
ISSN 1851-2879
online version
ISSN 0329-2665
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Purpose and scope of the magazine

Quinto Sol it is a quarterly magazine (3 issues per year, January-April, May-August, September-December) of the Instituto de Estudios Socio-Históricos (IESH) and the Instituto de Estudios Históricos y Sociales de La Pampa (IEHSOLP), Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. It publishes original research works in regional and Argentine history as well as related social disciplines, with the aim of contributing to the updating, dissemination and renewal of Argentine and Latin American historiographic knowledge. The themes it includes are linked to social, cultural, economic and political aspects, between the 18th and 20th centuries. It is hoped that the articles constitute a contribution to the discipline and encourage debate among researchers in the field.

The publication is aimed at the academic audience of researchers specializing in history and social sciences in general, and in a complementary manner, at professional history teachers and the general public interested in these topics.

The journal includes four sections:

Articles, composed of original articles, submitted to double-blind external evaluation, with a maximum length of 10,000 words.

Dossier, composed of original articles, subjected to double-blind external evaluation, with articles of a maximum length of 10,000 words.

Reviews, for criticism of recently published works, of a maximum length of 2,000 words.

Debates, essays and communications, for whose contributions a maximum limit of 3,000 words is foreseen, includes: a) interviews with historians and social scientists who, with their productions, contribute to the development of the historiographic field; b) reflections on the progress of studies on a specific problem; c) debates generated around recent publications linked to the thematic area of ​​the journal (see more details in Rules for authors).

Review Policy

The manuscripts in the Reviews section are evaluated by the Editorial Committee, which will decide in which issue the articles will be published - that have met all the requirements -, which will be notified to the author.

Contributions to the Articles and Dossier sections receive two types of evaluations:

Firstly, an internal evaluation by the Editorial Committee, whose evaluating member knows the identity of the authors.

Secondly, they receive an external evaluation through the DOUBLE BLIND mechanism (the authors do not know the identity of the evaluator, and the evaluators also cannot know the identity of the author. /ace). For this instance, recognized experts in the thematic area linked to the article are selected. All evaluators of this type are external to the publishing institution.

If the interested party requires it, a certificate may be issued when their article or review has been approved for publication.

If the article successfully passes the internal review stage (according to the criteria explained below), at least two (two) external reviewers are selected, who examine the manuscript according to the parameters detailed below. After this instance, if the contribution is accepted by the evaluators, the author has up to three months to make the necessary corrections. After this period without a response from the author or justification for the delay, the article will be considered withdrawn.

Important: External peer reviews serve the purposes of the general evaluation process of the Editorial Committee, who makes the final decision on all submitted texts. In case of discrepancy between the evaluations, at least one additional referee may be required. If there is at least one rejection of the manuscript, the Editorial Committee may decide not to accept the text for publication.

The internal review of the Editorial Committee takes into account the following parameters:

  1. Does the work comply with the magazine's editorial standards? Record each of these items (answer yes, no, partially, or describe specifically when needed):

* Has abstracts in Spanish and English:

* Contains Keywords:

* You have the requested author/s information:

* You have correctly followed the forms of bibliographical citation:

* Has spelling errors:

* The key words are correct:

*Do you have an introduction? (indicating main objective at least):

* The maximum number of words is respected:

  1. Does the text present errors/wording problems that are very obvious? (e.g. excessive repetition of words, incorrect uses of verb tenses, misspelled/misused names or words, etc.)

  2. Is the wording of the text clear and allows the meaning to be understood without difficulty?

  3. Is the work a contribution to the specific field in which it is presented?

  4. Have the authors presented this work in other publication media? (Indicate yes/no/partially and leave comments if necessary).

  5. Is the work within the editorial line of Quinto Sol?

  6. Which evaluators do you recommend for it (cite at least 3 and add their email as far as possible)

  7. What is your recommendation regarding sending the work to an external evaluator?

* Accept it as is and send it for evaluation.

* Resend it to the author for reform and then restart the internal evaluation [detail as thoroughly as possible what aspects should be reformed]

* Send it to the author for reform and then start the internal evaluation

*Do not accept it under any conditions

In the external review by peer evaluators, they are consulted on the following aspects:

1- Is the work an original and relevant contribution to the specific topic it analyzes? (yes/no/partially/Does not find interest because it is a sufficiently well-known topic/Does not have interest from a theoretical or methodological point of view). Justify your answer, indicate modifications to be made.

2- How do you evaluate the writing and structure of the article? (Correct/Incorrect/There is internal consistency/There is no internal consistency/Confusing writing-Needs style revision/Imprecise terms/Other:) Justify your answer, indicate modifications to be made.

3- What is your opinion of the methodology and sources used in the article? (adequate/inadequate/other) Justify your answer, indicate modifications to be made.

4- What is the quality and adequacy of the bibliographic references? (Very High/High/Medium/Low/Very low) Justify your answer, indicate bibliography to incorporate/reduce.

5- Do you have comments for the editors? (yes/no) Expand your answer.

 In summary: What is your recommendation regarding the publication of the work? (highlight in bold or with a cross what is appropriate).

  1. a) Accept it without requesting any type of changes or making suggestions.

  2. b) Accept it without substantive changes. The author is only recommended to take into account some suggestions listed in the previous points. Future external evaluations of the article will not be necessary (the author's good judgment is trusted).

  3. c) Accept it conditionally, the author should revise the work in accordance with the suggestions made. The evaluation of such changes will be the responsibility of the Editorial Committee. The author must send a report to the Editorial Committee explaining the changes made based on the evaluations received.

  4. d) Accept it conditionally, the author should revise the work in accordance with the suggestions made. The evaluation of such changes will be the responsibility of the evaluator. The author must send a report that accounts for the changes made to the work to be sent to the external evaluators.

  5. f) Reject it. Please expand the reasons for the rejection below.

Do you have other recommendations or comments? Expand below

Privacy statement

The names and email addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other person.

Plagiarism Policy

The Universidad Nacional de La Pampa is a member of Similarity Check, a Crossref service that aims to help journal editors determine the originality of the articles they publish. Similarity Check uses iThenticate software to detect matches and similarities between texts under evaluation and those previously published in other sources.

All articles submitted to Quinto Sol will be reviewed using iThenticate plagiarism detection software.

The following instances constitute plagiarism:

  1. Direct plagiarism.

This type is incurred when:

  • The authorship is omitted and what was taken is not indicated with quotes.

