ISSN 0373-5680
printed version
ISSN 1851-7471
online version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Contributions. RSEA publishes papers on entomology (including hexapods, but also myriapods and arachnids) in any of their aspects (systematic, ecology, biogeography, cytogenetics, behavior, agricultural plagues, pathologies, etc.) and which entail an original contribution.

Publication ethics and malpractice statement

1. Publication and authorship:

 - The submitted manuscript should not have been previously published in any form and must not be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere, besides the article does not infringe any copyright or other proprietary right of any person or entity, and does not contain false claims, defamatory, obscene or fraudulent, or any other statement illegal in any way.

2. Author’s rights:

- Copyright on any article is retained by the author(s). Authors grant RSEA a license to publish the article as well as commercial rights to produce hardcopy volumes of the journal for sale to libraries and individuals. Also, the authors grant any third party the right to use the article freely as long as its original authors and citation details are identified.

- This work is under a Creative Common License Attribution 4.0 International. Permission to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format without restriction; adapt and edit the material for any purpose. It will always be necessary to recognize the authorship of the work and whether changes to it are made.

3. Author’s responsibilities:

 - At the time of the submission all authors are supposed to be aware of and have agreed to the submission and recognize the correspondence author as being authorized by the co-authors.

- The authors must statement that all data in the submitted paper are real and authentic.

- The authors are obliged to participate in peer review process and to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.

4. Peer review / reviewers’ responsibility:

 - Authors must suggest at least two potential reviewers for their article. The editors may or may not follow the suggestions.

- Reviewers will have no conflict of interest with respect to the research, the authors and/or the research.

- Reviewers should point out relevant published work not mentioned, and do all suggestions that they consider should be take into account to improve the paper.

- Reviewed articles will be treated confidentially.

5. Editorial responsibilities:

 - Editors have complete responsibility and authority to reject or accept an article and have no conflict of interest with respect to these articles.

- ­If errors are found, the publication of correction or retraction is promoted (errata, clarifications, and apologies when needed are allowed).

- In all cases the anonymity of reviewers will be preserved.

- These publishing ethics are safeguarded by the editorial board of the RSEA.


RSEA contains the following sections:

a) Forum. Synthesis of different topics, not longer than 15 pages. Only one of these manuscripts will be included in each RSEA issue, and the authors will be invited by the Editorial Committee.

b) Articles. Unpublished research papers of variable length, normally above four typewritten pages.

c) Notes. Scientific notes represent brief but complete research contributions, limited in scope and which will not be included in a future scientific article, therefore, preliminary data will NOT be accepted. They must be contributions as complete as a scientific article regarding their rigor, references included and the description of the methods used. It is necessary to include an abstract, but subtitles such as Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion must be omitted (although this information must be provided), developing the contribution as a continuous text. The suggested maximum length is 12 pages at 1.5 spacing, including references, and up to three tables/figures. Notes of greater length can be considered for publication as long as it is justified.

The main types of notes that are accepted are:

1) Opinions on topics of interest in entomology

2) Comments or addendum/corrections on previously published works

4) Interesting taxonomic and/or nomenclatural novelties

5) Methodological innovations

6) Short works sent as articles, but due to their length and/or relevance they qualify as notes


Works related exclusively to NEW RECORDS are considered scientific notes. They have to represent important information for the region, either by:

a) be new records of species or higher taxa for a continent, country or large regions

b) be related to some relevant ecological, economic and/or health importance

c) be accompanied by some other new information of interest.


d) Remarks. Concerning seminars, conventions, distinctions to researchers, books or far-reaching scientific articles, and necrologies of authors that have stood out in the entomologic field. The length of these comments should not exceed two typewritten pages.


Languages. RSEA publishes papers in English (strongly encouraged) and Spanish.  


Authors. At least one of the authors must be an active member (no debts in membership fee) of the Sociedad Entomológica Argentina.


Length and expenses. There are no limits of manuscript length. There are no article processing charges (APC).



Form and preparation of manuscripts


In any specific doubt about the preparation of a manuscript it is advised to refer to the newest articles published in RSEA.

You can download our Author Guidelines Summary for a compact view of formats and requirements detailed below.


Format. The text of the paper must be sent in .doc or .docx format, Times New Roman 12 font, with 3 cm left and right margins and all lines and pages numbered consecutively. At the top right angle on the first page a briefed title should be stated, exactly as it will be published.


Sequence of the Sections should be as follows:

a) title; b) name of author(s); c) address; d) title in alternative language; e) ABSTRACT in alternative language; f) KEYWORDS in alternative language; g) ABSTRACT; h) KEYWORDS .




Notes: i) text with all the information; j) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; k) REFERENCES.


            Section names should by in capital, bold letters on the left margin.


Scientific and vernacular names. Names of both generic and specific level must carry the name of the author in both abstracts, and in the text only the first time it is cited. The international codes of zoology and botany nomenclatures must be respected. Vernacular names of animals and plants must be stated between inverted commas.


Italics and bold. Italics should be used for scientific names of generic and specific level, and terms in Latin or in a language different from the text (except "et al."). When a word from the text is to be highlighted, it should appear in bold. 


