
ISSN 0025-7680
printed version
ISSN 1669-9106
online version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Publications Regulations (PDF)

Medicina (B Aires) [MEDICINA] It is published bimonthly. It can be consulted at www.medicinabuenosaires.com. The published articles are open access and freely available online. The journal accepts original and unpublished clinical or experimental medicine works. Those already communicated in scientific societies may be accepted.


MEDICINA it is published in electronic format. For the preparation of manuscripts, the requirements of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) are followed, available at http://www.icmje.org. Appropriate article submission guidelines to maximize transparency and reproducibility: Guidelines for publications can be consulted in EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research). We especially recommend the use of: CONSORT for randomized controlled trials (CONSORT extension); TREND for non-canonized trials; PRISMA for systematic reviews and meta-analyses; CARE for case reporting; https://www.strobestatement.org/checklists/ for observational studies; STREGA for studies with genetic associations; SRQR for qualitative studies; STARD for diagnostic accuracy studies; ARRIVE for animal experiments.

1. Authorship

Those listed as authors must have participated in the research or preparation of the manuscript and be publicly responsible for its content. For original articles, the cover letter should clarify each author's contribution to the work. All authors must have reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript. http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/ browse/roles-and-responsibilities/defining-the-role-of-authors-and-contributors.html

2. Conflict of interests

Conflicts of interest must be detailed and complete. At the end of the text, under the subheading Conflict of interest, all authors must declare financial information and relationships with other people or organizations that could influence their work. Examples of conflicts include: employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patents or patent applications, and travel grants, all within three years prior to the submission of the work. If there is no conflict of interest, the authors must declare that there is no conflict of interest. You can consult ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest.

3. Ethical responsibilities

In studies carried out on human beings, it must be indicated whether the procedures followed conformed to ethical standards and have the approval of the responsible human experimentation committee (institutional or regional), and are in accordance with the World Medical Association. The use of names, initials, medical record numbers, or other data that allows patient identification is not accepted in any section of the manuscript. When animal studies/experiments are described, it should be indicated whether the guidelines of an institution have been followed (Comité institucional para el cuidado y uso de animales en experimentación, CICUAE, CICUAL), international research council, or a national regulatory law.

4. Informed consent

It should be mentioned in Materials and methods of articles or case reports that the procedures used in patients and controls have been performed after obtaining informed consent. If photographs or patient data are reproduced, the authors are responsible for obtaining written consent, authorizing their publication, reproduction and dissemination online.

5. Plagiarism detection

Manuscripts are checked to evaluate plagiarism. You can use the online services of CrossRef, Article Checker, Scribbr Plagiarism Checker, Grammarly Plagiarism Checker, and apply the COPE algorithm flowcharts to decide on manuscripts suspected of plagiarism.

6. Duplicate and previous publication

Duplicate publication is the publication of an article that substantially overlaps with one already published, without clear and visible reference to the previous publication. Prior publication may include disclosure of information to the public domain. When authors submit an article for publication in Medicina (B Aires) whose content has largely already been published or is closely related to another article, which has been submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere, the cover letter should say so clearly, and they should even provide copies of the related material.

7. Acceptable secondary publication

Secondary publication of already published material may be justifiable when important information is disseminated to the widest possible audience (for example, guidelines produced by government agencies and professional associations in the same or a different language), with corresponding clarification of origin. The journal may also consider for publication a full report that follows a preliminary report, a letter, a pre-print server without peer review, or a summary published in the proceedings of a scientific meeting. Authors must inform the journal about these previous publications in their cover letter. For overlapping publications, the guidelines given in https://www.icmje.org/recommendations/translations/spanish2021.pdf, section III.D, p 8.

8. Property and reproduction rights

Once the job publication has been approved, Medicina (Buenos Aires) retains the rights to its total or partial reproduction. Those who wish to reproduce material published in the journal must request permission from. Those who wish to reproduce material published in the journal must request permission from Medicina (Buenos Aires). Likewise, to include material from other copyrighted sources in articles to be published in the journal, the corresponding permission must be obtained and a copy of it attached to the article proposed for publication. In said article the source must appear at the bottom of the Figure or other material. In the case of a public health emergency (as defined by health officials), information that has immediate public health implications should be disseminated by authors, and editors should give priority to authors who have made available public availability of data considered crucial.


