
ISSN 1851-9490
online version
ISSN 1515-7180
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Contributions from national and foreign authors will be accepted, and submitted to a blind system of references.
Provided the Editorial Committee considers them related to the journal's subject matter and fill the formal requirements, contributions will be viewed by two members of the Evaluating and Counseling Committee or specialists in the subject who will judge them ignoring the author's identity. If both counselors emit a favorable opinion, the contribution will be included in the publication. Should opinions differ, a third member of the Evaluating and Counseling Committee or specialist in the subject will be consulted.
The Editorial Committee reserves the right to invite outstanding personalities.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


All contributions, articles or book reviews must be unpublished. The articles must include a summary in Spanish and English and adjusted to the citation norms adopted by this publication.

Articles must have a maximum of 48.000 characters including, abstract, key words,notes and bibliography. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to admit exceptions as to extension of same.
They can be sent either printed or through e-mail.
Through e-mail, send it with a message to revista@estudiosdefilosofia.com.ar without author's signature or identification, with two attached files: one corresponding  to the document, named by the first two letters of the work, with no identification of the author. The second file should be named “data” followed by the first two letters of the work, including personal data,a brief curriculum of the author, and his/her institutional relationship. The sender will receive reception confirmation in the same way. Should the author prefer to send the printed version, he/she must do so  by sending an envelope containing two printed copies, without identification,, and a CD, plus a second envelope inside the first one including personal data, a brief curriculum, and his/her institutional relationship. Envelope. On the outside of the second envelope only the name of the work should figure. The whole should be addressed to: «Revista Estudios de Filosofía Práctica e Historia de las Ideas - INCIHUSA - Casilla de Correo 131 - Mendoza - Argentina».

Each article must be joined by a summary in Spanish and translated into English, in a maximum of 150 words each. The summary is a brief representation of the content in which only the idea and main points are to be mentioned. It should be brief, exact and clear, avoiding redundancy.

Key Words
These are required in order to specify precisely the subject matter of the article with up to 5 words (they may be terms or describer concepts), separated by semi-colon and should also be translated into English. Example of five key words:  Filosofía práctica; Imaginario nacional; Latinoamérica; Intelectuales indígenas; Cambios. Practical Philosophy; National Imagery; Latin America; Intellectual Aborigines; Changes.

Book Reviews
Book reviews should have a maximum of 12.000 characters  and bear the author's signature. They will be presented with a brief text (200 to 400 words) with the author's academic data and institutional relationship. A scanned image of the cover in natural size and with 150 dpi resolution, will be joined.
The reviews should be sent through e-mail to: revista@estudiosdefilosofia.com.ar
Should the author prefer to send the printed version, he/she should do so in an envelope containing two printed copies , a CD and a color photocopy of the cover. It should be sent to: «Revista Estudios de Filosofía Práctica e Historia de las Ideas - INCIHUSA - Casilla de Correo 131 - Mendoza - Argentina».


Citation Norms


The Estudios journal has adopted the concise form within the Chicago Manual of Style (author-date), composed of two parts:  the first is a brief citation between parentheses in the text, and the second is a list of references at the end of the work.
The first part has been slightly adapted to the needs of this journal by adding the first letter of the author's first name. The second part, the list of references included at the end of each work, strictly adjusts to the Chicago Norm. If a case should present itself beyond these examples you may consult us at: normas@revistaestudios.com.ar or directly at our web site of Chicago Manual of Style 15th edition, www.chicagomanualofstyle.org.
The main criterion of this norm is to provide sufficient information to guide the reader towards the sources used, be they published or not, printed or electronically presented, and to individualize correctly the cited authors.
Rules and examples to elaborate notes and bibliographical references
Explanatory notes joined to articles must run sequentially and placed at the foot of the page.
Bibliographical citations must be inserted in the text with parentheses including: author's family name, initial of first name, year of publication, and precise location in the work; e.g.: cited page number or first page and end of citation, if the whole work is cited the page numbers need not be indicated. This is the brief citation norm. The complete data of each work should appear in a bibliographical reference list ordered alphabetically at the end of the article.

Examples of citation in the text

Book: (Arendt, H. 1999, 35).
Article or chapter in a book: (Ricoeur, P. 1991, 50).
Article in a serial publication or journal: (Paladines, C. 2007, 128).
Electronic document: (Norambuena, C. 2008).

If two works by the same author exist in the same year, they will be listed chronologically assigning to each a correlative alphabetical letter next to the year: e.g.: (Norambuena, C. 2008a), (Norambuena, C. 2008b).

If two authors share the same family name and first name they will be distinguished by adding the initial of the second name or the full family name: e.g.: (Montiel, A. 1998), (Montiel, A. Abel 1998).

If homonyms persist, a clarifying note will be included.

A list of references in alphabetical order should figure at the end of the article. Works by the same author will be ordered chronologically.