Placing figures and tables in the text, together with their references. If the author wishes to insert figures and tables in the text,their location must be indicated conspicuously throughout the text on the left margin and in red in the form of Fig. # or Table # (without the hole epigraph). All tables and figures must be mentioned at least once in the text as Fig. # or Table #. Legends should be numbered consecutively in a separate page, immediately after the References Section


Formulae, symbols and numbers. All formulae must be legible and symbols must not lead to confusion (differentiate the letter O form the number 0, the letter I from the number 1, etc). Exponents and subscripts must be clearly indicated. As for figures, whole numbers and decimals must be separated by a comma. The same number of decimals should be employed, for example: 6,0-8,9 (instead of 6-8,9) or 7,89-8,00 (instead of  7,89-8). If the text is in English, the whole number will be separated from the decimal by a period (6.0-8.9). Measures should be expressed following The International System of Units (SI).

Symbols representing units of measure are not abbreviations and therefore should not be followed by a period (i.e.: mm, cm, mg, g, kg, s, min, h), except when it is the full stop of a sentence or an “s” when in plural.

There should be no space between a figure and the symbol % (“20%”, instead of “20 %”, except with a figure followed by the symbol °C (“18 °C”, instead of “18°C” or “18° C”).


Bibliographic citations within the text. Bibliographic citations within the text must include the author’s last name (the first name’s initials must also be mentioned if there were more than one author with the same last name), and the year between brackets. When there are two authors, their last names must be separated by “&”, and in the case of more than two authors, the first one will be cited followed by “et al.” (no italics). When several authors and manuscripts are listed, citations must appear in chronological order.

Examples:         ”…as detailed by Germain (1895, 1911) and Nelson & Platnick (1981).”

                        “…as previously detailed (Ruiz & Cornejo, 1995; Smagghe, 2012, 2014; Bowers et al., 2016).”




The following guidelines are valid both for the elaboration of articles as well as notes.


Title. It must clearly show the content of the paper, and be brief and concise. It must be written in capital/low case. Titles which include generic or specific names should not mention their authors; order and family to which they belong should appear separated by a colon and between brackets. A running short title is also required on the top right corner, above title.

 Example: Systematic revision of the genus Barypus (Coleoptera: Carabidae)

Author(s). The last name must be indicated in capital letters, followed by the first name and initial of the middle name after a comma. 

Examples:     GÓMEZ, Pedro E.

                        GÓMEZ, Pedro E. & GONZÁLEZ, María M.

                        GÓMEZ, Pedro E., GONZÁLEZ, María M. & PÉREZ, Fernando


Address. The authors’ work place, address, and the e-mail of at least the correspondence author (when there is more than one author) must be indicated. Superscript, consecutive numbers will be used to indicate different working places.


Abstract and Resumen. The abstract must properly show the paper’s content. Objective, results and discussion must be brief and clear, and the use of passive voice must be restricted. It must not exceed 200 words or include bibliographic references.

Keywords and Palabras Clave. A maximum of five key words that do not appear in the title must be alphabetically included, separated by periods.

Both the English and Spanish abstracts and key words should include the same information.

Introduction. It must include nature, scope and significance of the tackled issue, as well as the objective(s). 


Material and Methods. The origin of the material studied in the paper must be indicated (fieldwork, collections and/or institutions) as well as the methods, laboratory techniques and experimental designs. In physiology, ecology, agronomy, etc. papers it is vital to mention the institution and/or the collection where the reference copies (“voucher specimens”) have been deposited.

Results. The results must be clearly presented, repetition of information in tables and figures should be avoided.

All the results presented should have been submitted to an appropriate statistical analysis (except in the case of descriptions). Data submitted to the t test or the variance analysis, should present the values of parameters F, gl and P.


Discussion. This must describe significant comparisons with other studies and justify the importance of the results reached.


Results and Discussion sections can be joined in one common section.


Acknowledgements. They must be included when it is timely to thank people or institutions that made contributions to the paper.


References. All papers cited in the text must appear in this list and vice-versa. They should be listed in alphabetical order according to the authors’ last name. Papers in contribution with two authors must follow those of single authors, in alphabetical order according to second one. In case there is more than one paper by the same author or group of authors, they must be listed in chronological order. If they were also of the same year, the letters of the alphabet must be used to differentiate them. Publications of three or more authors must be cited chronologically, despite the second author surname. If more than one paper by the same author or group of authors were cited, his/their name/s must be fully transcribed in all occasions (It must not be replaced by a line). Journal names will not be abbreviated.

Complete list of authors must be cited if those are up to ten. If more, the first nine must be cited followed by "et al." (no italics).  

For bibliographic citation the following layout according to Harvard (author-date) style must be used


Periodical publications

Aravena, O., & Toro, H. (1985) Morfología de las partes esqueléticas del aparato picador de Xeromelissinae (Hymenoptera, Colletidae). Revista Chilena de Entomología,12, 177-183.



Harwood, R.F., & James, M.T. (1979) Entomology in human and animal health. Macmillan, New York, USA.