The sections include: Original Articles (Complete Works and Preliminary Communications), Special Articles, Casuistics, Case Series, Images in Medicine, Editorials, Letters, Comments, Clinical Practice Guides, Consensus and Recommendations, and Diagnosis and Therapeutics. The latter may deal with the actions or effects of drugs, new formulations and diagnostic or therapeutic techniques or applications of recent clinical use. Original, special, occasional articles, casuistries, case series, preliminary communications, editorials and letters to the Editorial Committee may be published in Spanish or English. Language editing: Medicina (B Aires) it especially promotes the publication of Occasional and Special Articles in English, or simultaneously in English and Spanish, in order to reach a broader audience. Authors must ensure that the English language is of sufficient quality. Later in C.16 there is information about Language Editors based on artificial intelligence (AI).

1. Original Articles

Original Articles will have a maximum length of 4000 words, the first page will be the cover (see Guide model), a Summary in Spanish (which will have a title in that language if the work is presented in English) and another in English, Abstract (which will have a title in that language if the work is presented in Spanish), Introduction (which will not have a title), Materials and methods, Results, Discussion and Key points. The Results will be presented in a logical sequence. Do not repeat in the text the information presented in Tables or Figures. The Discussion will highlight new and important aspects of the study, the conclusions and their relationship with the objectives listed in the Introduction. Do not repeat information that already appears in other sections of the work. Avoid priority statements and references to work not yet completed. The Key Points will concisely communicate the central message of the study (see C.14). Conflict of Interest must be declared. The Bibliography will be limited to those articles directly related to the work.

2. Preliminary Communications

Preliminary Communications correspond to preliminary results that, due to their interest, justify early dissemination. The manuscript may not exceed 2500 words. The division into sections will be dispensed with, although the usual sequence will be maintained, with up to 15 references and no more than two Tables or two Figures (or one Table and one Figure). The publication of Preliminary Communications will be finalized in the shortest period possible. They will always include Summary and Abstract.

3. Cases and Case Series

Case Studies (up to two cases) and Case Series (three to nine), whose objective is educational and warning, are unusual observations of a diagnosis, association, or reactions to a therapeutic. They will consist of Introduction, Clinical Case/s and Discussion. They will not exceed 1,500 words (Casuistry) or 2,000 (Series of Cases). They can include up to two Tables (with information about the relevance of the observations) or two Figures (or one Table and one Figure) and no more than 15 references. Summary and Abstract will always be included. The requirements and indications contained in General Requirements, points 3: Ethical Responsibilities, and 4: Informed Consent, apply especially to Case Studies and Case Series.

4. Special Articles

Special Articles, Advances in medicine (updates, reviews), will have a maximum length of 7000 words and no more than 100 references. The Key Points will concisely communicate the central message of the study (see C.14). Special or review articles requested by the Editorial Committee will be more limited and with a maximum number of bibliographic references smaller than that indicated above. Systematic Reviews will generally be structured in the same way as the original articles, and must also include a section that describes the methodology used for the search (databases, periods, etc.), reasons and selection criteria for the reviewed material.

5. Images in Medicine

Images in Medicine can correspond to x-rays, electrocardiograms, ultrasounds, angiographies, computed tomography, magnetic nuclear resonance, optical or electron microscopy, etc. These images, not necessarily exceptional, but illustrative, will be accompanied by an explanatory legend that will not exceed 200 words. They must allow adequate playback and include indicator arrows where necessary.

6. Letters

The Letters may refer to articles or editorials published in the magazine, or to particularly current issues (Opinion Letters). They will not exceed 1200 words, up to ten references and one Table or Figure.

7. Editorials, Comments and Occasional Articles

The timing and possible characteristics of the Editorials, Comments and Occasional Articles are exclusively at the discretion of the Editorial Committee.

8. Supplements

Supplements are collections of documents that address related topics, are published as a separate issue of the journal, and may be funded by sources other than the journal editor. Its form of publication and other characteristics are at the discretion of the Editorial Committee.

9. Diagnosis and Therapeutics

It may deal with new techniques applied to the diagnosis, actions or effects of drugs or therapeutics in recent clinical use. This section offers companies a way to disseminate, with their authorship or sponsorship, information or research of interest to the medical community. The company or the authors may request the right to reproduce the article in other formats citing the origin: websites, online publications, offprints or other forms of dissemination. Conflicts of interest must be declared. Cost to be agreed with the Editorial Committee.