  • Minimal changes are made to another's text (the sentence structure is modified, lowercase letters are replaced by uppercase letters or vice versa, synonyms are used, etc.) and it is presented as original.

  1. Plagiarism due to inappropriate use of paraphrase

  • Although authorship is noted, plagiarism occurs because the original text is reproduced with a few changes that do not constitute paraphrases.

  1. Complex plagiarism using a reference

  • The original authorship reference exists, but the source pages are inaccurately indicated.

  • Paraphrasing in which extensive texts are summarized, but with little or no indication that they correspond to paraphrases.

  • Absence of quotation marks in words and phrases from the original text that are reproduced verbatim.

  1. Plagiarism with single quotes

  • It is committed when a verbatim quote continues to be reproduced once quotation marks have been closed or when it is omitted that the previous phrases correspond to the same quote.

  1. Paraphrasing as plagiarism. It happens when:

  • It is paraphrased and the reference to the original source is not noted.

  • The paraphrasing is continuous and extensive, no material is added that allows interaction or enriches the information, even though the source is mentioned.

  • Academic works – which demand original thoughts and critical reflections on other people's points of view – become texts that cannot survive repetition.

  • Paraphrased passages are not clearly identified as such.

Paraphrasing is not considered plagiarism when:

  • It does not dominate the work of the writer.

  • It is used to allow the author to critically interact with another person's points of view.

  • The argument of the original text is rewritten in different words.

  1. “Self-plagiarism” or recycling fraud

“Self-plagiarism” or recycling fraud is committed when:

  • The appearance of a job is changed and it is presented as if it were a different job.

  • The indication that the work is being recycled is omitted." (Marta Eugenia Rojas Porras, "Plagiarism in academic texts", in Revista Electrónica Educare, Vol. 16, No. 2, [55-66], ISSN: 1409-42 -58, May-August, 2012, available at http://www.redalyc.org/pdf/1941/194124286004.pdf)

To deal with cases of plagiarism, these procedures are followed:

If plagiarism is detected, the journal editors are informed and their comments are asked.

Evidence of the detected plagiarism is sent to the author and a response will be requested.

If the response is not satisfactory, the manuscript will not be submitted to external evaluation and the journal will not receive further articles from the authors. In turn, if applicable, the medium in which the original plagiarized article was published will be informed (whether it is self-plagiarism or copies from third parties).

Ethical standards

Quinto Sol adheres to ethical standards that ensure integrity in the publication of articles, promoting ethical conduct in all participants in the editorial process (readers, authors, reviewers, editors, etc.).

The selection of articles is carried out through an external review process under the double-blind peer review mechanism, to assess the scientific quality of the articles. Therefore, it does not discriminate against authors based on academic or professional category, geographic origin or gender.

Quinto Sol understands that the editorial process must be transparent, thorough, unbiased and fair, for which it adjusts to the following principles and policies that ensure ethical and equitable conduct of all those involved in the publication process. These principles and policies are inspired by international standards, for example COPE (Committe on Publication Ethics - http://publicationethics.org/resources/international-standards)

Conflict of interests

A conflict of interest is understood to exist when there is a divergence between the personal interests of an individual and their responsibilities with respect to the scientific activities they carry out, whether as authors, reviewers and members of the editorial board, which may influence their judgment. critical and in the integrity of their actions. Conflicts of interest may be of an economic nature (when the participant in the publication process has received or expects to receive money for activities related to the research and its dissemination. In this case, the authors are obliged to declare, at the time of submission of the manuscript, who will not receive any type of monetary compensation from the journal, but neither will they be charged any type of fee under any circumstances, whether for refereeing, style correction or editing tasks. There is also a conflict of academic interests, when the reviewers or editors adhere to a certain methodological or ideological tendency in such a way that they may be biased in evaluating the work of others who disagree with their tendencies, or delaying publication on such bases. In this case, authors may mention when submitting your manuscript if there are certain evaluators who should not intervene in the review process. Although the manuscripts are sent to the reviewer without authorship data, if the evaluators detect the possible identity of the author(s) they must excuse themselves from intervening, whether they agree or disagree with their positions.

Finally, conflicts of interest due to personal or work relationships imply that the participants in the editorial process (authors/reviewers/editors) have some type of friendship, enmity or employment relationship. In relation to this point, the authors must indicate the source of funding for the research, while the editors will take special care in selecting reviewers who do not belong to the same institution or research team as the authors. On the other hand, editors will not get involved in the review and editing process of manuscripts whose authors work at the same center, are family members, or have had personal differences. In these cases, it will be delegated to another editor for management without allowing that member's influence in the reviewer selection process or the rest of the edition.

Ethics and study design

Scientific fraud is considered biased manipulation, misleading information, selective communication, fabrication, falsification, or the concealment or misrepresentation of data. If a practice of this type is detected, the article will be immediately removed from the editorial process and the journal reserves the right to notify the authorities of the institution where the author works.

Likewise, authors must declare when sending their manuscripts that they have permission from the file or repository where the documents attached to the work were obtained.

Ethical standards for review

All manuscripts are reviewed by a member of the editorial board and at least two external reviewers.

Reviewers are aware that the manuscript under review is privileged information and must treat it as confidential. They are not allowed to share it with any other colleagues. Critiques and comments on the manuscripts will be kept strictly confidential during the review process by reviewers and editors, and none of them will be able to make personal or professional use of them or the data contained therein. Reviewers who suspect the possibility of fraud will confidentially notify the editor and may not share it with others.

Originality of publications and plagiarism policy

Quinto Sol agrees to publish original works, which have not been previously published or submitted or submitted for consideration to any other publication in whole or in part. Authors must make this declaration when submitting their manuscripts through the online system. Published summaries of communications, presentations or conferences presented at scientific meetings are not considered redundant publications, nor do they prevent their submission to the journal, but the authors must state this circumstance in a footnote at the beginning of the article, or in the thanks if any. (for more details see Plagiarism Policy)

Processing Fee Policy

The magazine does not charge any type of Article Processing Charges (APCs), whether for refereeing, style correction, editing or translation tasks.

On the other hand, the authors will not receive any type of monetary compensation from the journal.

When submitting the article, authors must activate the checkboxes, in accordance with these policies.

Upcoming issues

The call to receive articles and dossier proposals is permanently open.

Once the works have been accepted by external evaluations and by the Editorial Committee, the magazine may issue a certificate of acceptance to those who require it.

Self-Archiving Policy

Quinto Sol allows the self-archiving of articles published in their post-print version, in institutional, thematic repositories, personal web pages or other use for similar purposes.

