI assigned and was retrieved online, include the URL of the publication in the reference with this format: , pp. xx - pp. xx. https//doi.org/xx.xxxxxxxxxx(number)volumeTitle of publication (without the clarification “recovered from”).

Newspaper article
Author (day of the month of the year). Article title. Name of the newspaper, pp. xx, xx.
Online newspaper article: same as the previous one, but the URL is added http://www.xxxxxxxx

Full book
Author, A. A. (1967). Job Title. Editorial.
Author, A. A. (1997). Job Title. http://www.xxxxxxx
Author, A. A. (2006). Job Title. https//doi.org/xxxx
Editor, A. A. (Ed.). (1986). Job Title. Editorial.

Chapter of a book or entry in a reference book
Author, A. and Author, B. (1995). Chapter or entry title. In A. Editor, B. Editor and C. Editor (Eds.), Title of the book (pp. xxx-xxx). Editorial.
Online, the URL http://www.xxxxxxx is added and if it has a DOI, it is specified.


Author, A. & Author, A. (2021). Work title. In Editor & Editor (eds.), Title of publication (pp. xx-xx). Editorial.

Conference and symposium proceedings

For minutes that are regularly published, use the same format as a periodical publication.

Technical and research reports
Author, A. (1998). Title of the report (Report No. xxx). URL http://www.xxxxxxxx

Doctoral dissertations and master's theses
Author, A. (2003). Title of the doctoral or master's thesis (Doctoral thesis or master's thesis). Database name. (Access or Request No.)
If it is unpublished, include it in the clarification.

Unpublished works or informal publication
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of the manuscript. [Manuscript status: “unpublished manuscript” or "manuscript submitted for publication"].


Completed, original and unpublished research results, which methodically constitute a contribution to the thematic scope of Cuaderno Urbano, or which are built from work experience in the area, from a critical and analytical perspective. Within this section, case studies are accepted that provide data and methodologies whose value lies in the possibility of establishing comparisons, reflections or hypotheses of a higher level of generality, which transcend the local interest of the case treated. They can have a length of between 4000 and 8000 words, tables and a maximum of ten figures (images and graphs). Each issue of the journal includes between five and six peer-reviewed articles, depending on their length.

Cities Report

Special section intended to present features or characteristics of a particular city or a set of cities that share common features, from a topic of interest within the theme of the magazine, or some relevant urban phenomenon that is occurring in it or them. . Due to its nature, this section allows a shorter length (between 4000 and 6000 words), and a greater number of figures is required (up to twenty).


Aimed at disseminating contributions from researchers or academics with extensive experience. The works represent a significant conceptual contribution to the disciplinary debate, and may be the result of specific research or have the character of essays or solidly based opinion articles. The Editorial Committee is in charge of deciding which of the articles presented and approved in the referee evaluation will go in this section. If submitted exclusively for this section, an extension of up to 10,000 words is allowed.

Book reviews

This section includes short contributions of up to 2,500 words that present recently published books published by universities or research centers on the topic of Urban Notebook. Reviews must include the complete bibliographical citation of the book (title, author/s, publisher, place and date), a descriptive synthesis of the book, comments on the contributions it makes to the topic it addresses and some final assessment that highlights the interest that it may have for the readers of Cuaderno Urbano.

Special Section

Article that present characteristics of a particular city or cities that share common features, from a topic of interest within the theme of the journal, or some relevant urban phenomenon that is taking place there. Due to its nature, this section admits a shorter length (between 4,000 and 6,000 words), and a greater number of figures is required (up to twenty).



Sending of manuscripts


Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of recent submissions. Go to Sign in to an existing account or Register a new account.



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2023  Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste

Av. Las Heras 727 (Pabellón Arquitectura)
(3500) Resistencia, Chaco

Tel.: (+54) 0362 4420088 / 4420080


SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1853-3655&lng=es&nrm=iso