
ISSN 1853-1784
online version
ISSN 0325-1918
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Revista de Historia del Derecho publishes articles of original investigation about argentine and iberoamerican history of Law, including studies on the theory and methodology of History of Law, indigenous right, colonial law and national law of the XIXth and XXth century, that have been developed by following the diverse lines of research and focus currently applied in this field of study.
Contributions are classified in the usual sections, according to their nature: Research, Documents, Notes, Old legal textbooks. The Bibliography section refers to recent publications in this discipline. Chronicle informs about scientific activities performed in the Institute and other specialized reunions.
As is the custom, all work submitted for publication in the Revista is reviewed by specialized peers, anonymously, who will be determine its quality and pertinence. The Editors will be communicate the corresponding decision; and when convenient, shall transmit observations regarding the text and its notes. With this method of evaluation, Revista seeks not only to achieve scientific quality, but provides an opportunity to offer the authors a possible improvement of their contributions and source notes, through the anonymous evaluation of peers.
The Revista de Historia del Derecho does not charge the authors any fee for presentation/submission of manuscripts, evaluation, style correction or editing or publication of articles received, nor does it pay any form of monetary compensation.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Articles submitted for publication must have, in their first page, the title set in Arial font, size 14 with capital letters in bold type. If there is a subtitle, it should be in Arial size 12 with lower case letters and bold type. The author’s full name placed in a central position and preceded with the word “by” using Arial size 11 in small capital letters. An asterisk in the lower part shall provide the principal academic data, work centre or professional adscription, and e-mail address.
For example:
The Patent Law of 1855.
by Paulo Zappia

Every article must enclose a summary of less than 200 words and a maximum of 5 key words, in Arial font 11 with cursive and interlined type. Summaries and key word must be presented in Spanish and English. The words resumen, palabras claves, abstract and keywords should be in small capital letters, not underlined.
Each article must have a summary describing its main points, in Arial font size 11, interlined 1. If convenient, roman and Arabic number plus letters can be used, in that order.
For example:
Introduction. I. EMPLOYMENT INCOMPATIBILIES. 1. The accumulation of salaries. 2. The accumulation of employments. II. Magistrates and legislators III. THE SALARY OF MAGISTRATES. a. Superior Tribunal of Justice and Supreme Court of Justice. b. Chamber of Appeals. c. Firs instance courts. d. Comparative salaries. IV. Pensions and retirements. V. RETIREMENT AFTER THE CONSTITUTION. 1. Distinguished services. 2. Conflicts with the state, and the intervention of the Supreme Court. VI. Conclusions.
The extension of articles should be less than 40 pages, excepting special cases, and bibliographic data, less than 5 pages.
Articles should be presented for publication in Arial font, size 12, interlined 1.5 regarding the text body. Notes must be placed in the lower part of each page, numbered correlatively in Arial font size 10, interlined 1, a double space between each note.
Brief transcription will be included in the main text, with quotation marks. If they exceed five lines, with indented lines separate from the text body, without quotation marks, and interlined 1. In both cases they should be identified with the corresponding notes. Special remarks with reference to textual quotations must be placed within brackets, so as to differentiate them from the quoted parts.

  • First name and surname of the author, in small capital letters (if there are more than two authors, their names should be separated with hyphens). In collective works, below the title, the directors, editors, coordinators, compilers, etc. must be indicated.
  • Title and subtitle in italics.
  • Place of edition.
  • Editor (if none indicate “s.e” or if adequate edición del autor).
  • Edition date (if not indicated -s. f.-. The date of edition must be placed following that of the respective tome, when separate tomes have diverse dates).
  • Tome indicating the corresponding roman or Arabic number, if extant.
  • P or pp.

Journal or Newspaper articles:

  • Author (as in Books, above).
  • Title, with quotation marks.
  • Name of the Journal or Newspaper, in italics, after a comma (,) and the word “in”.
  • Place of edition.
  • Publisher.
  • Year of publication (for example: year II, nº 4). A number should be indicated with “nº”; if more, “nums” (examples: “nums 4-5, or “nums 7 y 8).
  • Volume or tome or number.
  • Period (if convenient, as in month/s, year of a journal, etc.).
  • Year.
  • P or pp.