Protocolo de Interoperabilidad

Quinto Sol has interoperability protocols. https://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/index/oai in base URL for the OAI File.

Digital preservation policies

The journal safeguards its files through the University's servers as a backup of the Open Journal System (OJS) platform and the PKP Preservation Network. These operations are in charge of the Information Technology Department and aim to protect the information against possible failures that may occur and, at the same time, facilitate the recovery of the service in the shortest possible time with the maximum reduction of the data loss. The platform has daily backup procedures for data, files and configurations.

In turn, Quinto Sol magazine has the Lockss digital preservation system, an open source program developed by the Biblioteca de la Universidad de Stanford, and Clockss, whereby each file is constantly validated against other library caches. These tools provide the journal with a permanent and secure archive. (https://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/quintosol/gateway/lockss)



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Shipping Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify that their submission meets all of the elements shown below. Submissions that do not comply with these guidelines will be returned to the authors.

  • I/We declare that the article submitted is my/our authorship, is original and has not been published before in any type of medium - paper or electronic - and will not be until I have a response from the Editorial Committee. If it is detected that a similar version has been published without the journal's authorization, the article will be removed immediately.

  • I/We declare that it has not been sent simultaneously to another publication area

  • If it is accepted for publication, I/we authorize its publication, preserving the authorship rights and I/we assign and transfer to the magazine all the rights protected by the intellectual property laws that govern in Argentina referring to the edition for dissemination. the work in digital format in which the magazine is housed.

  • I/We declare that we have the permission of the archive or repository where the documents or illustrations attached to the work were obtained, whatever their format, permission that authorizes them to publish and reproduce them, releasing the magazine and its editors from all responsibility or claim of third parties.

  • I/We adhere to the Creative Commons license called "Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA", through which the author allows the author to copy, reproduce, distribute or publicly communicate the work and generate derivative works, as long as cite and acknowledge the original author. It is not permitted, however, to use the work for commercial purposes. The authors may establish additional agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in the magazine (for example, placing it in an institutional repository or publishing it in a book), with the mention that it was originally published in the Quinto Sol journal.

  • The journal will not charge me/us any type of fee under any circumstances, whether for refereeing, style correction or editing tasks, nor will I/we receive any type of monetary compensation.

  • I/We declare that the article submitted complies with the editing rules detailed on the journal's page, in Rules for authors

  • I/We authorize Quinto Sol to distribute electronic copies of the published article and include it in indexing services, directories or national and international databases in Open Access, under the Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (CC BY-NC- SA 4.0), by which authors retain their copyright and, at the same time, allow other people to copy and distribute their work, as well as adapt, as long as the corresponding authorship is recognized and the work is not used. the work for commercial purposes.


Original and unpublished articles resulting from research, or significant essays for the historiographical and social sciences field, are published. All contributions for this section are subject to internal and external evaluation (under the double-blind mechanism), and must be unpublished and not under simultaneous consideration in other publications. Maximum length of 10,000 words, including notes and bibliography.

Debates, Essays and Communications

This section includes original and unpublished contributions that do not necessarily meet the condition of being works based on primary sources or historiographic essays. Debates, essays, communications or interviews will be considered; Its content will be subject to the evaluation of the Editorial Committee.

It is recommended to contact in advance to revistaquintosol@unlpam.edu.ar to request clarifications on length, formal characteristics, and thematic relevance, among other aspects.


Original and unpublished articles resulting from research, or significant essays for the historiographic and social sciences field, are published, all within a common theme, related to the objectives and interests of the magazine. All contributions for this section are subject to internal and external evaluation (under the double-blind mechanism), and must be unpublished and not under simultaneous consideration in other publications. Maximum length of 10,000 words, including notes and bibliography.

To send dossiers, a prior proposal must be approved by the Editorial Committee. Please contact revistaquintosol@humanas.unlpam.edu.ar to obtain more details about the editorial process of the dossiers.


Original and unpublished reviews of books published in the last two years. They receive evaluation by the Editorial Committee and should not be under simultaneous consideration in another publication. Length: up to 2,000 words.

IMPORTANT: The review is not simply a summary of the work but rather its critical review. Therefore, in addition to the review of the main aspects addressed, the text should contain references to the location of the book in the historiographic context, critical analysis that highlights the relevant aspects and points out the shortcomings - if any - and a weighting of its contributions to the respective field of knowledge.

Copyright notice

When sending their contributions, collaborators must declare that they have the permission of the file or repository where the documents that are attached to the work were obtained, whatever their format (unpublished manuscripts, images, audiovisual files, etc.), permission that the authorizes them to be published and reproduced, releasing the magazine and its editors from all liability or claims from third parties.

Likewise, the authors must adhere to the Creative Commons license called “Attribution - Non-Commercial CC BY-NC-SA”, through which the author allows the author to copy, reproduce, distribute, publicly communicate the work and generate derivative works, as long as cite and acknowledge the original author. It is not permitted, however, to use the work for commercial purposes. Authors may establish additional agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in the journal (for example, placing it in an institutional repository or publishing it in a book), with recognition of having been first published in this journal.

The publication of content in this journal does not imply any royalty or charge for contributors.

Quinto Sol adheres to DORA (Declaration on Research Assessment) signed in San Francisco, California, on December 16, 2012, and to the Declaración de México (Declaración Conjunta LATINDEX - REDALYC - CLACSO - IBICT).

Rules for authors

General indications

The call is permanently open. Manuscripts must be original and not proposed for publication in another journal. The persons to whom authorship corresponds will be required to accept a commitment of originality at the time of sending their work. Contributions to the Articles section receive internal evaluation, in the first instance, by the Editorial Committee, which may make suggestions to the manuscript. Once this stage is approved, it is sent for external evaluation under the double-blind mechanism, while the manuscripts in the Reviews section are evaluated and approved by the Editorial Committee. The Editorial Committee will decide in which issue it will publish the articles - that have met all the requirements -, which will be notified to the author. If the interested person requires it, a certificate may be issued when their article or review has been approved for publication. The internal evaluation stage can take two months, and the external evaluation three months, depending on the availability of evaluators. If the text does not require major modifications to be made in both stages, the manuscript can be approved between 6 and 8 months from the date of submission. We recommend carefully reviewing the rules for authors, given the journal's high rejection rate, which is around 45%.