The following list shows some of the most common examples:

Most common examples of citations in the text and in the reference list.
(T: Brief citation in the text, R: In the reference list)


Single author
T: (Arendt, H. 1999, 65)
R: Arendt, Hannah. 1999. Los orígenes del totalitarismo. Madrid: Taurus.

Two works by the same author or two works by two different authors
(Whittaker 1967, 1975; Wiens 1989a, 1989b)
(Wong 1999, 328; 2000, 475; García 1998, 67)


Two authors

T: (Biagini, H. y Roig, A. 2004, 104-7)
R: Biagini, Hugo, y Arturo A. Roig. 2004. El pensamiento alternativo en la Argentina del siglo XX. Buenos Aires: Biblos.

More than two authors

T:  (Kossok et al. 1983, 262-74)
R: Kossok, Manfred, Albert Soboul y Gerhard Brendler. 1983. Las revoluciones burguesas. Problemas teóricos. Barcelona: Crítica.

Chapter or any other part in a book

T: (Pacheco, P. 2002, 65-71)
R: Pacheco, Pablo. 2002. Redes, historias y narrativas. En Filosofía, narración, educación, compilado por Adriana Arpini y Rosa Licata, 65-71. Mendoza: Qellqasqa.


T: (Biglieri, 2006)
R: Biglieri, Paula. 2006. Cacerolazos y asambleas barriales. La crisis de diciembre de 2001 de la Argentina. Tesis doctoral, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

Book electronically published

T: (Kurland, F. 1987)
R: Kurland, Felipe. 1987. Los fundadores de la constitución. Córdoba: El aleph. http://www.elaleph.com.ar/libros/fundadores

Book reviews

T: (Alvarado, M. 2007, 190)
R: Alvarado, Mariana. 2007. Infancia, política y pensamiento. Comentario de Infancia, política y pensamiento. Ensayos de filosofía y educación, de Walter Kohan. Estudios de Filosofía práctica e Historia de las Ideas 9.



Article in a printed journal
T: (Fraisse, G. 2007)
R: Fraisse, Geneviève. 2007. A distancia del género. Estudios de Filosofía Práctica e Historia de las Ideas (Mendoza: Unidad de Historiografía e Historia de las Ideas – INCIHUSA) 9: 45-46.

Article in an electronic journal

Indicate the access date only if strictly necessary.
T: (Celedón Bórquez, G. 2008)
R: Celedón Bórquez, Gustavo. 2008. Nihilismo y amistad. Revista Paralaje 1, http://paralaje.cl/index.php/paralaje/article/viewFile/3/2


Newspaper article

May be cited directly from the text (“Como dijo Miguel Títiro en el artículo publicado en La quinta pata el 15 de agosto de 2008,…) instead of citing it formally. Normally it is omitted in the reference list, although a formal citation is also an option.

T: (Títiro, M. 2008)
R: Títiro, Miguel. 2008. El mundo intelectual homenajeó a Arturo Roig. La quinta pata, San Rafael (Mendoza), 15 de agosto, sección Cultura.

T: (Doyle, B. 2002)
R: Doyle, Benjamín. 2002. Aullando como perros: lenguaje metafórico en el salmo 29. Paper presentado en el encuentro anual internacional de la Sociedad de literatura bíblica, 19 al 22 de junio, en Berlín, Alemania.

Lectures or conference given presentations
T: (Floria, C. 1988)
R: Floria, Carlos. 1988. Apuntes sobre la bibliografía histórico-política de la Argentina contemporánea (1930-1980). En Actas de las segundas jornadas del Comité Argentino del Comité Internacional de Ciencias Históricas, reunido en Paraná en agosto de 1988, coordinadas por Nilda Guglielmi y María del Carmen Ríos, 339-344.

Web sites
They must be cited directly from the text («La información aparece en el sitio web de la Biblioteca pública de Evanston…») instead of citing them formally, although a formal citation is also an option.

T: (Evanston Public Library Board of Trustees)
R: Evanston Public Library Board of Trustees. Evanston Public Library strategic plan, 2000–2010: A decade of outreach. Evanston Public Library. http://www.epl.org/library/strategic-plan-00.html.


When referring to a work cited in the previous note it takes the place of the author's name, title of the work and any other  identical information. If the number of the page or pages is the same, only place Ibid.
T: (Martín, J. 2002, 84)
T: (Ibid., 85)
T: (Ibid.)



Sending of manuscripts


Sending contributions to this journal implies the author's acceptance of the printed version and indefinite permanency on-line.



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2014 Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales (INCIHUSA-CRICYT-CONICET)

Unidad de Historiografía e Historia de las Ideas - C.C. 131
(5500) Parque Gral. San Martín , Mendoza
República Argentina

Tel.: (54 261) 428-8797
Fax: (54 261) 420-2196/524-4311


SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1851-9490&lng=es&nrm=iso