Contributions in books edited by a third party

Gauld, I.D. (1986) Taxonomy, its limitations and its role in understanding parasitoid biology. Insect parasitoids (ed. Waage, J., & Greathead, D.), pp. 1-21. Academic Press, Londres.


Contributions appearing in records from seminars and symposiums

Oglobin, A.A. (1961) La estructura cefálica de los representantes de la familia Mymaridae (Hymenoptera). En: Actas y Trabajos del I Congreso Sudamericano de Zoología, 1960, La Plata. pp. 109-155.


Papers in press

Autino, A.G., Claps, G.L., & Barquez, R.M. (In press) Insectos ectoparásitos de murciélagos de las Yungas de la Argentina. Acta Zoológica Mexicana (nueva serie).


Web pages or electronic documents

When the author is not known, the person, institution or organization responsible for the document should be mentioned and in their absence the access site for the document


Carbonell, C., Cigliano, M.M., & Lange, C.E. (2006) Especies de acridomorfos (Orthoptera) de Argentina y Uruguay. The Orthopterists Society, Argentina/USA. [CD].

Shorthouse, D.P. (2010) SimpleMappr, an online tool to produce publication-quality point maps. (Accessed 29 October 2021).



The programs used for the analysis should also be cited indicating their version.

R Core Team (2020). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. (Accessed 29 October 2021).


Tables. The term “table” is only accepted to classify data presented in a compact format. Tables must be numbered with Roman numbers in a consecutive way and must bear a title at the top indicating the data it contains. If possible, avoid large tables; if this were necessary, it should be modified, subdivided or reduced in a suitable way. Tables must be attached to texts, in separate pages after figure epigraphs, consecutively numbered with the rest of the paper. 

Average values should be indicated with their corresponding standard errors (SE), not by the standard deviation.

When results from data under analysis probit are presented the table should include the following columns: n, slope ± SE, DL50 (or the corresponding parameter, always with the respective IC95 (Confidence Interval of 95%))

Asterisks should only be used to indicate statistical significances. In order to indicate both significant or not significant differences between values, lower case letters following figures without space should be used (i.e.: 234,5ab).  

Leave a space before and after the symbol “±” (“24 ± 3”, not “24±3”).

Notes at the foot of the table should be used to describe the meaning of the abbreviations or other terms or to make other comments. Superscripts in lower case letters to make reference to the footnotes should be used in tables. Superscripts should appear in alphabetical order from right to left and from top to bottom.

Table titles should have a brief title, with scientific names in extenso.

Example: Table VII. Effect of temperature on the toxicity of five pyrethroids in Rhodnius prolixus.


Figures. All figures (drawings, maps, photographs, graphics, etc.) must be self-explanatory. They should be numbered consecutively with Arab numbers and use lowercase letters if are divided. Figure captions must have a title and then briefly describe the type of information presented. Scientific names should be written in extenso Bar scale must be included if necessary.

Example: Fig. 1. Blattella germanica. a. Morphotype described by Roth (1985). b. Characteristic phenotype of the species (Scale bar= 1 mm)). 



Quality. All figures must be of excellent quality and good contrast. It is advisable to carefully elaborate the illustrations which include several photographs or drawings taking into account the box size in order for the figures and references in them (numbers, abbreviations, scales, etc) to have the adequate size for a right reading in the final size (see Reductions).

Images must be in .JPG format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Images or graphs in Word or Excel will not be accepted.

Reductions. Drawings with lines and text must be designed taking into account their reduction to the box width (14.0 cm) or to only one column (6.6 cm). Illustrations or tables of a whole page should be adjusted to the box size (14.0 x 19.5 cm).

Scales. When required, figures will have bars indicating the corresponding measure in the corresponding epigraph [e.g.: "... of the female; c. antennae (Scale bar = 1 mm) "]. Manuscripts with figures without scale bars, or epigraphs indicating magnification factors [e.g.: "... of the female; c, antennae (x100) "] will not be accepted.


ZOOBANK REGISTRATION                     

Once the work is accepted for publication, and in order to meet the requirements of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Article 8.5.3), the authors must register the paper in ZooBank and add at the end of Material and Methods section (or at the end of the text in the case of Notes) the following paragraph: "This article has been registered in the Official Register of Zoological Nomenclature (ZooBank) as [code provided by ZooBank] ....".


RSEA Editorial Committee 

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.



Sending of manuscripts

To make the submission, author(s) must be registered in the journal * IMPORTANT: select the box “Author” at the time of registration, and follow the instructions.

The original manuscript as well as figures and supporting files must be sent through the page.

When sending the manuscript, authors must suggest at least two referees for their manuscript, including specialists from abroad, stating their e-mail addresses and the institutions they belong to. This information must be included in “comments to editor” in the on-line submission. The Editorial Committee will designate the referees for the manuscript who could be others than the suggested by the authors.

Text and figures can be submitted in one unique file for the review process but, if manuscript is accepted, figures will be requested as separated jpg files.



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2023 Sociedad Entomológica Argentina

Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
Calle Miguel Lillo 205
CP. 4000, Tucumán Capital
Tucumán, Argentina

SciELO Argentina URL: