ISSN 1666-9479
online version
ISSN 1514-4186
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Serie Correlación Geológica  is a biannual publication, aimed at the distribution of original high level scientific papers about geology and paleontology.
This journal has been established along the passing of years in one of the major media of theese disciplines in Argentina and Latin America. Its efficient publishing system dual-mode, online and printed, high quality illustrations and strict peer review system has consolidated its status.
The publication language is Spanish, but contributions are accepted in Portuguese and English.



Form and preparation of manuscripts



1. We only accept manuscripts in Spanish, Portuguese or English. In the case of manuscripts in English is recommended a translator for authors not familiarized with this language.

2. Manuscripts should be written in a clear and concise text that will be presented in A4 size (297 x 210 mm) and double-spaced (including references and explanations of figures, tables and plates), with wide margins and line numbering. Words in languages ​​other than the text, specific names and generics should be in italics. The source used throughout the text is Garamond. All pages of the manuscript should be properly numbered.

The size and format of each section is presented as follows:

Title Garamond, bold n ° 16
Abstract, keywords, abstract and keywords 8
Affiliation of authors n° 8
Subtitle 1, n° 12 and bold
Subtitle 2 ° n° 12
Subtitle 3 ° n°10
Subtitle 4 ° n° 10 and italics
Body text size n° 10

3. First Page. It should contain:
a. Title (in capital letters and lowercase letters, short and informative, must include geographic location and stratigraphic, chronostratigraphic indicating the period investigated, except in areas of theoretical discussion). b. Authors' names (names in case and names in capital letters). c. Abstracts in both languages ​​(one in English No. 8, preceded by the English title in capital letters and italics in No. 6 and one in Spanish with No 8, preceded by the Spanish title in capital letters and italics in No. 6 ). The summaries do not include references but the names of new taxa and major conclusions. Following the summaries will include Key words / key words (no more than eight, separated by dots). In the case of Notes, including the title in English for notes written in Castilian or Portuguese and Castilian title for notes in English. c. Address of the authors (including email). d. Total number of pages (text + references), illustrations, pictures, etc.. 5. Proposal head no more than six words that do not exceed 60 characters including spaces. 6. Name of author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

4. Organization. a. The text should be divided into sections, with short titles. As suggested main sections: Introduction, Context / Marco Geological, Materials and Methods, Results (including, if any, Systematic Paleontology, with their descriptions and comparisons), Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, and References. On a separate page, should include explanations of figures, tables and pictures. Do not include footnotes page. The authors quote from the text may be directly or indirectly, and will refer to the final list of references. If several authors are cited they should be ordered chronologically and separated by a semicolon.

5. Nomenclature. Geological nomenclature should follow the considerations of the Argentina  Code of Stratigraphy . The nomenclature of the taxa must follow the rules and updated recommendations of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature and International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. From the genus level fossil taxa should include the appointment of the authors in the bibliography. The time scales used must conform to updates of the various committees of the IUGS.

6. Systematic paleontology. All systematic categories must be centered and in capital letters, except genus and species, ranging in case. Indicate the type species of each genus treated consistently aligned with the left margin. All described species must be accompanied by their respective illustration, citing below the heading, centered and without parentheses. For the description of new taxa must necessarily include the derivation of the name, indication of types, geographical and stratigraphic, repository, diagnosis in the language of work and English descriptions and comments.

7. Avoid long lists synonyms, citing only those that are considered important because nomenclatural novelties.

8. References references in all papers cited in the text, figures and tables.
To order and punctuation, Authors should consult recent issues of Serie Correlación Geológica, and consider the following examples:
• Be, J.L. 1958. Plioceno de Santa Cruz. Acta Geologica Lilloana 2: 5-33.
• Be, J.L. 1984. Late Cretaceous floral provinces. En: P. Brenchly (ed.), Fossils and Climate,
Wiley Editors, New York, pp. 127-164.
• Be, J.L. 1996. Coniferae. En: D. Maddison y W. Maddison (eds.), Tree of Life. World Wide
Web: http: //www.nmnh.
• Be, J.L. y Ce, M. 1981. El género Botrychiopsis. 2° Congresso Latino-Americano de
Paleontología (Porto Alegre), Anais 1: 157-159.
• Be, J.L., Ce, M. y Ele, T.A. 1980. Macroflore du Crétacé de l' Espagne. En: P. Taquet (ed.),
Ecosystèmes continentaux du Mésozoîque, Memoires de la Société Géologique de France
139: 5-9.
• Be, J.L., Ae, N.S. y Ele, T.A. 1983. Paleobotany and the evolution of plants. Cambridge
University Press. Cambridge, 405 pp.
• Be, J.L., Ae, N.S. y Zeta, R.B. 1986.[Estratigrafía de la región del río Genoa, provincia del
Chubut. Informe Dirección de Minas y Geología, Buenos Aires, 35 pp. Inédito]

Authors are advised to check carefully the correspondence between the works cited in the text and listed in the references.

9. Illustrations Figures should be numbered consecutively in the order they are cited in the text. Should properly identify the copies of drawings or photographs in the corresponding legend. Illustrations must be submitted in digital format as document TIFF, JPG or equivalent (with a resolution of no less than 300 dpi). All figures should have a graphic scale or specify increases in referrals.

10. Lines, harrows and letters. Use lines, preferably no thinner than 1 pt. Avoid if possible as they tend to drag points produce interference figures. Numbers / letters should not exceed in more than 2 or 3 times that of the smaller, should not be less than 8 pt.

11. Photographs. Be sent in the final publication size, in focus and with good contrast. The photographs must be submitted in digital format such as JPG or TIFF document equivalent (with a resolution of no less than 300 dpi). Where possible, each item will light from above and left. By grouping several pictures in one figure, should have similar tone and contrast. In the case of photographs runs edges should be parallel to the edges of the box. If necessary, remove and / or modify the background around the fossil, the photograph must be carefully retouched without altering the edges of the specimen.

12. The numbers, arrows, graphic scales or any other indication of the illustrations should be the same size and style.

13. Legends and location of figures and tables. The legends of figures and tables will be presented after the references and apart from the text. All acronyms should be defined in the legends. For manuscripts in Castilian or Portuguese, the text of each legend should be translated into English for English manuscripts, the text of each legend should be translated into Castilian.

14. It is suggested in the text indicate the approximate location of figures and tables. Figures and tables must be mentioned in the text in ascending order, lowercase and without abbreviation.

18. Impressions. Be given free to each author a copy of the corresponding number.



Sending of manuscripts


Manuscripts should be sent to any of the following web



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2018 Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica (INSUGEO-CONICET/UNT)

Miguel Lillo 205
T4000JFE - San Miguel de Tucumán
República Argentina

Tel.: (54 381) 425-3053
Fax: (54 381) 425-3053

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