1. Shipping

Contributions will be sent only in digital format through the magazine's website, using a registered user. If you have a username and password, you can log in https://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/quintosol/login. If not, you must register from this link https://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/quintosol/user/register All articles submitted to Quinto Sol will be reviewed using iThenticate plagiarism detection software. See more information about the plagiarism policy at this link. If plagiarism is detected, the evaluation process will be suspended and the people responsible for authorship will be notified. The author may make inquiries to the mailbox revistaquintosol@humanas.unlpam.edu.ar but DO NOT send manuscripts that way. A video instruction on online shipping systems can be viewed at this link :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qld5yOihj9I

Before starting the shipment, have your ORCID identification ready, because the system will require it when registering to make the shipment. If you don't have it yet, you can manage it for free at this link: https://orcid.org/

Shipping consists of 5 steps:

1.1. Start: After logging in as the author, and before uploading the manuscript and supporting files, the online system will require you to activate checkboxes in the Submission Checklist to accept the following: conditions:

-I/We declare that the article submitted is my/our authorship, is original and has not been published before in any type of medium - paper or electronic - and will not be published until we have a response from the Editorial Committee of Quinto Sol. If detects that a similar version has been published without the authorization of the journal, the article will be removed immediately

-I/We declare that it has not been sent simultaneously to another publication area.

-If it is accepted for publication, I/we authorize its publication, preserving the authorship rights and I/we assign and transfer to the magazine all rights protected by the intellectual property laws that govern in Argentina referring to the edition for disseminate the work in digital format in which the magazine is housed.

-I/We declare that we have the permission of the file or repository where the documents or illustrations attached to the work were obtained, whatever their format, permission that authorizes them to publish and reproduce them, releasing the magazine and its editors from all responsibility or claim. from third parties.

-I adhere to the Creative Commons 4.0 International license (AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike BY-NC-SA) through which the author allows the copy, reproduction, distribution or public communication of the work and the generation of derivative works, as long as cite and acknowledge the original author. Use of the work for commercial purposes is not permitted. Authors may establish additional agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in the journal (for example, placing it in an institutional repository or publishing it in a book), with the mention that it was originally published in the journal. Quinto Sol magazine

-The magazine will not charge me/us any type of fee under any circumstances, whether for refereeing, style correction or editing tasks, nor will I/we receive any type of monetary compensation.

-I declare/We declare that we know and accept the evaluation standards specified on the page https://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/quintosol/about/submissions

-I/We declare that the article submitted complies with the editing standards detailed on the journal's page.

1.2. Upload submission: In this step you must attach the file ready for blind review

1.3. Enter the metadata: the author's data, the ORCID identification and the article information (title, abstract, keywords, etc.) will be loaded there.

1.4. Upload complementary files: here you can attach images, tables, charts and graphs (in Excel or the original program in which they were prepared) that the article contains.

1.5. Confirm and send: When you do this step, you will receive an automatic email from the system confirming receipt of your shipment.

2. Preparation of the manuscript. Format and extension

The texts must be sent in Word format, prepared in the respective templates, in accordance with all the format specifications detailed there (font type and size, line spacing, etc...).

Article template

Reviews Template


Articles up to 10,000 words.

Bibliographic reviews up to 2,000 words.

If the article includes tables/charts/graphs, they must be incorporated into the text; the same if they are maps or images/photographs (they must be in JPG or TIFF with a resolution of 150-200 dpi). It is not necessary to attach separate map/image files or tables/graphs in Excel; but they must have them available if the editors request them at the layout stage.

3. General recommendations

In recent years, the magazine had a high rate of rejection of the manuscripts received, because the texts did not represent an original contribution to the field of studies in which it was enrolled, they did not conform to the editorial requirements of Quinto Sol or they contained writing errors that They made its publication impossible. In this sense, before submitting your article, we recommend that the author:

A) Review the text before sending it. It should not contain grammatical, spelling, typing errors or double spacing between words. Bibliographic references and sources must be cited exactly as indicated in sections 4.6, 4.7 and 4.8.

B) The bibliography and citations must be reviewed carefully. The authors mentioned in the list must be referenced in the main text, and conversely, all bibliographic references in the main text must have the full citation at the end of the article in the corresponding section.

C) Review the literature relevant to your field of study, so that you justify your research within the framework of a larger problem and updated discussions. However, the theoretical-conceptual discussions and the state of the art should not exceed 25% of the total length of the article.

D) The objective of the article and its structure must be specified within the first two or three pages of the text, do not dedicate seven or ten pages to a long theoretical dissertation or contextual characterization before specifying its purposes to the reader. However, the theoretical-conceptual discussions and the state of the art should not exceed 25% of the total length of the article.

E) Keep in mind that Quinto Sol reading public comes from various countries, so it is necessary to be precise with the information and not take it for granted when it refers to geographical locations (for example, when saying "our country" instead of "Argentina", or indicate the locations of towns without mentioning the province if maps are not used, example: “in Coronda he settled”… should say “in Coronda – province of Santa Fe – he settled…”). Also when he states events in a colloquial or incomplete manner that are only understandable to Argentine readers (e.g. “sectors from secondary schools” he should say “sectors from secondary schools” / “they went to see him in Ezeiza” he should say “they went to Ezeiza” to see him at the Ezeiza airport” / “in Deseado and Gallegos” should say “in Puerto Deseado and Río Gallegos” / “during the Process” should say “during the National Reorganization Process”). Likewise, regarding the use of acronyms, These must be written in full the first time they are mentioned and in parentheses the acronyms that will be used from now on, for example: State Internal Commotion Plan (CONINTES). If you wish to include the acronyms when it will only be mentioned on one occasion, will be between hyphens after putting the full name, for example: State Internal Commotion Plan –CONINTES–.

F) Do not abuse compound phrases and subordinate clauses. Generally, a sentence should take up no more than three lines of text. Also avoid repetitions of the same word in a few lines, use synonyms

G) Try not to send your manuscript if it does not meet the preceding conditions and, if feasible, we suggest that another colleague has previously read it to evaluate your understanding of the content.

H) Do not repeat the same words in a few lines, use synonyms or other written expressions. Ex: "The Chief of Police had stated that he had given." "They were attacked with sticks until they were unconscious and the guard was also attacked."

G) General observations for all texts published in the journal:

-The word State is capitalized if it refers to the state organization.

-Names of places and languages ​​are not italicized.

