
ISSN 0329-9449
printed version 
ISSN 2314-2707
on-line version

Instructions to authors


Scope and editorial policy





Form and preparation of manuscripts


1. Travesía publishes original papers which have not been previously published by any means, whether in paper or electronic.

2. Review of all papers will be on a double-blind system, with the identity of reviewers and authors hidden from each other. The decision to publish or reject any paper will be taken by the Editorial Committee based on the reviews.

3. Contributions (papers, notes and book reviews) should be sent by email to travesia@unt.edu.ar. Together with their contribution authors must send a statement (whose text can be downloaded from the journal’s website) with the following information:

a. If the paper (note or review) has been presented at a scientific meeting and if it has been published in its proceedings.
b. If it has been published in another language.
c. If it is the result of research financed by a funding agency, university, foundation or other entity, whether public or private.
d. If the paper has been sent to or is under review by another journal or magazine.

4. In the same statement, the authors must authorize the printing and electronic publication of their contribution, passing to Travesía the rights for its non-profit publication for scientific and cultural purposes.

5. The papers should contain the following information on the author or authors: name, institutional affiliation, email, postal address and telephone number. It is necessary to attach an abstract in Spanish (or Portuguese) and in English, with up to 700 characters each, in space 1, as well as four keywords, separated by commas.

6. Papers must be submitted in space 1,5, Times New Roman, size 12 (endnotes with size 10). The text should have a maximum of 60.000 characters including spaces, footnotes, figure, tables, graphs, appendices and references. Titles should be in capitals and subtitles underlined. Abbreviations should be coherent and easily understood. If necessary, a list should be included at the end of the paper with the meaning of each one.

7. Book reviews and bibliographic comments are accepted, with a maximum size of 10.000 characters, including spaces.

8. Notes and communication are also accepted which do not exceed 20.000 characters including spaces.

9. Short quotations of up to two lines should be included in the text using quotation marks as separators. Longer quotations must be clearly separated from the text with margins on both sides of 3 (three) centimeters, without quotations marks or italic.

10. Notes should be included at the end of the text ordered in Arabic numerals.

11. References should be cited in the text under parenthesis (author’s/authors’ name, year: page). If there are more than one reference for the same year, they should be set out alphabetically, as follows: (Freire, 1978a: 18).

12. In the case of 3 (three) or more authors, the first should be mentioned followed by “and others”. For example: Lagos and others (2007: 135), (Lagos and others, 2007: 135). In the references, all authors should be mentioned.

13. The references should be included at the end of the paper, in alphabetical order. Examples:

- Books:

Baily, Samuel (1984): Movimiento obrero, nacionalismo y política en la Argentina, Buenos Aires, Paidós.
Devoto, Fernando y Madero, Marta (1999): Historia de la vida privada en la Argentina, Vol. II, Buenos Aires, Taurus.

- Book chapter:

Jones, Charles A. (1980): “Los bancos británicos”. En Ferrari, G. y Gallo, E. (Comps.), La Argentina del ‘80 al centenario, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, pp. 529-540.

- Journal paper:

Moyano, Javier (2007): “Tensiones sectoriales y lucha política en Córdoba, 1890-1930”, Travesía, Tucumán, 9, pp. 67-88.

- Electronic papers:

a. Communication in scientific meetings

Lichtmajer, Leandro Ary (2007): “El radicalismo tucumano frente a la irrupción peronista. Un análisis de la elecciones de 1942-1946”, ponencia presentada en las XI Jornadas Interescuelas Departamento de Historia, Tucumán. Consultado el 8.10.2009, en [http://historiapolitica.com/datos/biblioteca/Lichtmajer.pdf].

b. Published journal paper

Herrera, Claudia (2007): “Redes de parentesco, azúcar y poder: la elite azucarera tucumana en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX”, Entrepasados, 31. Consultado el 8.10.2009, en [http://historiapolitica.com/datos/biblioteca/Herrera.pdf].

c.  Works only available on the web

Cristiá, Moira. “El historiador en la era digital. Un nuevo mundo para su obra” [en línea], Introducción al Dossier “Las humanidades e Internet. Límites y posibilidades de algunos emprendimientos digitales” en [historiapolitica.com]. Consultado el 8.10.2009, en [http://historiapolitica.com/digitales/digitales-moira-cristia/].

- Congress presentations:

Fandos, Cecilia y Fernández Murga, Patricia (1994): “Compraventa de tierras en la jurisdicción de Tucumán, 1800-1850”, Actas de las XIV Jornadas de Historia Económica, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

- Unpublished work:

Kindgard, Adriana (2005): “Los sectores populares de San Salvador de Jujuy en los años de la restauración conservadora. Condiciones de la vida material y cambio social (1930-1943)”, tesis de doctorado inédita, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán.

- Newspapers:

El Liberal, Tucumán, 23.03.1897.

- Archives:

Archivo General de la Nación (en adelante AGN), Fondo Cárceles, caja 7, f. 34.

14. Tables and graphs should be included in pages apart from the text (correctly numbered and titled, with indication of the units in which the quantities are expressed and their respective sources). They should not exceed 12 cm width, and their position in the text should be mentioned. All unnecessary complexity in their preparation should be avoided, as the final text will be printed in one color only.

15. Pictures should be digitalized with a 300-600 dpi resolution in black and white or in tones of gray. They should be saved as TIF or JPG files.



Sending manuscripts





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San Miguel de Tucumán

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