10. Clinical practice guidelines, consensus and recommendations

They will have a maximum length of 7000 words and no more than 100 references. They will be structured in the same way as the original articles and must include (a) clear recommendations regarding which patients, intervention, alternatives and actions that are proposed; (b) the strength and direction of the recommendations; (c) the methods of systematic review of the evidence used; (d) all outcomes important to patients, (e) the magnitude of the effect and the relative importance of the outcomes for each recommendation; (f) all factors relevant to formulating each recommendation and (g) conflicts of interest in influencing your judgments of the guideline recommendations. Ref: Catalano HC, De Vito EL. Medicina (B Aires) 2021; 81: 659-62.


Medicina adheres to the ICMJE recommendations regarding the use of artificial intelligence technology, such as large language models, chatbots or image creators, in the preparation of the submitted manuscript. Chatbots (such as ChatGPT) cannot be included as authors, as they do not meet the necessary requirements. The use of these technologies must be described both in the cover letter and in the text of the work. The authors will be responsible for its rational and ethical use, as well as for the veracity and originality of the content obtained.


Each manuscript received is submitted to blind refereeing by the Editorial Committee and, in addition, by one or two external reviewers. After this review, the responsible author is notified about the acceptance (with or without corrections and changes) or about the rejection of the manuscript. In the corrected version, which the authors send for a second review, the corrections or changes introduced must appear in another color or highlighted, in order to facilitate control by the reviewers. The Editorial Committee also reserves the right to introduce, with the knowledge of the authors, all editorial changes required by grammatical standards, the style of the magazine and layout needs.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Publications Regulations (PDF)


The works will be prepared in Microsoft Word, on letter or A4 size paper, with margins of at least 25 mm, double spaced, in Times New Roman 12, Arial 12, or another font of similar size. The pages will be numbered consecutively starting with the title page.

1. Cover

The first page will have: (a) the title, informative and concise; (b) the full names of the authors and their institutions: the latter in the original language of each institution; (c) an abbreviated title for the head of the page; (d) the total number of words in the article, except Summary, Abstract and Bibliography; (e) the name and full address, with electronic address, of the author with whom correspondence is to be maintained. The title of the manuscript should be clear, precise and concise, and include all the information necessary to determine the scope of the article. A good title is the first point of access to the content of the article and makes it easier to retrieve in databases and search engines. Titles should not exceed 11 words. Ambiguous words, jargon and abbreviations should be avoided. The geographical location is only allowed to appear in the title when the content of the work is related to some physical, climatic, ecological, human (e.g. ethnic, professional) or epidemiological characteristic, particular to the place where it was carried out and the data were obtained. . The characterization (university, national, municipal, private, etc.) of the hospital, medical center, or institution in which the work was performed should not appear in the title, except in cases of particular characteristics, for example: a hospital or laboratory. campaign, mobile, located at a site of natural disaster, or whether it is a comparison, for example: private vs. public, urban vs. rural. General recommendation: Write precisely and avoid technical jargon or special terminology as much as possible, opting for simple words that convey the same message.

2. Summary, Abstract, and Graphic Summary

Summary and Abstract will be located after the first page, and each of them will not exceed 250 words, avoiding tables, figures and references. Only when the article is presented in English can the Summary have up to a maximum of 300 words. Only use abbreviations if they are unquestionably known (DNA, ACTH, etc.), without decimals in percentages (unless the 1st number is a zero). At the end of the Abstract there will be three to six key words, and the same ones, in English (key words) at the end of the Abstract, with terms included in the Index Medicus (Medical Subject Headings, MeSH) list, will avoid, as far as possible, repeat words from the title and will not include abbreviations. The works in English will have the title in Spanish, heading the Abstract, and the works in Spanish, the title in English heading the Abstract.

The Summary/Abstract of the original articles will be structured, and will consist of the following sections: Introduction (What is the problem?): 1 to 3 sentences, with specific information (what is known) and the problem that enables or justifies the study. An objective or hypothesis can be formulated (if consistent with the study). Materials and methods (How was it studied?): study design, its duration, groups or classification of the subjects studied. Results (What was found?): Include the most relevant numbers, primary results with statistical significance. This item is non-evaluative, it is informative. Discussion (What do these findings mean?): 1 to 3 sentences on interpretation, what the results mean, leaving out numbers and statistics. If this guideline is met, and there is space, the authors' perspective/opinion on the theoretical or practical implications of the results can be included. Graphic summary In order to improve the online dissemination of the article, the journal encourages the inclusion of a graphic summary (optional) to capture the attention of a wide number of readers. To do this, authors must design an image that clearly represents the work, easy to read (from top to bottom and from left to right), minimizing distracting elements and white spaces. A graphical summary is a visual equivalent of an article summary. Its content is displayed in a single image in order to help the reader quickly obtain an overview of the research article. In it, the purpose and results of the research carried out are assessed. The goal is not to replace the original research work, but rather to help draw attention to it.