-Graduate and postgraduate titles are in lowercase letters: professor, graduate, master, doctor. Ex: Doctor in Physics Pedro Salas…

-The chronologies are mentioned as follows: Stage 1930-1950 / thirties…

4. Non-sexist language

The use of linguistic sexism reinforces gender stereotypes, male androcentric prejudices and makes women invisible. The Universidad Nacional de La Pampa approved the “Guía de Recomendaciones para el uso de lenguaje no sexista” (Resolución 258/2020, http://www.unlpam.edu.ar/la-unlpam/uso-del-lenguaje-no-sexista), and from the journal we incorporate it with the purpose of promoting writing that is respectful of the diversity and integrity of people. From this Guide, recommendations and examples are transcribed and adapted:

A) A non-sexist language is not limited to including the distinctive gender suffixes “- as/-os” in words, but rather searching for terms and concepts that include women, men and non-binary entities.

B) In the case of splits, avoid the precedence of the masculine as a rule over the use of the feminine; There is no grammatical justification that explains the use of the masculine form before the feminine. In any case, an alphabetical criterion may be followed in the order of presentation or alternating between both forms.

C) For titles of positions, professions, degrees, the term will be feminized when appropriate.

D) The use of the slash (/) goes against the style of the text and, sometimes, makes it difficult to read. It is recommended to avoid its use.

E) Do not use either @ (it is not a linguistic sign) or x. Its use, instead of being interpreted as a form of “doubling”, is taken literally by text readers. Therefore, it is detrimental to accessibility, since it makes reading impossible for people with visual disabilities.

F) We mention some examples as a guide: The students attended the conference, suggestion The students attended the conference / A joint work with the teachers, suggestion A joint work with the team of teachers / The director of the company resolved , suggestion The management of the company resolved / The school graduates, suggestion The people who graduated from the school / The dismissal of the workers was communicated, suggestion The dismissal of workers was communicated / The applicants to occupy the position, suggestion The people who aspire to hold the position / The program includes older adults, suggestion The program includes older adults.

5. Structure of the article

5.1.Title. It should not contain more than 20 words (if it is long, tedious and with unnecessary technicalities it does not promote interest in reading), its objective is not to summarize the article, that is why the summary is placed immediately after it. If the manuscript is a reworking of a previous text (such as a paper), this situation must be specified in a footnote at the end of the title that appears at the beginning of the development.

5.2. Authorship data: do not include authorship or institutional membership data in the Word manuscript, nor information in the text that allows identification. The text must be ready for a blind review, that is, without data that allows identifying authorship. Avoid incorporating information of this type in acknowledgments, footnotes or expressions such as: in other works we have addressed this issue (González, 2007). In this case, you can replace them with impersonal verbs, such as: this issue has been addressed in other works (González, 2007).

5.3. Summary and keywords. The summary should not exceed 200 words. It must give the person reading it a general idea of ​​the content of the article and include the basic information of the main text, be self-sufficient and be stated in terms of results achieved (do not express doubts or use the conditional mode, therefore, it is recommends replacing phrases such as "This article attempts to track..." with "This article tracks..."; "This article will attempt to analyze..." with "This article analyzed..."). Here you should avoid the use of uncommon terms, neologisms, acronyms, acronyms, abbreviations or symbols. No citations are included or conclusions are presented, nor is information mentioned that has not been incorporated into the work. The terms should be as specific as possible, that is, preferably concepts that do not represent general areas, such as History, Communication or Anthropology.

Keywords must be a maximum of 4 and up to 2 compound words (e.g. railway union / community health). To choose the appropriate keywords you should use specialized thesauri such as http://vocabularies.unesco.org/browser/thesaurus/es/index. Do not include as part of the keywords: geographical scope (e.g. Jujuy), period covered (e.g. 1939-1950) or proper names.

5.4. Article text

If it is necessary to insert numbers in the subtitles, use Arabic numerals (e.g. use 1.1.).

When names of people, authors and authors are mentioned in the body of the article and in the quotations on the page, except when authors between parentheses are cited, name and surname are written the first time they are named, if it is reiterated, only the last name is recorded (ex: al asumir la presidencia, Ricardo Alfonsín planteó.../como sostuvo Jorge Gelman (1996) en su libro…). The notes will appear at the foot of the page, with consecutive Arabic numerals.

References to tables/maps/images/graphs should be clear in the text if they are more than one. (ex: "como se muestra en la Imagen 2...", o "En el Gráfico 3 se observa..."). The heading of each image/map/chart/graph inserted in the text must contain the source of information and the repository.

Before each table/map/graph/image the corresponding title is included in size 10 (ex: Listado de camas en el hospital); If the text contains more than one table or graph, it is listed in the title (ex: Cuadro 4. Nómina de contribuyentes durante el año 1834).

Below each image, chart, graph, tables, the word Source and the complete reference from where the information and the repository were extracted in size 9 are placed. (ex: Fuente: Contribución Directa de 1839. Sala III, 33-4-7. Archivo General de la Nación, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina). The mention of the repository and the place is not included if a previous reference was made from the same source with that data. If the data were extracted from a published article/book, only the author, year and page - if applicable - are cited here; Complete bibliographic data is recorded in Bibliographic references.

If the author makes a clarification regarding the image, graphics, table, the word Note and the corresponding clarification are placed below the Source reference in size 9. (ex: Nota. Los datos que se incluyen en el cuadro son estimaciones).

5.5. Abbreviations and acronyms

If abbreviations are used in the body of the text or in footnote citations to repeatedly refer to the same institution, organization, source, etc. The full name will be stated in the first mention and the abbreviation to be used in parentheses, examples:Ministerio de Cultura y Educación (MCyE), Fuerzas Armadas (FFAA), Unión Cívica Radical (UCR), Diario de Sesiones (DS), Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina (BORA), Archivo General de la Nación (AGN); no se utiliza la expresión “en adelante” solo va la sigla correspondiente.

For the following expressions these abbreviations will be used:

Compilador / Compiladores: Comp. / Comps.

Coordinador / Coordinadores: Coord. / Coords.

Editor / Editores: Ed. / Eds.

Director / Directores: Dir. / Dirs.

Página / Páginas: p. / pp.

Sin datos: S.d.

Sin fecha: S.f.

Sin lugar S.l.

Sin página: S.p.

5.6. In-text bibliography citations

For both in-text citations and references, DO NOT USE citation management programs (such as Zotero, Mendeley or others), references must be inserted manually.