A Chapter in a collective work:  

  • Full name of the author, in small capital letters.
  • Title of the chapter, between quotation marks.
  • Name of the director or coordinator, in small capital letters.
  • Title and subtitle of the work, in italics.
  • Place of edition.
  • Editor (if none, “s.e”, or edición del autor).
  • Edition date, or “s.f” if missing.
  • Year.
  • P or pp.

Previously quoted works:  
When already mentioned works are again quoted, only the name of the author is placed, followed by part of the work’s title with suspension points, the abbreviation of “citado” (cit) and the corresponding page.
If this refers to a Journal, part of its title or initials may be used. If the prior quotation was made in a note, the letter’s number must be repeated.
Articles in periodic electronic publications:

  • Full name in small capital letters.
  • Title, with quotation marks.
  • Place of edition.
  • Date (day/month in roman number/ year).
  • Web address (http://).
  • Accession date (day/month/year).

Archive quotations:
When archives are quoted as the locations where documents are found, Arial fonts must be used.
Examples: Archivo General de la Nación (en adelante AGN), IX, 34- 3-1, exp.2.
Archivo General de la Nación (en adelante AGN), Registro 1, 1786-1787, f.24.
Other websites:

  • Name and surname in small capital letters.
  • Title of the page, in italics or cursive style.
  • Web address (http://).
  • Accession date  (day/month/year).

Quotations of old legal texts:
Fuero Real, Fuero Juzgo, Partidas, Nueva Recopilación, Recopilación de Indias, Novísima Recopilación, Corpus Iuris Civilis, Digesto, etc., in italics.
lib. (Arabic number).
tít. (Arabic number).
ley. (Arabic number).

  • Collaborations may include images, maps, paintings or graphic elements. Images should, besides having an illustrative aspect, a certain value in originality.
  • Boldface must not be used.
  • Capital letters are to be avoided in a whole word or phrase (except if they are initials).
  • Italics are only admissible to give prominence to some word or short phrase.
  • Latin words in italic (in fine, loc.cit.).
  • Latin words translated to Spanish, in Arial.
  • idem: always in Arial (used only when part of prior note is repeated).
  • ibidem: always in Arial (used as a reference to the full content of a previous note).
  • Accents in capital letters are included, when convenient.
  • Doctoral thesis, books and articles that have not been published, in Arial with quotation marks. The lack of publication must be mentioned.

Capital letters:
They must be avoided, as much as possible. Use them for institutions (Cabildo, Congreso) and eliminate them in reference to office or positions, unless they imply a given person.
The words law, laws, decree, decrees, royal cedulas, royal provision, royal order, etc. are written complete in lower case letters, except when the author prefers to include usual abbreviations such as RC, RP or RO.
Names of archives, funds, files, etc, in Arial.
Title pages of lawsuits, files, etc., in Arial.
Upon mentioning a person for the first time in a text, use the full name. Do not use abbreviations of first names or dates in the body of a text or in its notes.

Principal abbreviations

art./s: article/s.
p: page.
pp.: pages.
fº.: folio
f: leaf.
núm./s: number/s.
n.: note.
ob.cit.: quoted text.
vol./s.: volume/s.
s.: following.
ss.: subsequent.
leg./s.: file/s.
exp./s: docket or dossier/s.
carp./s: folder/s.
doc./s.: document/s.
cap.: chapter
t.: tome
ms.: manuscript.
mss: manuscripts.
v. : see.
col.: column.
V.O.: original version.
N.B.: please note.
par./s. (§) : paragraph/s
cfr: compare.
ed.: editor
edit.: publisher.



Sending of manuscripts


Articles for publication must be sent by electronic mail to the Secretary of Revista de Historia del Derecho (revistadehistoriadelderecho@gmail.com) mentioning “Trabajo para publicación RHD”.



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2017 Instituto de Investigaciones de Historia del Derecho

Avenida de Mayo 1480- 1° Izquierda
(C1085ABR) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
República Argentina

Tel-Fax: (+54 11) 4381-5625


SciELO Argentina URL: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1853-1784&lng=es&nrm=iso