For more information and examples:


The graphical abstract will be submitted as a separate file in the online submission system. Image size: must be a minimum of 531 × 1328 pixels (height × width) to be readable at a size of 5 × 13 cm using a normal screen resolution of 96 dpi. Preferred file formats are TIFF, JPEG, PDF or MS Office. It is recommended to consult the models provided in PowerPoint format on our website. (Instructions for authors – MEDICINA BUENOS AIRES).


In the Introduction the objectives of the work are presented, and the bases for the study or observation are summarized. It should not include results or conclusions of the work. It does not have a title.

4. Materials and methods

Materials and methods include a description of (a) the selection of the subjects studied and their characteristics; (b) the methods, apparatus and procedures. In clinical studies, details of the protocol will be reported (population studied, interventions carried out, statistical bases); (c) ethical guidelines or standards followed; (d) description of statistical methods.

5. Results

The Results will be presented in a logical sequence. Do not repeat in the text the information presented in Tables or Figures. Both Materials and Methods and Results may have subtitles.

6. Discussion

The Discussion highlights new and important aspects of the study, the conclusions and their relationship to the objectives listed in the Introduction. Do not repeat information that already appears in other sections of the work. Avoid priority statements and references to work not yet completed.

7. Thanks

When appropriate, Acknowledgments will be added, preceding the bibliography; If possible, the following will be cited: recognition for technical support, financial contributions or contributions that do not justify authorship. In these cases the authors will be responsible for having the written consent of the named persons.

8. Conflict of interest (see details in Section A2)

9. Bibliography

Bibliography presentation style: The abbreviated names of publications will be used, written in italics, according to the list in MEDLINE/PubMed. All authors will appear if there are 6 or less, and if there are more than 6, only the first three, followed by et al.

Example: Bataille B, Delwail V, Menet E, et al.

In the list of references, journals, books, book chapters, and Internet sites will be presented according to the following examples:

1. Ozimek JA, Kilpatrick SJ. Maternal mortality in the twenty first Century. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am 2018; 45: 175-86.

2. van Klaveren RJ, Oudkrek M, Prokop M, et al. Management of lung nodules detected by volume CT scanning. N Engl J Med 2009; 361: 2221-9.

3. Maglio I, Valdez P, Cámera L, et al. Guías éticas para la atención durante la pandemia Covid-19. Recomendaciones multisocietarias para asignación de recursos. Medicina (B Aires) 2020; 80 Suppl 3: 45-64.

4. Liu R-L. Passage-Based Bibliographic Coupling: An inter-article similarity measure for biomedical articles. PLoS ONE 2015; 10: e0139245.

O well: 4. Liu R-L. Passage-Based Bibliographic Coupling: An inter-article similarity measure for biomedical articles. PLoS ONE 2015. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0139245.

Books, book chapters, and Internet sites will be presented according to the following examples:

5. Barnabas RV, Garnett GP. The potential public health impact of vaccines against human papillomavirus. En: Prendiville W, Davies P. The clinical handbook of human papillomavirus. Lancaster, United Kingdom: Parthenon Publishing/Parthenon Medical Communications, 2004.

6. Philips DJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. En: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, eds. Hypertension: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management, 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press, 1995, p 465-78. 7. World Health Organization. Global tuberculosis report 2021. En: https://www.who.int/teams/global-tuberculosis-programme/ tb-reports/global-tuberculosis-report-2021; consultado octubre 2021. La referencia

7. If the article in which it is cited is in English, it is presented like this: World Health Organization. Global tuberculosis report 2021. In: https://www.who.int/teams/global-tuberculosis-programme/tb-reports/global-tuberculosis-report-2021; accessed October 2021.

Avoid using abstracts as bibliographic references.

They are only acceptable, identified as such, when they are the only available source and are published in magazines or their supplements. Summaries of unpublished communications, or those that appear only in minutes or programs, if essential, can be included in the text (in parentheses) and not in the bibliographic references. The same criteria apply to works in preparation, to those submitted for publication but not yet accepted, to unpublished observations and to personal communications.

10. In-text Citations Cite references sequentially in the text, tables, and figure legends, with superscript Arabic numerals, without parentheses, for example:

This sentence cites a reference.
This sentence cites two references1,2.
This sentence cites four references1-4.

11. Tables

The Tables, presented on individual sheets, and numbered with Arabic numerals, must be essential, understandable by themselves, and have an explanatory title. Explanatory notes will appear at the bottom, and not in the title. Do not use vertical lines separating columns or horizontal lines, except three: those that separate the title of the Table, the headings from the rest, and the end line of the Table.

12. Figures

The Figures, art files, drawings or photographs in black and white or color must allow adequate reproduction and be editable (allowing corrections), they will be numbered consecutively with an explanatory legend on a separate sheet. The arrows, symbols or letters included must present good contrast with the background, and be large enough to be identified in the printed version. Make sure these art files are in an acceptable format (TIFF, JPEG, EPS, or PDF) or MS Office, and are the correct resolution.

13. Units of measurement, acronyms, abbreviations, drug names/medication formulations, statistical methods

Units of measurement: The decimal metric system will be used, using points for decimals (eg: 2.05). Dots are not used to separate thousands, but rather spaces (e.g. 1,000,000), except for units of one thousand less than 10,000 (e.g. 9875). Abbreviations, acronyms, acronyms and symbols: Their use will be avoided in the title and summary. Only standard abbreviations will be used. The first time they are used, they will be preceded by the complete term, unless they are standard units of measurement. It is recommended to restrict the use of ad hoc abbreviations to the essential minimum: expressions repeated more than 5-10 times in the body of the manuscript, chemical formulas, recognized terms such as HIV, AIDS, among others. Drug names/medication formulations: Generic names should be used. When proprietary brands are used in research, the brand name and manufacturer's name should be included, in parentheses, after the first mention of the generic name, in the Methods section.

Statistical Methods: Statistical methods should be described in sufficient detail so that a reader versed in the subject and who has access to the original data can verify the results presented. Whenever possible, quantify results and present them with appropriate indicators of measurement error or uncertainty (e.g., confidence intervals). Do not rely exclusively on statistical hypothesis-testing tests, such as the use of p-values, which do not convey information about the magnitude of the effect. Define terms, abbreviations, and most statistical symbols. Specify the computer programs used. In general, p values ​​greater than 0.01 are presented to two decimal places, p values ​​between 0.01 and 0.001 to three decimal places; p values ​​less than 0.001 can be reported as p < 0.001, or with its exact value, e.g. p = 0.0023, four decimal places are enough.

14. Key points: The MEDICINA Key Points box concisely provides readers with the central message of the study. It is advisable to incorporate it in the Original or Special Articles. Include the text, written in the language in which the article is presented, at the end of your main text file (after References). In general, they have two components: Current knowledge, and Contribution of the article to current knowledge. Current Knowledge (no more than 50 words) discusses prior knowledge, in 2-4 declarative sentences that summarize current understanding of the topic. Contribution of the article to current knowledge (no more than 50 words) discusses the article in question, in 2-4 declarative sentences that summarize the contribution of your study to knowledge. Provide only information backed by data. Describe the main points and findings and conclusions, if any. DO NOT exaggerate the importance of your results or suggest further research, such as that the topic “requires further study” or “remains to be elucidated.” DO NOT speculate. The goal of Key Points is to make for a quick read and encourage others to cite your article based on these POINTS. The editors reserve the right to edit to maximize accuracy, clarity, and brevity.

15. Presentation video

The characteristics of this form of presentation, which summarizes the main results of an original article or a special one, are detailed separately in Instructions for authors.

16. Editores de lenguaje basados en inteligencia artificial (IA)

You can use free AI-based language editing tools like Writefull, QuilBot, DeepL translator and others at the time of submission. These programs examine your manuscript and make suggestions to improve the quality of your writing. The tool uses machine learning, based on millions of published academic articles, and suggests improvements in grammar, spelling and academic language. Clinical trials reporting AI interventions should be described in accordance with the CONSORT-AI extension guidelines and their protocols should be written in accordance with the SPIRIT-AI guidelines.

17. Manuscript submission

The complete manuscript, text and tables in Word, and figures in an appropriate format (see above) will be sent (in separate files) to the OJS platform at the following link:


18. Letter from the authors

The note that accompanies the submission of a work will be signed by all the authors with the indication of the section to which the manuscript would correspond, and the assertion that the contents have not been previously published (see Guide Model – Presentation Note). Those listed as authors must take public responsibility for their content (see above, Authorship)

Guide Model – Presentation Note (Word)

Guide Model – Presentation of an Original Article (Word)

Instructions for Authors OJS Platform (PDF)



Sending of manuscripts


The complete manuscript, text and tables in Word, and figures in an appropriate format (see above) will be sent (in separate files) to the OJS platform at the following link:




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