The journal follows APA (updated American Psychological Association) standards. For this reason, bibliographic and source citations within the text will be placed between quotation marks without italics, specifying the origin (author, year and page). If the quoted section is 40 words or less, it will be transcribed within the paragraph. Ex:

Es preciso historizar la experiencia humana, porque “no podemos evitar la conclusión de que al documentar la historicidad de los gestos y el habla, también estamos historizando la experiencia de gesticular y hablar” (Boddice, 2016, p. 12).

When the quoted section has more than 40 words, it will appear in a separate paragraph, without quotes, separated from the text by a blank line, with a special margin of 1.5 cm and in font size 10. At the end of the quote, the period is placed. and then the author, year and page data are mentioned in parentheses, without a period after the reference. Ex:

tendieron a mezclarse en una serie muy confusa de imágenes que tiempo después serían encapsuladas por una nueva generación de peronistas en frases tales como ‘guerrilla popular’ o ‘resistencia popular nacional’ y que connotaban toda una mitología de heroísmo, abnegación, sufrimiento, camaradería compartida y lealtad a un ideal, mitos que habían de constituir un elemento decisivo en la evolución del peronismo en años venideros. (James, 2010, p. 113)

When the textual quote comes from a source, the origin is stated at the end in a footnote. Ex:

Una de las primeras medidas, muy acertadas, fue escribir al mundo… se hizo una carpeta y se pegaron fotos, que podríamos buscar. Fotos de Virginia de chiquita, fotos de Stella embarazada, fotos de ellos… las pegábamos y eso se mandó a los organismos de derechos humanos del mundo.

Within a quotation, three ellipses without parentheses will be used to indicate that part of the original sentence has been omitted. If entire sentences from the original source are omitted from the quote, the deletion will be indicated with four ellipses without parentheses. Ellipses are not used at the beginning or end of a quotation, even if material has been omitted. Use brackets (not parentheses) to include additions or explanations from the writer of the article. In case you have words written incorrectly, in bold, capital letters, etc. The word [sic] must be entered next to it in square brackets or a note must be made at the foot of the page to indicate that it appears in the original. Regarding citations of authors, last name, year of publication and page will be recorded. As an example, ways of citing within the text are indicated. Ex:

Eduardo Cavieres (2003) sostuvo que “el crecimiento económico no significó ni desarrollo social ni grandes transformaciones en las estructuras tradicionales de la economía” (p. 111). En 2003, Eduardo Cavieres explicó que “el crecimiento económico no significó ni desarrollo social ni grandes transformaciones en las estructuras tradicionales de la economía” (p. 111). El crecimiento económico “no significó ni desarrollo social ni grandes transformaciones en las estructuras tradicionales de la economía” (Cavieres, 2003, p. 111).

If the quote comprises more than one page, put two pp., period and separate the numbers with a hyphen. Ex:

El crecimiento económico “no significó ni desarrollo social ni grandes transformaciones en las estructuras tradicionales de la economía” (Cavieres, 2003, pp. 111-112).

When the authorship corresponds to three or more people, the first time they are cited, the surnames of all are indicated. Subsequently, only the first is cited and et al. is added. followed by period. Ex:

Martín Alonso, José Pérez, Estela Rodríguez y Ana Soto (1990) señalan que las causas de la crisis son... Tal como lo precisaron Alonso et al. (1990) esas teorías…

When there are six or more authors, the first surname is cited followed by et al. from the first summons. Ex:

Jorge Vilar et al. (2013) afirman que... Esas afirmaciones fueron refutadas (Vilar et al., 2013) con solidez...

In the case of corporate authorship, the name of the organization is placed instead of the surname. The first time the full name is cited and the acronym is indicated in parentheses. From now on, it is cited only by the acronym. Ex:

La Dirección del Registro Automotor (DRA, 2016) dio a conocer... Los datos proporcionados por la DRA (2016)...

When the authorship is anonymous, instead of the surname the word “Anonymous” is placed and all the previous rules are taken into account. Quote of a quote, when you have access to one source of information through another, it is recorded like this: Ex:

George Wright (como se citó en Hill, 2015) sostiene que la teoría...

Personal works that cannot be consulted by the reading public are cited in the text at the bottom of the page as personal communications and do not require citation in the Bibliographic References. These texts include emails, text messages, chats or direct messages, telephone conversations, live speeches, unrecorded academic lectures, unrecorded oral tradition materials of indigenous peoples. In these cases, the quote must include the initials and last name of the communicator and the most exact date possible according to the following formats. Ex:

Los datos que utilizamos en este artículo fueron proporcionados por A. Pérez (comunicación personal, 8 de julio de 2020).
En esa ocasión participaron de la reunión las máximas autoridades del partido (J. Ramos, comunicación personal, 6 de septiembre de 2020).

THERE ARE NO footnotes with complete bibliographic citations, only authors, year and page are mentioned if a clarification or expansion of the topic is made. Ex:

Sobre este tema, véase Amaral (1987, 1998); Cavieres (2003); Fradkin (2004).

The expressionss ibid, ídibem, ni op. cit., will not be used neither in the main text nor in the footnote citations.

5.7. Forms of citing sources

Unpublished sources will be identified as clearly as possible in the footnote. The authorship is cited first, if any, if it does not exist, the document is cited, then the date, the location of the source, the repository and the geographical location of the latter. In successive citations from the same source, the repository data or its geographical location are not included. Ex:

Padrón de Población de la Guardia de Luján de 1838. Sala X, 25-6-2. Archivo General de la Nación, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Cámara de Diputados. Diario de Sesiones. 16 de mayo de 19850, pp. 64-69.
Cámara de Diputados. Diario de Sesiones. 16 de mayo de 19850, pp. 64-69. Biblioteca de la Cámara de Diputados, Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina. Legajo 40, 1870, tomo 117. Expedientes Archivados, Fondo Contaduría. Archivo General de la Provincia de Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Argentina.
Carta de José Miguel Díaz Vélez a Juan Lavalle. 16 de diciembre de 1828. Sala VII. Archivo Juan Lavalle (1797-1860), Archivo General de la Nación, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Auto episcopal del Obispo Weimann. 5 de agosto de 1945. Archivo Eclesiástico de la Catedral de Santiago del Estero, Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Ministerio de Gobierno. 14 de mayo de 1934, tomo 2, folios 243, 246. Archivo de Gobierno de la Provincia de Santa Fe, Rosario, Argentina.
Boletín Oficial de la Provincia de Córdoba. 13 de noviembre de 1943, pp. 7954- 55. Archivo de la Provincia de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina.
Mapa de la colonia San Carlos. Ca. 1863. Sin clasificar, Fondo Denner, Museo de la Colonización de Esperanza, Santa Fe, Argentina.

