ISSN 0004-4822
 printed version
ISSN 1851-8249
online version

Instructions to Authors


Scope and policy


The Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina publishes original articles on geological themes, especially those related to Argentina and South America. The text must be concise, special care should be taken to ensure that ideas are expressed with clarity, and that the paper is consistent throughout. All papers received will be subject to review. Any paper sent back to authors for revision and not resubmitted within four months, will be treated as a new article. At least half the authors must be members of the Asociación Geológica Argentina.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Contributions will be accepted in Spanish or English; they should be printed on A4 paper, at one and a half line spacing, using 12-point typeface, and with 2.5 cm margins at each side. Fotnotes are not acceptable. Any paper which does not comply with these rules will be returned without review. Following review, the corrected version of the paper should be submitted both as hard copy, and on diskette clearly identified with the extension .txt, .doc, or .rtf, and using a current word-processing package, such as MS Word.

Submission of a new paper should be accompanied by a letter to the director of Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, stating the title of the paper and the names of the authors, together with a declaration that the work is original and that it has not been sent nor will be sent to another journal whilst it is being handled by Revista de la AGA.

The first page should include, in order, the following information: title of the paper, name(s) of the author(s), the postal address of the institute(s), and e-mail address(es). In the case of a paper with several authors, the handling author must be clearly identified with his/her postal address, fax and e-mail address. At the bottom of the page, indicate the total number of typed pages, figures and tables. The second page should include a Resumen and an Abstract of not more than 250 words. Papers in English should carry the title in Spanish after the Resumen. Finally include no more than five Keywords in English and Spanish. The text of the paper should begin on page three and should be organised in the following way: introduction, geological setting, methods used (if appropriate), results, conclusions, acknowledgements, and list of works cited in the text. Names of stratigraphical units should comply with the rules set out in Código Argentino de Estratigrafía (AGA Serie B, No 20).

Illustrative material should be designated as figures (both drawings and photographs) and tables. Number the figures consecutively with arabic numerals and refer to them in the text as "Fig." (and the number). Use a similar procedure for tables ("Cuadro"). Indicate the number, together with title and authors of the paper at the foot of each figure. Figures should be designed for reproducion at full page width (18 cm) or single column (8.5 cm). Avoid figures requiring full-page reproduction in landscape format. Pages should be numbered continuously, including the text, references, and figure captions. Include the figures together at the end on un-numbered pages. Figures may be submitted electronically in CorelDraw, and tables in MS Word or Excel together with the final corrected version of the text.

Authors are allowed, without charge, the equivalent of one page of figures to every 6 printed pages of text. The cost of coloured illustrations will be charged to authors. The use of patterned ornament rather than screen fills is recommended. Use clear black lines, no less than 0.1 mm wide.  Photographs must be of high quality and where possible carry a graphic scale.

Submit 3 copies of the manuscript to: Subcomisión de Publicaciones, Asociación Geológica Argentina, Maipú 645 1er piso, C1006ACG Buenos Aires.

Authors who wish to include in their papers copies of figures already published are responsible for obtaining written permission from the copyright holder, except in those cases where they have been subtsantially modified, as indicated by, e.g. "Geology after Caminos 1978" or " Modified from….."

Copyright to all papers published in Revista de la Asociación Geológica
Argentina remains with the Asociación, from whom permission must be sought to reproduce all or any part of articles published in the Revista. As a rule, the Comisión Directiva will allow authors to reproduce parts of their own articles, and will seek the consent of authors for reproduction by a third party.


The list of works cited in the text should commence on a new page. Make sure there is complete correspondence between the list and the references cited in the text and figure captions. Pay particular attention to style, order and puncuation as illustrated in the examples below. For references with two authors, list aphabetically by first author and then alphabetically by the second author. For references with three or more authors, order chronologically by the date of publication. Titles of all periodicals should be given in full. Do not use Roman numerals. Give the first and last page of each article (except for unpublished articles). For books, give the name of the publishing house and place (city) of publication. References should be written in their original language. Citations to unpublished works should be kept to a minimum. Works "in press" may be included when they have been accepted formally for publication. Work in preparation should be cited as "personal communication" ( and not included in the list of references.

Angelelli, V. y Fernández Lima, J. C., 1972. Ciclos metologenéticos de la Argentina. En: Leanza, A. F. (Ed.): Geología Regional Argentina, p. 797-813. Academia Nacional de Ciencias, Córdoba.

Angelelli, V. y Rinaldi, C., 1965. Reseña de la estructura, mineralización y aprovechamiento de nuestras pegmatitas portadoras de minerales de Litio. Actas 2º Jornadas Geológicas Argentinas [=Acta Geológica Lilloana, 5]: 1-18. Tucumán.

Comité Argentino de Estratigrafía, 1992. Código Argentino de Estratigrafía. Asociación Geológica Argentina, Serie B, Didáctica y Complementaria, 20: 1-64. Buenos Aires.

Criado, Roque P., 1944. Estudio estratigráfico y tectónico de la región al norte del arroyo Chacay-Melehue, entre el sur de la cordillera del Viento y el curso medio del río Curi-Leuvú en el Neuquén septentrional. Tesis Doctoral Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 57, 134 p. (Inédito).

Groeber, P., 1947a. Observaciones geológicas a lo largo del meridiano 70. 2. Hojas Sosneao y Maipo. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 2(2): 147-176.

Groeber, P., 1947b. Observaciones geológicas a lo largo del meridiano 70. 3. Hojas Domuyo, Mari Mahuida, Huarhuar Co y parte de Epu Lauken. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 2(4): 347-408.

Harland, W. B., Armstong, R. L., Cox, A. V., Craig, L. E., Smith, A. G. y Smith, D. G., 1990. A geologic time scale 1989. Cambridge University Press, 263 p., Cambridge.



Offprints and page costs


No free offprints are provided. Authors may order offprints at the stage of correcting their galley proofs. Costs for excess pages or illustrations, for corrections made after galley proof, or for offprints must be paid by authors before publication of their article.



Types of Articles


a) Normal articles: No more than 30 pages (15 printed pages), inclusive of references. They will be published, as far as possible in order of acceptance. The period between submission and publication will depend on the number of contributions in the waiting list.

b) Communications: short articles of about 12 pages (6 printed pages) inclusive of Resumen and Abstract and with a maximum of one page of illustrations.

c) Short notes: should present important new information. They may be no more than 8 pages in length (4 printed pages), including one figure. They will receive special editorial treatment, and given publication priority.



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Asociación Geológica Argentina

Maipú 645, 1er piso
C1006ACG - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
República Argentina
Tel. & Fax: (+54 11) 4325-3104

SciELO Argentina URL: