
ISSN 2314-3061
online version
ISSN 1850-9371
printed version

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


The Journal is published in print. The Faculty of Law sends copies to the main Argentinean and foreign law libraries. It can be accessed for free (reading only in PDF) through the website of the Faculty of Law (www.derecho.unc.edu.ar) and the Portal of Journals of the National University of Cordoba (https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/).



Form and preparation of manuscripts


1. Content of the Journal
Each number will have the following sections: a) Doctrine; B) Jurisprudence (study notes to jurisprudence; c) Recensions; d) Chronicles; f) Any other item considered by the management body to be worth to incorporate.

2. Guidelines for the collaborations

The article should obey the following guidelines:

2.1. Extension
The essays as well as the notes to jurisprudence should not be more than 20 pages.

2.2. Form of the manuscript
The manuscript should be submitted printed in A4 white paper, font Times New Roman, size 12, single-spaced, written on one side only and without amendments. It should be sent to Caseros 301, floor 1º, 5000 Córdoba-Argentina, in three copies, in one of which all references, even footnotes that could help identify the author should be removed. The other copies, as well as a CD accompanying the submission, should mention the author’s name and the file. Additionally, the manuscript should be sent by email to facultadrevista@yahoo.com.ar
The file should be in Microsoft Word format
The front page should contain: a) Title in Spanish and English; b) Name of the author or authors, including as a footnote with an asterisk the references to them in no more than five lines, in relation to the highest academic degree, academic position, email and all other relevant references as long as the above mentioned extension is respected; c) Abstract in Spanish and English (no more than 15 lines); ESPACIO d) Key-words in Spanish and English (no more than five expressions).

2.3. Abbreviations and other signs
All abbreviations used must be fully expressed the first time they are used. The statistical or algebraic symbols used shall be italicized, unless Greek letters are used.

The acronyms, as well as the years, will not have full point. For instance: ANSES, AFIP, CSJN, TSJ, 2000, 2010.

Titles should not have full point.

Expressions such as “article”, “decree”, “resolution”, “subsection, “disposition”, “instruction” and “statute” should be lowercase and written in full.

If quotes are used within larger text that is already quoted, the enclosed quotation marks should be simple.

Footnote calls will be numbered, in superscript, without parentheses.

The dot will be the last sign of the phrase (after quotation signs, after footnote calls) For instance: “111. Crimes against humanity result in violation of a series of non-derogable rights recognized by the American Convention, which can not go unpunished (...)” FALTA CERRAR COMILA Y PONER PUNTO (ES JUSTO EL EJEMPLO)

To highlight words or texts italics (not bold, not underlined) should be used. The number of the statutes will not take point. On the other hand, the numbers of the files and the monetary figures will carry it.


The general designations will be in lower case (e.g. "judge", "court", "president"), while specific designations carry initial capital letters (e.g. Federal Court No. 1).

Subsections should have a closing parenthesis after its numbering or denomination. For example: paragraph 1), subsection a).

Non-Spanish Latin phrases and foreign languages must be italicized.

2.4. Tables and figures
All abbreviations used in tables and figures will be explained at the bottom of the table. All tables and figures will be mentioned in the text and will be numbered in the order they are mentioned.

Each table and figure will carry an indication of the source of the data.

2.5.1. Footnotes
When bibliographical citations are made in footnotes, they should indicate: - the last name with capital letters followed by a comma and the name in lower case except the initial letter followed by a point, or the last name and initial/s of the author’s name/s in capital letters followed by a point; -the title in italics without quotation marks, if it is a book title; -the title in quotation marks and in print if it corresponds to a periodical or joint work. In the case of a periodical publication, the name of the publication shall be indicated in italics, with a printout and, in the order indicated, the volume, number, year of publication, reference page / pages. In the case of joint work, the surname and initial of the name (s) of the person responsible for the work must be indicated in capital letters and in italics the title of the joint work. The rest of the data will be the same as that of a periodical. Examples: RUBINSTEIN, Santiago. El dolor como daño autónomo resarcible, Ediciones Jurídicas Cuyo, Mendoza, 2004, p. 22. y pp. 24-28 o RUBINSTEIN, S. El dolor como daño autónomo resarcible, Ediciones Jurídicas Cuyo, Mendoza, 2004, p. 22 y pp. 24-28; LAURENZO COPELLO, Patricia. “La discriminación por razón de sexo en la legislación penal”, Jueces para la Democracia, Nº 34, Madrid, 1999, p. 8 o LAURENZO COPELLO, P. “La discriminación por razón de sexo en la legislación penal”, Jueces para la Democracia, Nº 34, Madrid, 1999, p. 8; DURÁN CHAVARRÍA, Douglas. “Ejecución de las sanciones penales juveniles privativas de libertad”, en GONZÁLEZ OVIEDO, M. - TIFFER SOTOMAYOR, C. (Coords.). De la arbitrariedad a la justicia. Adolescentes y responsabilidad penal en Costa Rica, UNICEF, San José, 2000, pp. 45-47 o DURÁN CHAVARRÍA, D. “Ejecución de las sanciones penales juveniles privativas de libertad”, en GONZÁLEZ OVIEDO, M. - TIFFER SOTOMAYOR, C. (Coords.). De la arbitrariedad a la justicia. Adolescentes y responsabilidad penal en Costa Rica, UNICEF, San José, 2000, pp. 45-47.

2.5.2. Case/Jurisprudence citation
In the citations, it should be mentioned: Court, “name of the parties” (always between quotation marks), date, publication, page.

Ex.: TSJ Cba, Sala Laboral, “Vivas, Raúl c/Perkins Argentina S.A.”, abril 25-983, La Ley Córdoba, 984-516.

2.5.3. Web sources citations
The web resources citations will indicate the web page and the date of the consultation.

3. Material to accompany the submission
The submissions should be accompanied by:

- Letter addressed to the Journal's Director, requesting the publication of the submission; Affidavit in which the author states that he has respected the rules in force regarding intellectual property and is responsible for any violation thereof.

-Brief curriculum vitae (no more than ten lines).

4. Proofreading
The Journal usually gives authors proofreadings of his articles. Corrections should be returned within a period of five working days from its receipt.

5. Peer review
The evaluation will be carried out by external experts, specialized in the topics addressed in each submission.

The system adopted is double blind peer review, the submission being sent to aspecialist in the area who will inform the Journal’s Director their opinion. The evaluation will be re-transmitted to the author, remaining the referees anonymous to the author. The evaluators will have as their mission to ponder the relevance of the topic for the Journal, its originality, contribution made, clarity of expression, methodology, conclusions, results and bibliography.
Their judgment may indicate: - that the submission is ready to be accepted as it is; that is in a position to be accepted upon completion of the indicated modifications; that the submission should be rejected.



Sending of manuscripts



The Magazine of the Faculty receives the scientific production of members and collaborators to the legal academic community, with the purpose of stimulating the diffusion of the scientific-academic work of professors, the interdisciplinary approach and the provision of materials for the learning of the students of Law school.
The teachers of the house are natural guests to submit contributions to the Journal, although it receives contributions from authors outside the publishing entity. It only admits unpublished works not proposed simultaneously to other periodicals.
Works of doctrine, notes to failure and recensions are welcome.
On March 15 and September 15 of each year, the materials corresponding to each issue are gathered to be sent to the publisher, but the authors can present their work at any time of the year, following the stipulations of the Regulation that is found available on this web page.



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