If the sources are mentioned repeatedly in the text, acronyms will be used from now on. Ex:

Carta del Consulado General (CG) en Alemania al Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto (MREC). Hamburgo, 2 de julio de 1902. Serie Diplomática y Consular (SDC), Caja AH/0789, Expediente 10. Archivo del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto (AMREC), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Carta del CG en Francia al MREC. París, 12 de julio de 1894. SDC, Caja AH/0554, Expediente 74.

Published sources – except newspapers, magazines, bulletins or other means of dissemination – will be cited in the Bibliographic References with the same criteria as the bibliography. Ex:

1. Duval, M. (1939). Memoria del Territorio Nacional de La Pampa. Talleres Gráficos.
2. Ministerio De Relaciones Exteriores y Culto. (1890-1913). Memorias del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto presentadas al Congreso de la Nación Argentina. Talleres Gráficos.

The names of newspapers, magazines or other media will always be cited in italics. Ex:

En el diario La Unión... / En la revista Mundo Peronista...

If in the body of the article a textual citation or reference is made to a note published in these sources, the complete bibliographic reference, the repository and its geographical location will be recorded in a footnote as indicated below. If the newspaper, magazine, etc. It is online at the end the link is put. Ex:

Elevación de la calidad educativa (5 de agosto de 2014). Clarín,p. 8. Biblioteca del Congreso de la Nación, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

In successive citations from the same published source, neither the repository data nor its geographical location are stated. Ex:

Elevación de la calidad educativa (5 de agosto de 2014). Clarín, p. 8.

If the author of a note published in the newspaper is cited, it will be recorded as follows, for example:

Uranga, W. (20 de octubre de 2001). La UBA honró al teólogo Gustavo Gutiérrez con un Honoris Causa. La Nación, p. 16. Biblioteca Nacional, Hemeroteca, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

For journals, if the publication is daily or weekly, the day is included, if it is monthly, the month and always the year. If it has volume and number they are also included, in the case of the number it is in parentheses. Ex:

Pérez, A. (mayo de 1998). La agenda de gobierno. Crisis, XX (34), p. 18. Centro de Documentación e Investigación de la Cultura de Izquierdas en Argentina – CeDInCI-, Hemeroteca, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Resultado de las elecciones (2 de junio de 2008). Primera Plana, p. 5. Biblioteca personal del autor, Córdoba, Argentina.
Hablan los Montoneros (noviembre-diciembre de 1970). Cristianismo y Revolución, 26, p. 11. http://www.ruinasdigitales.com.

If the source is an interview, the interviewee will be cited in the footer (with the identification agreed upon with that person), who, when and where the interview was conducted. Ex:

Entrevista a Estela, exsupervisora del servicio de Hogar Rural del área pampeana, realizada por Julia Flores el 4 de septiembre de 2011 en la ciudad de 9 de Julio, Buenos Aires.
Entrevista a dirigente rankulche realizada por Ayelen Di Biase en septiembre de 2015 en la ciudad de Santa Rosa, La Pampa.
Entrevista a Martín Ingham, docente de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba en la década de 1980, realizada por el autor el 19 de mayo de 2016 en Río Cuarto, Córdoba.

5.8. Annex

If an annex is incorporated, its inclusion in the development must be mentioned or justified and will be placed at the end of the text and before the Bibliographic References section.

5.9. Bibliographic references

The list will be numbered and will contain only the works cited in the article. The order to follow is alphabetical by last name of the author. If more than one work by the same authorship is included, the chronological order of edition will be followed – from the oldest text to the most recent – ​​and the author will be mentioned for each cited work, without replacing it with a line, dashes or other signs. The surname and initial of the author's first name – not their full name – will be included in capital letters and with an accent if appropriate. If there is more than one person responsible for authorship, all surnames will be listed, without using the expressions et al. / and others. The titles of chapters, magazine articles and presentations will not be enclosed in quotation marks. Do not use acronyms when citing publishers (for example: FCE, EUDEBA o EdUNSE), the full name must go (Fondo de Cultura Económica, Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires, Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero respectivamente). Based on APA standards 7th edition (2020), the place of edition is not cited.

All text, audio, video, images and even software that is cited in the article and that has been assigned a DOI number (digital object identifier) ​​must be included by the author in the corresponding citation. Previously verify that this identification is current and that it corresponds to the article/chapter, etc. (since the DOI of the journal is frequently given instead of the article). Ex:

1. Stavisky, S. (2023). El vegetarianismo en la prensa anarquista rioplatense. Quinto Sol, 27 (2), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.19137/qs.v27i2.6336

If the cited text does not have a DOI but does have another link, the URL must be entered. Ex:

1. Martínez Mazzola, R. (2011). Nacionalismo, peronismo, comunismo. Los usos del totalitarismo en el discurso del Partido Socialista Argentino (1946-1953). Prismas, 15 (1), 105-128. http://ref.scielo.org/xh5yxv

Strictly respect in each case the punctuation forms and guidelines indicated below in the following examples:

Book by a single author:

1. Halperín Donghi, T. (1979). Revolución y guerra. Formación de una élite dirigente en la Argentina criolla. Siglo XXI.

To differentiate the year of the original edition of a work and that of the edition used by the author, the clarification will be made in parentheses at the end of the reference.

1. Alberdi, J. B. (1979). Bases y puntos de partida para la organización política de la República Argentina. Centro Editor de América Latina. (Original publicado en 1852). 2. Tannembaum, F. (1972). El negro en las Américas, esclavo y ciudadano. Paidós. (Edición en inglés en 1946).

When a classic or multiple-edition book is referenced, the year of first publication is stated at the end of the bibliographic citation.

1. Mansilla, L. (2018). Una excursión a los indios ranqueles. Penguin Cásicos. (Primera edición en 1870)

Book with more than one author:

1. Belmartino, S.; Bloch, C.; Carnino, M. I. y Persello, A. V. (1991). Fundamentos históricos. Planeta. 2. Devoto, F. y Pagano, N. (Eds.) (2004). La historiografía académica y la historiografía militante en Argentina y Uruguay. Biblos.

Book in electronic version, E-Book:

1. Rodríguez, A. M. T y Sánchez, R. G. (Comps.) (2019). Los “indios de la Pampa” a través de la mirada misionera: un relato fotográfico del “dilatado yermo pampeano”. Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. http://www.unlpam.edu.ar/cultura-yextension/edunlpam/catalogo/resultados-de-investigacion/los-indios-de-lapampa

Chapter of the book:

1. Socolow, S. (1994). La población de la América colonial. En C. Bernard (Comp.) Descubrimiento, conquista y colonización de América a quinientos años (pp. 218- 248). Fondo de Cultura Económica.


1. López, W. (2020). Historia rioplatense (G. Falco, narr.) [audiolibro]. Ivoox…

Dictionaries, encyclopedias:

1. Real Academia Española. (2018). Diccionario de la lengua española (edición del tricentenario). https://bit.ly/333ASh8

Book published by an organization without mention of individual authorship:

1. Instituto Nacional contra la Discriminación, la Xenofobia y el Racismo (2016). Racismo y xenofobia. Hacia una Argentina intercultural. http://inadi.gob.ar/contenidos-digitales/producto/racismo-y-xenofobia-haciauna-argentina-intercultural/

Article in journal/periodicals:

1. Torrado, S. (1999). Transición de la familia en la Argentina, 1870-1995. Desarrollo Económico, 39 (154), 235-260.

Online article: (do not cite the link)

With DOI

1. Otero, H. (2018). Mortalidad y percepción de la vejez. Conjeturas sobre el caso argentino, 1850-1950. Quinto Sol, 22 (2), pp. 1-25. http://dx.doi.org/10.19137/qs.v22i2.1804


1. Flores, V. (2015). Los inicios del sistema carcelario en el Territorio Nacional de la Pampa (1884-1930). Revista de Historia de las Prisiones, 1, 53-77.

Text not published or in editorial preparation:

The status of the manuscript must be indicated, whether it is only in the possession of the author or in the editing process.

1. Urquiza, M. A. (2020). El Partido Demócrata en Corrientes [manuscrito no publicado]. Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. 2. Ramos, J. (2020). La dictadura militar en La Pampa [manuscrito en proceso de edición]. Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa.

Works presented at meetings, conferences:

1. Fernández, H. M. (2002, 10 de noviembre). La tenencia de la tierra en la Sección IX del departamento Capital [ponencia]. X Jornadas de Historia Económica. La Plata, Argentina

Works that have been published in minutes, reports or other types of documents:

1. Pérez, A. (2004). Un estudio exploratorio sobre las políticas públicas en La Pampa en la década de 1930. En XI Jornadas de Investigación de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Santa Rosa, 29 y 30 de agosto, pp. 169-173.

Published thesis:

1. Monasterolo, E. (2020). La democracia en tensión. Prácticas y estrategias de la militancia estudiantil en la década de 1980. El caso de la UNLPam (1982- 1988). [tesis de maestría, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa] https://repo.unlpam.edu.ar/handle/unlpam/7228

Unpublished thesis:

1. Paoloni, P. (2004). Estudio de la motivación en contexto: papel de las tareas académicas en la universidad [tesis de maestría, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, tesis no publicada].

Online conferences and presentations:

1. Segato, R. (2022, 1 de diciembre). Conferencia abierta. Consejo de la Magistratura CABA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dC-8fZgctXM.


1. Schmit, R. (2007). Escritores del mañana [película]. Paramount Pictures.

YouTube video:

1. La Pulla. (2019, 28 de octubre). Elecciones: lo bueno, lo malo y lo feo [video]. YouTube. https://bit.ly/2C23o6T


1. Uribe, D. (presentador). (2007, 19 de diciembre). Las mujeres en el peronismo (8) [episodio de podcast]. En Historia en pocillo. Mundo UNTREF https://www.untref.edu.ar/mundountref/episodio-8-historia-mujeresperonismo-podcast


1. Totó La Momposina. (2015). La acabación [canción]. En Tambolero. MTM Ltda.

Social media posts:
Specific publication (tweet, post, etc.):

1. Angulo, R. [@RobertoAnguloS]. (2019, 25 de octubre). Índice de inclusión de personas con discapacidad de @SaldarriagaConc. Exclusión social y productiva (% de personas con discapacidad): Chocó: 55% [gráfica e hipervínculo] [tuit]. Twitter. https://bit.ly/2WzFs48

Page or profile:

1. Autores de Historias. (s. f.). Home [página de Facebook]. Facebook. Consultado el 25 de octubre de 2019. www.facebook.com/autoresdehistorias/


1. Herrera, E. (2019, 28 de octubre). La economía no va mal, pero el agro sí. Razón Pública. https://bit.ly/2WxhuXv


1. Congreso de los Estados Unidos de Colombia. (1873, 26 de mayo). Ley 84 de 1873. Código Civil de los Estados Unidos de Colombia. Diario Oficial nº 2867. http://bit.ly/2Ny4HA0


1. Manrique, D. (1920). Valle del Cauca [fotografía]. Archivos fotográficos del Valle. Biblioteca Departamental Jorge Garcés Borrero, Cali, Colombia.

6. Indications for Reviews

The review is not simply a summary of the work but its critical review. Therefore, in addition to the review of the main aspects addressed, the text should contain references to the location of the book in the historiographic context, a critical analysis that highlights the relevant aspects and points out the shortcomings - if any - and a weighting of its contributions to the respective field of knowledge. Contributions for the review section must be sent in Word format (in the template to download from the following linkhttps://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/quintosol/libraryFiles/downloadPublic/74 according to all the format specifications detailed there (font type and size, line spacing, etc.).

The title of the book being reviewed must be cited as follows: Name and surname of the person(s) to whom the authorship corresponds, title of the work, publisher, year and number of pages. Below the title of the reviewed book the name and surname of the author will be stated, and below the institutional affiliation(s) will be specified (without abbreviations). Then the country of origin and the email address of the person who wrote the review will be indicated. Ex:

Flavia Fiorucci y Laura Graciela Rodríguez (Comp.) Intelectuales de la educación y el Estado: maestros, médicos y arquitectos. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2018, 270 páginas.
María Pereyra
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Instituto de Estudios Socio-Históricos
Correo electrónico: mapereyra@hotmail

It is suggested that the review does not contain footnotes. If it is essential to make a bibliographical citation, it must be recorded in full at the end of the text, under the title Bibliographical references, according to the guidelines established for that section.



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2024 Instituto de Estudios Socio-Históricos - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas
Universidad Nacional de La Pampa
Coronel Gil 353 - Piso 3
(CP 6300) - Santa Rosa - Pcia. de La Pampa
República Argentina
Tel.:54 (02954) 451648

SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1851-2879&lng=es&nrm=iso